The Chimera Affair: Gay Romance

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The Chimera Affair: Gay Romance Page 20

by Keira Andrews

  Kyle shook his head. “Think of your future.”

  “I am. I have. I want my future to be with you. I don’t care where or how. I want you.”

  Kyle kissed Sebastian long and hard. Resting their foreheads together, they laughed, wrapped in each other’s arms. In the distance a train whistle echoed, and Kyle sighed. “We really do have to go.” Pulling back, he kissed Sebastian again tenderly. “Maybe we can both disappear.”

  “What about your job?”

  Kyle shrugged. “I’ll do something else. Leave all this glamour behind.”

  Chuckling, Sebastian wiped a fresh drop of blood from Kyle’s hairline. “But you love it.” And I love it too. Kyle’s phone rang. “Service out here?” Sebastian asked.

  “Satellite phone.” Kyle pushed a button. “Marie. Wonderful timing as always.” He listened. “No. There was a complication. Taken care of now.” He listened again. “Yes, he’s here. Why?” Frowning, Kyle passed the phone to Sebastian. “She wants to talk to you.”

  Sebastian answered. “Hello?”

  “Mr. Brambani, so glad to catch you. I’ve had a very interesting meeting with the section chief.”

  Kyle tugged him up, and they limped along in the direction of the car, Kyle’s arm firm around Sebastian’s shoulders. “Define ‘interesting.’”

  She laughed delightedly. “We have a proposition for you.”


  Three months later

  Surveying the ballroom, Kyle sighed inwardly. He’d been at the gala for a tedious hour already, and they were running behind schedule. He had to wait until at least ten minutes into the sure-to-be interminable speeches before he slipped away to the service elevator and headed to the ambassador’s room.

  Pulling on his left sleeve, he adjusted his tuxedo jacket. Just get on with it already. As he glanced about, he caught the eye of an elegantly attired older woman. He took a swig of champagne to hide his grimace as she approached.

  The woman smiled in a way she likely thought was extremely seductive. “Well, hello there. Are you new to Hong Kong?” She tapped her glass with a long, manicured nail. “I’m sure I’d have noticed you before.”

  As Kyle debated the quickest way to get rid of her, a familiar voice rang out and his heart skipped a beat. “Mr. McBride?”

  He turned as Sebastian approached. He was still lean, but his tuxedo jacket showed off more defined arms and shoulders. His clipped blond hair gleamed, and his wide smile was unchanged. Kyle felt stupidly light-headed.

  “Steven McBride, isn’t it?” To the woman, Sebastian added, “Pardon the intrusion, madam.”

  She batted her false eyelashes. “Mr. McBride? We were just getting acquainted.”

  “Go away now.” Kyle stepped closer to Sebastian, ignoring the woman’s indignant huff as she went off in search of other prey, her stilettos clicking.

  Sebastian stopped an arm’s length away, chuckling. “Steven, you used to have such a way with words. You were a real charmer if I remember correctly.”

  Kyle’s whole body vibrated as he kept himself in check, resisting the urge to toss their champagne to the floor and kiss Sebastian breathless. God, he’d missed him. The taste of his mouth, the feel of his body. His laughter, his smile. His…everything. It had been three long months.

  He cleared his throat. “I didn’t expect to see you here. I thought your business would keep you away for a while longer.” Association basic training was a minimum of six months. Fortunately the European section chief had been impressed with Sebastian and, instead of eliminating him, had decided to make him an asset.

  “Yes, I’m on a sort of…co-op placement.”

  “Things are going well? With your business seminars?”

  “Very well. Quite a steep learning curve in some areas, as you can imagine.”

  “No regrets?” Kyle held his breath waiting for the answer, and their eyes locked.

  “Not one, Mr. McBride.” Sebastian moved to stand beside Kyle, the sleeves of their tuxedos brushing together.

  Exhaling, Kyle looked out ahead of him at the couples gliding by on the dance floor. “Glad to hear it. How long is this placement?”

  “Only temporary. One night. All night.”

  His cock twitching to life already, Kyle asked, “And your assignment?”

  “Same as yours. I’m here to assist and learn from you. I’m sure the next hours will prove very educational.”

  “Yes. Undoubtedly. I wonder if your plan of action is any different from mine?”

  Sebastian took a sip of his champagne before speaking again, his voice barely more than a whisper. “I was thinking we could go find these documents and deliver them to the courier as scheduled. Then we go to your room and fuck every way we can think of until I have to go back to Madrid.”

  Kyle breathed deeply, closing his eyes as he fought for control. “Our plans are in alignment. Just need to wait for these speeches to begin.”

  “Shouldn’t be long now.” Sebastian kept his gaze on the ballroom. “Any word on the director?”

  “No.” Kyle’s gut tightened. He’d spent countless days searching for the son of a bitch, but he seemed to have vanished without a trace. “But I’ll find him.”

  “I have no doubt.” Sebastian cleared his throat. “It’s good to see you again, Mr. McBride. I expect to see you again much more regularly in the future. I’m told it shouldn’t be a problem to team up. I recently met with a woman who would be overseeing both of us. French, I believe.”

  Kyle fought the urge to grin. “Well, we always have worked well together, Mr…?”

  “Gregson. Antonio.”

  “Italian mother?”

  Sebastian smiled. “Yes. Nice to keep one’s heritage alive, don’t you agree?”

  “Absolutely. And it’s good to see you again too, Mr. Gregson. Very good.”

  They shared a fleeting, tender glance, and Sebastian smiled and mouthed, I love you.

  Kyle wasn’t sure how he’d lived so long without this man. The future seemed impossible without him. He nodded and reluctantly broke their gaze. If he didn’t, he was bound to do something rash that would draw attention to them, the mission be damned.

  Another minute ticked by in companionable silence, an undercurrent of longing flowing between them as Kyle put his hands in his pockets to keep from reaching out. Sebastian checked his watch. “They certainly don’t seem to be in any rush,” he muttered.

  Still fighting the urge to throw Sebastian down right there in the ballroom, Kyle grimaced. “Doesn’t look like it.”

  A slow smile lifted Sebastian’s lips. “In the meantime, do you know where the bathroom is?”

  Desire pooled in Kyle’s belly, hot and urgent. “I believe it’s right outside.”

  Walking closely through the crowd in the grand ballroom, Kyle took Sebastian’s hand, weaving their fingers together as they made their exit.

  The Argentine Seduction


  Chapter One

  Where was an alcoholic, homicidal Russian arms dealer when you needed him?

  Sebastian breathed deeply and leaned back against the bar, keeping his expression relaxed despite the rush of adrenaline. He hated waiting, and each minute that ticked by gave him more time to second-guess himself—and this mission.

  Where the hell was Zhernakov? The elegant hotel rooftop terrace in Buenos Aires’s Recoleta neighborhood was dimly lit, but Sebastian was positive his target was MIA. The man would surely stand out among the young, fashionable clientele. Sebastian had studied Zhernakov’s picture a million times that day—his shorn silver hair, ruddy complexion, and body built like a barrel of the whiskey he consumed in staggering amounts. It was said he once stabbed a man merely for offering him vodka.

  Sebastian swirled his glass, and the ice cubes clinked together. He took a swallow, wincing as the whiskey burned a path down his throat. His stomach was empty, but he’d been far too nervous to eat. A bit of liquid courage surely wouldn’t hurt. He
finished the drink and turned to signal for another, but the bartender placed one in front of him before he could even raise his hand. Sebastian smiled his thanks.

  This March had been one of the hottest on record in Buenos Aires, and Sebastian wore only a dark T-shirt with his tight jeans. He found dark clothes brought out his green eyes, and he was confident about his trim body in a way he hadn’t been as a teenager. He’d styled his short blond hair over his forehead, tousled in a careless way that made him look even younger than he was. Although he wouldn’t turn twenty-one for a few months, Sebastian felt far beyond his years.

  He chuckled ruefully. He supposed discovering his father was a ruthless arms dealer, going on the run with a sexy spy, and dodging assassins at every turn would make anyone grow up quickly. Now he was a spy himself. Well, at least he’d finished his six-month training with the Association.

  Whether or not he could really call himself a spy would depend on the success of this mission. His role in the field would largely be cracking safes and decrypting passwords and codes, but he still had to prove he could handle himself undercover and under pressure.

  The colored lanterns swayed just a bit in a cool breeze that raised gooseflesh on Sebastian’s bare arms, although he thought his nerves might be the culprit. In the starless night, even the moon was obscured by thick clouds that would bring rain before dawn. The terrace was dotted with tables occupied by couples and friends, quiet laughter ringing out from here and there.

  Sebastian took another drink, reminding himself to take it easy. He needed to stay sharp. He put down his glass and shoved his hands in his pockets. Focusing once more on his breathing, he wondered if his backup had arrived. He hadn’t spotted anyone earlier who appeared to be an operative, but of course the point was to blend in.

  Sebastian glanced around the terrace casually. By the railing to the right overlooking the hotel’s pool ten stories below, a man had appeared. The last man Sebastian had expected to see. His heart skipped a beat, a smile instantly tugging at his lips. He had to tamp down the urge to close the distance between them at a run.

  Resting against the rail with a beer in hand, Kyle wore dark jeans. His linen shirtsleeves were rolled to his elbows, and his top buttons were undone. His dark hair was neatly trimmed as always, and his skin was tanned. Tall and lean, Kyle was one of the handsomest men Sebastian had ever seen. At the moment he appeared the very picture of relaxation.

  But they both had a job to do, and Sebastian forced his gaze back on his drink and concentrated on calming himself. Kyle hadn’t even glanced his way, but Sebastian could feel the heat of his presence charging the air.

  Leaving his drink, Sebastian rounded the bar and headed to the toilets. He quickly cleared the room, ensuring no one was there and that both the stalls were empty before ducking inside one. The bathroom door opened a minute later. Sebastian waited for the signal, body unclenching slightly as Kyle whistled a jaunty tune.

  Once Kyle had squeezed into the stall, they stood pressed together in the small space, and all of Sebastian’s questions died on his tongue as their eyes met. He was struck by a memory of their first meeting, of gazing up into Kyle’s gold-flecked hazel eyes. His knees had practically gone weak, and even now his stomach flip-flopped.

  Kyle cupped Sebastian’s head with his hand as they kissed. They both moaned, and Sebastian lost himself in the rush of sensations—the feel of Kyle’s tongue, the taste of his mouth, his scent filling Sebastian’s nose, his big, hard body pressing Sebastian back against the side of the stall.

  But as he gasped for air, Sebastian shook his head. “Wait, wait. Did something happen? What are you doing here?”

  Kyle kissed him again, nudging his thigh between Sebastian’s legs. “A month is too long.”

  Sebastian rocked his thickening cock against Kyle’s leg. “I know. Missed you so much.” He squeezed Kyle’s shaft through the denim. “Can’t wait to have you inside me again.”

  Groaning, Kyle tugged at the zipper on Sebastian’s jeans and kissed him hard. Sebastian gripped Kyle’s back, urging him closer, and Kyle suddenly went rigid, a small gasp escaping his lips. Sebastian felt something beneath Kyle’s shirt—a bandage?

  “Are you hurt? Let me see.” He lifted the hem of Kyle’s shirt.

  Unsurprisingly, Kyle batted Sebastian’s hands away. “I’m fine. It’s nothing. A scratch.”

  “Then let me see.”

  Sighing, Kyle relented and lifted his shirt as he twisted slightly. “See? Nothing.”

  Sebastian ran his fingertips over the bandaged wound just above Kyle’s right kidney. “How did it happen?”

  “Dark alley. Icy. My coat took most of it. Goose feathers come in handy.”

  “How many stitches?”

  “Just a couple.” Kyle dropped his shirt and kissed Sebastian again.

  “Are you sure Marie cleared you to be back in the field? She didn’t tell me you’d be here.” Marie was too good a handler to take a chance on any mission, even a straightforward one like this.

  “I’m fine. Besides, this is your mission. I’m just the backup. You won’t need me.”

  “You didn’t answer the question. Did Marie send you? You might remember her? Small Frenchwoman, slightly terrifying when she’s angry? Ring any bells?”

  Chuckling, Kyle nodded. “Don’t worry, she knows. I don’t change plans without running them by Marie.” At Sebastian’s skeptical look, Kyle amended. “Well, I don’t change plans often without running them by her.” He brushed a knuckle down Sebastian’s cheek. “Only in exceptional circumstances.”

  Sebastian smiled as he thought of the rules Kyle had broken and the orders he’d disobeyed to save Sebastian’s life. He pressed their lips together before leaning back. “I’m glad you’re here. But are you sure you’re up for this?”

  Kyle arched an eyebrow and rolled his hips into Sebastian’s. “I’m always up for this.”

  Sebastian couldn’t help but laugh as the worry dissipated. “I guess you’re fine if you’re well enough for puns.” He took a shuddering breath, leaning into the warmth of Kyle’s body as the anxiety returned. “I should get back out there. Target might have arrived.”

  “Don’t be nervous. You can do this. Marie wouldn’t have sent you otherwise.”

  “Well, Zhernakov likes pretty boys.” He smiled and kissed Kyle lightly. “Sorry, old man, you don’t fit the bill.”

  As Kyle opened his mouth to respond, the bathroom door opened with a momentary surge of music and conversation from the terrace beyond. In the hush that followed, they could hear a man at the urinal. They stood pressed together, and Kyle bent his head, his breath hot on Sebastian’s ear. “This old man’s going to make you come so hard your balls will ache, and then I’m going to fuck you again. And again.”

  Sebastian shivered. He and Kyle had only seen each other for fleeting encounters while Sebastian was in training, and they’d made the most of the opportunities. The last time they’d seen each other, in a dive hotel in Karachi, they’d spent a night in each other’s arms having sex on every surface.

  As the man in the bathroom finally left, Sebastian gripped Kyle’s ass and ground their hips together, pulling Kyle’s head down for another kiss. But his own breathy moan turned to a disappointed sigh as his phone vibrated in his pocket. Kyle glanced out to make sure they were still alone as Sebastian read the message from Marie.

  New target: Zhernakov’s son, Fedor. 25 years old. Same plan: he’s a chip off the old block. Likes virgins.

  “What is it?” Kyle asked.

  “It’s going to be Zhernakov’s son instead. Same game plan, though. Apparently he shares his father’s taste. There’s a picture here…” Sebastian tapped the small image and raised his eyebrows. “Wow. He may take after his father in some ways, but he got his looks from his mother. Hot.” Sebastian showed Kyle the picture.

  Kyle was silent for a moment before shrugging. “Nothing special.”

  Snorting, Sebastian slipped his phone back into
his pocket. “Yeah, only if you go in for the piercing blue eyes, chiseled jaw, shiny black hair, and six-pack abs. Other than that, sure, he’s pretty average. Did you see him out there? I didn’t.”

  Kyle shook his head. “He might be there now. Just remember what you’ve learned and…”

  “What?” The adrenaline and nerves had returned full force, and Sebastian exhaled shakily.

  “You’ll be great.” Hands on Sebastian’s shoulders, Kyle leaned down and spoke into his ear. “Go get him.”

  He pressed a tender kiss to Sebastian’s cheek. Ignoring the shiver of desire flickering up his spine, Sebastian nodded and kissed Kyle quickly.

  Back on the terrace, he scanned the faces and felt a bolt of energy when he spotted the young and handsome Zhernakov Jr. on the other side of the roof with two flunkies. Sebastian picked up another drink at the bar and weaved his way over slowly, stopping several times to admire the view.

  As he passed Zhernakov, Sebastian stumbled and sent his drink flying, splashing the man’s broad chest. With a gasp, Sebastian blushed and rubbed Zhernakov’s stained shirt, leaning into him. “I’m so sorry!” He hiccupped.

  Zhernakov’s angry expression melted. He took hold of Sebastian’s arm with his strong hand. “You are American?”

  “Uh-huh.” Sebastian’s American accent came as naturally to him as his own Italian did. “My dad’s working here in Buenos Aires. I’m supposed to be in bed.” He put his finger to his lips. “Shhh. I’m not supposed to be drinking either.”

  The predatory gleam in Zhernakov’s eyes was almost comical. “It shall be our little secret.”

  Sebastian grinned. “Awesome. Secrets are fun.” He leaned closer to Zhernakov to look over the terrace railing. “Wow, amazing view. I’ve hardly been out of my room since we got here.” He rolled his eyes. “Dad thinks it’s too dangerous.”

  “Fathers. They can be…complicated.” Zhernakov smiled.

  “Totally.” Sebastian rested his palm on Zhernakov’s broadly muscled chest. The young man was tall and built and utterly intimidating, especially with his perfect cheekbones. Not to mention the two armed lackeys, who stood off to the side, gazes discreetly averted. Sebastian ran his hand over Zhernakov’s thin silk shirt. “My bad. I ruined it.”


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