Wolf in his Heart (Salvation Pack)

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Wolf in his Heart (Salvation Pack) Page 24

by N. J. Walters

  It had left her ill-equipped to deal with the outside world, which was exactly what men like her former alpha and her father wanted. She’d felt totally inadequate to deal with the challenges she’d faced when she’d been cast out of the pack.

  “Your father was wrong.” Sage squeezed her hand. “Knowledge is power, and that’s why they didn’t want you to have it.”

  She understood that, but it didn’t make her feel any less lacking. “I’ve waitressed the past year, cleaned buildings, and done other menial labor.”

  Sage released her hand and cupped her face. “Baby, you did what you had to in order to survive. You’re brave and strong. Don’t ever doubt that.”

  Before she could respond, he leaned down and kissed her. Their lips met in the briefest of touches. He pulled back and then brushed his mouth against hers again and again, each time lengthening and deepening the caress until they were both breathless.

  The tenderness brought tears to her eyes. Sage always seemed to know what she needed and then gave it to her.

  It would be all too easy to simply slide into making love, but that wouldn’t really settle anything between them. She knew he was waiting for her to make the next move, to take the kiss to the next level. As much as she wanted to, she knew she couldn’t. Not yet.

  She eased back and their lips clung for a moment longer before separating. He closed his eyes and rested his forehead against hers. “Talk. Right.” He sucked in a deep breath and sat back.

  Rina picked at the hem of her cotton tank. She wasn’t wearing a bra beneath it because the strap would irritate her healing wound, and her nipples were visible beneath the thin fabric. She’d pulled off her capri pants when she’d crawled into bed earlier to nap and was wearing only thin cotton panties. They were damp with her arousal.

  Sage inhaled and his eyes widened and his muscles went taut, but he made no move toward her. She didn’t have to look down at his lap to know he was aroused. She could smell the change in his body chemistry and knew he was hard.

  His self-control continually astounded her. From everything she’d witnessed, she knew his true nature was more werewolf than human. His instincts would be screaming at him to take her, but he refrained.

  A perverse part of her wondered if she should be worried about that, if it meant he didn’t want her as much as she thought he did.


  She brought her thoughts back around to the problem at hand. “Right. The thing is, I don’t know where I belong or what I want to do with my life.” And she was terrified of making a mistake. A claiming was no small thing. Once it was done, it couldn’t be undone, and males were very, very possessive.

  “Is there anywhere you’d like to go?” he asked. His jaw tightened, or maybe it was just a trick of the shadows. The sun had set and there were no lights on in the room. Neither of them needed artificial light to see, but it was somehow easier to talk in the dark.

  Did that mean he wanted her to go? She didn’t think so, but her insecurities were playing on her. She needed to lay everything on the line and take a chance. The worst thing that could happen was she’d get her heart broken. Yeah, it would hurt, but she knew she could survive on her own if she had to leave. And she wouldn’t really be alone because she had Mikhail.

  “I care for you.” She blurted the words out. No lead up. No explanation. She dropped her face into her hands and groaned. Sage tugged at them until she was forced to look at him.

  “Do you mean it?” he asked.

  She started to pull her knees up to her chest but realized it was a defensive move and forced herself to relax. Sage wasn’t going to hurt her. “I do. I’m not sure I trust it.” Better to be honest. “Everything has happened so fast, and the situation has been fraught with danger.”

  “And you’re not sure what you feel for me is real,” he finished.

  “Yeah.” It sounded lame when she said it out loud. Her arguments sounded much better in her head.

  “Let me get this straight.” Sage held up one hand. “One, you don’t have a pack.” He raised a second finger. “Two, you don’t know what you want to do in life, don’t feel as though you have the necessary skills.” He raised a third finger. “You don’t know where you want to live.” He lifted another finger. “And finally, you have feelings for me but you don’t trust them.”

  She wanted to crawl under the covers, pull the pillow over her head, and stay there. “That sums it up.” She crossed her arms over her chest but couldn’t stop herself. She hated feeling stupid.

  “Then it’s perfectly clear to me that we’re meant for one another.”

  She frowned, not quite understanding what he was getting at. “How do you figure that?”

  He lowered one finger. “I have a pack I can share with you if you want. They adore you already.” He curled a second finger toward his palm. “There is plenty of time for you to decide what you want to do in life and lots of people here who’d love to help you figure it out. Sue, Anny, Gwen, and the others would be all over that in a heartbeat.”

  Rina felt the weight lifting from her shoulders. Her arms unlocked and slid back down by her sides.

  But Sage wasn’t finished. “If you want to try living someplace else, we can. Or we can try it out here for a while and see how you like it. Things will be different now that you’re no longer constantly looking over your shoulder and will be back to full health in a day or so.”

  We. He’d said we. Her heart started pounding heavily.

  “Finally,” he continued. “You have feelings for me and you don’t trust them. Good enough.” He dropped his hand back by his side. “But, Rina, I know I love you. I know you’re perfect for me, and I want to mate with you.”

  He reached for her, but she was already surging forward. She threw herself into his arms and held on. He was so special. He was a half-breed werewolf, which meant their children, if they had any at all, might not be able to shift. She’d been taught from the time she was a child to abhor those weaker than her.

  Her parents and former pack had no idea what they were talking about. She’d never met a man stronger than Sage. He was willing to put her needs above his own. He loved and cared for his pack and was well respected by all the members. He was tough when he needed to be, his nature primal and wild, but there was a tender side to him too. One she found very appealing.

  “It’s okay,” he whispered. “You don’t have to decide anything today. You can take your time. It’s enough that you know I love you and want to be with you for the rest of our lives.”

  “Make love to me.”

  He buried his face in her hair and inhaled deeply. “I want to so badly.” His big body was shaking. “But I’m afraid I might try to claim you. My emotions are too close.”

  She was pushing him, and that wasn’t fair. A part of her was hoping he’d take the decision out of her hands, but he wasn’t going to allow it.

  He peered down at her, his eyes glowing in the dark. “You make love to me.” He set her aside and stood. As she watched, he yanked off his tank top and shucked his jeans. Then he stretched out on the bed beside her. He reached over his head and grabbed the thick slats of the headboard.

  “Whatever you want, Rina.” His biceps flexed and rippled as he tightened his grip. “And if you want to mate, feel free to bite me.”

  Was he saying what she thought he was?

  “Claim me, Rina.” His eyes glowed in the shadows. “Make me yours.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Sage knew he was out of his mind. His cock was ready to burst any second, and every instinct he possessed was screaming that he was an idiot. He ignored his wolf nature and listened to his human heart.

  He knew this was the right way. Even if it killed him.

  Rina had to be the one to claim him. It wouldn’t be recognized as a true mating among other werewolves, but it was go
od enough for him. And one day, maybe she’d trust him, trust them enough to let him mark her in return.

  She needed to make the commitment if she was going to stay. Otherwise, she might start overthinking things and leave. Sage wasn’t sure what Mikhail really wanted to do, and if she thought her brother might be considering leaving, she might go with him just so he wouldn’t be alone.

  Yes, he’d follow her if she left, but Sage knew in his heart she’d be safer and happier here. He’d already seen the way she responded to the children and other women. She was a wolf. It was her nature to want to be around others of her kind, especially those who welcomed her with open arms.

  She was just too scared to reach out and take what was being offered. The kicker was he couldn’t blame her, not considering what had happened to her. She needed time, and he wanted her to have it.

  He tightened his grip on the wooden slats of the headboard. He wanted to reach for her so badly. He wanted to wrap himself around her and assure her that everything would be okay.

  She sat on the bed beside him and watched him with a slightly bemused expression on her face. He could only imagine what she was thinking. It was unthinkable for a male werewolf to tell the female to mark him. Males were the ones who did the claiming.

  Screw tradition. This was what Rina needed.

  She licked her lips, and his cock flexed in response to that small sensual gesture. She looked hot with her hair tousled, with her breasts straining against her top. She wanted him. He could scent her growing arousal. He wanted to flip her on her back, strip off her panties, and bury his face between her thighs.

  But that would have to wait. He’d given her his promise.

  “Are you sure?” she asked. He instinctively knew she wasn’t asking him about making love or her biting him. She was asking if he was sure he loved her.

  He nodded. “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.” He wished she’d touch him. He was dying here with her so close but still so far out of reach.

  She crawled a little closer, sat back on her heels and placed her hand in the center of his chest. His entire body jerked as though he’d been shocked with a cattle prod. His heart raced and he sucked air into his lungs.

  “I love the way you feel.” Rina ran her hand over his pecs and then down his abs. His stomach muscles rippled under her soft caress.

  He knew he probably should say something, but it was taking all his concentration to remain still. The thick wooden slats groaned beneath his grip and every muscle in his body was coiled and ready for action.

  She let her hand drift lower until her palm brushed the damp head of his cock. A growl slipped out of him before he could stop it. Rina didn’t seem to mind. She smiled and then wrapped her hand around his erection.

  His entire body shuddered. He was caught in a vise of pleasure with no escape in sight. Not that he wanted to escape, but he sure as hell wouldn’t mind if she hurried.

  Problem was Rina seemed to be in no hurry. She trailed her fingers over his shaft from tip to base, hesitating momentarily before she cupped his swollen balls. Sage shut his eyes as a supernova exploded behind them. Blind and deaf to the world, he focused only on Rina’s sweet, loving hands.

  The mattress dipped and his eyes shot open as he felt her breath on him. He wasn’t sure he’d survive this, but he was damn sure ready to give it a try.

  “Rina.” Somehow, he got her name out. She turned her head and smiled at him. His heart stuttered and threatened to explode. There was such caring in her eyes. She might not love him, not yet, but she did care deeply for him.

  That was more than enough for now.

  She parted her lips and slipped them around the head of his cock, and he felt like the luckiest man in the world. She slid her tongue around the thick head and then took him deeper. Her damp heat engulfed him. Then she hollowed her cheeks and sucked.

  The wooden slats protested his strangle hold and then cracked under the pressure. Wood splintered and he was left holding two broken pieces of wood. He tossed them aside and locked his fingers behind his head.

  Rina released his cock and smiled. Sage wondered if it were possible for a werewolf to have a heart attack. His heart was galloping and sweat beaded his forehead. The restraint of holding back was pushing him to his limits.

  But she wasn’t done with him yet. She gripped the base of his shaft in her hand and bent her head once again. He thought he was ready for her this time, but nothing could prepare him for the pleasure that flooded his body.

  She raised and lowered her mouth over his shaft. His biceps strained and his chest expanded with each breath. Rina ran her tongue around the ridge at the base of his cock head. It felt so good it hurt. Then she took him deep.

  Sage lost track of his surroundings, of anything and everything but Rina. She pumped her hand up and down his shaft while she used her mouth on him.

  “Rina.” He wanted to tell her he was coming. That if she didn’t want things to end this way, she needed to stop. He tried to speak, truly he did, but the only thing that came out of his mouth was a growl.

  She knew. She had to. Yet she didn’t stop.

  There was no way to stop the orgasm boiling up from the very core of him. He gritted his teeth to keep from howling as his release shot through him. Rina still didn’t release him. No, she kept sucking and swallowing until there was nothing left.

  He sank back to the mattress, totally sated but far from satisfied. As good as that had felt, he wanted to be inside Rina. Hell, he wanted her mark on his neck. He turned his head to the side and stretched his neck, offering her himself and all he had.

  Rina ran her tongue over her bottom lip, tasting Sage’s warm, salty essence. Taking control of their lovemaking and giving him pleasure like that had been exhilarating. It had also kicked her arousal up several notches.

  Her clothing, though minimal, felt restrictive. She grabbed the hem of her top and skimmed it over her chest and off. Sage immediately went on alert, going from sated wolf to one on the hunt. He made no move to touch her. He simply watched.

  Even though she could see his outline clearly, she wanted more. She started to reach for the bedside lamp but hesitated. That might be too much light.

  “What is it, baby? What’s wrong?”

  “I want to see you.”

  He closed his eyes and sucked in a breath before slowly opening them. “I want that too.” As if sensing her dilemma, he added, “Why don’t you turn on the bathroom light. You can close the door partway if you want.”

  That sounded much better than the bedside lamp. She scooted off the bed and went toward the bathroom. She could feel Sage watching her every move. Thankfully, the fan and light were on separate switches. She reached in and turned on the right one. The light almost blinded her. It seemed so bright after being in the dark. She looked away and closed the door halfway.

  A beam of light spilled onto the bed. Sage looked like a pagan offering. His legs were slightly parted and his arms were splayed by his sides. His cock was still hard and ready. But it was his face that really captured her attention. The expression was one of naked love and longing.

  He shamed her.

  He was so willing to give of himself. Even now, he was aroused but he wanted to give her whatever she wanted, whatever she needed.

  Her heart constricted and seemed to expand outward. It swelled until she feared it might explode.

  “What’s wrong?” Sage started to sit up.

  She hurried back to the bed. “Nothing. Nothing is wrong.”

  “We don’t have to do anything you’re not ready for. We have lots of time.” He reached for her, but she danced just beyond his fingertips. He frowned and dropped his hand.

  Certain she had his full attention, she slid her fingers into the waistband of her panties and shoved them down her thighs. They fell to her ankles and she stepped out of the

  Totally naked, she climbed on the bed beside him. Sage fell back against the pillows and waited to see what she was going to do next.

  What was she going to do? She was going to claim her man.

  Rina threw one leg over his thighs. Straddling him, she adjusted her position until she was right over his cock. He gripped her hips in his hands and helped support her as she guided his erection into her.

  They both sighed with relief as he slid inside her, filling her completely. It felt right and good and as natural as breathing.

  He slid his palms over her stomach and up her torso until the covered her breasts. She bit her lip to keep from crying out. Yes, they were alone, but the doors and windows were open and sound carried.

  Her pussy expanded and contracted around his hard, hot shaft. Her wolf howled inside her, encouraging her to continue.

  Rina rested her hands on his muscled abs and used them for support as she slowly raised and lowered herself over him. Sage rubbed his thumbs around her nipples, teasing before finally stroking them.

  She arched back, the motion driving him even deeper. The blue of his eyes grew darker. His nostrils flared and his lips parted. Then he surged upward and kissed her. His mouth slammed against hers, stealing her breath and her heart. He banded his strong arms around her and his big body shuddered.

  She knew he was fighting the urge to pull out of her, flip her so she was on her hands and knees and take her from behind. He might not be able to shift, but Sage was all wolf in the bedroom. The fact that he was holding himself back for her made her want him all the more.

  He snaked his tongue into her mouth, and she returned the caress. She ran her hands down the thick cords of his neck to the more tender part where neck and shoulder met. She broke their kiss and stared at him. They were both panting hard. Inside her, his cock was pulsing and swelling.


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