Cutter's Claim: A Bad Boy Biker Romance (The Demon Squad MC Book 2)

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Cutter's Claim: A Bad Boy Biker Romance (The Demon Squad MC Book 2) Page 4

by Monique Moreau

  Sage settled in behind her desk and folded her hands together in a gesture he’d seen many times. “What’s going on, Cutter? Did something come up with Whistle that I should know about?”

  “Not here about Whistle. You’ll take good care of him, as you always do.” She beamed at his compliment. “I’d like to talk about Kingdom and the Squad.”

  Her face fell. In a neutral tone, she asked, “Is that not club business?”

  “Officially, yes. Unofficially, it has everything to do with you.”


  “Kingdom refuses to become president without your approval.”

  “Of course I approve. I love the Squad. You know that.”

  “Let me rephrase. It requires your persuasion,” clarified Cutter. “You must persuade him. He thinks your safety will be compromised and he’s worried that a deeper association with the club will blemish your reputation.”

  “Would I be in danger?”

  “Not going to lie to you, as the old lady of the president, you’ll have more exposure.”

  Fiddling with a pen, she remained silent. Eventually, she lifted her gaze to him and said, “I don’t think my reputation will be at risk. I’ve represented the club enough times in court that any blowback would have already occurred. If people should find out, and that’s a big if, I don’t believe it will make a difference. To outsiders, even criminal attorneys and prosecutors, there isn’t a great distinction between being in a relationship with the Squad’s vice president or its president.”

  “Good.” He blew out a sigh. “There’s the primary issue of your safety, but I will figure out a way to take care of you. I will personally make sure you’re always under protection. Especially since you’ll be having a kid soon.”

  Instantly, her gaze snapped to his. In a cautious tone, she said, “What makes you say that?”

  Shrugging nonchalantly, he noted, “You and Kingdom have been solid for a while, and he’s not getting any younger. You’ve got time, but the longer you wait...” he trailed off.

  “Not getting any younger, huh?” She smiled sardonically. “Well, thanks for your input.”

  “Don’t you want a family?”

  “Of course I do! In fact, Kingdom and I have talked about it quite a lot recently.”

  They were more than talking about it, but he wasn’t going there with her. “Starting a family makes a man nervous. Kingdom is already more possessive than the average man. Or the average biker, for that matter.”

  “As you well know, some of the brothers and the women in the club have not always been welcoming of me.”

  “That was in the past,” he insisted with finality. “You’ve proven yourself repeatedly. God knows you’ve saved their asses too many times to count. The thing is, you’ve got to convince Kingdom it’s in your best interest, and that of your kids. When your mom and brother died, you learned what it’s like to have no one. Kingdom hasn’t experienced that, but you can give your kids the kind of family that neither of us had. They’ll be protected and surrounded by people who would lay down their lives for them. Not to mention, everyone will want a part of them and spoil them rotten.”

  Sage chuckled. “I don’t know that I want them spoiled rotten.”

  “Hey, that’s a luxury.”

  “Very true. But, wouldn’t that happen whether Kingdom was president or vice president?”

  “Your kids will be royalty,” Cutter clarified. “It’s a whole other level, babe.”

  Sage opened a small drawer in her desk and took out a folded American flag. Between her fingers, she caressed the stitches on the border. “I know what it’s like to have no one at all.” Inhaling, she smoothed out a wrinkle and returned it to the drawer. A small smile graced her lips. “My brother.”

  Her brother had been in the military. Middle Eastern metalwork and ceramics were scattered around her office. A small, intricate bronze bowl filled with Iraqi coins stood by her penholder.

  Tossing one of the coins in his hand, Cutter confessed, “The Squad is my life. It’s my only family. Where will we be if it’s dismantled?”

  “Kingdom wouldn’t allow that to happen.”

  “Anything can happen. Without a firm hand, all hell could break loose. We need a leader who’s trusted, respected, and feared. Imagine what will happen to a boy like Whistle? Fuck, he’s barely manageable as it is. Without the Squad?” Cutter shook his head. “I don’t ever want to go there. He’s not the only one. Hoodie was found on the side of the highway, beaten half to death.”

  Sage inhaled sharply.

  “Both young men and women found a haven in the Squad. As Kingdom’s partner, you’d have the power to direct the club in any direction you wanted. Be more involved in protecting survivors like the ones you’re already helping. Your impact will be huge.”

  Sage’s eyes glowed. “I never thought of it that way.”

  Cutter cracked a smile. “Babe, that’s why you have me. Not just any old lady will do. The Squad deserves better than that, and you’ll make it greater than it already is. Charity rallies, Toys for Tots…whatever you decide. Dozens of people will chip in to help you.”

  Sage’s chair creaked as she fell against the back. “I’m flattered you think so highly of me, but it’s a bit overwhelming.”

  “You can do this, Sage. For Kingdom. For your future family. For all of us.”

  Shadows cloaked her bright eyes. “Greta won’t like it. She’s adamant that I don’t get involved deeper into the club.”

  He ground down on his molars. “Greta doesn’t know jack shit about the Squad. From what I’ve heard, the club she came from was screwed up. She’s biased. As for Kingdom, he plucked the decision right out of your hands and made it for you. Don’t you think it’s time you made up your own mind? Without Kingdom’s influence or Greta’s bullying. How does that make you feel, strong woman that you are?”

  The muscles of her jaws twitched. “Not good at all. He’s so bossy!”

  “That he is, but don’t let him boss you around. If you don’t put your foot down, he’s going to run right over you. You’ve gotta train him now. Teach him that he can’t make unilateral decisions.” It was a low blow, but Cutter wasn’t above going there. “And if you’re not going to take it from Kingdom, then why should you take it from Greta? She’s your girl, and I hear that, but it’s your decision. I would honor it, even if I didn’t like it. Are they showing you the same respect?”

  Narrowing her eyes, she scrutinized him. “You’re very persuasive when you put your mind to it. All these years, you’ve been keeping this superpower under wraps. I believe you’ve just outed yourself.”

  Cutter shook with laughter. “Yeah, alright. You get Kingdom to take over, and I’ll step up to the plate.”

  Slapping the palms of her hands on her desk, she replied, “Deal!”

  Reaching the door, he turned the knob and pivoted around. Leaning back against the door, he crossed his arm and said, “Since we’re partners, I’ve got one last favor to ask you.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Greta. I’m going for her, and I’d like you to back me up.”

  “Your chances with her are slim to none. Forget about it.”

  “Doesn’t she deserve to have what you have with Kingdom?”

  “Is that what you’re planning? Honestly, Cutter, your middle name is promiscuous. I’m not going to stand by and watch her get hurt.”

  “I would never hurt her, but a woman like her is begging to be set free. I’m good at what I do, and I would never fuck around on her. Do you believe in me?”

  “I’m beginning to, yes,” she admitted.

  “Then trust me, she’ll be safe in my care.”

  “If you can catch her,” Sage scoffed.

  “She’s as good as mine.”

  “You will crash and burn, but, fine, I won’t get in your way. If you bring her out of her shell, then I will support you. God knows, I’ve been trying to set her up with men for ages.”

p; At the thought of another man touching her, his fingers dug into his biceps. “I’m what she needs. Trust me on this.”

  Sage pursed her lips while she considered him. “She is attracted to you, but she’s afraid.” Focusing on her nails, she whispered, “You’ve got to promise that you won’t hurt her. She’s been through enough.”

  “I won’t hurt her. Ever,” he assured her.

  Sage pressed her lips inward as she flicked at the top of the planner on her desk with her finger. Nodding, she acquiesced, “I give you my blessing. Good luck. You’ll need that, and more.”

  Chapter Seven

  Cutter leaned back on the sofa in Kingdom’s office, waiting for him to wrap up his call. Christ, he was catchin’ feelings, and they pinged around in his chest like pinballs. Two days ago, Greta was sassier and sexier than the day at the coffee shop. Time to get that shit under control. He couldn’t remember the last time he got as heated as he had the moment when Whistle had flirted with her. After the appointment, he taught that wet-behind-the-ears boy to never talk to her again. As of today, she was off-fuckin’-limits.

  “What do you want?” Kingdom grumbled as he typed away on his laptop.


  “You’ve got zero chance with her. Forget it.”

  Almost the same exact thing Sage had said. Cutter scowled at him and bit out, “You wanna bet, asshole?”

  Confusion lined Kingdom’s forehead. Not exactly the right way to talk to your soon-to-be president, but he didn’t give a fuck. “I’m not betting on you. It’d be like taking candy from a baby.”

  “You doubtin’ my skills?”

  “Bro, you got no skills to doubt. My advice is this. Don’t get wrapped up in her, ’cause she doesn’t go for bikers.”

  “See, you’re wrong. She’s dying for biker dick.”

  Kingdom angled his head, watching him keenly. “I’m not sayin’ she doesn’t want it, I’m sayin’ she won’t take the bait. She’s got history.” Kingdom fake shuddered. “Fuck, she’d rage on a brother if he stepped to her. You see the way she dresses.”

  Yup, he sure as fuck did. Greta’s wardrobe hid too many of her sexy curves, like she was confused or some shit. The touch of bondage was real, though. “Didn’t notice her clothes,” he mumbled.

  “Bullshit, you tallied up a list of every detail. There’s one obvious reason a biker bitch leaves a club and becomes a hard-core feminist. She’s been burned. She’s not your regular bitch. Since she was too young to be an old lady, I’m guessing she’s someone’s daughter.”

  Hard-core feminist? He hadn’t seen that one coming. Cutter popped a cigarette into his mouth. “Sounds about right,” he concurred as the unlit cigarette bobbed between his lips.

  “You remember what it was like when Sage dropped out of sight. She might as well have gone into the witness protection program. Greta hid her out in the mountains with her mom. A woman doesn’t drop everything to hide a person she doesn’t know for two weeks unless she’s been in a fucked-up situation herself at some point.”

  Kingdom’s expression took on a grim, possessive look. “Sage told me about Greta’s mom and her man. They’re members of an MC in Vermont, but they work as part of a covert network for women escaping abuse. Not just any kind of domestic violence…the killing kind.”

  No good came from letting Kingdom dwell on the ugly. Shaking his hand as if burned, Cutter said, “Wherever she came from, Greta cleaned up real good. She’s sizzlin’ hot, yo.”

  “Did you not fuckin’ hear what I just fuckin’ told you?”

  “I heard. It doesn’t change shit.”

  “Forget it, man. She’s a tough one. Went to college on a scholarship and then became Sage’s receptionist. After, she went on to get a degree in paralegal studies. Sage treats her like a partner. When I fucked up, Greta set up Sage’s escape plan and got her out of town within hours. Then she ran the office until Sage came back. She doesn’t joke, yo.”

  A grin spread on his face as Kingdom queried, “You’re sniffin’ around her like a bloodhound. She ignoring you or what?”

  “Fuckin’ woman flirted with Whistle,” he groused.

  Kingdom busted out a mocking laugh that twisted in Cutter’s guts like a knife. “Never thought I’d see the day when you were jealous. Damn, you’re a goner.” Sobering, he went on. “She isn’t interested in boys. She’s looking for a man. Brother, you’re a man, but you’re the furthest thing from serious. Another thing: bikers are strictly off-limits. After Sage and I hooked up, Greta warned Sage to be careful. Told her bikers ain’t worth nothing. Worried Sage over the fact that we’re not exactly a legit business organization. Not the worst, for sure, but not squeaky clean. If I didn’t get murdered, I’d end up separated from her for years. Took a while for her to come around. Not a woman to mess with, and I don’t say that about many. Fact is, she matters to Sage. She isn’t an easy woman to deal with, and if she gets hurt, Sage will hurt along with her.”

  Cutter blew out a breath, and then grumbled, “Women.”

  “Pretty little thing like her ain’t gonna stay single for long,” Kingdom mused. Cutter’s eyes tapered into slits, his stomach roiling. In a flash, he was around Kingdom’s desk, his hand clamped on Kingdom’s shoulder. Brother or not, he was about to take the motherfucker down.

  “You ain’t fuckin’ interested in her.”

  Kingdom shrugged out of his hold and skewered him with a vicious look. “You gotta be fuckin’ crazy. Get out from behind my desk. Fuck man, it’s not like you haven’t drooled over my woman. Or come over uninvited to cockblock me and mooch food off my woman.”

  Cutter wiped his hand over his face. What the hell had gotten into him? Flashing an impish grin, he cracked, “What can I say, I can’t fight the temptation to mess with you and fill up my belly at the same time.”

  “I know you. You’ve checked out Greta’s tits and fell in love with them. Get it through your head, dumbass. She. Is. Not. For. You. The bitches you go for show off skin like strippers. She wears hippie skirts and crystal necklaces.”

  Cutter blithely added, “And leather bondage heels and biker jackets.”

  “She’s not a blonde,” he shot back.

  “That’s what bleach is for.”

  “You are one fucked-up brother.”

  “That I am, brother, that I am.”

  “Either way, I’m not giving you the go-ahead. Leave her alone.”

  The hairs on the back of his neck prickled.

  Like hell he would.

  Chapter Eight

  Greta passed rows of bikes blocking half the street, the light repeatedly glinting off all that beautiful polished chrome in the setting sun. After driving around the block a few times, she finally found a parking space one street over. Based on the sound level, Sage’s birthday party wasn’t popping yet. Gulping, she stared up at the awning emblazoned with the logo of the Demon Squad, three demons on Harleys. The trio likely represented the original members who founded the MC. A brother approached her as she passed through the fence. A recruit, by the looks of him, he wore a leather cut with a single bottom rocker patch. He and another prospect were checking everyone trying to enter the premises.

  He surveyed her from head to boots. She had on tight jeans and her motorcycle jacket because it was a chilly night. The weight of it fell comfortably on her shoulders. Her clothing must have passed the biker-bitch code because he ultimately waved her through. Bikers could be as snobby as a fashionista during New York Fashion Week.

  “Where’s Sage?” she asked.

  “Out back. Go straight that way,” he gestured.

  Nodding her thanks, she wrapped her jacket around her chest and passed another set of gates to the backyard. A bonfire was flaming in the center, and several picnic tables were set up with food and drinks.

  Greta took a bracing breath. It was just your run-of-the-mill party. God knows, she’d been going to them since she was in her mother’s womb. Stopping next to a tub filled with drinks, she was re
aching in for a beer when her wrist was seized from behind. She froze as thick fingers wrapped around the bones of her wrist, demanding her attention.

  Cutter pulled the bottle out of her grasp, popped the lid open with a flash of white teeth, and ordered, “Tip your head back.”

  Towering over her, his shoulders blocked out the last rays of the sun setting behind the row houses. In the growing dusk, his command shimmered with unrepentant sensual dominance. Instinctively, she tilted her chin upward and her lips drifted open. Deftly, he brought the cool glass bottle to her lips. She took her time wrapping her mouth around the rim. Inch by inch, he leveraged the bottle until liquid slid over her tongue and down her throat.

  After she swallowed, he brought it to his mouth and finished half of it. “That’s real good, baby girl.”

  Greta crossed her arms and then uncrossed them. She cleared her throat and forced out, “You better not bother Sage tonight with your nonsense.”

  “Come on, it’s her birthday. I’m not a monster.”

  “Actually, I’m pretty sure you are.”

  Cutter gave her a slow once-over and paused at her harness. She’d chosen a silk top that displayed every crease along the leather straps caging her chest and looping around her neck. More straps joined the wires in the bodice pushing her breasts up to display them to their best advantage. The tip of his incisor clipped his bottom lip. Damn. The evening was frigid, but heat flooded between her thighs.

  “Truce tonight.”

  “Oh, you’re so magnanimous,” she retorted.

  “I’m showing my patient side, but don’t underestimate me, Greta. I’ll get what I want in the end. I always do.”

  “You’re such a pompous ass.” She turned to leave, but he dragged her against him until her nipples chafed against his chest. The irises of his easy blue eyes had changed into a dangerous gunmetal grey.

  “If you want to drink, you come to me. I’ll be the one to quench your thirst.”


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