Blood Trail

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Blood Trail Page 4

by David Rhodes

  But then Steve needed better “Walkers”. People who could think a little and weren’t afraid to take chances. A new breed of unemployed person. They weren’t as hard to find as Ben thought they would be. When Steve started to leave them behind though Ben had balked. There were long arguments which Steve finally won, to a degree. Part of the reason was they were still doing the “Walkers” a favor, giving them more than they had. But Ben knew some of them could have made something better for themselves with the money that they were promised. So, in the end, it was the money that convinced Ben and he knew that made him as bad as Steve.

  And now there was the military unit. Well, not exactly military. The unit was made up of ex-military men and women who knew how to get things done and if needed, blow things up that got too close. They were professional and seemed loyal to Steve. “The Team”. Ben wondered if that would change if they knew what happened to the other “Walkers”. Ben knew that Steve was only loyal to him.

  Steve watched Ben walk away and as he absent-mindedly started working on something, he wondered if it was time for Ben to go. He had outlived his usefulness a long time ago. He had needed Ben at first, he was great at organizing and motivating anyone. But Steve was the smart one, the important one. He had received scholarships to prestigious universities, won awards, graduated with top honors and had been pursued by companies for his intellect.

  But he had known that was not what he wanted, he needed to be his own boss. He had better ideas than anyone else and had made a lot of money. There was one problem though, no one that worked with him liked him because he was too much of a snob and too distant. Steve had to agree with that and so he had reached out to Ben and Steve had to admit the move helped them both.

  Then he had met Taggit or met him again. Taggit said they had met a few times in college, but Steve didn’t remember and decided he was lying. But he had taken some paleontology classes and enjoyed what Taggit told him about his research. He had funded a few things then really got curious when he searched Taggit’s home…and then Dawson’s.

  Dawson’s research was unparalleled and at first left him stunned. But what if it was all just smoke and mirrors? How could anyone travel through time? As he read Danny’s book though he realized everything was real and copied everything Dawson had done. Within a month he was experimenting with his own time travel machine built to Dawson’s plans – then he gave them some much-needed updates.

  Poor Ben couldn’t keep up. Steve had known the day would come, but he quickly found Otto, Dr. Otto Witted. No one else but Otto could create exactly what Steve asked for. He was a genius. Not to his own level of course, but a genius none the less.

  But with genius comes expense and now the Team needed money for training, weapons and a host of other things that only Ben seemed to understand. He shook his head, he laughed at the Team behind their backs. They were good, very good, but so smug and conceited. He thought it was funny that they referred to themselves as the Team because they had been out a few times and survived. They hadn’t really done anything yet, a few short walks and a couple of DOPE bites. But they would see more soon. A lot more.

  The bell sounded, and he realized they were back in Florida in real time. As he walked out of the Unit, Ben caught up with him and asked, “What’s the schedule?”

  “A few Walks over the next few days and then I’m going to contact Dr. Fontana. We might be doing something major soon, within six months I hope. So, stay ready.”

  “When haven’t I been?” Ben asked as he slapped Steve on the shoulder. “Are you coming by on Christmas?”

  Steve seemed surprised and asked, “What? Christmas?”

  “Yeah, Christmas. I know there’s no snow on the ground but it’s that time of year. You really didn’t know?”

  Steve laughed and replied, “No, I really didn’t know. I’ll see you at Christmas.”

  “Okay,” Ben answered and then he was out the door.

  Steve turned and walked through a small office where he found Otto and quickly briefed him on what had happened. He finished with, “Otto, now you know what I know, and I’ll have all the stats waiting for you. I need the DOPEs to be tougher, a lot tougher, and resistant to shear force you haven’t thought of yet. And we still don’t know what it was that came out of the water, but I need to know if we can test its bite without getting someone killed.”

  “Yes, sir,” Otto replied. “I’ve also been thinking about a design change for our military friends. With your permission, sir, I would like to -”

  “You have my permission, Otto. You know what I need, and you have never let me down yet. Give it a shot, jump onto it with both feet. I want to have a time frame for when it will be completed. Order whatever you need.”

  As Otto walked out of the room he said, “Thank you, sir, will do.”

  Steve continued on and as he opened a door to the warehouse, he was surprised to find Otto standing in front of him in the darkened room. “Didn’t you just go the other way?” Steve asked.

  “Yes, I did, sir. But, I hope you don’t mind, I jumped onto what you wanted with both feet. Let me tell you what I did, and I guess then you can tell me if I shouldn’t have.”

  “Okay,” Steve replied slowly.

  “Today was the first time you ever asked me to provide a time frame for a project, so I knew it was important. The instructions and field data you provided me took me in some different directions altogether. I worked non-stop for the next two weeks at home on new equipment designs to meet your needs. Then I wrote up the orders for everything and when I heard Ben was going back a year or so for some personal reasons I asked him to mail some packets for me. These packets were to various manufacturers with detailed instructions to create the items you needed.

  “Ben mailed the packets and this morning all of it was delivered to me. I mean, this me, not the one that is already on the way home for the next two weeks.”

  “I think I understand,” Steve said slowly. “So, what have you done?”

  Otto turned on the storage room light and Steve was surprised to see it was half-filled with boxes and tarp-covered objects. “Show me,” he said. Otto pulled a tarp away and Steve was surprised to see what looked like a small rocket. “What is that?”

  “It will get our satellite up quicker and is easier to control.”

  “Okay,” Steve said. As he pulled back another tarp he said, “These drones look different.”

  “You know the problem you told me about, the Pterodactyls attacking the drones? This can take the cameras to a height that the Pterodactyls don’t fly. These new drones are heavier and can carry larger cameras. Better video and a better warning system for approaching dinosaurs. The new cameras have infrared capabilities too, so they will be useful at night.”

  Otto opened a crate and continued, “The new DOPEs are tougher than anything we had before and anything you’re going to run into. And I mean anything, including whatever it was that came out of the water. Plus, the new ventilation I told you I was working on and a better ear piece sound system. The new DOPEs are smaller and lighter too, fit closer to whoever has one on. But they are tough, a new fiber I came up with. Oh, and they have some camouflage capability just like the Unit. Not as long lasting, but if they can’t see you they can’t eat you.

  “I updated the DOPE’s defense capabilities too. Wait until you see what they can do, but here is what they look like.” Otto opened up a crate and pulled out a flat piece of plastic that looked like a DOPE but was definitely different. There were pieces of plastic dangling from it.

  “Is it broken?” Steve asked.

  “Watch,” Otto replied and shook the DOPE hard and threw it out in front of him. When it landed it had taken the shape of a DOPE but there were six, foot-long spikes, sticking out of the top of it.

  “That’s different,” Steve said. “Those look sharp.”

  “Sharp? Yes, but that’s not all. They pack a punch with an electrical shocking capability that should get any attacking dinosau
r’s attention.”

  Steve touched the end of a spike and said, “I bet I don’t want to feel that, do I?”

  Otto nodded and replied, “No, sir. It’s made to stop a Rex, I’m not sure what it would do to you.”

  “Probably kill me.”

  “There’s a ton of other stuff too sir, well, more like three tons. Food, fluid replacement, weapons, ammunition, and the new tactical uniforms work with the DOPEs, the Team doesn’t have to wear special clothing. I’ve updated the drones and bots so that when they are linked they set up a perimeter alarm also. You and Ben should be able to track anything that is within 300-yard radius on land, or in the water. The higher you take the drones allows you to track animals outside of 500 yards and of course watch them approach or move away.

  “Sir, I know how important this Walk is to you. It could be what gets you the military contract. I hope I didn’t go too far.”

  “Too far?” Steve asked. “This is unbelievable, amazing. A few minutes ago, I was hoping you could have all this done in six months, but realistically a year. And now it’s already done and…and just amazing. Does Major Donald know about this yet?”

  “No sir.

  Steve pulled out his phone, put it on speaker, and in a second was asking, “Major, what are you and the Team doing tomorrow?”

  “Training sir. Another day in paradise.”

  Steve nodded his head and said, “I see. I just wanted to let you know that I’m standing here with Otto and he has some new toys for you, a lot of new toys. It’s the equipment you’ve been asking for. No, that’s incorrect, isn’t it, Otto. It’s more than just the equipment the Major has been asking for.”

  “Really!” was the quick reply. “Otto, did I get most of the things I asked for?”

  Otto smiled and said, “No, you got all of the things you asked for, plus more. A lot more. And I don’t mind bragging a little and saying that you’ll be pleased with what you now have.”

  “Otto, I have never known you to brag so I can only believe I will be amazed.”

  “I’ll see you early tomorrow?” Otto asked.

  “Yes, sir,” Major Donald snapped and hung up.

  Steve put his phone away and said, “Otto, you have outdone yourself. You did not go too far, and I’ll bet Major Donald and the Team will be extremely pleased. I’ll bet she’s contacting all of them right now.”

  Otto smiled again and started to say something else then dropped his head and turned away quickly.

  “What’s on your mind, Otto?” Steve asked. He smiled and continued, “If it’s a raise, I think you’ll get it.”

  “No, it’s not that. You treat me better than I could have ever hoped for. No, I was…” Otto started then paused. He took a deep breath and continued, “I was wondering, I mean you can say no of course, but I was wondering if I could go with you next time, or one of these times? Back in time.” He looked down at the floor and continued, “I didn’t used to be that interested in what you did, but now I would like to see how my inventions actually work in the field. I’d like to go back in time and see first-hand what needs updating or discarding. I’d be able to form better ideas about what is needed. Plus, it seems exciting.”

  Steve put a hand on Otto’s shoulder and told him, “Of course you can go. You’re a member of my team. Think how valuable you are to me, to the Team, you’re even more valuable than Ben and that’s saying a lot. If you want to go and watch what we do then just be ready, it could be any time.” He looked at all the new equipment again and added, “Maybe just a few days.”

  “Thank you. Thank you, sir,” Otto said. Then his phone buzzed, and he nodded his head as he looked at the screen. “It’s Major Donald. I bet she wants to know how soon they can start.” As he answered his phone, Steve saw Otto was smiling.

  Steve smiled too and walked quickly through the warehouse and offices out to his car. He looked up at the blue sky and felt the heat of the day. Was it almost Christmas? Ben was right, it just didn’t seem like it.

  His phone buzzed, and he answered quickly and asked, “Something new?” He listened for a moment then said, “I understand, I want to look at everything you have.” He glanced at his phone and said, “Okay, I got the photos and will check them later. I’ll transfer your pay and a bonus to your account in just a few minutes. I’ll check back with you soon.”

  Steve hung up and smiled; maybe it would be a merry Christmas.



  She stopped. To move another inch, to even blink an eye, could mean a sudden, horrible death. She breathed slowly, trying not to make any noise, but for some reason it was hard to take a breath. She didn’t know why, and she started to gasp. But she knew she shouldn’t, she had to be quiet.

  She listened for noises but they all seemed muffled now and she couldn’t tell what was far away or what was too close. She fought to keep the fear down and for a moment she was able to control herself, then she felt it building up. Panic. She tried taking deep breaths but only gasped harder and louder. She was making too much noise. Then she heard the sound she dreaded, footsteps running…toward her. She jumped up but got caught in a tangle of vines and leaves. She tried to push through them, but she couldn’t, they were everywhere, tightening around her arms and legs.

  Then she heard the hiss behind her and there it was. Glowing red eyes and glinting white teeth tipped with blood. It moved toward her slowly and opened its mouth wider and wider until she could see nothing else as she struggled to get away. She thrashed wildly at the vines and thrust her arm toward the gaping mouth, trying to push it away. She tried to scream as her arm disappeared inside of the mouth. With a lunge she pulled away…and woke up.

  Lauren found herself on her hands and knees in the middle of the bed, the covers wrapped tightly around her. As she tore them away from her she began crying and couldn’t stop. She was used to the dreams, but they were getting more violent and terribly real lately. She sat on the edge of the bed and took deep breaths as she slowly got herself under control. Why was this happening? It was the holidays and Dad and Lisa were flying in. Danny was already here, and he and Charles were…and then she knew what was wrong.

  Charles was spending more and more time jumping and if he wasn’t jumping he was in the workshop. And sometimes she didn’t know where he was. Their time together was disappearing, it was almost gone completely now. She knew he still loved her, but things had changed. In the beginning she had still gone on jumps with him and she thought it was exciting. But little by little her concerns about accidentally changing the timeline had taken over. Finally, she told him she didn’t want to jump anymore and asked him to stop too. They talked it out and she finally agreed that he could jump a few more times because he still had some projects he needed to complete.

  But that was two years ago and there was no sign that Charles was slowing down. How was taking Danny to a baseball game working on a project? And Lauren had found out he was renting a condo just a couple of miles away. Why? Was there someone living in it? Was there someone else? She had put things off for too long, had been too afraid of what she might find out. She took another deep breath; after Christmas they would have to talk again. She just couldn’t keep going on like this.

  Lauren dressed and went downstairs. The tree looked great with all the decorations and the presents stacked around it, but she didn’t feel any holiday cheer. She hoped she could keep it from the others. Then Aria came in smiling and singing and when she saw Lauren she asked, “How are you today, Lauren? Just five days until Christmas, isn’t that wonderful?”

  Lauren couldn’t help smiling as she replied, “It is wonderful, Aria, it is. And the house looks beautiful, thank you so much.”

  “It is my job and my pleasure, Lauren. I love this house so much I would almost take care of it for free.” Then she laughed and continued, “But only almost.”

  “I wouldn’t want you and Tony to take care of it for free. You do too much for us, cleaning, drivin
g us around, keeping us on time for things and so much more. That’s why one of your Christmas presents is a raise.”

  “Thank you, Lauren, but – “

  “Sorry,” Lauren cut in, “no buts. I know you are trying to get back into college and I want to help out as much as I can. You won’t accept a loan, so I’ll give you a raise instead.”

  “I don’t know what to say, you are so kind.”

  Lauren picked up a box from under the Christmas tree and said, “Here is your real present, do you want to open it now?”

  “No, I like to wait until Christmas to open presents. I’m a traditional kind of girl I guess.”

  “Then please take it home with you. Where is Tony? I want to give him his present too.”

  “You know how he is, everything has to be just right. He’ll be along in a moment.”

  Tony was moving very quietly downstairs and he couldn’t help looking over his shoulder as he paused outside the door. He listened for a few seconds, but he didn’t hear any voices from inside the room. He was nervous, this was the first time he had gone into the room when there was someone else in the house. As he pulled the item out of his pocket he almost dropped it but just managed to hold on. It looked like a small flashlight, two inches long, and it fit easily into the palm of his hand. He held it about an inch in front of the retinal scanner and pressed a small button on the end of the device. Tony was surprised, instead of a beam of light coming out like he had expected, five small, different colored beams came out. He held the beams steady in the center of the scanner lens and watched as they started spinning and changing colors. It only took a few seconds and the door opened.

  Tony put the device back in his pocket and quickly entered. The room lights automatically came on, so he had no problem walking to a large table in the center and finding what he was looking for. He had no idea what it was, but it was something new, so he had been asked to take some photos of it. He took out his cell phone and took several shots from different angles and also a short video. If it looked interesting enough he knew he would be asked to scan it later. When he was done he glanced around quickly to see if there was anything else new but there wasn’t. Then he saw the box of scrap metal Charles had accidentally set in front of the surveillance camera. He moved the box out of the way and pushed the camera further back under some shelves. Couldn’t be too careful.


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