The Chimera Affair: Gay Romance

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The Chimera Affair: Gay Romance Page 6

by Keira Andrews

  Sebastian took a shaky breath. “I want you. Since the first moment I saw you.” Sebastian arched back, squeezing Kyle’s swelling hardness between his cheeks. “You don’t need to be a gentleman, or whatever it is you’re trying to do. Please, I just want to feel…”

  Sebastian had been through hell, yet he had a strength and resiliency Kyle admired. Most people would have lost it or given up after the day Sebastian had had. After a long moment, Kyle released his grip on Sebastian’s hip and reached down to take his swelling cock in hand. “What?”


  What could it hurt? It would warm them up. He rolled Sebastian onto his back as he leaned down to kiss him. He hovered over Sebastian’s mouth. “It doesn’t mean anything.”

  Sebastian nodded and wound his fingers into Kyle’s hair as he kissed him, their tongues dueling for control. Kyle pressed him down onto the pallet and took both their cocks in his own hand. Sebastian moaned as their hard flesh rubbed together. He was already leaking and slick.

  Moving down Sebastian’s body, Kyle tasted him, squeezing and biting his nipples in turn, which made Sebastian gasp and shudder with pleasure. As Kyle moved lower, he lessened the pressure, and Sebastian raised his hips, trying to get more friction. As the head of Sebastian’s dick hit Kyle’s chin, Sebastian seemed to realize how low Kyle had gone.

  His breathing hitched, and his voice was hoarse. “Yes. Yes.”

  “What do you want?” Kyle couldn’t resist teasing a little. He ran a fingertip down the length of Sebastian’s straining shaft, tracing the vein on the underside.

  “You know,” he groaned, arching up.

  “’Fraid not.” Kyle ran his fingertips over Sebastian’s sac next, eliciting another low moan. “You’ll have to be more clear.” Kyle rarely played like this, usually taking and giving pleasure quickly and with little to no conversation. He wasn’t sure what had gotten into him, but he wanted to see Sebastian smile. Must be the hypothermia.

  Laughing, Sebastian grabbed a fistful of Kyle’s hair. “Come on.”

  Kyle flicked the slit of Sebastian’s cock with his tongue.

  With a growl, Sebastian tightened his grasp. “Suck me.”

  Desire hot in his veins, Kyle descended, taking Sebastian in deeply, swirling his tongue. Sebastian throbbed in Kyle’s mouth as Kyle sucked him, his lips suctioned tightly. Little sharp breaths escaped Sebastian’s lips as he writhed beneath Kyle’s touch. When Kyle pushed the tip of a finger into his hole, Sebastian yanked out a few strands of Kyle’s hair as he came, pulsing into Kyle’s throat.

  As Sebastian shuddered with pleasure, his head thrown back, eyes closed, Kyle swallowed, relishing the salty musk on his tongue. He milked Sebastian, teasing out as many aftershocks as he could.

  “God. Kyle.” Sebastian relaxed, utterly boneless.

  The sound of his name from Sebastian’s lips was unexpectedly arousing. He’d surprised himself earlier by telling the kid his real name, but it had just slipped out. Kyle stretched over him as he kissed him thoroughly, making sure Sebastian could taste himself. Sebastian smiled and mimicked Kyle’s earlier question. “What do you want?”

  What he wanted was to throw Sebastian’s legs up and plow into him, lose himself in his tightness and heat. But if Kyle was right and it would be Sebastian’s first time, he didn’t want it to be because Sebastian was taking comfort where he could get it after his world had fallen apart. Sebastian said he knew what he wanted, but there was an unmistakable innocence mixed with Sebastian’s aggression. For a reason he couldn’t understand, Kyle wanted better for him.

  But he still needed release. “Your mouth.”

  Sebastian’s eyes widened, and his spent dick twitched against Kyle. He jerked out a nod and opened his jaw as Kyle straddled his chest and pushed inside. The wet, delicious warmth made Kyle moan, and he slid back and forth, keeping his movements shallow as Sebastian took him in.

  Leaning forward and bracing his hands on the wall, Kyle rocked his hips and thrust into Sebastian’s eager mouth. Sebastian’s full lips stretched around him, and Kyle groaned as he watched his cock move in and out. As the pleasure started to build, he increased the tempo, and Sebastian took him enthusiastically, his fingers digging into Kyle’s hips as he urged him on.

  Then Sebastian pressed a finger to the sensitive skin behind Kyle’s balls, and Kyle’s whole body tightened as he emptied, biting his lip to stifle a gasp as the intense pleasure swept over him. Sebastian swallowed around him, and when Kyle pulled out, he spilled a last few drops over Sebastian’s chin and cheeks. Sebastian’s tongue darted out to snatch them, and Kyle felt a last spasm of pleasure as he spread out over Sebastian’s body once more.

  As they caught their breath, Sebastian wrapped his arms about Kyle, pulling him close. Kyle let him and spread the blanket out over them again. He listened for any sounds outside, silently cursing himself yet again for allowing such a monumental distraction. Maybe the Association is right. I am off my game.

  But with a sated Sebastian warm in his arms, he couldn’t quite regret it.

  Sebastian woke with a start, blinking in the unfamiliar darkness. He wasn’t in his room and—

  Everything flooded back as Kyle rubbed his arm slowly. “It’s all right,” he whispered. He didn’t sound as if he’d been sleeping.

  Exhaling, Sebastian processed the hard floor, the cold air, and the warm man wrapped around him. He had slept with his head on Kyle’s chest, and he could hear the steady, reassuring thump-thump-thump of Kyle’s heart. They were under the scratchy old blanket, but it was their bodies that generated the scant heat.

  As he burrowed down into Kyle’s arms, Sebastian tried to make sense of it all. His life had become unrecognizable in a mere day. His father and—all the more devastating—his brother, were involved in criminal dealings Sebastian couldn’t even begin to fathom.

  Then there was Kyle. Steven. Whatever his name was. Liar. Spy. Thief. Killer. Undoubtedly dangerous and not to be trusted. Yet Sebastian was drawn to him, to the man who now stroked Sebastian’s skin with such a gentle, comforting touch. Maybe this is what Stockholm Syndrome is like.

  He had to remember Kyle was responsible for ruining his life. He’d never be able to return to Harvard and his mathematics now. His father wanted him dead, and what Arrigo Brambani wanted, he got. There was no way out. For all he knew, the assassins on their trail were outside at this very minute, readying their guns.

  Kyle spoke. “We should go now. Before the sun rises.”

  “Where? I mean, how? Is it safe to go back for the car?”

  “We have to. It’s too far to walk. If they’re waiting, we’ll deal with it. If they’re not, we’ll ditch the car in a town and find another way down. A bus would be good. We can blend in.”

  “Then what?”

  There was a long moment of silence. “One step at a time.” Kyle extricated himself from Sebastian, flinging the blanket off without warning. “Get dressed.”

  Sebastian’s clothes were damp, but he pulled them on quickly. Kyle’s gun still sat by the pallet, and Sebastian looked at it from the corner of his eye. Kyle was bent over, lacing his boots. Maybe this was Sebastian’s chance to get some control of the situation. He couldn’t trust Kyle, no matter how attractive he was or how his kisses made Sebastian’s head spin. He couldn’t.

  Slowly, as casually as possible, he took a step toward the gun.


  Sebastian froze. Kyle’s head was still down. “What?”

  Standing, Kyle walked to the pallet and picked up the gun. He stared at Sebastian, expression hard. “Just don’t.”

  A denial was on Sebastian’s lips, but Kyle had already turned away. Any understanding they may have found in each other’s arms had evaporated. At the door, Kyle listened carefully, gun at the ready. With a hand motion, he beckoned Sebastian behind him. Then he eased the door open.

  Breath caught in his throat, Sebastian waited for gunfire. But all was silent. Kyle slipped out first
, and Sebastian stayed close. The snow had stopped, and the wind was gone. The forest was utterly still, and Sebastian scanned the trees for any signs of movement as he followed Kyle.

  The air was still frigid, and he forced himself to breathe as they made their way back to the cabin. Sebastian was glad Kyle’s sense of direction was better than his. He had to assume Kyle was going the right way, and sure enough, the cabin soon came into sight.

  Kyle’s breath was hot against Sebastian’s ear. “Wait here. Keep your head down. I’ll whistle when it’s clear.”

  Sebastian was about to ask what he should do if it wasn’t clear, but Kyle was already gone, somehow moving soundlessly through the trees despite his large frame. Crouching down, Sebastian waited. His pulse racing, he concentrated on breathing steadily. Every few seconds he looked over his shoulders, but he could see no one approaching in the darkness.

  After what felt like an eternity, a bird’s whistle echoed in the air. It took Sebastian a few seconds to realize this was Kyle’s signal. At least he hoped it was. Taking a breath, he moved, trying to keep quiet but likely failing utterly.

  He rounded the cabin, but Kyle was nowhere in sight. Squinting, he could see the cabin porch was charred after the explosion, but the structure seemed mostly unaffected. For a moment Sebastian felt the urge to burn it to the ground just to spite his father.

  Instead he carefully made his way over the charred wood and inside. Kyle knelt by the safe, his ear pressed against it once more. Sebastian wrapped a blanket around himself and perched on the edge of the bed, waiting quietly. He suggested some other numbers, but none matched. Finally Kyle tensed and carefully depressed the handle. The door opened, and he peered inside. Sebastian held his breath.

  With a harsh exhale, Kyle stood, slammed the safe shut. “Either it was never here, or they took it.”

  He was clearly furious, and Sebastian wasn’t sure exactly whom the anger was directed at. “So…what do we do now?”

  Muttering to himself, Kyle pulled his gun from inside his coat, and Sebastian jumped to his feet, backing away. God, please. Don’t let me die like this! He was almost to the door when Kyle grabbed him and yanked him back.

  “Please!” Sebastian’s voice was shrill with panic.

  Kyle simply peered at him with furrowed brows, his free hand still gripping Sebastian’s upper arm. Then he relaxed slightly, still holding on. “I’m not going to kill you. You can’t go running outside until I check if it’s clear.”

  “But…you already did.”

  “Fifteen minutes ago. Anyone could have arrived in the meantime.” He released Sebastian. “Stay behind me. Remember, I’ve got the gun. I always go first.”

  “Right. Got it.” Sebastian told himself firmly that he would never forget Kyle had a gun. Never forget that he’s a killer.

  Luckily the coast was still clear, and after Kyle examined the sedan’s undercarriage and engine, they drove off down the slushy lane, the night still hanging on even as the sky began to brighten on the horizon. Sebastian fiddled with the heat controls, turning it up as far as he could. He felt like he’d never be warm again.

  As they passed the ski chalet and turned onto the bigger road, Sebastian rubbed his hands over the vent. He was about to ask Kyle again what they’d do once they were off the mountain, when headlights flared to life behind them. Sebastian whipped around, adrenaline shooting through him as he watched the rapidly approaching vehicle.

  Kyle simply said, “Seat belt,” as he slammed on the accelerator and they roared forward into the dawn.

  Chapter Five

  Ignoring the approaching car, Kyle concentrated on the twisting road. He took the turns wide and fast, taking the chance that there were no cars climbing the old mountain road this early in the day. The freak snow that had fallen the night before was already melting, and Kyle suspected it would be hot as hell again by noon.

  Beside him, he could sense Sebastian’s terror as they whipped around slick turns. But Sebastian said nothing, not even when they skidded alarmingly close to the edge of the mountain as they flew off the forest road and onto the two-lane paved highway. There was a screech of brakes from an approaching car, but Kyle ducked in front of it and they were off down the mountain.

  Glancing in the rearview mirror, Kyle couldn’t see their pursuers. He hoped they hadn’t made the turn, but a moment later he saw a flash of the car before rounding another curve. Now that the sun was rising, he could see the car following them was a black sedan much like the one he was driving.

  The next bend in the road was not so much a curve as a corner, and they scraped along the barrier, the metal screeching. Sebastian let out a gasp as a car suddenly appeared in front of them, and Kyle jerked them back into their lane seconds before impact.

  A small mountain town spread out below them, and Kyle considered their options as he sped around the next curve. They’d meet more traffic soon, with tourists clogging the alpine roads. Better to evade and take cover. A moment later more shots rang out, and the choice was made for them as the back right tire blew, sending the car reeling out of control.

  Gripping the wheel, Kyle jerked them off the highway at the first side road. They exploded into the sleepy village, the remains of the tire shuddering and keeping the car off balance. Ahead Kyle spotted an alley between two small buildings.

  “Get ready to get out.”

  “What? Where?” Sebastian shouted.

  Wrenching the wheel, Kyle barreled into the narrow alley, which was fortunately empty. As the car scraped along the passenger side, Kyle pulled his seat belt off and pressed the button to release Sebastian’s before throwing the car into park and killing the engine. As he leaped out, yanking Sebastian out behind him, the revving engine of the approaching car filled the air.

  He shoved Sebastian to the muddy ground—“Under!”—and slithered after him, leaving the sedan door open. The other car roared into the alley before the brakes shrieked. For a long moment Kyle held his breath, his hand on the back of Sebastian’s neck, ready to cover his mouth if need be. The car’s undercarriage radiated heat only a few inches above them.

  Then the enemy car roared forward again, taking off the open door of the sedan with a scream of metal on metal as they tore into the village after their prey. Kyle exhaled slowly. Their pursuers would think they were on foot somewhere in town, perhaps trying to acquire another vehicle. Instead they’d hole up and wait. It certainly wasn’t Kyle’s favorite method of evasion, and part of him wanted to just confront the men and finish it.

  Beside him Sebastian moved, shaking just a tiny bit. Kyle smoothed his hand over Sebastian’s head. “We’re going to wait a minute and then find a place to hide.”

  Sebastian nodded. “Okay.”

  “You’re doing good.”

  “Okay,” Sebastian repeated.

  “Keep low.” He pointed up. “It’s hot.” They slithered out and onto their feet, encountering an elderly Italian man approaching the car, his bushy eyebrows disappearing into his hairline. Kyle propelled Sebastian down the alley. To the man, who was now asking questions in Italian, he called back, “Scusa.”

  At the end of the alley, Kyle pulled his gun, keeping Sebastian safely behind him. There was no sign of their enemies, and despite the noise the sedan had surely made scraping into the alley, only the old man had come to investigate so far. That surely wouldn’t last, and moving carefully, Kyle led Sebastian over a few streets, looking for an empty house. Halfway down the lane, a family climbed into their car. The mother was loading a cooler into the trunk.

  Kyle angled over until they were behind the house, keeping low. He listened for the car leaving, and then crept to the back door. As he suspected, due to the trusting nature of small-town denizens, it was unlocked. A moment later they were safely inside the family’s kitchen. The smell of bacon and eggs lingered, and Kyle’s stomach growled in response.

  “Stay,” he whispered and quickly checked the small two-story house. Empty. Finally some good luck.
Back in the rustic kitchen, Sebastian stood exactly where Kyle had left him by the stove. Opening the fridge, Kyle pulled out some cold meats. “Sit.” He nodded to the rectangular wooden table.

  “What are you doing? We can’t steal their food.”

  Kyle barely suppressed the urge to roll his eyes. “Yes, we can. We can’t exactly go for a stroll down to the local café, and we need to eat.” He glanced down at his filthy clothing. “We also need to clean up. We’ll stick out like sore thumbs covered in mud.”

  Something flickered across Sebastian’s face. “Yeah, I guess we will.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Nothing.” Sebastian shrugged. “You’re just talking about us like we’re a team or something.”

  The kid was right. He narrowed his eyes. “You and I have a common goal. Don’t get carried away.” He opened the bread box and tossed a loaf to Sebastian. “I’ll find clothes. You make sandwiches. Stay.”

  “Okay, okay. But would you stop talking to me like I’m a dog? I’m not fetching if that’s next on your list of commands.”

  Kyle locked the door and pulled the blinds on the kitchen window. “Back in a minute. Stay down, and stay quiet.” As he left the kitchen, he turned back and added, “Good boy.”

  Sebastian couldn’t hide his laugh and gave Kyle the finger. Upstairs, smiling stupidly to himself, Kyle quickly found suitable T-shirts. Unfortunately none of the jeans or pants would fit either of them, so he hoped there were a washer and dryer. It would take an hour, but they needed to kill a bit of time anyway.

  As Kyle entered the kitchen, Sebastian glanced up from the slice of thick bread he was buttering. He nodded to several sandwiches neatly sliced in half and stacked on a plate. “I wasn’t sure what kind you liked. There’s ham and chicken.”

  “Thanks.” Kyle picked up the sandwich on top, not caring what it was. The ham was salty and rich, and he relaxed against the fridge as he chewed. Chases always worked up a hell of an appetite in him. He washed down the sandwich with a cold soda and passed one to Sebastian, who picked at his sandwich.


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