Bound and Bent: Ten Tales of Serving Him

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  "Of course." His response, so simple, stunned me.

  "And if I don't, you'll get me fired, then blacklisted."

  Smiling, sweet as acid, Deane inclined his head. "Your comprehension skills aren't as awful as I thought."

  He was too close to me; the room, even in its grand expanse, felt cloistering. I wanted out, wanted so badly to run from that place, never look back. Instead, I stood there, frozen by his calm and stoney eyes. "Why," I finally managed to croak, tongue dry, sticky. "Why this, why me?"

  "What, do you think I have some special reason? Can't it just be because I decided I wanted to control you?" Deane leaned forward, sending me stepping backwards on instinct. My hip bumped his desk, shocking me so that I stumbled, knocking papers onto the floor. He didn't even glance at them as they fluttered, his hands folded behind him. "Do you need to find a reason in this, besides just simple greed, basic power, lust?"

  Lust, that word makes me more uneasy than it should. I could feel the patch between my shoulder blades was damp with nervous sweat. "I just--what you're asking is strange, isn't it? I'm just a new hire, I work on designing logos so far, what purpose does controlling me serve?"

  "Oh, Miles," he chortled. This time, when he stepped closer, I had no where to go. "This isn't about work, tsk. Of course I don't want you for your design skills. You have far better use to me than that."

  "Like what kind of use, that's what I'm trying to figure out." Flustered, I turned my head, watching him from the corner of my eye. No part of me wanted to be near him.

  Firmly, he gripped my tie, holding it by the knot. He wasn't choking me, but I struggled to breathe in my frenzy. "Maybe you are dense, then. Miles, what use would a man like me have for a man like yourself?"

  "I don't have any--"

  "Think," he growled, ebony orbs fixing on mine.

  What would a man like Corvac, want with someone like me, if it isn't business... Oh, no. That can't be it! The understanding hit me, hard enough to cause me to wrench away in disgust, yet Deane pulled back, trapping me. The tie squeezed on my wind pipe, eliciting a gag. Desperately, I reached out to push him. He yanked me around, spinning my body, sending me stumbling into the window.

  "Wait!" I gasped, the glass cool on my back, hands lifted to ward him off. He hadn't moved from where he stood by the desk. I couldn't shrug off the feeling he was about to pounce on me. "Wait, Mr. Corvac, you've got the wrong idea! I'm--I'm not gay, I'm not like that!"

  "No? You've tried before, I take it?"

  "I--no! I mean, of course I haven't, I..." Red as a beet, baffled by the twist this had taken, I rubbed my fingers over my hair. "Listen, really, this whole arrangement isn't going to work for either of us."

  "Oh, I'm positive it will work for me." His grin was sharp, dangerous.

  Shifting on my heels, glancing over my shoulder at the city below me, I frowned tightly. Maybe running away and risking being blacklisted wouldn't be such a bad option. No, who am I kidding, I can't give up my dreams. Not after everything I've managed. "You'd want to go through with this," I said carefully, looking back at Deane, "even knowing I'm not into..."

  "Not into men? That still remains to be seen," he shrugged. "But you're assuming I even care if you are, or not. What if the fact you aren't just makes this more fun for me?"

  "You're awful," I blurted, then covered my mouth.

  "Maybe a little," he agreed, smirking. "So it's done. You'll agree to do as I say, and I won't make your life a living hell, hmn?"

  I didn't bother to hide my scowl, my hands making hard fists at my sides. "You're making my life a living hell as we speak, Mr. Corvac."

  That made him laugh, inky eyes flashing. "Clever. Let me rephrase then, your career a living hell."

  Opening my mouth, I hesitated, then pressed on. "How long do I have to listen to you?"

  "Until I decide I'm done with you." It was a blunt answer, it made my belly twist.

  What have I gotten myself into here?

  Deane moved towards me, his hand lifting. The sight of it made me jump, but his chuckle caused me to blush when I realized he was simply trying to shake my hand. "Like true business men," he said. I wasn't sure I could agree. I gripped his palm with my own, wondering if he could feel the clammy sweat. Letting me go, he adjusted his jacket, turning back to his desk. "Pick up these papers, then you can leave."

  "Leave?" I asked, confused by such a brush off. After all that, he just wants me to go? Wrinkling my brow, I knelt down, gathering the documents quickly.

  "Yes, leave. I don't need anything else from you today. But," he mused, leaning against his chair, hard eyes studying me, "tomorrow, there's a golf game with a few important colleagues of my father, as well as my own."

  "I don't golf," I murmured, standing self-consciously as I noticed him staring at my ass. Briskly, I set the papers down, wiping my palms on my trousers.

  Deane sat gracefully, eyeing me from behind his desk. "You will tomorrow."

  "I don't even own anything golf related!"

  "I'll send a package tonight to your place. Just open it, follow the instructions, and we'll be golden. Understand?"

  "A package... instructions?" Dubiously, I lifted my eyebrows. "I don't know if I like how that sounds."

  Snorting, he opened a drawer, effectively ignoring me. "It doesn't matter what you like. You do as I say. I hope you aren't going to argue like this all the time." Gripping a pen, he scribbled something on the papers I had stacked, leaving me standing there awkwardly.

  What the hell, this guy is insane.

  Deane peered up suddenly, looking me over with blank surprise. "Why are you still here? I said to go."

  Clearing my throat, I bit back a retort, spinning on my heel to hurry from that place. Irritated, uncertain, my legs carried me away so fast I didn't even respond to the secretary when she waved at my hunched, fleeing back.

  In the elevator, I slumped, eyes shutting tightly with my wave of distress.

  Miles, what have you gotten mixed up in?


  The package was waiting for me when I got home that night.

  Large, typical cardboard, it sat by my apartment door, foreboding despite its bland exterior. Frowning, I scooped it up, checking the heft as I stepped inside. Feels kind of heavy, what's in this?

  I was in no rush to find out. Setting it aside, I busied myself with making something to eat, then poured myself a strong glass of brandy. I didn't normally drink after work, but today had been... special. Unable to find any other reason to distract myself, I found myself sitting down on my couch, staring at the box.

  Corvac, what would you do if I never even opened this?

  The idea gave me a thrill, to be so resistant. But it didn't last, the reality was too cold and brutal to let me enjoy my moment. I knew if I didn't do as he had said, I could look forward to moving myself out of the city and off to who knew where.

  And I just signed this lease, I'm on the hook for a year here, ugh. I can't afford to try and run. Fine.

  Gritting my teeth, I ripped the package open, not trying to be gentle. Inside, the contents stared back at me, surprisingly innocent. As he'd promised, Corvac had sent me golfing equipment, from shoes to shirt to pants. It was an expensive outfit, I wouldn't look out of place among his colleagues, I imagined.

  Digging through, letting my guard down over this gesture of charity, my fingers bumped something hard. What's this? Wondering silently, I pulled out three items that left me first baffled, then disgusted.

  The first was a long, thin piece of what felt like stiff rubber, the base abruptly widening, a small nub at the bottom that I couldn't make sense of.

  Fingering the second item, a small bottle of lube, my brain began to tingle with warning. The final piece helped me, unfortunately, make sense of everything. It was a device similar to a small thong made of straps. At the front, where I knew my cock was supposed to slide through, there was a thick ring of squishy material.

  He'd sent me a fucking sex toy.<
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  Inhaling sharply, I dropped them all back in the box, as if they were made of fire. "What the hell is wrong with him?" I asked out loud, flustered, angrier than I had been prepared for. I knew from our conversation that it had been implied Corvac had some less than appropriate plans for me, but to go as far as this...

  No. No, I won't, I won't do what he's asking.

  Gripping my head, I hunched down and growled. What was I supposed to do? Surely he'd know tomorrow that I hadn't put it on, wouldn't he? Could I lie about it, was that possible?

  Standing, I paced my living room, stressed to the point of sweating. If I didn't do as he wanted, Corvac would no doubt make good on his threat. But, this... Turning, I glanced at the box, the promise of perverted demands.

  This is just too much to ask of me!

  Exhausted from struggling with my internal qualms, my legs went weak, coaxing me to sit back on the couch.

  Remembering his words, I gave a bitter chuckle. I guess the fact I don't want to do it is fun for him. The twisted bastard.

  Scratching at the back of my neck, my mind worked to think of a plan. Again, I eyed the box, reaching in to hesitantly touch the objects. How sick is this guy? Doesn't he get it, I'm not interested in men, why even try this with me? Something rustled, I felt a piece of paper I hadn't noticed in the bottom of the container. Tugging it free, my eyes ran over a crisply printed message, one that was obviously from Corvac.

  The instructions he had mentioned.

  It was interesting that he had printed it, leaving it anonymous. He doesn't want this traced back to him. Of course. Otherwise, I could be the one to blackmail HIM, and turn this all around. The idea thrilled me with a guilty pleasure, though I doubted I had the guts to even try such a thing. Sighing, I read the paper, squinting at his words.

  'Miles,' it read, 'right now, I'm sure you're less than pleased with the contents of this box. I almost wish I could see your reaction. Anyway, here is how this will work. Please read this carefully, I don't want you misunderstanding what I'm telling you to do.' At that, I rolled my eyes, irritated by his implication I was stupid.

  'Tomorrow, we'll be golfing at noon. I took care of letting your team leader know that you would be out, helping me with something. Dress in the clothing I provided, do your best to look sharp and nice for me. The most important piece of your outfit is, of course, the one I am sure you are troubling yourself over right now.'

  Lifting my head, I glared into the box, not liking where this was going.

  'You will put on the harness tomorrow before you get dressed. I'm sure you're thinking of a way out of this, but trust me, don't waste your time. You'll wear the sex toy in all its glory tomorrow, if you don't, I promise you, I will know. If, when I meet you, it isn't fully in place, I will begin the quick destruction of your career.

  'Do not doubt me, I have no intent to let you have any options here. Wear it, or else.'

  He hadn't signed it or left his name in print, but he didn't need to. Deane's words were clear, as if he had spoken them straight into my ear. He really means it, doesn't he? My fingers had crumpled the paper where I was gripping it fiercely. I forced myself to let it go, watching it fall to the floor. It was almost poetic, seeing the scrapped ball.

  That's me, that's my life, right there. A ruined chunk on the floor, pointless.

  I didn't look forward to going to sleep that night.

  It would mean I would have to wake up and face Corvac.


  The next day, my eyes looked bruised from my rough, unsettled sleep. When I had managed to pass out from exhaustion, I'd had strange dreams; frightening, confusing things that involved cruel smirks and hot words. Inky eyes haunted me even when I awoke, the box sitting in my living room a sobering reminder of what Deane expected of me.

  So, it really comes to this.

  Taking the harness from the box, I held it at an arm's length, studying it with grim defeat. I have to, as much as I hate this, I just have to do it. Fuck you, Corvac. Just... fuck you. Tensing my jaw, I slid my boxers down, letting them fall at my ankles. The design of the straps confused me, but it was clear that the butt plug would have to be inserted before it was clicked into place.

  Lifting the firm rod, I studied it curiously, marveling at how it actually seemed hollow. I wonder why that would be? It wasn't a mystery I wanted to solve, so I inhaled deeply, reaching for the small bottle of lube in the box. Squirting a dollop onto the top of the toy, the scent of strawberries reached me. I'd never needed to use lubricant, not even when I'd been with a girlfriend, but I knew it was wise to take advantage of it now.

  I've never had anything in my ass... at least it doesn't seem too big.

  Stroking the slippery gel over the plug, I reached back, my heart throbbing wildly at what I was about to do. Tracing the tip between my ass cheeks, the toy was pushed gingerly at my puckered entrance. My whole body was rigid, making the penetration harder than it should have been. Calm down, Miles, calm down!

  Trying to slow my breathing, I pushed the rubber harder, letting the tapered tip slide slowly into my asshole. The sensation shocked me, my muscles clenching to resist my own intrusion. None the less, with the aid of the lube, the toy soon sank deeply into my rear hole. I knew it was in place when the bulging base came to rest, the toy locking in, my muscles gripping around the bottom as the rounded, fat end kept it from going further or falling out.

  Sighing, shivering, I straightened up, convinced I wouldn't become used to the feeling of something filling my insides. Still, I'm grateful it doesn't hurt, it isn't big enough to be anything but distracting.

  My body was tingling, blood pumping to the point of warming me head to toe. Blinking, I looked down, noticing the way my cock was firming with arousal. Had stuffing my own ass really excited me? It disturbed me, to feel any sort of pleasure from all of this, so I moved on in a hurry.

  Lifting the harness, I slid the straps between my legs, noticing they could be adjusted to fit tightly. When it pushed against the bottom of my butt plug, pressing it in deeper, I groaned. I understood that the rounded bottom of the toy was meant to click into the harness, forcing the object to stay buried in my ass.

  Carefully, I pushed my cock through the yielding ring of rubber, far too aware of how the material hugged the base of my shaft. It was pleasant, a feeling I didn't want to associate with this whole scenario.

  The only way to close the straps seemed to be some strange, square clips on the side. Puzzling over it, I snapped them shut, the sharp sound of metal making me jump. What was that? My intuition throbbed, warning me even before I began to pull nervously at the harness. The straps had locked into place, effectively trapping me into the perverted device.

  Oh no, oh god... Corvac, you twisted fucking psycho!

  Running my hands through my hair, I gave a frustrated laugh. This guy was serious, he had plans for me, and a goal to force me to be part of them. Shaking my head, I set about hurrying to get dressed. Standing around, trapped in the strange toy, it would accomplish nothing. When I see him, I'm going to give him a piece of my mind.

  Tugging on the tight boxers he'd provided, the material thick, helping to keep my confused erection under control, I felt myself blushing. I'm dressing up for him, this is embarrassing. When I was finished, the khaki pants, argyle vest and long sleeved white shirt made me feel, at least, somewhat classy. He knows how to dress, for whatever that's worth.

  Stepping from the apartment, I was far too aware of the plug in my ass. Every bit of motion made the object dig deeper, teasing my virgin hole, eliciting twitching bursts of unwanted pleasure from my firm cock. Adjusting my prick, tucking it to the side in the hope of being less obvious, I slid into my car. Sitting down was awful, I groaned when the toy sank all the way into my quivering rear.

  In the mirror, I caught a glimpse of my face; pink, shiny with sweat.

  Corvac, I'm going to get you back for this. I fucking swear, I will.


  The drive was
short, torturous. Each bump in the road jolted my body, dug the butt plug in further, reminding me eternally of my perverted predicament.

  When I arrived at the golf club, I was panting, conflicted by the way I was reacting to the constant teasing of my sphincter. Climbing from the vehicle, I carefully adjusted my erection, praying it would go unnoticed. I wasn't sure where Corvac wanted me to meet him, but when the valet approached, he handed me a small piece of paper.

  "What's this?" I asked, baffled.

  "A message from Mr. Corvac, I was told to give it you when you arrived, Mr. Fillert."

  Raising an eyebrow, I watched him drive my car off into the lot, wondering how he had been told to recognize me. Nervously, my eyes squinted at the paper, reading the words. He wants me to meet him inside by the restrooms?

  With a foreboding feeling, my feet carried me across the beautiful landscape of the club, through the intricate glass doors and into the air conditioned interior. I was grateful for the brisk temperature, my whole being seemed to be heating up from the pleasure I was enduring. Pleasure? No, don't think like that, this is torture.

  The club was quiet, no doubt due to the time of day. I imagined most people, rich or not, would still be working on a weekday. No one gave me a passing glance, so I headed further in, eventually finding a long hall that turned from carpet to tile. This has to be the place. I hadn't gone far, my heels clomping crisply, when something strange began to happen.

  The butt plug began to vibrate.

  Gasping, I nearly collapsed right there, hands gripping the wall to keep me steady. What the hell!? Stunned, a hiss of delight passed my lips as the toy continued to buzz deep in my twitching ass. Alone in the long hall, no one to see or hear me, I trembled with the rush of tingles.

  Impossible... how...

  The plug grew, stretching me slightly, enough to make me aware it had gotten bigger. Panting, I hung my head, watching a drop of sweat hit the floor. The device was coming alive, bringing me dangerously close to a place I did not want to go. The very idea of cumming from Corvac's perverted game was horrifying, yet...


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