Buzz & Blow

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Buzz & Blow Page 9

by Alex Carreras

  In an instant, the air cleared and Alderman reappeared, battered and bloody but still not down. He barked out orders to his followers who were not as motivated to fight. They took their best kicks and punches, but the undernourished vampires were no match for Asher, Niko, and the others.

  Out of mid-air, Alderman sliced the gangly one in half, his body falling to the sand in two soft thuds.

  Vomit erupted into Asher’s mouth. It had been years since he’d witnessed such brutality and cold-blooded carnage, one of the many reasons he’d relocated to the safety and sanctity of Sangre.

  “He was useless,” Alderman said. “Filthy junkie. Who wants to be my next lackey? Asher? Jerrod? You were up for it before, Mario . . . but you seem to have changed your mind. I can’t wait to slice you in two like that pathetic piece of flesh.” He eyed the bleeding body oozing with guck.

  Mario made a move, fury burning in his dark Latin eyes. Flying at Alderman, he landed his left foot in the man’s solar plexus, knocking him onto the sand. The evil vampire rolled and recovered, springing up, laughing the entire time. “You’re going to have to try harder if you plan to get rid of me.” Alderman swung, clocking Mario across the neck. He kept swinging, battering Mario like a piece of meat in need of tenderizing. Alderman was so fast with his punches that the others stood open-mouthed stunned at Alderman’s deftness.

  Niko reacted first. Lunging and ripping Alderman away from Mario, he threw him fast and hard. As Alderman spun uncontrollably like some demented top, Niko rolled into the spin, swinging.

  Asher watched as screams and groans of pain emanated from the blur. He blinked against the sand that Alderman and Niko kicked up. Niko appeared to be holding his own, but Asher didn’t know for how long. Jumping in the throng desperate to help Niko, Asher shouted, “Let go!” That was the last thing he remembered.


  Asher opened his eyes expecting to see Niko. Instead, he was in his childhood bedroom in France. He inhaled the scent of wax from a long-extinguished candle, the fine muslin of his bedding soft against his bare hands and feet. Asher felt safe and secure and loved. One thing he didn’t feel was . . . dead. That’s it! He was dead, and this was what dead felt like. It wasn’t scary at all. It was quite comfortable.

  “You’re not dead, mon amour.”

  Asher sat up and looked around the room. “Mom?”

  “Of course,” Charlotte answered her son. “Who else would be in your room calling you, my love?” She materialized, coils of soft, light brown hair framing her heart-shaped face. Her pale blue gauzy dress moved around her, taking on a life of its own. She was even more beautiful than Asher remembered.

  He reached out, but Charlotte stayed standing, almost floating, at the bottom of his bed. “How have you been? Where have you been?” he asked.

  Charlotte smiled. “You know how your father and I like to keep a low profile.”

  “But it’s been hundreds of years since I last saw you.”

  “We’re never that far away.” Her eyes the same color as Asher’s shined bright. “And we’re always watching over you.”

  “I thought maybe you were dead.”

  She laughed, the delightful sound melodic. “Mon amour, you know that is impossible. Much like you, we too are immortal. Let’s just say we’ve gone underground in Paris. It’s nice where we are, and there are many like us, who prefer the elegant days of old versus all this technology and fast-paced living the youth of today embrace.”

  “The catacombs,” Asher whispered, more to himself than for Charlotte.

  “Exactly,” she responded. “Now that you know, you must visit. We are right under the Dome des Invalides. It’s really quite lovely after you get accustomed to the dampness.”

  Asher was confused. “But what’s happening to me. Why am I here?”

  Charlotte pursed pastel pink lips. “This is all you, my little one. Don’t ask me. I can only suspect that this is your body’s way of shutting down to use its natural healing powers to recover from the trauma you sustained.” She tsked. “You really should beef up on your fighting skills. Even I would’ve seen that last swing coming.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind, Mother.” Charlotte hadn’t changed a bit, and Asher wouldn’t have it any other way. “I miss you.”

  “And I you.” In a mist that appeared out of nowhere, Charlotte blew Asher a kiss before disappearing completely, the scent of lavender left in the mist’s wake. “Au revoir, mon amour.”

  “Say hi to Dad!” Asher shouted after his mother, knowing that she had heard.

  Reclining against his pillow, Asher inhaled the familiar scents of his youth and closed his eyes, drifting into a restful slumber.

  * * * *

  This time when Asher opened his eyes, he did see Niko. He tried to speak, but his throat was too dry for any sound to come out.

  “Don’t speak,” Niko said, looking down at Asher, his head surrounded by clusters of dancing stars. “You’ll be okay. Rest.”

  Asher forced himself to say what he needed to say. “I love you.”

  Niko leaned in and touched his lips to Asher’s, soft and gentle. “I love you, too, baby. I love you, too.”

  * * * *

  It had been six weeks since Alderman disappeared at Siesta Beach, and six weeks since there had been a murder. The city of Sangre had suggested that Jerrod replace Alderman’s seat as councilmember, but he had declined, although genuinely flattered. Secretly, Asher was glad Jerrod kept his aquiline nose out of politics. He was hard enough to live with as it was.

  Asher and Niko’s relationship was hotter and heavier than ever, and they decided to divide the week up, sleeping at each other’s tasteful lairs. For now, Asher liked it that way, but deep down he knew that it wouldn’t be too long before they searched for a place of their own. While spending the night, one night, Asher spotted a few flyers on Niko’s kitchen counter advertising open houses in the area fully equipped for the discerning vampire. Asher pretended not to see the glossy leaflets, but that night he kissed Niko extra hard.

  And the next night.

  And the next. . .



  When Alex Carreras is not reading, writing, running, or flying, he is usually eating. Please follow him on Twitter and Facebook.

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