Yours Book 1: Losing My Innocence

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Yours Book 1: Losing My Innocence Page 18

by Blue Saffire

  As if he senses my full submission, Nick places my hands on the shower wall and takes me from behind once again. I guess we are not in that much of a rush to greet Luke after all. Nick makes love to me, taking me right to the edge of bliss. When he knows I am ready, he first pulls the plug from inside me, then removes the clamp, sending me right over the edge into oblivion.

  I shatter into a million pieces and want nothing more than to go right back to sleep. Unfortunately, Nick has other plans in mind. He turns the water off and leads me out of the shower to towel me off. He dries himself and tucks a towel around his waist. He then carries me into the bedroom where he slips a pair of lacey magenta panties on me followed by a matching bra.

  When he places the tiny black short shorts in front of me to step into I lift a brow at him. They are definitely not from any of the clothes that I have bought along here with me since I have been staying over. Nick gives me a cocky smile as he tilts his head to the side. He places a hand on my calf and slides it along my skin, up to my thigh and back down again.

  “You have amazing legs. I want to be able to see them. You will look great in these,” he says simply and taps my leg for me to lift.

  I step into the shorts and wiggle a little as he slips them up my legs. He peaks my lips before turning for the magenta silk sleeveless blouse. He is sexy as he bites his bottom lip while fastening the buttons on my shirt.

  He is completely focused on his task of dressing me and I feel cherished. I am also turned on as he is standing before me with nothing but a towel around his waist. I can’t believe I can still want him so much after today.

  Suddenly, Nick stops in his tracks and suck in a sharp breath. His eyes narrow and hone in on my neck as he presses his lips into a tight line. His fingers reach for my neck for a gentle caress that raises goose bumps across my flesh.

  “I was too rough with you. You bruise easier than I thought you would,” he blows out a breath and twists his lips, looking disappointed with himself.

  I reach up on my toes and wrap my arms around his neck. “You weren’t too rough. I enjoyed every minute of it.”

  “Mmm, did you?” his frown is once again replaced by that sexy smile of his.

  “Yes, I did, Sir,” I reply with an innocence grin.

  He pulls me flush against him and nuzzles my neck. Pulling away slowly he locks eyes with me. He reaches to pull my hair down and over the offending bruise. “I must be a bit more careful with you. You’re too perfect for me to damage.”

  I peck him on the lips to alleviate his worries. Nick just stands for a moment as if in deep thought. I watch as a myriad of emotions cross his face so quickly I can’t place not a one. He quickly shut down the play of emotions and steps away returning to his task.

  “Step in,” he commands as he places black and magenta peep toe platform heels in front of me.

  I have to bite back a giggle because someone has been very busy thinking about my wardrobe. This is not something my sister would have put together for me, but I like it. The shorts are a little short, but they do show off my legs and the heels make my legs and butt look great.

  “I don’t think I will ever get enough of you,” he murmurs into my hair as he holds me in his arms. His arousal is so evident beneath his tented towel.

  “That’s good to hear because I don’t want you to,” I reply breathlessly.

  “Good,” he says against my lips pulling away too soon and swatting my behind as he moves to his closet to get dressed.

  I stand in a daze staring after him. How many years have I dreamed of this? Each day I wake up wanting to pitch myself as I open my eyes to his and get lost in those beautiful greens. This is all a dream come true and I don’t know what I did to deserve it.

  “Sephora, did you hear me?” Nick asks as he steps out of the closet dressed in dark jeans and a fitted white t-shirt that stretches deliciously across his chest.

  “No, I’m sorry,” I reply as I snap out of my thoughts.

  His lips curl into a crooked smile. He saunters over to me and lifts my chin with his fingertips. His eyes search my face and his smile grows wider. “I have business in New York this weekend. Would you like to join me? I will miss you terribly if you say no.”

  “Yes,” I breathe at the sexy pout he is giving me.

  His cell buzzes and breaks the trance he now has me in with those green eyes. He releases my face and goes to pick his phone up from the night stand. He smiles at the text he is reading.

  “Your brother is right on time as usual. He has brought some take out with him. Come on, let’s let them in,” he says.

  I furrow my brows at his words. I know Luke was coming, but who else is with him. Nick holds out his hand and I take it as he leads me downstairs to the common room. Luke is sitting on the sofa already and to my surprise Kimmie is there with him. They are sitting looking cozy as if it is the most normal thing in the world.

  “Hey stranger,” Kimmie chirps with a sly grin on her face as she watches Nick and I walk into the room and take a seat.

  “I saw you in the office this morning,” I frown.

  “Yeah, but I haven’t seen you in the apartment in forever, other than to run in for clothes and run back out.”

  I watch as Luke frowns upon hearing this, but he adds nothing to the conversation. He just shares out plates of Thai take out. Nick walks over to the sofa and sits on the rug in front of it. He pulls me down into his lap and I slip down in between his legs and nestling in against his chest.

  “And that would be my fault. I’m not ready to let her out of my sight for too long at a time,” Nick laughs and nuzzles my neck.

  “I promise we can do something next weekend.” I offer to please Kimmie.

  Nick grunts behind me like that is not likely to happen, but I need to spend time with my friends sometime. I haven’t talked to Mark in days. In the office, he gives me one word answers and dismisses me as if I don’t exist. It has been tense between us since the morning after he overheard me and Nick making love.

  “Don’t worry about it. I’m just teasing, I haven’t really been home much myself,” Kimmie gushes and looked over at Luke dreamily.

  “Is that right,” I ask sarcastically as I watch my brother’s cheeks flush just a little as he does his best not to look at me.

  “Here, I got your favorite,” Luke mutters, quickly shoving a plate into my hands.

  Usually the curry shrimp and coconut rice from my favorite Thai fusion restaurant would have been a distraction, but not tonight. I want to know what is going on with these two. Is Kimmie the reason Luke and Nina broke up? What exactly is going on with these two?

  “So where have you been Kimmie? I know you probably don’t want to be in the apartment alone, so where have you been spending your time,” I asked trying to sound as coy as possible.

  “I haven’t asked you about where you have been,” Luke says through tight lips.

  “Yet,” I feel the word rumble through Nick’s chest. “Although we all know that is why you are here.”

  Luke just grinds his teeth without saying a word in response. He goes back to piling food on plates and pass one to everyone before digging in himself. I have to stifle a laugh as I watch Luke stuff food in his mouth and chew bitterly. I let it slide that I have yet to get an answer to my question.

  “Hey,” I protest as Nick spears a shrimp from my plate. I turn to look at him and he winks at me popping the shrimp in his mouth. Nick pucks a piece of chicken from his plate and lifts it to my lips. I open my mouth and wrap my lips around the chicken. The flavor bursts in my mouth. “Mmmm,” I hum.

  “Hey you two,” Kimmie teases.

  “Sorry,” I say as I cover my mouth and chew.

  Luke’s fork clatters to his plate. All eyes in the room fall on him. I can see his jaw ticking and I know he is at his boiling point. Nick reaches pass me to place his plate down.

  “It’s not like we haven’t talked about this,” Nick heaves. “You’ve known my intentions to be
with Sephora for some time now.”

  “But does Sophi, does she understand what she is getting into? Have you talked to her?” Luke charges.

  I place my plate next to Nick’s having lost my appetite. “Stop talking about me like I am not in the room,” I grunt pushing my fingers through my hair and clenching my roots. Luke’s eyes lock on to the locket around my neck and snorts. Then his eyes narrow and his whole body stiffens.

  “Are you fucking kidding me,” Luke growls and jumps to his feet. I can tell he must be seeing the same bruises that Nick had seen when he dressed me earlier. “This…this is why I don’t want you with my sister. She doesn’t need you taking your twisted shit out on her,” Luke seethes and runs his hands through his hair. “Fuck man. You can have anyone. Why the hell does it have to be Soph that you have such a fucking hard on for?”

  Nick jumps to his feet so fast he pulls me with him. I jump between him and Luke. I can see Nick’s every muscle coil to strike. Before Nick can speak my fury boils over.

  “Oh my God, Luke,” I scream. “When….when Luke…when will you see that I am not a little girl that you have to take care of. It is my choice to be in this relationship.”

  “A relationship that you don’t understand,” Luke roars.

  “Lucian don’t,” Nick growls.

  “Don’t what? Tell my sister that she is in over her head. Damnit Nick, does she know anything about you? I mean really know you? Souls like ours have no right anywhere near pureness like Sephora’s,” Luke’s face is turning red with his anger.

  “That’s not fair and you know it,” Nick bellows back.

  “Oh really. I know you, Nick. I know how far you have let your darkness and your secrets take you. That’s not fucking happening with my sister.”

  “It’s. Not. The. Same,” Nick spits out, his chest heaving.

  “This is not your place, Luke. You have no right to tell me who to fall in love with,” I sob.

  Luke’s head snaps back at my words and a sour look comes across his face. Nick wraps his arms around me from behind and I turn to bury my face in his chest. Nick smooths a hand over my hair and kisses the top of my head.

  “Maybe we should take a step back for a minute,” I hear Kimmie say softly.

  “No! Lilla du, if you think you are falling in love, then this is even more important to me,” Luke’s voices softens.

  “You’re not even listening to me Luke,” I shake my head, but don’t move from Nick’s embrace.

  “No,” Luke’s voice is harsh again. “You are not listening to me. Do you know what I would have done to Kimmie if she pulled that stunt you pulled with mother? I would have spanked her ass until she couldn’t sit. Nick is no different, if you weren’t my sister, I’m sure he would have done the same thing by now.

  “Do you know what it means to be truly submissive, Sephora? Do you? Do you know what kind of sick and fucked up shit Nick has done? Do you know the kinky shit he is really into? I don’t think you do because a good girl like you would run like hell from men like Nick and Me.

  “Do you even know what that fucking necklace he put around your neck means?” I pull away from Nick and look up at him confused. “Ah, now I have your attention.”

  “I swear, Luke,” Nick says, but I see in his face that he is trying his hardest to restrain himself. “You have no idea how I feel about Sephora. If I were in your shoes, I know I would behave the same way.

  “But I am going to tell you for the millionth time. She is different and I am a different man for her. Don’t do this. I promised her that I would take my time with her. Don’t force me to push her or our relationship. Give me the time you promised. As a friend…”

  “As a friend? As a friend, Nick. My little sister has bruises on her neck. As a friend, you would have listened to me when I asked you not to pursue her,” Luke says brokenly.

  “I’d never hurt her,” Nick bellows.

  “You’re my friend, I have told you what she has been through. How she sees herself because of our crazy ass mother. Everything she has lost because of our fucked up parents. I won’t sit idly by and watch her loose her innocence,” Luke demands.

  “Yes, you will,” I scream.

  “No. I. Won’t,” Luke rages on.

  “Just stop,” I cry out as I turn to look at Luke again. “Is it okay for you to do kinky things with my best friend? Did you talk to me first before you started whatever it is your doing with Kimmie? Do I get a say in all of that? What makes me better than Kimmie?” I demand.

  “I…it’s different,” Luke mutters.

  “Oh yeah, how is that?” I challenge.

  Luke sighs and starts pacing running his hand through his hair again. “Kimmie knows what she is getting into. I’ve tried to stay away from her. I’ve warned her against me. I’ve done every fucking thing I can to stay away from her,” he stops his pacing to look at Kimmie who is blushing and looking at her own feet. “It’s …. We’re complicated.”

  “Well, this thing I have with Nick is complicated, but I know it is what I want. Trust me Luke. Trust Nick, he has done nothing but take care of me,” I plead.

  Luke presses his lips and runs his fingers through his hair as he looks at me. I can see the wheels turning. His eyes flicker and narrow on Nick.

  “I swear, you have been like a brother to me, man. But Sophi is my heart, my sister, my flesh and blood. If you let your shit hurt her, I am coming after you. No questions asked.”

  “If I hurt one hair on her head, I will allow it, no questions,” Nick nods at Luke.

  I can see both my brother and Nick relax. “I still don’t like it, but I’ll respect your wishes as my sister,” Luke relents. “But if you need me, you call me and I will make it all better. You understand me?”

  “Yes Lukie, I understand. Now can we get back to dinner or are you going to pace and growl some more like a caged lion?” I tease and sniffle.

  Luke breaks into a smile and pulls me into a hug. He holds me for a few moments like he doesn’t ever want to let me go. I squeeze him back, because despite it all, I love my brother and I know he loves me and would do anything for me. I just wish he would trust my decisions more.

  Luke releases me and he and Nick clasp each other in a man hug. I can see a little of the tension is still there, but they too will be fine. Luke loves Nick too. They have been through a lot together and know each other better than they allow anyone else to know them.

  Chapter Nineteen

  The Necklace

  The rest of dinner went by with less tension. I was fascinated with watching the interaction between Luke and Kimmie. It’s a vast difference from the way they used to behave around each other. However, Nick seemed to still be wound tight until he and Luke stepped from the room to have a private chat.

  I tried to pry information from Kimmie while I had her alone, but she remained as tight lipped as she had been with Luke in the room. She would only give me a goofy grin and ignored my questions. I let it go once I saw I wasn’t going to get anything out of her.

  When she is ready she’ll talk to me. Kimmie always talks when she is ready and then she won’t stop. When I think about how detailed Kimmie can be I am grateful she decided not to talk after all. She looks happy and honestly so does Lucian so I guess that is all that matters.

  Once Kimmie and Luke left, Nick said he had somethings he needed to take care of for the trip to New York. He told me to go up to bed and he would join me when he was done. I was disappointed at first. I was hoping Nick would be the one to undress me the way he has every night since I have been sleeping over at his place.

  However, once I reach the bedroom and start to strip down I am grateful for the time alone to think. I’ve been playing Luke’s words over in my head. I have so many questions. Things have moved so quickly between Nick and I.

  My brother is right. What do I really know about Nick other than what I have learned through newspapers, magazine, and following his company and life on the internet. I know Nicholas
Lincoln the business man, but I know nothing about Nick the man.

  Sure, we talk and I have learned everyday things about him from staying here with him. Things like the way he like his coffee, black no sugar, no cream; or what makes up that amazing scent of his, his shampoo and body wash with a hint of his cologne and aftershave. But what have I really learned about the man?

  I still haven’t found not one picture of him as a boy or pictures of his family for that matter. He never speaks of his family and now that I think of it, I have never heard Luke mention them either. The media seems to be at a loss for that type of information on the man as well. I have never read anything that talks about Nick before he took over his family’s business or why he had to do so, so early in his life.

  Nick’s personal life has always been kept from the viewing public. I can feel myself growing cold inside with the realization that I really am in over my head and I have let things drift out of my control. I feel the frustration building.

  I climb into bed in just my bra and panties, sliding under the sheets feeling the weight of my thoughts. Hugging one of my pillows I curl into a ball on my side staring off into nothingness. I’m plagued with thoughts of the fact that my brother, although overbearing at times, would never get as crazy as he had tonight if it weren’t warranted.

  Luke has never seemed so unhinged. At least, never in my presence. A part of me feels torn between what I know in my heart and what my brain is telling me. I am entranced by my thoughts until I feel the bed dip. Nick crawls in beside me and wraps one arm around me. I can feel him staring at me, but I keep my gaze on his hard chest.

  Placing his fingers beneath my chin Nick lifts my head to look into my eyes. He brushes his fingers against my cheek. “Your eyes are so beautiful when they are this color,” Nick says softly.

  “What color are they,” I ask.

  “They are the most beautiful mix of gold and grey I have ever seen,” he replies and kisses the tip of my nose. “But it’s not the color that I am concerned with right now. Talk to me Baby, what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours.”


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