Blood of Spain_An Oral History of the Spanish Civil War

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Blood of Spain_An Oral History of the Spanish Civil War Page 100

by Ronald Fraser

  Santander, 247n.

  fall of, 410

  Saragossa, 113, 132, 348, 358

  military rising, 72, 106 and n., 121

  objective of CNT militias, and importance

  of to CNT, 119–21

  libertarian strength in, 121

  insurgents withdraw to, 132

  access barred, 133

  and Durruti column, 119–21 passim, 133,

  Segovia, 166

  air raids, 167, 175n.

  Serrano Suñer, Ramón, 316n., 317, 318, 319, 416, 471

  secretary general of FET, 317n.

  motion to exclude from leadership posts, 469–70

  Servicio de Investigación Militar (SIM), 444 and n., 459

  Seven Seas Spray (British merchant vessel), 398, 411

  Seville, 129, 155, 158, 161, 175, 259, 271–2, 275–6, 277, 278, 307

  and Sanjurjo rising, 568n.

  military rising, 49–50, 51–2, 72, 106 and n.

  end of resistance, 108

  inter-union assassinations, 99

  air lift, 108

  executions, 159–60

  Sindicato Español Universitario (SEU), 103

  members’ assassinations, 59

  Socialist party, see Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE)

  Socialists, and syndicalism, 239

  Socorro Blanco (White Aid), 474, 476

  Socorro Rojo (Red Aid), 164, 487

  Soldado Rojo (Red Soldier), 76

  origin of, 569

  Solidaridad Obrero (CNT), 47, 60, 82, 90, 105, 107, 136, 146, 344

  Solidaridad de Trabajadores Vascos (STV), 192, 194, 540

  and October 1934, 538n.

  ‘communitarianism’, 540

  Soldiers’ and Corporals’ Organization:

  work of, 569–70

  increase in strength of, 571

  Somosierra, 122

  pass captured, 126

  Sota, Ramón de la, 539n.

  Sotrondio (Asturias), 242, 422–3, 425, 426

  Souchy, A., 217n., 358n., 369n.

  Southworth, H., 401n.

  Soviet Union, 191, 325

  and Non-Intervention, 127

  food shipments, 145

  military aid, 202, 230, 259 and n., 262, 266, 270, 337; held up in France, 328, 482–3

  and PCE, 297, 326, 329, 331 and n., 332, 346

  alliance with bourgeois democracies, 327, 329, 562, 563

  and Spanish democratic revolution, 563

  ‘hatred of’, 332

  ‘desire to be rid of’, 334

  and show trials, 334, 384

  and La Batalla, 374

  and Nin, 386

  evacuees, 434

  education in, 435–6

  military advisers, 462–3

  Stalin, J., 291n., 334, 373, 384

  letter to Largo Caballero, 321, 327 and n., 330n.

  advises use of guerrillas, 330n.

  and aid, 329

  proletarian revolution, 329

  posters of, 456

  Supplies committee (Barcelona):

  creation of, 143

  abolishes money, 144

  and barter system, 144

  exchanges worth 60 million pesetas, 145

  and Soviet Union, 145, 375

  suppressed by Comorera, 375

  Syndicalist party:

  foundation of, 547

  Tagüeña, M., 486n., 489, 492n.

  Talavera (Toledo), 257

  Tamames, R., 279n., 510n., 564n, 566n.

  Tamariz de Campos (Valladolid), 86, 88n., 168–9

  Tangier, 108n.

  Tarradellas, Josep, 142, 145, 146, 209, 577

  Tarragona, 227, 228, 376

  Taya, R., 394n.

  Teruel, 119

  Popular Army’s capture of, 440, 469, 480

  recaptured by nationalists, 441

  bishop of, 464–5; his assassination, 465n.

  Tetuán (Spanish Morocco), 48

  Thomas, H., 42, 43n., 148n., 370n., 404n., 475n., 483n., 486n., 488n., 566n., 570n., 573n., 574 and n.

  Togliatti, Palmiro (‘Ercoli’), 441, 491–2

  Toledo, 117, 174, 203, 256, 257, 515, 582

  relief of, 200, 201

  Alcázar, 201

  criticisms of relief, 202

  Tomás, Belarmino, 422, 423, 556

  Tortosa (Tarragona), 120, 121

  Tovey, Adm. J., 504 and n., 505

  Treball (PSUC), 107, 182

  Treintistas, 180, 215, 545, 547, 551, 559n.

  Trotsky, L., 346, 386, 388, 562

  Trubia, 253

  Trueba, Manuel, 134

  Trueta, Prof. J., 442n.

  Tuñon de Lara, M., 40n., 44n.

  Tusell, J., 44n.

  Unamuno, Miguel de, 168, 205–9

  welcomes rising, 205

  angered by repression, 205

  sacked by Madrid government, 205

  military hatred of Catalonia and Basque country, 205

  and public protest, 205–9

  help for protestant clergyman, 206

  protest about repression to Franco, 208

  dismissed by nationalists, 208

  death, 208

  and falangists, 208

  holds Falange responsible for repression, 208

  new state ‘a stupid regime of terror’, 208

  Unified Socialist Youth, see Juventudes Socialistas Unificades

  Unió Democrática, 153

  Unión General de Trabajadores (UGT), 194, 231

  tolerated by Gen. Primo de Rivera, 39

  pre-war conflict with CNT, 75

  strength of, 182, 557

  and communist CGTU, 559n.

  and banking system, 180

  in Catalonia, 182

  workers’ and soldiers’ committees, 184

  and collectivization, 213n., 234, 578–80

  in Asturias: pact with CNT, 237, 244, 330n., 550, 553; expropriates chemists, 244n.; ‘unwilling to threaten alliance with CNT’, 245n.

  in Madrid: garment workers’ collectives, 290, 291; ‘shop-floor unity with CNT’, 296

  non-members’ views: new membership of, 152, 182

  Unión Militar Española (UME), 103

  composition of, 569

  strength of, 572

  Unión Militar de Republicanos Antifascistas (UMRA):

  Calvo Sotelo’s assassination, 103

  and warning of, 572

  strength of, 572

  United States, ‘non-involvement’, 127

  Uribe, Vicente, 193

  agricultural cooperatives, 326n.

  and agrarian reform decree, 347

  collectives decree, 373

  Urquiaga, Esteban de, 413

  Urrutia, Gen. Gustavo, 467

  Valencia, 284, 296

  military rising, 72, 106

  population of, 523

  Valera Valverde, Eduardo, 306–7

  as civil governor of Córdoba, 306–7, 308

  Valladolid, 85, 118, 166, 310

  military rising, 55, 72

  garrison ‘indifferent to rising’, 86

  birthplace of JONS, 86

  air raids, 167, 175n.


  recognizes nationalist regime, 415

  supports CEDA, 525n.

  Vázquez, Mariano (‘Marianet’) Rodriguez, 142, 143, 364–6, 451

  Vidal i Barraquer, Cardinal, 153, 529

  Vidali, Vittorio (‘Carlos Contreras’), 257n.

  Vilanova, M., 534n.

  Vilar, P., 36, 37n., 38n.

  Viñas, A., 126n., 314n.

  Vitoria, 57n.

  Vivancos, Major Miguel García, 289, 440, 548n.

  and CNT national committee, 289

  Vizcaya (see also Basque country), 190

  revolution in, 193–5 passim

  refugees, 402

  production in after Franco victory, 409

  War and Revolution, 236

  Largo Caballero ‘war before revolution’, 185–6
br />   libertarian militias, Aragon front, 136

  in Asturias, 245

  people’s war, 330 and n.

  neglect of rearguard, 331n.; and consequences, 332

  demoralization in, 337

  revolutionary war, 345–6, 500, 501

  in Vizcaya, 396, 404

  Catalan petty bourgeoisie, 443–4, 445

  libertarian views on: 224, 242, 322, 335–7, 338; JSU, 322, 332, 495, 496; PSOE members, 321; PCE–PSUC members, 321, 322, 323–31 passim, 370, 579; POUM members, 321, 339, 344; Soviet view, 321

  Whealey, R., 279n., 410n.

  Willis, L., 287n.

  Workers’ Alliance, 555

  creation of, 554, 559n.

  Xavier Bourbonne-Parme, Prince, 104n., 317

  Yague, Col. Juan, 202–3

  attacks Germans, praises republicans, 471

  Zugazagoitia, Julián, 285n., 402n.

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  Version 1.0

  Epub ISBN 9781448138180


  A Random House Group company

  First published by Allen Lane 1979

  First published with a new introduction by Pantheon 1986

  Pimlico edition 1994

  © Ronald Fraser 1979, 1986

  Addresses for companies within the Random House Group can be

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  ISBN 9780712660143




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