Kidnapped by Bigfoot

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Kidnapped by Bigfoot Page 4

by Shaw Hart

  For a second, I wonder if he’s going to make me come again and I’m only a little disappointed when he veers to the right and heads into the attached bathroom. He sets me on the counter and grips my chin, tilting my head up so that he can kiss me. This is the first time that he’s kissed me and I sigh into the kiss, gripping his arms and shimmying to the edge of the counter so that I can get closer to him.

  His hands tangle in my hair as his tongue sweeps against my bottom lip. He licks the seam of my mouth, begging for entry and I greedily open, wanting to know what he tastes like. He dips his tongue into my mouth and I move mine to tangle with his. Our tongues duel as my hands drift lower, dipping under the waistband of his boxer briefs.

  I’m not sure if we kiss for minutes or hours but when we finally pull apart, we’re both out of breath. My lips feel swollen and I can’t resist reaching up to touch them. Ezra groans as he watches me stroke my fingertips back and forth against my plump bottom lip. He pulls away from me, spinning around and stepping over to the shower. I watch the muscles in his back flex as he turns the water on and adjusts the temperature.

  He turns back to me and I take a moment to take in the rest of the bathroom. It’s big and most of it is wood, like the rest of his cabin. The shower is a large rock with ledges carved into the stone for his shampoo and soap. Ezra tugs his boxers and shirt off before he steps over to me, gripping the hem of my shirt and tugging it over my head. He lifts me off of the counter and carries me into the shower.

  We’re silent as he picks up the bottle of soap and squirts some in his hands. He rubs them together before he runs the lather over my body, washing me first before he scrubs his own body. My head only comes up to about his chest and when he steps in front of the showerhead, he blocks out all of the spray. My eyes rake over his body, taking in the full unobstructed view. His body is a work of art, lean and corded with muscle. He’s giant, yeah, but every single limb is proportionate to his height.

  He turns and switches the water off and I admire his ass before he turns back to me and sweeps me up into his arms. He dries me off before he takes care of his own body. I take the towel from his hands before he can finish though, motioning with my finger for him to spin around. He does and I use the towel to dry off his back, down over his firm ass and then down his thick legs.

  Once I’m done with his back he turns around and I look up. From my crouched position, I’m eye level with his magnificent cock. I’m not sure if it was the shower or me drying him off but something has him hard. His cock is erect and sticking straight at me.

  Round two.

  Chapter Ten


  Brexly is swimming in my clothes as we make our way back to her campsite. We need to get her things and I was too afraid that she would disappear if I left her by herself back at my place. I’ve got her body clasped firmly to me as we hike through the woods and back to the lake. I didn’t grab her shoes when I took her and all of my boots were way too big for her. I didn’t want her to get hurt and I knew that the rough ground would be too dangerous for her soft feet so she’s been in my arms since we left the cabin. The sun is already high in the sky and it’s starting to get hot. Sweat trickles down my back and I try to keep Brexly in the shade from the trees so that she doesn’t get too hot.

  She’s been asking me questions about the land and plants and I love hearing the curiosity and passion in her voice. The more time that I spend with her, the more I realize that I had been a shell before her. Nothing interested me and I had no passion. With her by my side, I know that will change.

  “Did you grow up out here?” She asks.


  When she looks at me with an expectant look on her face I rush to explain more.

  “I grew up in McClure. It’s a small town a couple of miles west of here. My parents still live there.”

  “Did you like it? Growing up there, I mean?”


  “Why not?”

  “I… Didn’t have many friends. Kids used to pick on me because of my size. It was hard being at least a foot taller than everyone else.”

  “I’m sorry. I know that kids can be cruel. If it means anything, I like your size.”

  My eyes snap over to her and I can see the blush stain her cheeks. She’s such a sweetheart and I get the feeling that if I had gone to school with her, she would have been my friend. She’s too nice to have been a bully.

  “What about you? Where are you from?”

  “Oh, all over. My parents are kind of hippies. They travel around with county fairs, circuses, renaissance fairs, basically anything that travels from town to town and we’ve moved with them. They make jewelry and stuff from wood and leather and we sell them on those circuits. I grew up in this old RV and was homeschooled. I didn’t have many friends either. Most of the other people at the fairs didn’t have kids and since we only traveled with them for a couple of months, it was hard to get to know people.”

  I can hear the loneliness in her voice and my heart aches. I want to take it away. I never want her to feel anything but happiness.

  “You didn’t like it?”

  “I didn’t really know any different. It was harder when I got older and I would see other kids out with their friends. I wanted that.”

  “Do you have a lot of friends at college?”

  She pauses and I stop, turning to face her.

  “No, not really. A lot of people just find me weird. I can’t really relate to a lot of kids my age. All this social media, Facebook and Twitter stuff… I just don’t get it. I don’t understand the appeal.”

  “I never did either.”

  She smiles at me and my heart feels lighter in my chest. I love that we have so much in common. I had been grappling with my guilt from taking Brexly, but some of that guilt starts to lessen. Brexly isn’t trying to escape or get away from me. Her arms are wrapped around me and she seems happy and relaxed as we walk through the trees.

  We break through the tree line and Brexly lets out a sigh of relief when she sees all of her stuff is still there by the lake.

  “I was worried someone would have taken it.”

  I carry her down the little hill and wait while she ducks inside the tent and grabs her backpack. I help her take down the tent and I roll it up, stuffing it back in the bag before I turn to her. I growl when I see that she’s currently climbing the tree. I stride over to her, my hands gripping her waist and pulling her down.

  “What are you doing? You could fall, you could get hurt.”

  “My camera is up there. It’s the schools and I have to get it back.”

  I set her down on her feet before I step under the tree branches, looking up. I can see the camera balanced on a limb a couple of inches above my head. I reach up, snagging it from the tree before I hand it back to her. Brexly thanks me before she kneels down and stuffs it into her backpack.

  “Whew!” She says, wiping her forehead with the back of her hand. “It’s getting hot out.”

  “Come sit in the shade and take a break.” I urge her.

  She smiles, backing away from me with a shake of her head.

  “Brexly.” I warn, matching her step for step.

  With a shriek, she turns and takes off for the lake. She’s barefoot and I’m worried that she will hurt herself. I take off after her, easily catching up to her but before I can grab her, she whips my shirt off over her head. She’s naked underneath and my dick reacts immediately at seeing her lush curves.

  She giggles at my stunned reaction before she spins and darts into the lake. I watch her as she walks out into the water until she gets to waist level. I’m stripping my own clothes off and tugging off my boots when she dives beneath the surface. I curse under my breath as I rush out into the water after her.

  The water is cool against my hot skin and I swim out after her, catching up to her easily. Brexly splashes some water at me, laughing and I love the sound. I laugh with her, the noise sounding rusty and unused. I follow after
Brexly as she swims over to the small waterfall on the northside of the lake and we laugh and play in the refreshing water for a while. The sun is starting to lower in the sky and our skin is starting to turn pruny when we finally pull ourselves from the lake. Brexly lays back on the grass, letting out a sigh as the sun dries her skin.

  She blinks her eyes open at me and smiles, patting the grass next to her. I’ve never laid outside naked before but I would do anything to please Brexly. I lay down next to her, closing my eyes as the sun warms me. I feel Brexly’s tiny fingers as she wraps her hand around mine. I grip her hand in mine, smiling as I let myself imagine that she loves me too.

  Chapter Eleven


  Things have been going so well these last couple of days and everything feels perfect. I’ve never felt so comfortable with anyone before but with Ezra, I feel safe and wanted. Loved even. I love his house and getting to be out in nature, in the woods with him every day. There is just something so peaceful about being out here away from the busy city or even the college campus.

  We’ve been hiking in the woods nearly every day and we even went back to the lake and swam again. Ezra has shown me around his land and how to help him with the animals and garden and now I wake with him every morning to do chores. Ezra has barely let me out of his sight and if we’re not holding hands and walking through the woods, then we’re inside together. We cook and play board games together sometimes and other times we just sit and talk for hours.

  Ezra has even been trying to make things more romantic and last night we ate dinner by candlelight before he drew me a bath and gave me a massage. Feeling his big rough hands on me had been such a turn on and I wanted him to make love to me. He had just pushed me up on my knees and gripped my hips as he ate me from behind. I had come all over his mouth before I collapsed onto my stomach in bed. I woke up this morning with his handprints on my hips and the sight had just gotten me hot all over again.

  We’re just finishing up our chores for the day and I smile as I run ahead of Ezra back to the house. I can hear him laughing as he starts to chase me and I run faster. He catches me easily. Of course, he does, his legs are twice as long as mine. He’s been laughing a lot these last few days and it’s starting to sound more natural coming from him. I love that I can make him happy and draw that sound from him.

  I just love him.

  I’m sure that most people would say that it’s too soon for me to feel that way but I’m not most people. I love spending my days locked away with him. I love how he treats me like I’m something precious and rare and beautiful. We’ve had a strong connection from the start and it’s only grown stronger over the last couple of days.

  Ezra hasn’t taken our relationship further than just oral sex and I think that he’s waiting for some kind of sign from me. I know that he loves me too. I can see it in the way he looks at me and how he treats me.

  I think I know what’s holding him back. I mentioned yesterday that it was almost the end of spring break and that I would need to head back to school. Ezra had gotten really tense then. He barely spoke a word all afternoon. I had a feeling the candles and bath were a way of him trying to convince me to stay.

  The sun is starting to set now and I lean against the counter next to Ezra as we finish making some dinner. He showed him how to make my own pasta this afternoon and now we’re just heating up some sauce. I study his profile as he stirs the pan on the stove. He’s so strong and beautiful and my heart clenches as I imagine him out here all alone.

  “Hey, Ezra?”

  He turns to look at me, studying my face as he steps closer to me.

  “I love you.”

  He freezes and his eyes widen before they start to shine. His whole body relaxes and it’s like he’s finally at peace.

  “I love you too.”

  He swoops me up in his arms then and my butt lands on the counter. I spread my legs open wide so that he can step between them. His hands cup my face and he lowers his mouth down until it meets mine. His lips mold to mine and I moan as his tongue licks against the seam of my lips, begging for entry. I sigh as his tongue slides over my lips, seeking out my own and I eagerly tangle my hands in his hair as our tongues duel.

  The oven timer goes off and we pull apart with a groan as Ezra goes to take the garlic bread out. I hop down off the counter and help him finish making dinner before we carry the plates over to the kitchen table and sit down. We both dig in and I smile when Ezra praises me on how my spaghetti noodles turned out. We eat by candlelight again and that reminds me of what I wanted to say earlier.

  “Ezra, I have to leave tomorrow. I have to go back to school.” I say softly.

  Ezra’s shoulders tense and he stares down at his plate, no longer eating his food. I watch him for a minute as he uses his fork to push the noodles around his plate and I let out a sigh. Pushing my chair back, I rise and head over to him, plopping down in his lap.

  “Hey.” I say, tipping his chin up so he looks at me.

  “I’m coming back. I promise. I only have six weeks left and then I’ll graduate and I’ll be able to spend all of my time out here with you. I just need to go for my classes and then I’ll come back here.”

  He stares into my eyes and I wait until he gives a slight nod. I can tell that he is still nervous about me leaving but he trusts me when I say that I’ll always come back to him. I wrap my arms around his neck, smiling down at him as I lean in and place a trail of kisses up his strong neck. I can feel Ezra’s groan as it rumbles underneath my lips and I smile against his skin. He lets out another groan and the next thing I know I’m in his arms and he’s carrying me up the stairs and into our bedroom.

  He lays me down on the bed, hovering over me as his eyes search my face.

  “I love you. I want you, Ezra. All of you.”

  His warm brown eyes heat and I tug on his dark hair, pulling him down onto me. His mouth lands on mine and I open under him immediately, dying to have his tongue in my mouth.

  “Ezra.” I moan when he pulls away to trail a line of kisses down my throat.

  His lips hover over the pulse point on my neck and I wonder if he can feel how hard my heart is beating against his lips. His hands trail over my t-shirt, grabbing the hem and pulling it up and over my head. I help him pull it off, unhooking my bra while I’m at it and tossing them both over the side of the bed.

  He licks his lips as his eyes land on my full boobs, caressing them with his eyes before he leans in and takes one stiff peak in his mouth. He sucks on the sensitive tips, using his tongue and teeth to drive me higher and higher. He switches from one pebbled nipple to the other as my hips move against his lower half. I can feel how hard he is and I want to rip the remaining layers off of us and burn them so that nothing is in our way.

  My hands slide down to the button on my cutoff shorts and I wiggle underneath him, desperate to slide the material down my legs. My panties slip down too and Ezra growls, popping one tit out of his mouth before he grabs my thighs, shoving them straight up in the air. My shorts and panties are still wrapped around my knees but Ezra doesn’t even seem to notice. He holds my legs together up in the air as he spreads my pussy lips with his other hand and dives in.

  He tongues my cunt, licking up all of my juices before he zeroes in on my stiff clit. His thumb draws tight circles around the button before he leans in and wraps his lips around it. His tongue nudges against my nub and soon my hips are rising, trying to grind down on his face. I want to spread my legs wide and drag him between them but Ezra’s grip on my thighs is too tight and I’m powerless but to lay here and let him lick his fill.

  The scent of my sex fills the air around us as my orgasm builds to a dizzying peak. Ezra’s thumb reaches up, pressing his thumb down on my clit and rolling it as he shoves his tongue deep inside my pussy.

  I scream, coming so hard that I almost blackout. My hands claw at his wide shoulders as my eyes fall shut and I rock against him. As soon as I start to come down, Ezra is up on his kn
ees, ripping my shorts and panties all of the way off before he tears at his own clothes. Soon we’re both naked and I look up at him, spreading my legs as wide as I possibly can in invitation.

  Ezra pounces then, his hard cock bobbing between his legs as he crawls across the mattress towards me. My breathing picks up in anticipation as I wait for him to fit his big hips between my legs. His weight pushes me further into the mattress and I wrap my arms around him, wanting all of him.

  I watch as Ezra grips his thick shaft at the base, rubbing the tip through my wet folds a couple of times. I look down, seeing his glistening cock and a moan rips up my throat. His eyes snap to mine and I lick my lips. His eyes look a little wild and I wonder if there’s an equally crazed look on my face too.

  His grip tightens as he starts to push his way inside of my snug entrance. I can feel my pussy clinging to him as he slowly works his way into me. I take a deep breath, trying to relax as I feel Ezra tense above me. He sucks in a breath as his eyes squeeze shut like he’s in pain. I want to ask him if he’s ok but then his hips slam forward and he buries every single inch of him inside of me.

  A scream tears through the room and I try to blink back tears as I struggle to adjust to his enormous size. His cock is in proportion to the rest of him and it feels like he just shoved a tree branch between my legs. Ezra is still above me, sweat dripping down the side of his face as he remains frozen. I shift, wincing at the full feeling.

  “I’m so sorry.” Ezra chokes out and I feel him shake. “Do you want to stop? I can pull out.” He starts to say but as soon as he starts to move, I dig my fingers into his arms.

  “No! Just…wait.”

  I close my eyes, trying to relax and I feel Ezra shift on top of me. Then his fingers are on me, rubbing between my legs. My body relaxes further as his fingers skate over my clit and soon all of the tension has disappeared. I shift tentatively under him and we both moan at the feeling. My eyes open and look up into his brown ones. He still looks worried but I can see the lust buried beneath his concern for me.


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