Make Me Yours: Boxed Set

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Make Me Yours: Boxed Set Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  “I didn’t abuse anything. Be careful of your accusations, Ella. I make Avery happy, and she makes me happy. She wants you to continue being her friend, and I accept that. What I won’t accept is you thinking you can order her around. If you’re such a good friend, then you would see that I’m actually granting Avery the love and respect she deserves. She doesn’t want to be watched by everyone at the club as if she was just some specimen, and that’s what I bring when I’m at the club. I’m there as a Dom. I’m needed, and because of that, any relationship I have would be under scrutiny. I don’t want that for Avery. We are there to enjoy likeminded people. Until Avery is ready, I’m not going to force her.”

  “What do you want?”

  “I want this relationship to last.”

  “It has only been a week.”

  “And yet actions within a twenty-four-hour time period can change the way the world thinks. Time doesn’t mean anything, not really. We have precious little of it, and I’m not going to waste the time I have, wondering if my feelings are real. I know what I feel, I know my own mind. I didn’t come here to argue with you, or to justify myself to you.”

  “Then why did you come here?”

  “For Avery. She values your friendship, and the last thing I want to do is make her chose between us. I’m not going to do it. Are you?”

  Silence fell between them, and Ella broke eye contact first. “No.”

  “Good. You don’t like me, and that is fine. I don’t like you either.”

  “I don’t dislike you. I just worry about Avery. She’s new to all of this.”

  “You have a weird way of showing it. I’m going to guide her. I’m not going to hurt her, or abuse the power that she has given me. That’s not the way that I work.”

  Ella sighed. “We’re going to have to learn to get along.”

  “I can get along with anyone. The question is, can you put your feelings aside, and give me and Avery time?”

  Another silence fell between them, and he watched as Ella paced her own apartment.

  “Yes, I can. I’m sorry. I’ve upset Avery. She asked me to be happy for her, and all I’m doing is causing trouble.”

  “I accept your apology. She really is a special woman, and I’m blessed that she gave the trust of her body to me. One day, I hope to have her heart as well. Her love.”

  Ella chuckled. “I don’t think you’re going to have to wait long. I’ve never seen Avery so taken with someone. From the first moment she saw you, she was asking all kinds of questions about you. She’s been hurt before. Her previous boyfriends have only used her, and left her. It’ll be nice for someone to actually treat her like she deserves.”

  “That I can promise. Truce?”


  He shook her hand.

  He’d made the right decision coming to see Avery’s friend. Ella meant a great deal to Avery. The last thing he wanted to do was come between friends.

  “I’m going to head back to her apartment.” Pulling a card out of his pocket, he handed it to her. “Here are all my details. Call whenever you need anything.”

  “Thank you. I will.”

  “Just a word of warning—I hope to convince her to move in with me.”

  “That is a big step. Good luck with that. You’re going to need it.”

  He left Ella, happy with the progress he was making. The drive to Avery’s apartment was only twenty minutes, and he parked in the only space available. He wanted her to move in, but he didn’t want to pressure her too much.

  Time and patience. They were the two things he needed, and yet they were the two things he struggled with the most.

  Chapter Seven

  Bent over Dominic’s bed with her ass in the air, Avery waited for the next impact of the paddle. They hadn’t gone to his house in the country. Instead, he’d brought her to his penthouse apartment. His place was so big that it embarrassed her that he’d seen inside her small, homey apartment.

  What did he think when he looked at her? Did he think she was silly with her small apartment, small job?

  Stop it.

  “Where did you go?” he asked, drawing her attention back to him.

  “Nowhere, Sir.”

  He’d picked her up, taking several items of her clothing, along with some of her books.

  Pushing her insecurities aside, she focused on the man that had been in her thoughts for a lot longer.

  His apartment didn’t have a playroom like the one in his basement, which to her sounded freaky. It was only when she saw it that she was able to appreciate the beauty of the playroom.

  The paddle slapped against her ass. The sound echoed off the walls, and she gritted her teeth as the pain rushed from her ass, all over her body.

  Dominic moved, and the paddle struck her ass on the other side. He moved, changing the angle and direction where the hits would come from. Once he’d done six with the paddle, he changed to his hands, each hit going a little harder than last time.

  He pulled her up, and turned her, making her look back at the mirror to see his handiwork. He squeezed her ass, and she couldn’t contain her moan any longer.

  “Spread your cheeks for me.”

  Reaching behind her, she opened her ass, and watched in an awkward position as he ran a finger down the crease. “I’m going to fuck this cute little asshole.” He moved some of her cream from her pussy, up to coat the puckered hole.

  She cried out as he started to push a finger inside her ass, pumping the digit in and out.

  It burned.

  Dominic withdrew his finger, and ordered her to lie on the bed and grab her knees. She didn’t question him, even as he thrust a pillow under her ass, lifting her up. He grabbed some lubrication, and she watched, fascinated, as he coated his fingers, getting them nice and slick.

  “Tonight, I’m going to fuck your ass. Are you ready for your Master to own every part of you?”


  He thrust a finger inside her ass, and she cried out from the invasion. She could take more than her fair share of a little pain. With Dominic being the guiding hand, she was finding a lot of her limits were being tested, but she didn’t mind.

  “You’re so damn tight. I’m going to claim this virgin hole.”

  He pumped the digit inside her, and she glanced down, watching his hand disappear. Only when she could take one digit did he use a second, and start to stretch her using his fingers alone. Her ass was on fire, only it was making her hornier than anything.

  “I can see how wet you’re getting.” With his free hand, he touched her clit, stroking the swollen nub, before sliding down, and filling her pussy. “You have my fingers inside your pussy and your ass, baby.”

  She loved it. Staring down at her body, she felt like a fucking queen.

  Dominic wove his magic over her, awakening a need that she never thought she had.

  Suddenly, he pulled his fingers out of her body, and leaned over. “I may have purchased some special toys to help me with tonight.” The butt plug was quite big, and as he spread lubrication on it Avery found all of her walls crumbling.

  Any walls that kept her safe were starting to fall away, leaving her open and exposed. The moment Dominic had asked her out on that date, he’d completely changed her entire life. He’d made her open up, to take chances that she never would have. Anal sex with her previous boyfriends would have been a disaster, but then it never happened. She never allowed her other boyfriends to even know how much she yearned to be dominated, taken, fucked, and claimed. She wanted raw, dirty, and to spend days afterward knowing she had been fucked, and fucked hard.

  The tip of the butt plug was placed at her anus. She didn’t fight it, even as it started to stretch her from the moment he placed it next to her.

  “What are you at?” he asked.


  It would always be green. With Dominic, she trusted him, and all of her insecurities were her own doing. He didn’t make her feel smaller, or weaker. It was a
ll her own doing, and the sooner she got over that, the happier she would be.

  He pushed the dildo inside, inch by glorious inch, stretching her ass as he did.

  Staring into his eyes, Avery knew she hadn’t been watching him out of a need to play. No, her feelings for Dominic had been complex from the very beginning. There was no backing away, or hiding those feelings. They were real, scary as hell, but they were part of her.

  She was in love with Master Dominic Wright.

  He pushed the plug all the way inside, making her cry out from the fullness of the fake cock. She’d never had anything so big inside her before. It was almost too much, and yet not enough.

  “That looks so pretty. Don’t move.”

  Still holding her legs, she watched as he climbed off the bed, moving toward the bathroom. She watched and waited for him to come back.

  When he appeared in the doorway, his cock was rock hard, covered in a condom.

  “Hey, baby,” he said.

  He wrapped his fingers around his cock, pumping the length.

  “Hello, Sir.” Her voice sounded hoarse even to her.

  “That plug is nowhere near as big as me, but it will do. You’ll be able to take my cock in that tight ass, and when you do, you’ll never be able to have another man again.” He moved toward the bed. “First, it’s time for me to eat this beautiful pussy.”


  Dominic slid his tongue along her slit, stroking over her clit, before moving down to plunge inside her tight cunt. She tasted so damn juicy. He just wanted to fuck her so hard and fast, but he had to wait. He wanted to take her ass, and to show her undeniable pleasure. That took time, and while he waited for her ass to get accustomed to the butt plug, he intended to take his glorious time, loving her pussy.

  Using his cleaned fingers, he thrust them inside her cunt, feeling how tight the plug had made her.

  Pulling them out, he pinched her clit, watching as the pain only enhanced her pleasure.

  “Please, Sir,” she said.

  “You need to come, pet?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He wanted her to come. He wanted to swallow her cum as it spilled onto his tongue. “Then come, baby, you’ve got my permission.”

  He flicked her clit, and within seconds she screamed his name, spilling her arousal into his mouth. He swallowed it down, moaning his approval. “That’s it, baby, give it to me.”

  She rocked against his face, and throughout it all, she held onto her legs, keeping them in one place.

  When he couldn’t take it any longer, he moved between her thighs, and removed the plug from her ass.

  Avery let out a gasp as the plug left her. He brought her legs higher, seeing that the plug had created a nice big hole for him to fill. Her ass would go back and tighten up, but before that happened, he intended to fuck her, making her his forever.

  Squeezing more lube out of the tube onto his cock, he covered his dick with the gel, and quickly pushed his dick against her ass.

  The plug wasn’t as big as he was, so he still had to work his cock into her ass.

  “Push out,” he ordered.

  She pressed out, and he sank each of his inches inside her hot ass.

  When he was balls deep inside her, he paused. “You’ve got every single inch of me now, baby.”

  “You’re so big.”

  Gripping her hips, Dominic started to rock within her ass. He started with slow strokes, waiting for her to get accustomed to his size and length. Only when she started to beg did he start to go deeper, and harder.

  Her ass was so damn tight, and when he looked into her eyes, he knew he was with the woman he loved. Everything for him fell into place. Darkest Dreams had always been his guilty pleasure, something for him to explore his darker side. Now he had the woman who would embrace him for who he was.

  He never intended to let her go.

  “Oh, fuck, baby, I’m not going to last. This feels so fucking good.”

  “Please, Sir.”

  “Dominic, call me that.”


  She screamed his name as he fucked her ass hard. She would be sore in the morning, but then it gave him an excuse to take care of her. Staring into her eyes, he fucked her hard, and together they found a release that made him completely dizzy.

  His orgasm drained everything out of him, shocking him to the core with how much it did.

  Collapsing over her, he ordered her to release her legs, and he wrapped his arms around her. He didn’t want to let her go. His cock slipped out of her ass, and he didn’t care. Right then, he just needed to hold her.

  Neither of them spoke. Words were not necessary. Dominic was still reeling from the power of his orgasm.

  “I think I need a shower,” she said. “You’ve gotten me a little dirty.”

  “Dirty is good.”

  He pulled back and pushed her hair off her face.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

  “That is a pretty huge compliment.”

  “It is. I’ve seen a lot of women in my lifetime.”

  “And you’re saying I’m the best?”

  “I’m saying you’re my best.”

  She smiled. “That is a really good answer.”

  “Do you feel what is happening between us?”

  She stroked some hair out of his eyes. “Yes.”

  “I can’t stop it.”

  “Neither can I. It scares me. This kind of stuff only happens in books, and movies. Ella said I needed to give it time.”

  “Why should we waste time when we’ve got each other?”

  She paused. “Dominic … I’ve … I’m not … relationships are not easy for me.”

  “I’ve never been in one.”


  “I’ve not had a relationship with a woman. I’ve fucked, I’ve played, we’ve had a few dates, but I’ve never been in a committed relationship.”

  “Have you ever cheated?”

  “No. I wouldn’t do that. Have you ever cheated?”

  “No. I’ve been cheated on, but I’ve never been the one doing the cheating.”

  “I’m so sorry, baby. I won’t cheat on you.”

  “I’m scared, Dominic.”

  “Don’t be. I’ll take care of you.”

  “Everything is moving so fast.”

  “Then we’ll slow it down. We’re both in control here.”

  “I don’t know if I want to slow it down, or speed it up.”

  He chuckled. “It would be nice to have a brief look into our future, see what we can do to change our lives, or make it better.”

  “Sometimes. Right now, I don’t want to move.”

  “How are you feeling?”

  “My ass is a little sore. No, that’s a lie, it’s a lot sore.”

  “I’m going to go and run you a nice long bath.” He pressed a kiss to her lips, and left the bed. He stopped on the entrance to the bathroom, turning back to look at her. “I know I’m not what you expected, but give me a chance, Avery. I’ve been known to surprise everyone.”

  “I will, Dominic.”

  It was time to take care of his woman.

  His woman.

  He could get used to that.

  Chapter Eight

  One month later

  Avery stared down at the offer in her hand, and couldn’t help but wonder why a prestigious company was looking for her. According to the letter, they had found her resume online, and were excited at the prospect of meeting her for a job interview.

  She sat at her laptop and typed in the company into her search engine. After twenty minutes of finding everything out about the mystery company, she sat back, folding her arms. The company that had sent her a job offer was owned by none other than Dominic Wright.

  They had been together now for well over a month, nearing two months, and even in that short amount of time she’d known small little changes that he’d started
to implement. First, she wasn’t allowed to go to her apartment on the weekends, they were strictly for him. Her wardrobe had gotten a makeover. Getting to her feet, she moved toward her bedroom, opening up her wardrobe to see the difference.

  Even Ella, on their lunches, had noticed a difference. Her bag had changed to a designer one, along with her clothes. Dominic also started to buy her jewelry. Not the stuff that could be worn just anywhere, but stuff that cost thousands of dollars.

  The weekend after he claimed her ass, and as he liked to think, her, he’d given her a beautiful watch, which she wore to work. Big mistake. Ella had warned her of the value of the item, and when she’d gone online, Ella had seen the price of the watch was the same as her yearly salary.

  Avery hadn’t worn the watch again, and every other gift she’d neatly stored in a box, hiding.

  “He’s making little changes. Even your hair is different. The highlights. You’re becoming a little trophy for him.”

  Ella hadn’t meant anything by it, but Avery couldn’t help but see the truth. Her wardrobe had become filled with designer clothes, some from designers she’d never even heard of.

  Leaving her apartment, she grabbed her jacket along with the letter, and headed toward Ella’s. She needed some air, and also another person’s advice. Right now she was feeling confused, and somewhat angry.

  She didn’t drive, so an hour later, she knocked on Ella’s door. Her friend answered, and the moment Ella looked at her, she was concerned.

  “What’s the matter?”

  “Tell me I’m just freaking out.” She thrust the letter at Ella, as she stepped into her apartment.

  Ella took the letter and started to read. “This is huge. Congratulations.”

  Tears filled her eyes.

  “Babe, what is it?”

  “That company is owned by Dominic.”


  “Yeah, oh.”

  “Well, clearly, he wants you to be close.”

  “My wardrobe is filled with designer clothes. I’ve got more jewelry than I can ever wear.” She ran fingers through her hair, tugging on the ends. “Look, even my hair is different.”


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