Omega Virus (Book 2): Gamma Hour

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Omega Virus (Book 2): Gamma Hour Page 16

by Jake A. Strife

  More claws pierced between my calves. I rolled my legs over my head and stumbled to my feet.

  Bone claws stabbed through in a dozen places, leaving me dodging and closing off my routes of escape.

  Demi appeared from the gaps between the cars and turned my way. As I continued my dance, it charged, dodging its friend’s blades as it came. I wanted to run and hide back inside, but I couldn’t. It was a promise I’d stay until the end. I charged, then spun just as it attacked. With my gun, I bashed Demi’s skull, and watched it stumble. I skidded to a stop as more claws blocked my path.

  I turned back, and Demi appeared in my face. It thrust, forcing me to duck, but I popped back up, snapping my head up under his jaw. Pain cracked into my skull, but I sent the asshole staggering, I planned to tackle it, but a level four in the car below sent its blades between us.

  Demi faced my way, but it didn’t know my location, and being downwind again, it found itself hampered. I raised my gun and fired a single shot into its skeletal kneecap. The corpse’s mouth opened wide as if crying out in pain, then its leg gave way.

  I charged and jumped, ramming my knee right into its face. Demi fell flat onto its back, and I stepped on both of its arms, but it snapped at my ankles. I hopped forward, dodging, then spinning and firing a shot as it tried to stand. Dust flew from its wound, but again, I’d caused little damage.

  Demi stood on one leg, with its other trembling and threatening to snap.

  I lifted my gun as my opponent hobbled forward. It dove, slashing wide with both hands. The claws caught my jeans and pulled my legs from under me. I slammed onto my back, and the corpse landed with one foot on each side of my torso.

  It gave a horrifying cackle, and lifted its death-dealers, ready to finish me, but it didn’t know I had my gun under its chin. I fired. Demi stepped away, shaking its torn face, and hissing.

  I scrambled behind it and shoved my pistol against its skull. “Die!”

  Demi jerked, and the bullet blew apart its jaw. My eyes doubled in size as the corpse spun full circle, swinging its claws in a wide sweep. On instinct, I lunged and tackled the corpse again. We tumbled off the side. I cried curses as I grasped a vent with one hand, my jeans flapping in the wind.

  I’d failed my quest by killing Demi; the keycard left with it. But when I rose over the edge, relief flooded me. A blue keycard shined, stuck in a vent.

  “Come to mama!” I pulled myself up, but something wrapped around my leg and tugged. I fell again and gripped the vent using both hands.

  Demi hung onto my ankle, and despite its insignificant weight, it threatened to pull me to my death.

  I screamed as I lost my grip. We fell, but I snatched a railing. Demi’s legs hit the tracks and dragged, tearing apart its feet. The corpse howled and tried to climb, but the wind refused to allow it.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something coming. The tunnel narrowed, and a wall came at us, fast. In desperation, I tried to pull myself up, but Demi still anchored me. I growled and pulled harder, getting my torso back on top, but the wall came on fast. With what strength I could muster, I yanked my legs, and at the last second, I rolled on the top of of the train.

  Demi didn’t have that fortune. I watched as Demi hit the wall, and tore away, flopping on the tracks behind the train.

  I laid there, watching the lights passing above me. Every ounce of energy, I spent on catching my breath. After several long moments, I rolled over and snatched the keycard, shoving it in my pocket.

  I edged my way over the corpse car and back to the ladder.

  A jolting explosion rocked everything, and I dropped to my knees, screaming and holding on for dear life. The remains of the final car blew apart.

  In haste, I ran to the rear of the prisoner car to see an armored train right on our trail. Two men leaned out the sides with rocket launchers. They spotted me and lowered their weapons.

  I waved my arms. “Don’t shoot! There are survivors in this car!”

  One man ducked into the train. That had to cause a ceasefire!

  I rushed back into the car. The survivors in the cage stared, wide-eyed. “I did it! Don’t know how, but I did!”

  A pair appeared at the front. Arik and Dyonna both stared, their jaws hanging open.

  I approached and located the keycard slot. The door popped open the moment I swiped. Arik came running over and wrapped me in a tight bear hug. He lifted me off the floor, cracking my spine.

  I struggled to breathe. “You’re hurting me!”

  He set me on the floor and looked me over from head to toe. “Are you okay? Did something hurt you? You have blood all over your foot.”

  Dyonna punched my shoulder. “You beat them, girlo! Never doubted you for a second!”

  “I’m fine.” I grinned and put my hands on my hips. “It’s amazing to see you guys!”

  “For real, right?” Arik glanced away. “I need to know, though. Did you get the bastard?”


  “Garrett was in on it! He came in with guns and knocked us out! He must’ve tipped off those G.O.D. Mode freaks. Just before I passed out I heard him saying he needed leverage to get on their good side!”

  “I didn’t get him.” I lowered my eyes. “But he took off with my locket, and those asshole siblings are after him.”

  “Your locket?” Dyonna tilted her head.

  “I’ll explain later. My friend Zach is on a train behind us!”

  “They the ones blowing ours to bits?”

  I nodded. “I got them to stop firing.”

  “Are we going to let the assholes get away?” Anger boiled in Arik’s voice.

  He’d pointed out the elephant in the room. Garrett escaped, the Tweedles were after him, and Zach was in the train trailing us. The Gamer’s Guild was so close! But I needed to get Brother and Sister.

  Arik looked at me, hopeful. “Well? Are we getting revenge?”

  I stared at him, a plan forming in my mind. “Hell yeah, we will! Let’s go.”

  I approached the survivors; the men, women, and children. An older man with a gray beard stepped forward. “What will happen to us?”

  I shook my head, “Don’t worry. My friends will take you all in I’m sure. We’re hunting the ones who did this. Who wants to come claim revenge?”

  I scanned the group. Zero capable warriors, thus no one volunteered. I shrugged my shoulders. “No? Stay safe.”

  Our trio walked to the door.

  “You too, lady!”

  I stopped and glanced over my shoulder. The child stood beside the old man. She made me think of Kiki and her tragic story. Through my sadness, I grinned at the girl. Then we left.

  “Be careful.” I pointed to the other car. “We have to go up top; it’s too dangerous. The entire train car is filled with level fours. You two make your way across as quiet as possible. I’ll catch up to you guys.”

  “Wonderful!” Arik climbed the ladder bitching.

  Dyonna stopped. “What’re you gonna do?”

  “I have to say goodbye to someone. I’ll be there in a second.”

  “Well, hurry, ya?” Dyonna followed Arik.

  I climbed the other ladder and returned to the back, staring at the other train. It was still in hot pursuit. Inside was Zachary Mastiff, the one my heart ached to have again, and even if I did, he and Jessie were together. There was no reason to rush it, I’d see him soon.

  “Zach.” I beamed at the train. “I’ve got to take care of the evil siblings. Then we can see each other again.”

  The door to their train opened and I spun away. If I saw Zach, I’d chicken out, and never have the courage to go on alone. My heart had to keep him with me. With a brokenhearted sigh, I walked away from Zachary Mastiff and the Gamers’ Guild yet again.

  LEVEL 24:


  The car detached, forcing Zach’s group to slow. They’d take care of the survivors. For now, our turn came to take on G.O.D. Mode.

  “See you soon, Zach.�

  Back at the ladder, I climbed onto the roof. Arik and Dyonna were across the corpse car. They waved, and I waved back. As careful as I could be, I tiptoed, avoiding the holes where the claws had pierced the roof. Since Demi’s demise, the other corpses had calmed. Maybe because I’d killed their leader; if corpses had such a thing?

  We reconvened at the back of the next car.

  Dyonna regarded me. “What’s the plan, girlo?”

  I looked between them. There were two soldiers in one car. I hoped that the other gun-wielding jackasses were in the last cars when they got blown to hell. The soldiers AR-15s might prove useful; the train had armed researchers too. But something told me they weren’t the best shot.

  I faced my companions, grinning. “We’ll get us guns.”

  Arik nodded. “Just point me to them. I’ll do anything I can to avenge Charles.”

  “There’s a problem.”

  Dyonna crossed her arms. “And what’s that?”

  I frowned. “At least two soldiers still have rifles, and each scientist equipped with a pistol.”

  Arik didn’t blink. “I said, point me to them.”

  I understood his bloodthirsty mentality.

  “They’re in the second car ahead.” Before I could say wait, Arik took off, jumping the gaps between cars.

  “You follow Arik.” I put my hand on Dyonna’s shoulder. “And I’ll go through the bottom. If we attack from each side, we might overwhelm the soldiers.

  “Good idea, girlo. You’re the brains of this operation.”

  “A basic strategy I learned from gaming.”

  “Never played any games.” She shrugged, “Now I’m kinda sad about that.”

  I smacked her shoulder. “One day, when we take back our world, you owe me a round in a fighter of your choice.”

  I descended the ladder and entered the car to find a huge mess. Each crate had dumped its contents everywhere. There was a briefcase sitting on the floor, wide open. Inside were the liquid-filled vials and injector that Mikey had used to heal my wounds. I grabbed them and continued along and to the door. I pulled it open and stepped out.

  “All right, time to get guns.”

  I pushed the door and stepped into the train but stopped in my tracks. The emergency lights were still on, and now pools of crimson covered the floor. The train car had nothing but dead bodies. Every scientist now sat slumped in their seats.

  “What happened here?”

  I approached a body and kneeled to check her. She had no pulse. I flipped the body. There were several bullet wounds. Every scientist bore the same wounds; shot to death, many with head wounds. I looked near my foot and found a handgun. I picked it up and checked the magazine; no bullets.

  “Crazy… I was crazy once…” A voice came from somewhere nearby.

  I spun around, eyes wide.

  “They took me away…”

  I spun back, but still didn’t see them.

  “I died there…”

  My eyes trailed up to the storage rack above the seats. A man had squeezed inside, in the fetal position.

  “What happened? Hey, guy?” He didn’t see or hear me; his mind gone.

  “Then the worms came…” His eyes closed, and he shook his head.


  “Worms? I hate worms; they make me crazy.”

  The best choice was to abandon the bastard. He was too far gone to get info; he’d suffered trauma. Something shot past my foot! I dropped my gaze. A long, pink thing slithered under a nearby body.

  “What the hell?”

  “Tiffany!” Arik came running from across the car. He held a pistol in each hand. “Something crazy went down here!”

  “Crazy? I was crazy once...”

  Arik glanced up and shrieked. “What’s wrong with him?”

  “Forget him, he’s lost his mind.”

  Arik shrugged. “Dyonna’s checking the front car. I told her not to do it alone, but she wouldn’t listen.”

  “Let’s hurry, then. Nothing’s happening here.” We rushed through, and several more things slithered on the seats and floor. I was nervous of them touching my feet. They weren’t attacking, so I ignored them. The train slowed to a halt.

  Just as we exited, Dyonna’s abrupt scream came from the front. Arik and I looked at each other, mouths agape. We hurried into the car and fund a grizzly scene. A dead man sat at the controls, covered in plump maggots. They were crawling in and out of his nose, mouth, and ears. Dyonna though stood next to him smacking at her skin.

  “Dyonna?” Arik spun her. He took a step back as a lump moved under the skin of her face.

  “Help me!” She smacked herself.

  “What do we do?” Arik gasped. “We can’t lose her too!”

  I spied a knife on the belt of the train driver. “Hold her still!”

  Her eyes were so wide I thought she’d die of shock. I snatched the blade and put it next to the lump.


  I inserted the knife under Dyonna’s skin and her bloodcurdling scream hurt my ears. She fell back holding her face. A slim, maggot slithered out and fell to the floor twitching. I stomped on it, squishing it under my heel.

  “The hell did you do?” Arik reached for the knife.

  I pulled away. “I saved her life! Now stay away from that body and figure out to where Brother and Sister disappeared!”

  I drew the vile of healing liquid and the injector I’d grabbed from Mikey’s briefcase.

  “Dyonna come here!” I chased her in a circle.

  She stumbled away. “No, you crazy bitch! You stabbed me!”

  I blocked and shoved her against the wall. She struggled, but I put the injector to her cheek and pulled the trigger. The gooey substance scabbed over her wound.

  “You’re insane!” She touched her face. “But... it doesn’t hurt...”

  “It worked. You’re test subject number two.”

  “Number two? Who the hell was one?”

  I shrugged. “My foot.”

  “What happened to your foot?” Arik poked Dyonna’s cheek. She slapped his hand away. “You never told us.”

  “Garrett happened.” I glared at the dead train conductor. My stomach twisted as I played the scenario in my head. The crawlies dug into the scientist’s skin, and in a panic, killed each other.

  But from where did the maggots come? An escaped experiment? Or did the siblings unleash them?

  The conductor twitched. My eyes flew wide as he lunged, maggots dripping from his mouth. His eyes bore into me with a ferocious hunger. I held his snapping jaws at bay as he forced me into the door. Arik shoved the gun against its head and fired.

  “T-Thanks, that was too close!” I kicked the dead conductor.

  He nodded and turned. “I saved you this time! Ha. Anyway, the asshole siblings left a few minutes ago.”

  “How do you know?” I cocked a brow.

  “We have to leave the train.” He rummaged through papers. “There’s a map here of the underground train line. It looks like we passed an aircraft hangar.”

  “Shit, they’ll take the plane! Let’s go!” I led the way.

  We avoided the maggots on the train conductor and hopped off the stalled train and onto a concrete pathway to the side. We hit the ground running. Arik sped ahead as Dyonna ran beside me.

  “Did Brother and Sister release all of that back there?”

  “That thought crossed my mind.”

  “They get rid of what they don’t need, ya?”

  I nodded, and we ran until reaching a door. “Through here!”

  Together, we pulled open the heavy steel door and raced inside a lit hall. At the end of the utility tunnel, we came to a flight of stairs and climbed. I skipped multiple steps at a time. The whole hall shook as engines rumbled to life somewhere nearby.

  “Hurry!” I exploded into a sprint.

  Our feet pounded the stairs, and we burst through another steel door. We emerged on a catwalk in the airplane hangar. Sma
ll jets lined the walls, and a big cargo plane sat in the center.

  “Gotta be that one!” Dyonna motioned.

  “No! They took off, see?” I pointed to the far edge of the building where huge doors stood wide open. In the distance, a plane disappeared into the sky.

  “We have to catch them! Let’s get in the big plane!” Arik ran along the catwalk.

  “Not that one!” I waved after him. “We’ll never catch them in that hulking thing!”

  Dyonna shook her head as we followed Arik. “Um, guys! Don’t wanna be the bearer of bad news. But do any of you know how to fly one of these?”

  I looked around, and my heart sank. “I’ve piloted planes in games but never in real life.”

  Arik gave a solid nod. “Good enough! We’ll board one and chase those sons of bitches!”

  The building rumbled as we ran for the staircase. “What’s that? If they already took off, then—”

  The ground shook so hard we each hit the catwalk face first.

  Arik rubbed his face. “Why my nose? It’s always my nose! Who did that?”

  The rumbling continued, and the small planes sank as the concrete cracked open.

  Dyonna struggled to her feet. “This be an earthquake? I never been in one! Ain’t we supposed to take precautions?”

  “Like what?” I joined her, standing. “You tell me!”

  A steady booming came from underneath the hangar. The catwalk swayed, and I stumbled into the wall.

  Arik stood and stared to the runway. “Holy shit!”

  Just outside the hangar, blocking the runway, a huge chunk of concrete rose into a tiny mountain. The ground exploded, sending rocks, dirt, and concrete flying. I lifted my eyes and stared at the monstrosity that emerged; a maggot the size of a garbage truck. It dripped goo and bloody pus.

  “How do we fight that?” Arik looked at me as if I had an answer.

  I shook my head. “Sometimes we don’t!”

  “Then how do we go after the siblings? We can steer around the hole, but that thing is too damn big!”

  The mammoth blocked the entire hangar door. We couldn’t kill it with just our handguns, and we didn’t retrieve the AR-15s. But killing it became the least of our worries. The maggot’s end split open and deposited a huge pile of pink pus. The goo burst open, and a nude, humanoid figure came charging, arms flailing. It was a running corpse, akin to a level four, minus the claws.


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