The Chimera Affair: Gay Romance

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The Chimera Affair: Gay Romance Page 9

by Keira Andrews

  He awoke two hours later from a nightmare of being chased yet unable to make his legs function, straining in place as if mired in quicksand. As he took in his surroundings, coming back to a reality that was little better than his nightmare, he wiped the sweat from his brow, more determined than ever to get himself out of this mess.

  He cleaned himself up from earlier and dressed, trying to ignore the nagging guilt over getting off on thoughts of the two-faced man who was trying to kill him. He shrugged into his jacket and pulled the cap on. Perhaps food would help him focus.

  The elevator groaned as it ascended to the fifth floor. As it neared, Sebastian patted the pocket of his jeans and realized his cash and credit card must have fallen out when he kicked them off onto the floor. Grumbling—and feeling like possibly the most unqualified person in the world to be on the lam—Sebastian retreated down the short hallway joining the two longer sides of the hotel, telling himself he had to be more vigilant.

  The elevator doors creaked open, and Sebastian glanced back as he rounded the corner, catching a glimpse of Kyle’s gun as he emerged.

  Chapter Seven

  From the corner of his eye, Kyle caught a blur of movement and a flash of golden hair. He stuck close to the wall and peeked around the corner. At the end of the hall, the door to the stairwell was swinging shut. Kyle raced forward, diving into the stairwell after Sebastian.

  One flight down, an instinct told him to stop. He listened for Sebastian’s footsteps but heard only silence. Kyle smiled to himself. He’s learning.

  Kyle retraced his steps and listened at the stairwell door before edging it open. Sebastian was just slipping out of a utility closet, and he dashed across the hall to a room, jamming a key card into the lock. Kyle was there moments later, and he toppled Sebastian to the floor inside, kicking the door shut.

  Sebastian bucked and struggled, but he was no match for Kyle, who pinned him to the floor facedown. “Stop.” Holding his gun in his right hand, Kyle jammed his knee into Sebastian’s lower back. “I said stop.”

  After a growl of frustration, Sebastian went still, his body tense as a wire. Kyle loosened his grasp just slightly. “Are you going to listen to me?”

  Sebastian nodded jerkily.

  Kyle moved to stand, and with a crack, Sebastian’s elbow flew back and caught Kyle’s jaw. He ignored the explosion of pain and struggled to maintain his balance as Sebastian kicked at his legs. Since when do you trust anyone’s word? Maybe you are slow after all.

  He kept Sebastian down but a moment later felt intense burning in his wrist. Inexplicably Sebastian knew just where to pinch, and Kyle’s fingers opened helplessly, the gun clattering to the floor. They both dove for it, but Sebastian managed to grasp the weapon first. He turned and scuttled away from Kyle, the gun outstretched. “Stay back!”

  Cursing under his breath, Kyle raised his hands as if placating a wild animal. He modulated his voice and spoke in an even tone. “It’s okay. Everything is okay.”

  Sebastian’s laugh was high-pitched. “Everything is as far from okay as it can get.”

  “Put the gun down and we’ll talk.”

  “Right. I put the gun down and then you kill me.”

  “I’m not going to kill you. Although the more you fight me, the more tempted I am. Calm down and listen to me.”

  “Calm down? The life I knew is ruined, and I’m on the run with no money and several people trying to kill me, including you.”

  “If I wanted to kill you, you’d be dead.”

  “I heard you on the phone. You said you’d eliminate me. Don’t lie. I know what I heard.”

  “I said what they wanted to hear. If I’d said no, they’d have sent someone else to do the job. I was buying time.”

  Sebastian took this in and then shook his head. “Why should I believe you?”

  “Because if I could find you here, that means your father’s men can too. We need to get out of here. Now.”

  Sebastian glanced at the door as if expecting it to burst open. “I can’t trust you. Not now.”

  “We’ve been through this already. Listen to me, Sebastian. If you cooperate with me, I’ll get you out of this alive. Or you can take your chances with the trained killers closing in. If I wanted you dead, we would not be having this conversation. And I won’t have it again.”

  As Sebastian opened his mouth to answer, there was a muffled sound from the hallway. Kyle dove toward Sebastian, rolling with him to the safety of the other side of the bed as bullets tore through the door. Above them, the old window was heaved up.

  Sebastian didn’t resist as Kyle grabbed the gun and fired. They were caught in a tangle of limbs, but soon Kyle hauled Sebastian against the wall by the window, which opened to a fire escape. As their opponent outside edged in for a look, Kyle yanked the man’s head and smashed his knee up into his face.

  The man staggered, and Kyle burst onto the fire escape, the momentum helping as he shoved the man over the railing. Spinning, he fired into the room as he grabbed Sebastian and propelled him down the wrought-iron stairs.

  The fire escape shuddered as the thunder of feet sounded overhead. A woman stood by the body of the fallen man, and Kyle tugged on Sebastian as he slowed, staring at the splattered mess with mouth agape. The woman regarded them with a similar expression as they raced by.

  Ducking into an alley, Kyle went around the long way to the train station, their pursuers not far behind. In daylight and with the police surely on their way, no more shots were fired for the time being.

  Barreling into the station, Kyle was glad to see the crowd of people and suitcases. Suddenly slowing to a calm walk, Sebastian panting beside him, Kyle led the way to a bank of lockers where he’d stored his duffel.

  “They’re here!” Sebastian practically vibrated with fear and tension.

  Kyle knelt down, and Sebastian followed. Reaching into his bag Kyle pulled out a cap and slapped it on Sebastian’s head as he shrugged into a blue jacket. “We’re going to get lost in the crowd. Look at the departures board. When’s the next train?”

  Peering up, Sebastian squinted. “Five minutes. Paris.”

  “Good. Now when’s the next train after that?”

  “Um… Ten minutes. Rome.”

  “We’re going to stand up and walk to the bookstore right there. Blend in with the people reading magazines.”

  Sebastian licked his lips and nodded. As the minutes ticked by, Kyle watched for their opponents—there were two left at this point—in the security mirror high in the corner of the store. The men were easy to spot, running around with a frantic air. Arrigo Brambani needed to hire more competent hit men.

  As they disappeared in the direction of the tracks, Kyle put down his magazine and nodded toward the ticket machine. He paid for their tickets with cash and they made their way to the platform, three over from the Paris train, which was preparing to pull out. There was a commotion on the platform, and as other passengers turned to watch, Kyle and Sebastian boarded the Rome train.

  It was the night train, and Kyle had bought a two-berth sleeper cabin. They slipped inside the small room. The two bunks were to their left, with a few feet of space on the right to stand and store suitcases. A small basin was tucked just inside the door.

  Kyle pulled the shade and sat on the edge of the lower bunk as Sebastian shut the door. Through an inch of space at the bottom of the window, Kyle watched. As the whistle blew, the train lumbered forward. Beyond another train, Kyle caught a glimpse of their pursuers, now surrounded by several security guards. They gestured toward the departing Paris train, shouting.

  Sitting back, Kyle allowed himself to unclench. He glanced up to where Sebastian stood rigid, clutching the wall for balance as the carriage swayed. “It’s okay, we lost them. Sit down. Relax.”

  “Relax?” Sebastian asked, eyebrows raised. “Sure, sure. I’ll just have a nap.”

  “Not a bad idea.” Kyle yawned.

  “It doesn’t bother you at all, does it?”


  “That man at the hotel. You killed him.”

  “He was trying to kill you. At this point I’m sure I’ve been added to the hit list.”

  “So you don’t care that he’s dead.”

  Kyle shrugged. “I don’t like it, but it is what it is. Part of the job.” His curiosity got the better of him, and he asked, “How did you know where to press? The pressure points in the wrist to make me drop the gun?”

  “It was a trick my brother taught me. We used to play around a lot. It was just kids’ stuff, but I guess it still works.”

  Sebastian really was full of surprises. “Clearly.”

  There was a knock at the door. Kyle put his finger to his lips as he squeezed past Sebastian and presented their tickets to the conductor. When they were alone again, Kyle extended his hand. “I get the Chimera. You get a new identity. No more running away from me.”

  Sebastian regarded Kyle’s hand for a moment before reaching for it, nodding. Kyle ignored the spark of desire that skittered through him as their palms clasped. “Let’s eat. I’m starving.”

  Swishing the Merlot around in his mouth before swallowing, Sebastian savored it as it slid down his throat. He’d devoured his steak, and now he leaned back in his chair, sated. Across from him, Kyle chewed a roasted potato as he stared out the window at the dark mountains.

  “How did you start?” Sebastian asked.

  Kyle met his gaze. “Start what?”

  “Being a spy, or whatever job title you people have these days. Espionage technician?”

  Kyle’s lips twitched. “I was recruited when I was nineteen.”

  “Were you in college?”


  It was like getting blood from a stone. “What were you doing?”

  “If you’re going to play twenty questions, I’m moving to another table.”

  “Come on,” Sebastian cajoled. “We’re going to be on this train all night; we might as well talk.”

  Kyle grumbled, but his heart didn’t seem to be in it. “Fine. I was enrolled at the academy, but it didn’t work out.”

  “Academy of what?”

  “The police academy.”

  “You were going to be a cop?” Sebastian chuckled. “Well, I can definitely imagine you handcuffing people.” A moment after the words left his mouth he realized the implication. “I mean…you know what I mean.”

  An eyebrow raised, Kyle took a long pull from his bottle of beer.

  Sebastian hurried on. “So why didn’t it work out?”

  “It just didn’t.”

  “What made you want to be a cop?”

  “I just did.”

  From the way Kyle’s eyes flicked away, Sebastian knew he was onto something. He took a guess. “Was your father a cop?”

  Kyle sliced into an asparagus spear forcefully. “This is all irrelevant.”

  “He was, wasn’t he? Come on, spill.”

  Nostrils flaring, Kyle answered. “Yes. My two older brothers as well. I wanted to join the force my whole life, but life doesn’t always turn out the way we plan. You know that. So when the Association came calling, I answered. Left Pittsburgh for training camp overseas and haven’t looked back since.”

  “You’re from Pittsburgh? I’ve never been. Is it nice?”

  Kyle took a swig of his beer. “No.”

  “What did your parents say? When you left?”

  “There was nothing to say.”

  “Oh.” Sebastian felt a flush of guilt for prying. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  “I’m not upset.”

  “You seem a little upset.” At Kyle’s withering expression, Sebastian took another sip of wine. “All right, then tell me more about you.”


  “Why not? It’s only fair. You know everything about me.” Kyle said nothing. “Right? You know about my mom, and I bet you know about Peter.”

  Kyle didn’t answer, eyes on his plate. Sebastian threw back the rest of his wine and signaled the waiter for another.

  “Take it easy.” Kyle glanced up. “I need you sharp. You slow me down enough already without being drunk.”

  Sebastian scoffed. “Please, two glasses of wine will not get me drunk. I’m Italian, remember? I was weaned on Chianti.” He picked up his napkin, smoothing out the creases in the linen. “So do you know? About Peter?”


  “I bet you’ve seen the picture.”

  “Of course.”

  “He deleted it after I freaked out, but you can’t really delete anything these days, can you?”

  “No.” Kyle took another bite. “He left school a few days later. Dropped out after a transaction with your father.”

  Sebastian grimaced. “Yep, he paid Peter off to get out of my life.” He laughed wryly. “As if that would fix the problem. Fix me.”

  “There was no one before Peter?”

  “You tell me. What did your research turn up?”

  “Nothing. From what I could tell, you never even kissed anyone until you went to Harvard and fooled around with your roommate.”

  “Does it say that in my file? ‘Twenty-year-old virgin’?”

  Kyle smirked. “No.”

  “But you knew just how to approach me. How to make me do what you wanted.”

  “It’s my job. It’s not…” Kyle frowned and sipped his beer.

  “Personal? That’s what you were going to say. It’s not personal.”

  “It can’t be.”

  “Of course not.” Sebastian cleared his throat in the awkward silence. “So why didn’t you just stay put and kill the rest of those guys?”

  “Which guys?”

  “Right, I have to narrow it down. In Geneva, at the hotel. For a superspy, you seem to do a lot of running away.”

  Kyle snorted. “It’s not quite like it is in the movies. Evasion is always the best tactic. Avoid engagement except when there is no alternative. You’ll stay alive a lot longer.”

  “Can’t argue with the logic. So how are you going to find this powder? What’s so special about it? Aren’t there a ton of chemical weapons out there?”

  Kyle finished his meal and placed his knife and fork side by side on the plate. “Yes, but the Chimera is special. It’s virtually undetectable. It can be disguised as anything. Coffee grounds. Sugar. Sand. It only takes a tiny amount mixed with water to kill everyone in the vicinity. Kill them horribly. The affected area will be toxic for a long time afterward. Perhaps years.”

  “How can my father put this out into the world? It doesn’t make any sense.”

  “Neither do nuclear weapons. But for the right price, people like your father sell them to madmen. Odds are the terrorists would only use the Chimera once. But their power is in the world knowing they have more and could attack at any time. It’s all about fear.”

  “Do you think my brother knows?” God, Ben. Please don’t sell your soul for our father.

  Kyle shook his head. “I don’t know. I wish I could tell you.”

  Sebastian squared his shoulders. “Okay, how are we going to find it? I really have no idea where he might have hidden it.”

  “I’m waiting for fresh intel. I’ve made some inquiries. We might as well get a good night’s sleep tonight and start fresh in the morning. Your father’s company has an office in Rome, correct?”

  “Yes. I think so. I never paid much attention.” He thought again of Ben and missed him with a powerful pang.

  “What’s wrong? Aside from the obvious.”

  “Nothing.” Sebastian forced a smile. “Just tired. And everything. You know.”

  Kyle nodded and went back to staring out the window. The waiter brought dessert, a flaky French pastry that Sebastian picked at with his fork. Kyle cut his into neat squares, eating them one at a time. Sebastian wondered what it would take to affect his appetite.

  When they returned to their cabin after Kyle performed a search of the train for “any unexpected issues,” as he put
it, Sebastian stood by the window. He shoved his suddenly sweaty hands into his pockets.

  Kyle, on the other hand, seemed utterly calm. He stripped off his jacket and T-shirt, placing his gun on the lower bunk. The muscles in his back flexed as he leaned over the small basin and splashed water onto his face and chest. Sebastian watched in the reflection in the window, his throat gone dry. He held his breath as Kyle’s hands dipped lower, and waited for him to shuck his jeans.

  Instead Kyle turned, his eyes meeting Sebastian’s in the glass. Sebastian averted his face and bent over to unlace his sneakers.

  “Don’t. Stay ready. Shoes and pants on. Shirt can come off.”

  “Right. I forgot.” Sebastian straightened up. He pulled his shirt over his head and edged past Kyle in the narrow space. Their skin grazed, and Sebastian’s heart thumped as he resisted the urge to let his hands splay over Kyle’s broad chest. He kept his face down, as he was sure his cheeks were flaming. Snap out of it!

  When he was safely at the sink, Sebastian turned on the tap and tried to ignore Kyle, who stretched out on the lower bed, his booted feet crossed at the ankle, his gun tucked in beside him. Sebastian flipped off the overhead light before opening the shade a bit to let in some moonlight.

  An hour later he stared at the ceiling, which was all too close to him from the vantage of the top berth. Below him, Kyle breathed deeply and evenly. Sebastian kept telling himself to go to sleep, but his brain whirled overtime. It was all still like a dream he’d soon wake from and find himself back in his room in Como. Or better yet, his dorm room in Cambridge. Even without Peter, it was still the place he felt most at home. Most himself. But there’d be no going back there now.

  After a few more minutes, he leaned over to see if Kyle was really asleep. In the dim half-light of the moon, he could see Kyle’s still form. The train jostled him as it swayed, and he gripped the edges of the bunk as he leaned a bit farther, squinting into the shadows of Kyle’s berth.

  Sebastian wanted to go for a walk through the train, but Kyle would surely object. The men hadn’t followed them on board, so what harm would it do? Perhaps if he burned off some restless energy, he could sleep.


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