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Conquest Page 4

by T. C. Edge

  It's chaos, really, and not the kind I like. I find it just as frenetic and frantic as the battlefield, or the arena, only with dresses and fabrics for guns, and fashionable young women for warriors and gladiators.

  And me? Well, I'm the sitting duck, the greenhorn with no experience. Absolutely and entirely out of my depth.

  It's been like this now for several days, ever since the official announcement of Dom and my engagement. Since then, I've been taken here and taken there, looking at flowers and dresses and wedding invitations and table placements. Asked my opinion again and again on things that I have absolutely no idea about.

  Would you ask an accountant about how to tame a lion? Would you ask Merk to step up and fight Ares? No, you wouldn't. So why exactly is my opinion here being sought?

  Oh yes, that's it. I'm supposed to be the blushing bride. I'm supposed to be a nightmare. I'm supposed to have planned this day since I was a little girl, imagining everything down to the very last detail, something that, now, I'd be able to get absolutely right were that the case.

  Because, well, this wedding will be spared no expense, everything and anything available to my whims and fancies. And like the girls who grow up wishing they could marry a prince, I am actually set to marry one. Or, an Emperor. Which is probably even better.

  The only thing is, that was never my dream. Wonderful as it is, none of this was ever on my radar.

  The worst part of it all, perhaps, is that I've barely seen Dom at all over the last few days, given the absurd amount of time all of this takes up. All day, every day, leaving me utterly exhausted by the end of it, as though I've just been through a war.

  No, worse. Those I can handle. This I simply cannot.

  So, while I'm supposed to be taking a keen interest in the wedding planning, Dom's role has been to continue in his position as co-Emperor with Lucius. Frankly, I think he's got the better of it. I'd sooner deal with the stress of managing a city and nation, than endure the overly energetic, shrieking young ladies who frantically follow me everywhere I go.

  I feel as relieved as I ever have, therefore, when Dom strolls into the dressing room within the Imperial Palace, the ladies all stopping and bowing as he comes, stuck there in place where they stand. He flows with his typical elegance, a man born to rule and deal with nonsense like this. With a flick of his hands, he dismisses the girls, though does it, of course, without being rude.

  They scuttle off, leaving the two of us alone. Me, standing on some sort of pedestal. Dom, circling, admiring my frame.

  Because, yes, I'm hardly dressed at all, my body adorned with only miserly strips of silky underwear. Just another thing that I'm not particularly fond of; standing half naked in front of others, an experience I had to endure in this very city, not so long ago, the night before the start of the Imperial Games.

  "I think you should just wear this," Dom says, his voice carrying that distinct tone of desire that sends me weak at the knees. He circles behind me, stopping for a moment. I'm fairly certain what he's looking at.

  "I'm not sure that would be entirely appropriate," I say. "I think half the city would have heart attacks if I walked in like this."

  "Then they'd die happy," says Dom, moving back ahead of me. He smiles, looking up, and then places his hands to my sides, lifting me off the platform and onto the floor. I'm drawn into a bewitching kiss, the young Emperor seeming to grow ever more romantic and affectionate as the days grow near to our nuptials.

  Which, I'm actually quite relieved to say, are taking place in only a week. I was shocked, at first, to hear how quickly it would all happen, but soon realised what a blessing it was. After all, the further away it is, the longer I'll have to endure all of this ridiculous attention.

  Best, probably, to get it over quick, I think. Like a bandaid. Quick rip and done.

  "What's gotten into you?" I breath as Dom finally lets me go. "Perhaps leave this sort of stuff for upstairs?" Through my peripheral vision, the sight of several grinning ladies is fairly clear, watching from the shadows.

  "I will take my bride any place I choose," Dom says, smiling.

  "Take? You realise what that means in this context, right?"

  "Oh...yes. I didn't mean that."

  "Good. I think kissing in public is probably about enough, Domitian."

  "Shame," he says, grinning. "Our ancient ancestors were quite...liberal with such things. We're a little more prudish now."

  "I'd say...for the better," I tell him, raising my eyes. "I don't think it would be my scene."

  "Nor mine," he says, though with a tone that suggests he's probably lying a little. I know that Dom, prince as he was, had a fairly active romantic life before he met me. I wouldn't put it past him to having engaged in a few salacious pastimes prior to my arrival in his life.

  "Anyway," he goes on, "you'd best get dressed. We have business in the curia."

  "The curia?" I ask. I'm still trying to get the hang of these old terms they use here.

  "Oh, yes. It's essentially the council chambers, where we meet for official debates and business. Lucius is there, along with the senators. They wish you to join us."

  "Me?" I ask, finding the whole thing a little more up my alley, and yet intimidating all the same. "What for?"

  "Oh, nothing to worry about. Just a few thoughts on your new duties here as Empress Consort. They wish to get to know you better, I think. Don't worry, they won't bite. Most are harmless old men..."

  "No women?" I ask. "What is this, a patriarchy?"

  "There are some women, yes. The senate represents people from all over the city, all walks of life. That is our intention. Eventually, Lucius and I may pass power to the senate, rather than holding it ourselves. Even now, we require their consent to ratify most decisions we make. The last thing we want is another dictatorship, like the one of my mother. This spreads power," he says, "which can only be a good thing."

  "Unless they hold things up," I say, shrugging. "If you need to make a quick decision and they don't allow it."

  "Well, yes, there's that. But there's no such urgency here now, and if there were, we'd get the votes, I'm sure. Anyway, get dressed, and let's be getting on. You'll be needed later, I'm sure, for more wedding planning."

  I shrivel up at the thought, and slip back into my robes, thinking that the senators can't be any worse than what I've so far endured. Yet, this is only the start. The wedding planning will end soon enough, certainly, but what else will be required of me after?

  I do hope I can grow into this role, not feel so...uncomfortable all the time. Otherwise, I don't know, perhaps this is all just one big mistake.

  I don't let the thought settle at all, negative as it is. There really is no point in looking too far forward quite yet. Just enjoy this, I tell myself. Take it a step at a time, and don't think ahead. It'll only overwhelm you.

  Committing to the thought, I quickly dress and join Dom's side, heading down through the palace towards the council chambers at the rear.

  We arrive a few minutes later, wandering down wondrous hallways I haven't yet seen. That's not surprising. It'll take me many days on end to explore every inch of this place. This is one particular wing that hasn't yet demanded my attention. It will, perhaps, call upon me again soon enough.

  Set towards the back of the palace, the curia is a large, circular room, built of blocks of light grey stone. It holds a less magnificent feel than the rest of the palace, the perimeter of the room supported by simple pillars and columns, with several tiers of semi-circular stone benches ahead. In the front, is a podium, a speaking platform used by whoever happens to be taking centre stage. A room without all the bells and whistles of the others, no distractions at all for the men and women here to see to the management of the city.

  To one side, is another door, opening out and giving passage to an exit at the rear of the palace. This, of course, is to prevent all the senators having to walk through the entire thing before getting here.

  As we walk in, I find
the room already actively engaged in debate. At the front, by the podium, Lucius stands with his dark brown hair and similarly coloured eyes, looking so alike to Dom. Once confused as brothers when they were young, they share a troubled past, which came to a head when Lucius escaped from under the thumb of his father, Lord Pontius, and Dom did the same with his mother, Empress Vesper.

  Now, friends again, they run the city together. Two young men with great aspirations and ambitions, working to ensure the greatness of Neorome never loses its shine.

  We work past a pillar, moving around one side behind the tiered benches. I scan over the many assembled senators, counting at least a hundred with a quick scan. Most wear simple white togas and tunics, though several have a little extra colour on them too, especially the women. A din fills the room, something important evidently under discussion.

  "I say," says an old senator, standing to his feet as they all seem to do when they speak, "that we should withdraw them immediately. There is no need for their presence there any longer. They have served their purpose. Now, it is time to bring them home."

  "Hear hear!" call several of the crowd.

  "I disagree," comes the softer voice of a female senator. "We have plenty of protection here. There is no sense in withdrawing quite yet. At least not until New Haven have completely settled."

  Ah, so this about home.

  "They're talking about Ares," Dom whispers, turning to me. "It's been going on a while, always the same. Some think he and his detachment should come home. Others think he should stay. We can't agree on it yet."

  "And you?" I ask.

  "I see no reason to bring him back quite yet. He was only too happy to stay there when I asked him."

  "I'm assuming Lucius thinks differently," I say, looking to the man adjudicating at the front. I don't exactly look at him with suspicion, but I don't think I trust him completely either. After all, we have a bit of history of our own, though he has apologised for all that several times before.

  "Yes, but not strongly," Dom says, looking over at Lucius as well. "I don't see why everyone is getting so fired up about it, actually. We have other concerns to think about."

  At that moment, I notice Lucius spotting us, turning his attention from the current debate, his voice lifting over the clamour.

  "Ah, here they are," he says loudly, drawing the eyes over the chamber towards us. "Emperor Domitian and his beautiful bride-to-be. Welcome, Kira, soon to be Empress Consort, to the Neoroman Curia!"

  The room turns, applauding generously as they greet us. Dom takes my hand, his face adopting a winning smile as he leads me forward, around the side of the benches, and towards the front where Lucius stands. I feel about as nervous as I ever have as I step out in front of all these esteemed Neoromans, watching and applauding me as if I'm one of them.

  It's quite...touching, really, for them to take me in so quickly. Their eyes are warm, their smiles very real. Freed of the shackles set upon so many of them by Vesper, I am, it would appear, widely respected here.

  "Well, quite the reception," Lucius says quietly as we approach, the ovation ongoing. He draws me into a warm embrace, kissing both my cheeks. "You look lovely, Kira, truly. I'll always regret the fact that Dom found you first." His eyes change a little, turning apologetic. "Oh, sorry, that was perhaps in poor taste," he says. "I wasn't meaning found you as he did in Haven. I mean, found this love for you, I suppose." He shakes his head. "Oh, I'm babbling. Let's just leave it at, you look lovely, and go from there, shall we?"

  I smile at him, feeling no true ill will towards the man. "Sure," I say. "And, I didn't take any offence, Lucius. Enough time has passed now."

  "Good, good," he says warmly. His eyes turn back to the crowd. There's a place at the edge of the bench. "Now why don't you sit there and observe?" he asks. "Dom, perhaps join her, I can handle the stage myself today."

  "I'm sure you can, Lucius," says Dom, leading me off to sit down.

  I take a seat, my legs a little wobbly. Dom's hand, briefly resting on one of my thighs, certainly helps. His warm, supportive expression does the same. And his voice in my head, whispered via his telepathy, completes the job.

  You're a hit, Kira, he says softly. The people love you. Don't worry so much.

  Settling a little, I turn my attention back to the room, the debate about Ares's current assignment in New Haven still under discussion.

  "OK, OK," calls Lucius, the room growing heated once more. "We have been around and around this issue for some time now and are not getting anywhere. The only recourse we have is to take it to a vote. Again. What say you?"

  Now, we appear to enter into yet another discussion about whether a vote should be taken or not. I look at Dom, wondering just what the due process is here. Are they going to take a vote to determine whether they take a vote or not, I wonder sardonically.

  "And this is what happens when you spread power sometimes," he says wryly, shaking his head. "It can take forever to get things done when half the room thinks one way, and the other half thinks the other."

  "Then, what happens?"

  "We have to convince people to move one way or the other. To carry any vote through, we need at least one vote from either myself or Lucius, and sixty per cent of the senators. Only then do we consider it a suitably large majority."

  "So, this one's close, then?" I ask.

  "Yes. We've voted already, actually. Haven't come to a resolution yet, as you can see."

  "And if it's urgent. Time sensitive?"

  "Then we have legislation that allows Lucius and I to make the decision alone."

  "And if you two disagree?"

  He looks out at his friend and co-Emperor. "Let's hope that doesn't happen any time soon."

  Before long, the roaring and calling begins to die down, and the vote is officially taken. It seems like a pointless exercise, turning up with an almost perfect fifty-fifty split. Enough to have Lucius looking over to me and Dom and smirking, as though rather enjoying the ridiculousness of it all.

  It's not, really, a big enough issue to worry about, but does serve to shine a light on something bigger. I've heard already that there has been some opposition to this alliance with New Haven, specifically when it comes to providing troops and military support. As yet, no specific legislation has been drawn up to clarify that part of the treaty.

  And thus, here we are, feverishly debating this point.

  Voting complete, however, the attention turns towards me. Standing up by the little platform, Lucius strolls out into the centre of the chamber, dressed in his wondrous robes, opens an arm out towards me, and addresses the crowd.

  "I can see we are all delighted to have the future Empress Consort here with us today," he says. "I only have to look at your faces to see the affection you have for her. I must say, it makes me slightly aggrieved that my co-Emperor has beaten me to the punch."

  A round of laughter follows among the assorted throng.

  "Now, we all know what Kira has done for this city, helping free us from the grip of a tyrant." Heads bow and nod, the echoing chambers taking on a sombre quality. "However, wonderful as her achievements are, she is a foreigner to these shores, and hasn't grown up within the city."

  I find myself stiffening a little, wondering where this is going.

  "That is no slight on her personally, of course, but merely a fact. To be Empress Consort, she will be required to fulfil a range of duties. I'm certain she will take to them all well, as we all can agree." Again, heads nod. I'm just waiting for the damn point. "However, they will take up a great deal of her time, and alter her roll as opposed what it has been before."

  I feel my chest beginning to tighten up now. I feared this was going to happen.

  "Kira is a fine warrior, and the reigning Champion of Neorome. To add Empress Consort to her impressive list of titles will, in effect, render the others obsolete in practice. We cannot, I say, have our Empress continuing to engage in physical contests, and warring conflict. And we can
not, too, have her and Emperor Domitian going back and forward to New Haven with the regularity with which they have been doing so. This city needs a stable leadership, and when their nuptials are complete, the two will be looked up to by the entire population as a shining light to guide them. That light must be present here, in our capital city. And Kira must abandon her warrior past."

  His says the words firmly, with conviction, and some passion to boot. I find my eyes staring at him in a faintly threatening way. I understand exactly where he's coming from, and don't think less of him for it, but one can tell me to turn from my past.

  A jumble of mumbles and murmurs spreads through the hall. I turn to Dom, who also looks at Lucius with a slight disapproval on his face, a disappointment, perhaps, at being ambushed like this in front of the senate.

  I wonder if he knew we were in for this. 'They wish to get to know you better' he'd said.

  Yeah. Sure.

  Dom stands, at that moment, and moves to Lucius's side. He shares a quick whisper with him that I choose not to eavesdrop on. Lucius displays a few apologetic mannerisms, though appears to stand by his position.

  Dom takes the stage.

  "You've heard from Lucius," he says. "Now, let me provide my rebuttal."

  The murmurings die down. All eyes turn to Dom.

  "Kira, as Lucius said, was instrumental in freeing this city from the shackles of my mother. She did so having been brought here a slave under the old regime, and by me, as you are all aware. A striking story, yes, but it is so much more than that." He looks to me, a calm smile on his face. "We found each other in strange circumstances, and have found ourselves in others since. I assure you, I want her to stay here, be safe, and be happy more than anyone. But, I realise that isn't possible. No, to keep her here would merely be akin to locking away a tigress in a cage. She must be allowed freedom of movement. She must be allowed to return to her home of New Haven, without further constraints, further shackles, being placed upon her."

  Again, the chambers rumble with an echoing murmur. I look at Dom, loving him more than ever. He just...gets me. He knows my past is a part of me, and always will be, no matter the dangers that might bring.


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