Dirty Little Brat

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Dirty Little Brat Page 4

by ChaShiree M

  I stick my nose right in the center of her panty covered pussy and inhale, until my lungs feel like they have been breathing in fumes. I can physically taste all that sweetness like smoke in my throat. Growling from the sensation and smell of her cherry pussy, I sniff again to make sure my brain is never without this memory. My nose must rub against her nub, because she moans in her sleep spreading her legs wider. Fuck. I should feel like an asshole for taking it as an invitation. Stopping for a second, I try to take stock of my feelings. Nope. All I feel is drugged by the scent. Why should I feel guilty, or anything other than privileged and proud to have access to something this pure? This sweet. This tight and MINE.

  Not wasting another second, I move her panties to the side and groan when I see all the sticky syrup she has on the outer lips. My dick makes himself known and starts panting. Feeling sorry for my boy because we have a fucking 12-hour flight, and he won't be getting into that pussy until we land, I unzip my pants and pull him out only as far as the tip is peaking out. Letting him get some air, so he keeps his wits about him. Looking back at her beautiful pussy, I lick the outside and a groan slips my mouth, before I think of stopping it. Still asleep, she pushes her pussy in my face as she is moans and mewls. Needing to hear that noise more than I need air, I take another swipe of her outer lips.

  Motherfucker. Pure sugar and that sweet virgin musk. How the hell is the Pope supposed to resist this shit? Let alone a flawed, driven, and obsessed man like me? Nothing for it Sax. You have crossed the threshold. Might as well continue as you wish to go on. I lean in and put my tongue inside of her, when the cockpit door opens and the co-pilot walks in.


  I see him shaking as he realizes the problem, and though I know it is my fault for exposing her like this. I know he can’t see anything from this angle, but I can’t help feeling a primal need to not only stake my claim out in the open, but to protect her virtue at the same time. Those two things don't go together I know, but it is the way I am wired.

  “Saxson? What's going on?” Hearing her sweet sleep husky voice, I look down at her and instantly I am overcome by the enormity of the situation in front of me. Not only am I holding my woman and soon-to-be wife, but I am now tasked with her safety, care, wants, and needs. I am literally looking at my ultimate lifelong mission right here in front of my face, and I am overcome with emotion.

  Running my thumb over her plump lower lip, I lean in and suck it into my mouth. Not sure how she will react, but not giving two fucks either. I continue my assault on her mouth, moving my tongue inside. Not shockingly, she moans into my mouth and moves her hands into my hair. The innocent little way she tries to play tongue hockey with me is yet another reason I feel 50ft tall. I will be the only one to ever teach her everything she will know about ecstasy and sex. Ever. She will never be anyone else’s. People think Ramone is bad. Try to stand between me and mine. Pulling back a bit to give her poor abused mouth a break, I put my forehead on top of hers as I try to regain my composure. When she asks what’s going on again, I realize I never answered her.

  “Nothing baby. We are in my plane on our way to someplace private. Nothing for you to worry about. You hungry?” She gives me the side eye, like she is not sure which of me she has right now. Funny. She hasn’t even met the other me’s yet.

  “Yeah. A little hungry. I usually don't eat on planes because they make me sick.” Good to know. My baby gets airsick. Kissing her head, I stand up and walk to the phone on the wall.

  “We are ready to eat. Salads please. Water and a little something...chocolate.” I say eyeing her up and down. When I hang up, I walk back over to her, lift her up, sit down, and place her on my lap. Wrapping my arms around her, I lean in and sniff her hair. Her hair smells like strawberries and Cognac. Not something you smell often, but I will make sure all the clubs I own are stocked with it now.

  “Saxson, what's going on? Why did you take me?” Legit enough questions. The problem is I am not sure she is ready for the answer. At least, for the next 12 hours, I don’t want her to worry about anything.

  “Not now, baby. We will talk later. For now, let’s eat and get some sleep.”

  I look at her tits as her eyes glaze over staring at me and realize sleeping will be easier said than done.



  When I awoke on the plane, part of me wanted to believe everything that transpired a few hours ago was just a dream. A figment of my overactive, lust filled, horny, and Saxson crazy imagination. It’s not because I didn’t want to be kidnapped by him and used for his pleasure. Oh no. That is not the reason. Truth be told, there is nothing that makes me happier than picturing that. The thing that gave me pause is that he KIDNAPPED ME and that is a crime. The idea of him going to jail or something because of me is too much. There is no way my dad will take this lying down. And, he will figure it out when he realizes Saxson is no longer at his house either.

  It's not so much that my father loves me. With him, it is more of what I can bring him. Money. Through marriage. Or at least that’s what he thinks, because I have never had any intentions of marrying Jared. Asshole. Nope. I have always wanted to marry for love. But not just that. I want to marry a real man. A man that knows what he wants, takes it without preamble and apology, and gives just as good.

  A man like Saxson.

  Speaking of a man that takes, I thought I imagined his tongue on my pussy. But when I opened my eyes and saw him down there with his eyes closed, lips wet, and slippery with my essence, I almost came right then and was about to tell him I was awake. Then the cockpit door opened, and he lost his shit. Business suit, serious Saxson is sexy as hell. But mad, angry, and territorial Saxson is Sexy. As. Fuck! Hearing him yell at the pilot literally made my pussy weep. I tried really hard to be subtle about it. When he finally realized I was awake and sucked my face off, it was time to eat. Eat. My stomach is tied in knots and he wants me to eat. I suppose I could do that, but he won’t even tell me where we are going and why he took me.

  I eat the food he gives me and though I know this filet mignon should be the best thing I have ever had, I literally cannot taste it. There are so many questions and things left unanswered. Once I finish the food, I push my chair back, and walk to the other side of the room. I need to be away from his dominating presence so I can make my irritation at his dismissal of my concerns known.

  “Ok. Seriously, Saxson. What is going on? Why am I here? Where are we going?” I ask with my arms crossed. I know I must look a petulant mess, but I don't know how else to get my point across about how annoyed and concerned I am short of throwing an all-out tantrum.

  “You look so cute with your lip poked out. But I would be careful mi amor. My focus is your tits right now with the way you are standing, and I don’t think you are ready for me just yet.” He says to me with my chin in between his fingers. My legs begin to shake a bit, just thinking of the things he would do to me if I let him. Let him. Ha. Who am I kidding? Like wild boars would be able to stop him. Truthfully, I sure as hell won’t. “Now come little brat. Let's get ready for bed. We have a long trip and I want you rested by the time we reach our destination. It will keep us on the right sleep schedule.” And with that, he leads me into the back of the plane and into a room. Upon glancing in it, I gasp. Holy shit!!! It is a bedroom decked out for royalty. Like seriously. The decor is like 18th century art deco with bit of the Renaissance thrown in. But tastefully done, in very light golds and violets. The bed sits high like it is on stilts with purple silk sheets and down comforters on it.

  Walking further into the room, I look into the bathroom it is oddly modern in comparison with the room itself. The whole bathroom is see-through and appears to be made of glass. I notice as I look around, there are women’s bath products on the sink and my stomach coils at the realizat
ion that I am one of many. I wonder how many women he has stolen away for a tropical rendezvous. Deciding to stop torturing myself any longer, I walk back out into the bedroom and notice he has already removed his clothes and is in nothing but a silk boxer. Sweet baby Jesus this man is gorgeous. A literal sight to behold.

  Of course, I have seen him in gym shorts and nothing else when he is mowing the lawn, but something about seeing him in this setting, surrounded by all this luxury and power, makes him seem even more of a demigod. Standing by the bedpost, I can see the muscles bulging from his neck, with his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down as he swallows. His hands are clenched at his side and his eyes are hooded as he licks his lips at me. But it is the missile he is hoarding inside his pants that has my poor little pussy gasping for air with its cream running down my legs.

  I am trying so hard to suppress the moan threatening to find its voice, and though I am now looking at the floor hoping he cannot see how much of an effect he has on me, I know I am not so lucky when he walks over to me, lifts my chin, and stuns me into silence. “I know love. I am having a hard time...pun intended…. controlling myself around you. However, I will not treat you so low as to make you mine in an airplane, instead of surrounded by rose petals and candles. So... I must. Now come. Let me undress you.”

  Immediately my hands come to cover myself and move away from him. He thwarts me. “Do not ever hide yourself from me. I said I would not take you now and that is what I mean. I simply seek to take care of you right now, baby. Raise your arms.” I look into his eyes searching for what I am not sure. But when I see nothing but desire and a hint of affection of some sort, I surmise I can at least trust him to keep his word. I raise my arms and as my dress comes over my head, still stuck in darkness, I hear his sharp intake of breath and a curse under his breath. Feeling even more self-conscious, when it is fully off, I cover my breasts. Looking anywhere but at him, I feel the tear start to trickle down my face. It never occurred to me that I might not have the body he is used to from the women he has had. I have never been found lacking and it hurts.


  I look up when he curses because something in his tone sounds distressed. To my surprise, it is not disgust I see, but want. A desire unlike anything I have ever known. Testing the thought, I remove my hands and I can see him visibly shake. Interesting. Maybe he is not so turned off by me. I am mortified to know I said this out loud when he answers.

  “Never for one second have I seen you as anything but perfect. Everything I knew I would want in my soulmate, never think otherwise. Know that I will castigate myself for eternity for making you feel even for one second anything other than. I cursed the first time, because as much as I am trying to control myself, when your dress began to come up, I was face to face with the body of a Goddess. My Goddess. And my dick starting spitting baby milk all over my boxers. It is taking everything I can right now to not throw you on the floor and ravage your pussy. Especially when I can see the stickiness on your thick-ass thighs baby and can smell it from here. I want to roll in it like fucking Yogi the bear. But my upbringing and the knowledge of what you will and already mean to me, forbids me from doing so. Now please take mercy on me and put your gown on Lexi.”

  Wow. What else am I supposed to say to that. My chest is rising and falling like I ran a fucking marathon. All of those words, and the look on his face makes me ache in places I didn’t know could feel. But my heart is also strumming a staccato. I want to push him to the limit and beyond. I want to lay on my back right here, legs spread, fingers playing in my pussy, tongue wetting the lips that want his cock inside of it, and dare him not to take me like the wanton hussy I am. Just for him.

  But something stops me. I want to say it is the good girl in me. Psssh…. we all know that would be a lie. The thing that stops me from acting how I crave to get what I want, is the subtle yet very present pleading in his eyes for me to not make him go against whatever, code he has. So, I put the gown on, and slide under the covers. I know I have made the right choice when his shoulders visibly relax, and he gets in the bed behind me. His arms wrap around me and I feel contentment like I have never known. Being in his arms is the safest I have ever felt.

  Is this what love feels like?



  We have been asleep for 7 hours onboard my jet. I awoke to her leg draped across my thigh, with her hand right over my rapidly rising cock. Several deep breaths and a slight hump later, I give up on being able to contain myself. Especially with her warm pussy, right up against me. After kissing her succulent lips, soft in her sleep, I roll her over onto the bed and get out.

  I shower quickly and throw on some sweats and a tee. Deciding I need to be out of the room and away from her almost naked form, I walk into the sitting room and try to get some work done. “Good Morning Mr. Maldonado. Can I get you anything for breakfast this morning?”

  “For right now coffee will be enough Tereza. I will wait for Miss Bose to awaken. What is the ETA on touchdown?”

  “At the last inquiry right before you came out, it was an hour, Sir. If there is nothing else?”

  “No. That will be all.” She walks away back to the galley.

  I have plenty of work to keep me occupied. My mind and dick, however, would prefer to lament over the fact that her warm pussy was ripe for the taking. I could have rolled her over and slipped my raging beast inside of her so fast her untouched pussy would have collapsed. I am determined however, to make this first time special for her. I can guarantee every time after that, is going to be an entirely different experience. However, since she is going to be my wife and the mother of my children, I can convince myself to be gentle. At least for the initial breeching. After that, all bets are off. I am by no means a gentle lover. I am dominant, rough and kinky as fuck. I know she is an innocent, despite her dirty-ass mouth and the need she is trying to hide. But she is going to have to learn quick as fuck. This rowdy-ass cock is going to own her for the rest of her life. Fuck. Just thinking about all the nasty ways, I am going to breed and fuck her has my dick doing jumping jacks. Calm the fuck down. I say to my snake. Fucking menace.

  “Good morning Sax. Why didn’t you wake me?” Son of a bitch. I just got his ass to stop panting and she wakes up looking like a nymph straight from Frederick’s of Hollywood.

  “Come here baby.” She walks to me with no hesitation. No preservation for her life as she knows it. Fucking sweet baby girl.

  “Open your legs baby. Let me see how much she needs attention when you get up in the morning.” Her legs open and my hands are already in between them. She didn’t put underwear on last night, so she is bare and mine to do with as I wish. My hand slips down her thigh to the edge of her gown, and slowly begins easing up toward the promised land. The other hand goes to her hair and grips it like a fucking lifeline.

  “Kiss me, Lexi.” It comes out as a command because that is what it is. I am not asking at this moment. The time for me to be a gentleman is evidently not now because there is not a calm bone in my body. Her proximity to me is intoxicating. It is calling to the feral madman inside of me. Her hot little mouth opens for me. My tongue thrusts inside of hers, not caring about the finesse. I need her capitulation to everything I want.

  Holding her head still as we devour each other, my other hand runs up the slit of her pussy. Finding it already wet and slick has me even more ravenous. “Such a dirty girl. What were you thinking about that made your pussy so sticky?” I ask continuing my exploration. Her eyes hooded and lust filled are the sexiest things I have ever seen. She bites her already swollen lip into her mouth, no doubt trying to squelch the moan building inside of her. Watching her chest move up and down, in shallow quick movements, she pushes her pussy further into my hand trying to reach her own satisfaction rocking back and forth.

  “Greedy-ass little snatch you have. You want to come don’t you baby? Probably as much as I do.” I tack that last part on to gauge her level of comfortability. I want her to fee
l safe enough with me that she knows she can act out her every fantasy. On the other hand, I want her to remain the sexy, shy little Lolita she has been since I have met her. I’m a contrary asshole. I know. But I blame her. Before she sauntered into my life waving her innocent fucking pussy in my face, leaving a trail of caramel syrup scented aroma everywhere she went, I was the sharpest motherfucker in the game. Women flocked to me because I exuded power. They ran from me because they couldn’t tame me. The bitches that graced my bed tried to be the one to lock Saxson Maldonado down. In the end they found themselves fucked and discarded. Who the fuck needed the headache?

  But from the moment I saw her, I have been a babbling buffoon. Still sharp as shit in business, but a hard-ass walking piece of needy wood personally. Waiting for my chance to get my hands ALL over her. Biding my time because I knew once I did, she would never be rid of me. Oh, don’t get me wrong. I have been trying to talk myself out of taking her. I mean FUCK. She is only 18 years old. She has yet to live. Learn what she likes and doesn’t like. Maybe she doesn’t want to get married. Doesn’t want to settle down with a man almost twice her age. Let alone a kinky fucker like me. Even now, thinking about the stuff I had delivered for our time on the island is making my boy bark. Especially the little schoolgirl uniform, I want her to wear for me, knee socks and all. She is going to look like my every taboo fantasy come to life. I feel a bit guilty for a second. Then I remember the way she waved that fresh pussy in my face, giving my dick the squint and shit, when it was sniffing her ass the first time we met, and I think FUCK IT! She should have stayed on the other side of the street where she was safe.


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