Master of the Night

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Master of the Night Page 14

by Angela Knight

  Despite her brave words, Erin could almost sense the Mageverse out there, waiting for her, as malevolent in its way as the demon was.

  And no matter what she'd told Reece, it scared the hell out of her more than anything ever had.

  Except looking into David's eyes as he'd shoved his gun against his own chin and pulled the trigger. He'd sacrificed himself for her. He'd died to stop the demon. She owed him more than cowardice. Somehow she was going to have to overcome the Mageverse and defeat it.

  Swallowing, Erin looked up. Her gaze collided with Champion's emerald gaze. She saw the sympathy in his.

  And the doubt.

  He doesn't believe I can do it, either, Erin realized. He's afraid he's going to have to kill me. Which was oddly comforting, in a way. If she did lose it, Champion wouldn't let her suffer long.

  But what will happen to you in the meantime? a chilly voice whispered in her ear. What did it feel like to go insane? To feel your mind peeling away like an onion?

  She didn't mind dying. She'd been on the job long enough that the idea of death no longer held the same sting of the unknown.

  But madness was another story. She'd dealt with crazy people, had looked into their eyes and wondered in fear and pity what monsters inhabited their thoughts.

  Apparently she was about to find out first hand.

  Stop it, Erin told herself savagely. Just stop it. This isn't helping. Have a little fucking guts, why don't you?

  Something touched her shoulder. She jerked around to look into Champion's concerned green gaze. "It's all right to be afraid, Erin. There's no shame in it."

  "I know that. The only shame is in letting fear stop you." She remembered walking into the Death's Sabbat temple for the first time and looking around at the hundreds of people looking back at her.

  In retrospect, it was miraculous they hadn't cut her throat, given that they'd made her. If Geirolf hadn't had other plans for her, they probably would have. But she'd faced them and her fear anyway, and she'd survived.

  She squared her shoulders. "I've never let it stop me before."

  He smiled and reached for her. "I know. You're a hell of a woman, Erin Grayson."

  Her first instinct was to shy away from him, as though even such innocent contact could bring madness.

  But Graysons did not run from anything. Not Nazis, not Vietcong, not Iraqis. Not even vampires who could crack the entire universe just by making love to you.

  She stepped into his arms.

  He felt warm and strong as he cuddled her against him, stroking her chilled flesh comfortingly. A bubble of disbelieving laughter broke free of her throat.

  "What's so funny?" he asked softly, settling her a little more securely against his body.

  "It just bit me that I'm cuddling with a vampire. Maybe I'm already nuts."

  He shook his head, the stubble on his cheeks scraping her face. "You're not crazy."

  "Aren't I? Vampires, soul-sucking demons that live off human sacrifices, a universe of magic where fairies fly past the windows of cells that have no doors." She wrapped her own arms tighter around him, "Maybe I'm already in the loony bin and just don't know it."

  "You're the least crazy person I've ever met, Erin."

  "Coming from a possible delusion, that's not really all that comforting." She laughed shortly. "What does it say about a situation when you'd rather be nuts than accept it as real?"

  "Well, it's probably a good indication that it sucks." His arms tightened around her in a hug that was more comradely than romantic.

  She relaxed into him. There was something so comforting in his strength. "Yeah," Erin agreed, and tried out a faint grin. "Sucks like a porn star."

  For several minutes they simply stood like that, wrapped around each other. Finally she asked, "Was becoming a vampire anything like this?"

  "Considering that I didn't have to worry about becoming a human sacrifice—no." He rested his chin on top of her head. "And I had a professional seducer, which looking back on it today seems like a blessing. Though I certainly didn't realize it at the time."

  Erin pulled back enough to eye him. "A professional seducer? What, there's somebody who does this kind of thing for a living?"

  He shrugged and caught her by the hand, towing her toward the bed. As he collapsed on the mattress in an elegant, boneless sprawl, Erin sat down facing him and pulled her legs beneath her, tailor fashion. "I told you the Majae's Council approves which Latent gets Merlin's Gift. Well, then somebody has to have sex with the Latent the required number of times. Sometimes the decision is based on the recommendation from a Maja or Magus, who then does the honors him or herself. But the rest of the time the Council sends one of the Court Seducers who specialize in romancing Latents."

  Erin looked at him. "Oh, now that's perverse. Couldn't you just take turns or something?"

  "Well, no. It's easier to botch than you might think. First, you've got to tell the Latent what he or she has the potential of becoming—"

  "And then you've got to convince them you're not a lunatic," she tossed in.

  "Right. Though I'm told turning into a wolf for them usually works."

  "Certainly convinced me."

  "Then you've got to tell them the risks, yet get them to take the chance anyway."

  "Now, there's where I have a problem with this concept." Erin unfolded her legs and slipped off the bed to go to the table and pour herself a goblet. When she lifted the pitcher toward Reece, he nodded, so she poured him one as well. "I'd have real trouble convincing somebody to do something that could drive them crazy and result in their possible execution." She carried both goblets back to the bed and handed him one. "That's just cold."

  Reece shrugged and took a sip as she sat down on the bed beside him. "It's actually fairly rare that the Majae's Council makes a mistake about Gifting somebody. They've been doing this a hell of a long time, and they're good at spotting the ones who can make it through the transition." He grimaced. "Of course, sometimes they make mistakes."

  "Like I said, I wouldn't want to take the chance." Remembering the glimpse of the Mageverse she'd gotten, she grimaced. "Especially after getting a free preview."

  "True, but there is the whole immortality thing," Reece told her. "The idea of living forever is a pretty powerful lure."

  Erin rocked back from him, struck by the implications. "So in the unlikely event I actually manage to survive this—"

  "You won't be dying for a very long time. Assuming we don't screw up and let humankind destroy itself."

  She thought about it. Witnessing the passage of centuries as Reece had, the technological advances. One day she might step foot on another planet.

  And watch her brother die, along with his children, and their children. Losing every mortal friend she had or would ever make, one by one. The thought chilled her.

  Glancing up, Erin saw Reece, sprawled in splendid nudity against the headboard. On the other hand, there might be compensations.

  Then she remembered the feeling of the universe cracking and sliding slowly sideways under her mind. "Still, it's a big risk."

  He shrugged. "Only game in town, Erin."

  "True." She sighed. "I guess we should probably just go ahead and—you know. Get it over with."

  Reece shot her a look. "I've had more romantic proposals."

  "Well, excuse the hell out of me," she snapped back, suddenly irritated. "I'm just not feeling particularly romantic."

  He looked downward pointedly. "Neither am I."

  "Oh." Erin blinked at his cock. Though still impressive, it lay curled over his muscular belly, obviously not up to the task. "That wasn't a problem before."

  "Believe me," he said, "it's never been a problem."

  Irrationally she felt a little twinge of hurt. "Oh."

  "Don't look so damn wounded. I don't like the idea of doing this to you."

  "Especially since if it doesn't work, you're going to have to kill me." Erin met his gaze steadily. "And I'm not just talking
about if I go crazy. If we can deprive him of one of his sacrifices…"

  He shook his head. "I've been thinking about it, and I don't believe that's good enough. Even if I kill you, all he has to do is kidnap another Latent, and then we're in the exact same mess all over again. At least if I die, too, he's going to have to find and kidnap a Magus."

  She frowned at him, studying his grim face. "Are you talking about a suicide pact?"

  Reece sighed. "Yeah, I know. Tough to do if you're not in the heat of a really ugly depression. You'll have to enchant a blade for me, though."

  Knowing perfectly well she was stalling, Erin asked, "Wouldn't I need one, too?"

  "No. Majae can use magic, but they aren't physically magic. Our connection with the Mageverse is much closer, so to kill us, you need a magical weapon."

  "So what's that like—being magic?"

  "Well, it's not really all that different. Other than the drinking blood and avoiding long exposure to direct sunlight. And no, I don't burst into flames, but the sunburn is a bitch."

  Silence fell. They stared at each other.

  "I have a massive case of performance anxiety," Erin said.

  He snorted. "Tell me about it."

  "There's so damn much riding on this. What if I go crazy? What if I don't go crazy, but I can't break through the cell? How am I supposed to break through the cell? I mean, I don't know any spells. Are there chants, or what?"

  "Not usually. Oh, there's more preparation with big, elaborate spells, but most of the time Majae just do it, and it happens. I think they picture the outcome they want, and somehow manipulate the energies of the Mageverse to get it."

  She stared at him. "Oh, that's a big help, Champion."

  "I live to serve."


  "Hey, I'm not a Maja. I don't know how to do this stuff, either."

  "Well, we're going to have to figure it out before the god of assholes comes back."

  He smiled reluctantly. "God of assholes. I like that."

  She felt her own lips twitch. "We could make it an acronym. G.O.A."

  "We're stalling."

  "I don't think I've ever felt less like sex in my entire life."

  He regarded his stubbornly limp cock. "Me either."

  Erin looked at the softened shaft. "Oh, I'm going to have to do something about that."

  Reece settled back and arched a brow. "Whatever do you have in mind?" His cock twitched.

  "Does it have to be penetration? I mean, would a blow job work?"

  At that, he began to harden. "I assume so, since I Turned during oral sex." Then he gave her a wicked grin. "I certainly wouldn't mind trying."

  Despite the grim situation, she laughed. "Somehow I didn't think you would."

  "I also wouldn't mind returning the favor," he said. "In fact, I'd prefer it."

  Erin considered the idea. It was extremely tempting. But—"Not this time," she decided. "I'd like to be in control." Grimacing, she added, "Of something, anyway."

  She looked up to see warm sympathy in his eyes. "Yeah. I can understand that."

  Rolling onto her hands and knees, Erin crawled over to him as he sat against the headboard. For a moment she paused, looking down at his powerful body, taking in the ridges and curves of muscle under his tanned skin. Curiously she reached out to touch him. "Why do you have a tan if you never go out in the sun?"

  Reece shrugged. "I had a tan when I Turned. It never faded."

  She stroked the pad of her thumb over one small male nipple. It came to a tiny brown peak.

  Erin considered it. Maybe if she concentrated on him, just stopped worrying about what would happen at the end of this, they could both get through it.

  And maybe she should damned well make the best of it anyway. She'd never had a lover like Reece before, and the odds were very good she'd never have one again. At all. Might as well thoroughly enjoy the opportunity while she had it. Anyway, it was much more pleasant concentrating on him than on the grim future they both faced.

  She bent her head and flicked her tongue over that small male nipple. He caught his breath.

  Oh, yeah. Much better.

  Erin sat up and threw one leg over his hips so she could sit astride his thighs. He looked up at her and lifted a dark brow. For a moment she did nothing, just enjoying the sensation of his hard, strong thighs under her bottom.

  His cock lengthened and grew even harder.

  She grinned down at it. "Can't keep a good man down."

  He gave her a wolf smile. "You can if he's underneath a good woman."

  "Or better yet, a bad woman." Erin lowered her head and kissed him, sampling the soft, damp velvet of his lips. "And you're making me feel like a very bad woman."


  « ^ »

  They kissed slowly, a delicate mutual sampling of lips and teeth and tongue. Somewhere in the middle of it, Reece cupped her breast, savoring the soft, satin weight, thumbing and stroking one nipple. Sighing, she threaded her hands through his hair and nibbled her way along one cheek. Her soft mouth made him shiver as he imagined what it would feel like when she finally worked her way down his body.

  She stopped at his ear for a sampling bite, then swirled her tongue around his earlobe until he moaned. Hungry to discover if she was as aroused as he was, he slid his free hand under her from behind. He was delighted to discover that thick, rich cream as he quested between her lips, dipped into her opening, and began to stroke.

  "Mmmm," she purred in his ear. "Not that I'm complaining, but you do realize the idea is for me to give you a blow job, not for you to get me all hot and bothered?"

  "Yeah, but unfortunately"—he turned his head to give her ear a little nip of his own—"I find myself pathologically unable to leave your magnificent body alone."

  "Magnificent." She licked one of the thick cords of his neck. "I like that. You're not bad yourself, Slick."

  "Glad you"—he caught his breath as she nibbled her way lower—"approve."

  "Oh, I definitely approve." She discovered one of his pecs and paused to sample it with her tongue before working her way down to his nipple. He gasped.

  "Like that?" she purred.

  "A little too much." He was in danger of coming outside her if she kept it up.

  But she gave him no mercy as she continued down his body, planting alternating licks and tiny bites down the ridges of his ribs and abdomen. Reece felt his balls tighten as his driving arousal increased. The heat rose until all he could think about was grabbing her hair and shoving his cock into her mouth.

  But when she reached the thick stalk, she continued past it along his abdomen in a series of tiny, taunting nips. At the same time she slid her body slowly, sinuously down his thighs.

  "Has anybody ever told you you're an evil woman?" Reece gasped. He'd stopped stroking her in favor of digging the fingers of both hands into the mattress as he clung to his self-control.

  She lifted her head to give him a wicked smile. "Who, me?"

  "Yes, you." He groaned, flexing his hips until his straining cock bobbed pleadingly.

  "Li'l ole me?" Erin ran her tongue over the tight flesh of his groin, missing his balls by a millimeter.

  "Sadistic goddess you, yes."

  She gave him another tiny lick and looked up. "Do you want me to stop?"

  "Do you want me to hold you down and bang you like a screen door?"

  She closed her fingers around his cock, turning his growl into a choked gasp. "Don't threaten the sadistic goddess, Reece."

  "Wouldn't dream of it."

  Erin grinned. "Good." And she engulfed the flushed head of his cock with a single, mind-blowing swoop.

  Engulfed in sweet, wet heat, Reece groaned helplessly at the sensation of her velvet lips sliding over his shaft. When she rolled her tongue across its sensitive head, he had dig both hands into the mattress, fingers curled into claws.

  He'd had more than his share of blow jobs over the years, but Erin turned it into an art. She explo
red him with her mouth, her lips, her teeth, her hot little tongue, slowly, as if worshiping his cock like a supplicant at an altar. Despite his jaded sensibilities, despite the ugly situation, he found himself utterly focused on her, on every tongue flick and suckling pull. He could feel the hot pressure of his climax building in his balls. Reece knew he was seconds from spilling into that hot, luscious mouth.

  And he didn't want to do it.

  Because when he came, her Gift would trigger. He wanted her to feel his arms wrapped around her, holding her when the Mageverse slammed into her mind for the first time.

  With a groan of effort, Reece reached down, grabbed her by the shoulders, and dragged her luscious mouth off his straining cock.

  "Reece, what are you—!" she protested as he pulled her up over his body to straddle his hips. He caught her waist in one hand, lifted her, and aimed his aching erection at her core with the other.

  And drove himself to the hilt in one frantic thrust.

  Erin gasped as Reece began shafting her in long, driving strokes that shook her body, both big hands gripping her bottom. The gentle arousal that had bloomed while she suckled him suddenly burst into roaring blaze. Each jolt of his body into hers stoked it hotter.

  Finally he rolled over with her, covering her with himself in a gesture that seemed more protective than possessive.

  Then, as he rammed in a particularly hard thrust, a star-burst exploded behind her eyes. At first she thought it was the first onslaught of the orgasm she could feel building, almost within reach.

  But the next entry brought another flash, even more blinding than the first. Then two exploded as he drove into her again, spangling her vision with purple afterimages.

  She came with a strangled cry as he convulsed over her with a bellow of tortured pleasure. "Erin!"

  And the universe went insane, like a thousand flashbulbs going off around her all at once. Her next scream held a note of horror and inevitability as she realized her transformation had begun.

  The energy slammed through her in a wave of molten heat—directly into Reece's body. He bellowed in mingled astonishment, pain, and pleasure as his face began to glow like heating metal. The light was so blinding she had to look away.


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