Dirty Little Brat

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Dirty Little Brat Page 8

by ChaShiree M

Descending the steps, I stop mid stride as I listen to the banter back and forth between them. The pang in my heart is tangible right now. I have never had a relationship like this with my parents and as an only child, there was never any brothers and sisters to bond with either. Lara squeezes my hand and says, “I know. But this will be your new family. You get to have this now too. Come on Lexi.” She continues going down the stairs, leading me behind her.

  The first thing I notice is a woman, who I assume to be Saxson’s mom, in an apron and she is chopping something up, while an older gentleman is standing beside her, with his hand on her hip. What a beautiful picture they make.

  “Ah. Here she is. Come here baby and meet my family.” He comes to the bottom of the stairs and holds his hand out for me to take. It doesn’t escape me, that he didn’t just grab me and pull me into the room. Looking into his eyes, I see the question. The chance he is giving me to prove to him that I trust him. I get the message and it makes me love him more. I put my hand in his and we enter the kitchen and immediately everyone stops talking and looks at me. I am trying so hard not to fidget, but I am not used to this type of attention. Well, at least not from people not my own age.

  “Mami, Papi, I would like for you to meet, my future wife, Alexis. Alexis, these are my parents. Sergio and Juanita Maldonado.” He gestures toward the two people in the room who are looking at me the most intently. There is a slight thickness in the air, almost like everyone is holding their breath, waiting for them to say something. I glance at Lara, to see if it is just me, but she too looks uncomfortable. I am about to run out of there, when his mom walks up to me.

  “Hijo, she is beautiful.” His mom says, holding my cheeks, her face so bright and smiling. She is really a beautiful woman. She stands at about my height, her hair, mostly gray pulled back into a chignon, with strays falling around her temple, making her look young and full of life. I can't help but notice she is a bit round and this makes her seem so warm and gentle. “How are you, cariña?” She kisses both of my cheeks, not letting go. I am not sure what that word means, but considering Sax is beaming beside me, I assume it is something good.

  “I am well. Thank you for asking. How was your flight here?” I have no clue what else to say to her. I am not used to someone showing me so much affection. Hell, I am just getting used to it from Sax.

  “It was great my dear. My goodness, hijo, her hips are excellent for giving me grandbabies.” Feeling my eyes go wide, I cover my giggle with a cough when I see Ramone roll his eyes and shake his head. The truth is, I would love nothing more than to be a mom and have babies with him. I know I sound stupid to some, being I am only 18, but I never had a real mom. My mom was more worried about Botox, to cover the wrinkles from all the drinking she does, and clothes. She never really paid me any attention, other than when it was time to update my wardrobe so we could make my dad look good. I have always wanted to be a real mom, with a real family. I want to hug and kiss my kids, clean their booboos, read them bedtime stories. I want all of that.

  “Juanita, give the poor girl a chance to get used to all of us before you start commissioning her womb.” Sax’s dad says shaking his head and chuckling. She scoffs at him and swats his chest and I can’t stop the pang in mine. It is obvious how much they love each other. I want that. I look at Sax and he lifts my hand to his mouth and kisses it, once again reading my mind.

  “Come child. Give an old man a hug. Welcome to the family. Thank you for taking my boy out of his lonely state and making him happier than I have ever seen him.” He whispers in my ear. I duck my head, not sure what to say and my face heats up. Saxson pulls me into his chest. Wrapping his arms around me. This is where I like to be.

  “Papa. Stop making my girl blush. No one should do that but me old man.” I love hearing him claim me and defend me. Does that make me needy? He turns me so my back is to his chest and he finished the rest of the introduction.

  “This is my sister Julissa and her ...Manny.” I look at him quizzically, not sure why he said it that way, but then I hear growling coming from Ramone and their dad and my interest is definitely piqued.

  “Hi. Nice to meet you Julissa.” I say extending my hand and shaking hers. She rolls her eyes at the other two men in her life, but she smiles at me.

  “It’s so good to meet you. It is about time I get another woman in this family. You have no idea how hard it is being the only girl with three older brothers,” she scoffs. I smile at her. She may be the only girl, but it is evident that she is not scared of any of them, including her father.

  “It's good to meet you too. It's nice to know that when this one is getting on my nerves, I have someone to complain to besides Lara.” I tell her laughing. Oh, crap speaking of. “I am such a mess. I forgot to introduce her. Everyone, this is my best friend, more like my sister, Lara.” Everyone says hello in unison, except Ramone. Being her shy self, she waves a little and put her head back down. I make to walk over there when I am grabbed around the waist.

  “My other brother Julio will be here tomorrow. He had a case to wrap up.” That’s right. I forgot he had a brother who was an attorney. How the hell does that work in a family full of criminals?

  “Well I know my boy catered dinner tonight, but I couldn’t stop myself from making homemade pasta. Everything is set on the table. Let’s eat,” his mom says. We all walk to the dining room table and sit down. I sit to the left of him as Lara sits beside me. I can’t help looking at her, hating how she seems to be so withdrawn into herself. It just makes my blood boil even more at Ramone. He has no idea how much it took for her to come out of her shell this year. He has somehow managed to reverse all of it. And in one flight. Jackass.

  At first, dinner is going great. Everyone is talking except Lara, of course, other than when addressed directly. Even then I can see she is faking it. Julissa and I try to engage her in conversation. We talk about her plans for college, what she wants to major in, anything we can think of. She eventually begins to open up and the conversation moves. We decide that once Sax and I come back home, we are all going to go out and celebrate my marriage with a girls night. Kind of like an after the fact bachelorette party. I am just about to suggest a place when Ramone the asshole pipes in.

  “So, Julissa. Want to tell the table where the fuck you have been? What the hell possessed you to turn off your tracker? I mean what the hell were you thinking?” Her body tenses up and I begin to feel a bit uncomfortable. Like I shouldn't be here for this. She opens her mouth to speak when the guy she came in with speaks first.

  “We can certainly talk about this, Ramone, after dinner if you would like, but I will have to respectfully request that you do not use expletives at her.” The whole table is in a state of suspension. It's like, when a villain freezes the hero in motion. Their father is hiding his mouth behind his hands and I don’t know if he is scowling or smiling.

  “What the FUCK did you just say to me?” Ramone says standing up. Feeling a bit anxious, I put my napkin on the table and make to stand up to leave. Saxson puts his hand on my leg and shakes his head.

  “We will not do this here, brother. Now is not the time. You are making my woman uncomfortable and this is about her. Besides, like it or not, Juli is a grown woman. We have to start respecting that. Now, if you would kindly sit so we can finish dinner.” Butterflies begin to flutter in my stomach as I look at my man beside me. I love that he just took up for his sister. I look toward Ramone and his face, menacing and pissed. He looks at his parents, clearly waiting for them to take his side. His father merely gestures for him to sit back down.

  The rest of dinner is a bit tense, but there are no more outbursts. His parents, I can tell, are having a hell of a time keeping their mouths shut, but I also know it is because they are trying to make this pleasant for me. Julissa tries to break the tension with stories about Sax and I must say it works. We all end up laughing and talking, listening to tales everyone has of my man growing up. The closeness this family has is to be envied. Before
I know it, we have finished dessert and his parents are setting off to go to the villa down the beach.

  “Mama. Papa.” Sax says as he kisses them each. His mom walks up to me and hugs me.

  “Sweet girl. Why don’t you come down the beach with me and Sergio? You know it's bad luck for the groom to see his bride before the wedding. Bring your friend as well.” Oh boy. I absolutely do not want to go down there with her. But now, I am not so sure I can say no. Can I? I mean, would his parents find it rude or disrespectful? I can feel the air being sucked out of me as the panic begins to set in.

  “Mama. I am sorry, but we have plans for the night and tradition or not, my woman will not be sleeping away from me. Ever. Now you go to bed you two. You promised to help in the morning, and I don’t want you oversleeping.” He teases them as they walk out the door. I can’t help the giggle when I hear his mother say to his father, “Heathens. All of them. These are your genes, Sergio.” Saxson shakes his head as he closes the door. As soon as the door is closed, I throw my arms around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss. For a split second as our tongues dance the tango and his hands roam my body causing me to shiver, I forget that we are not alone. He pulls back, his forehead to mine. “What was that for princess?”

  “For knowing what I need even before I do. Thank you Saxson.” I close my eyes trying to stop the tears from coming down. I don’t succeed. He removes the tear with his thumb, sucking it into his mouth.

  “Why the tears my love. What has made you so sad?”

  “I’m not sad.” I tell him rubbing my cheek against his hand. “I have just never felt so loved before. The attentiveness with which you watch me, know and hold me is new and it makes me emotional. That’s all.” It’s true. Him being able to read me and know what I need or what I need him to say without me having to say anything is unlike anything I have ever known. It’s overwhelming and yet feels so fucking fantastic.

  “That is always going to be the way it is, Lexi. As my wife, you will be my sole priority. My one reason for existing. You never have to thank me for that. Now, if you want to go out, you better get ready. We will not be out all night. We have an early, busy day tomorrow.” He kisses my nose and swats my ass. Walking back into the kitchen, I see Lara is not down here and Ramone as usual is a brooding bastard in the corner.

  “Well it was so nice to meet you Alexis. I can’t wait to see you in your dress tomorrow.” Julissa says as she hugs me. It dawns on me that she is not so much older than me and might like the club as well.

  “Hey. So Saxson and Ramone are going to take Lara and I to the club because she needs to let her hair down. Would you like to join?”

  “Absolutely. Thank you so much for asking. Manny and I will go to our villa and change and meet you back here say thirty minutes?”

  “Sounds great.” They walk out and I walk upstairs looking for Lara. When I make it into the room, I see her dissecting herself in the mirror.

  “Hey girlie. You ready to start getting dressed?” She turns to me, face scrunched up and eyes cast down.

  “Do I have to go?” I was ready for this.

  “Yes. Go in the bathroom and put on the damn dress Lara. I will get dressed in here.”

  I push her inside the bathroom and grab my clothes. I am feeling extra giddy tonight because I know the dress, I got is going to send him over the edge. It’s red, comes about three inches above my knees and it’s strapless. If that wasn’t bad enough, it’s cut out in the back at a point right above the crack of my ass. I even bought a back necklace to wear with it. Some black and gold snakeskin Jimmy Choo’s finish off the look. I am going to wear my hair up so my back can show. Minimal makeup since I never really wear that much anyway. I debated when I was buying it if I needed undergarments for it, but what for?

  I am just finishing my lipstick in the vanity mirror in the bedroom when Lara comes out of the bathroom. I damn near drop my lipstick on the white carpet. “Holy fuck Lara. You look...wow...I... wow!!!” I can find no words right now. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I have always thought she was beautiful. Her red hair and green eyes make her look ethereal and elegant. But right now, in this dark green, illusion sheath dress, I barely recognize her.

  “Really? You think I look ok?” Is she serious?

  “Honey, ok is an understatement. There is no way you are not getting picked up tonight. I especially like that you are wearing your hair down.” For some reason, her hair is usually always up. I don’t know why. If you have ever watched Riverdale, Lara is totally Cheryl Blossom from that show. Just a bit thicker. Which, in my opinion, is even hotter. I walk up to her to reassure her one more time. I want her to walk out the bedroom door confident and with her head up. “Listen to me. You walk out there, and show Ramone the dickhead, who really calls the shots. I am going to be with you all night. Ok?” I hug her so she knows I am serious.

  “Thanks Lexi. I am so happy for you. I hope one day, I find someone who loves me as much as Saxson loves you.” I find myself blushing. I know it’s true even though I still find it crazy. When have known each other for a handful of weeks, but only really spoken to one another once before this? But somehow, it works. I can feel it when he looks at me and touches me. I even felt it when I didn’t see but somehow knew he was watching me. I am meant to be his.

  My body shivers just thinking about the way he took me last night. Everything about it was delicious and dirty and it hurts so good. Shit. Maybe I should have worn underwear. I’m leaking down my leg.

  “Lex, you ready to go?” I turn to look at her totally lost in the memory. Even now my stomach is tying in knots and my nipples are hardening thinking about it. Get a grip Lexi.

  “Yeah. Let’s go.” We open the bedroom door and walk down the stairs. I see Sax as soon as my footsteps onto the main floor and I know by the flare of his nose that he is not happy with my outfit. Before either of us gets to say anything, I hear, “What the fuck are you wearing? Like hell are you leaving this house like that.” I see Ramone’s chest expanding as he continues to growl out orders to Lara. Immediately my hackles rise, and I move to go and defend my friend when Sax stops me.

  “Sax, let me go. He doesn’t get to talk to her like that.” I say trying to move past him. Lara’s voice stuns me though.

  “I don’t remember asking your permission. You don’t like ‘little girls’ remember? So, what’s it to you?” She then turns back to me, not batting an eyelash and says, “I will be in the car waiting for you,” flicks her hair around and walks out the door. I am so fucking proud of her I can do nothing but smile at both of them, neither of them knowing what to say. I stick my tongue out at Ramone and run to the car with my kickass best friend. Tonight, is going to be so much fun.



  I can’t speak right now, my throat is so fucking clogged with anger and the haze from my eyes is seeping into my body. I have always been a sensible person. As the oldest, I have taken it upon myself to try to be the voice of reason. I am the one who looks at both sides of the equation. I am the one who weighs the pros and cons and decides on the best course of action. I pride myself on being able to handle any and everything, calmly and without losing my head.

  But right now, I can’t say that. I look to Ramone, and see he too has the look of rage on his face. Although I don't know why he is angry. It’s not his woman, yet, walking out of the house half dressed, giving every dumbfuck in the vicinity the deadly misconception that they can have something that belongs to me. We hop into the Hummer, Lexi and Lara in the back, Ramone and I in the front. The girls are in the back giggling about something, whispering and shit, probably trying to figure out how else they can make our lives hell. I got something for her ass.

  The ride is quick, the club being only 10 minutes from the villas. I get out to open her door, only to find that she and Lara have already gotten out and have begun walking inside. Fucking brat. Ramone seems a bit tense and I don’t have time for his shit.

  “Ram, what’s up? Yo
u have been rolled tight since you got here. Is something going on?” He looks at me and then behind me, I am assuming to make sure no one can hear it.

  “It’s nothing. I just have a lot on my mind. We should get inside before some asshole that doesn’t value his life gets ideas.” His jaw clenches as he says it and I know for sure he is pissed. When he wants to talk, he knows how to find me. Walking inside, as with any club, the lights are nonexistent save the neon’s, blinding the shit out of people. It takes a minute for my eyes to adjust, as I try to lay eyes on my pain in the ass. I spot Manny and Julissa, dancing and enjoying themselves. When I don’t see the girls close by, my chest begins to drum. I can hear the tune playing my ear, the one that gets my mind in game mode. Sucker For Pain, from the Suicide Squad soundtrack. I hum it as I am getting ready for a confrontation and right now is no different. My hand reaches back into my pants for my Beretta, ready for whatever I find. I make my way to the bar, walking slowly so my eyes can focus on everyone and everything, I finally spot the both of them. They are in the center of the dance floor dancing on one another, rather suggestively, teasing some drunk guys to the left of them. One of them, some fuck licking his lips and adjusting his cock, is slowly making his way over toward them. I begin pushing my way through the crowd, trying to get to her before I have to shoot someone in this public place and notice Ramone has gotten there before me. He snatches Lara by her arm, attempting to drag her from the dance floor. She jerks her arm and almost falls when my brother lifts her over his shoulder and heads out the door. Good luck.

  My hellcat tries to follow cursing and spitting. I snatch her into my arms and drag her to the back of the club by the restrooms. “Sax let me go. Your asshole brother cannot manhandle her. He is not her man.” I don't bother arguing with her. I slam my lips onto hers, pushing her into the wall. I have been jacked up, needing to fuck the shit out of her since she walked out of the house. She kisses me back, our urgency mimicking one another. Ripping my mouth from her I lean into her ear, “bend over the fountain.” I say to her, the growl not able to be contained.


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