Beach Bum Billion-Heiress

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Beach Bum Billion-Heiress Page 7

by Marika Ray

  "Black coffee for Sage," yelled the barista at the pick-up counter.

  I nodded to the counter. "That's me. Thanks for telling me about Max and The Surf Shack. I think I'll head there now and rent a board."

  He reached over and patted my arm. "Now that's a good girl. Give the local places your business. An old man likes to hear that."

  I gave him one last smile before heading out with my coffee. The guilt was sitting like a brick in my stomach, eating away at my confidence. If that old man only knew that I wanted to tear down the town's beloved Surf Shack, he may have felt very differently about me.

  Wobbling only the teensiest bit, I had an eight foot board hoisted over my head, staring at the waves north of the pier. I could see how surfing everyday could substitute for indoor gym classes. If I kept this up, my arms would be jacked like Brinley's and my calves wouldn't be jealous of Hessa's.

  No sight of Jax out on the jet ski, but I wasn't too worried. The waves looked way smoother than the other day. If I could survive those, I might even be able to pop up today. I set the board down on its side, careful not to get sand on the wax Jonny had carefully spread over the top surface. I'd bought a bright yellow rash guard, mostly because I loved the color yellow, but also figured it would be easy to spot if I got into any trouble. I'd braided my hair back into a tight ponytail, wanting to keep it out of my face, unlike last time. Securing the leash around my ankle, I was as ready as I'd ever be.

  I walked the board out to knee height water, then set it down and jumped on top in between waves. I paddled out, having to take a couple rests before I made it all the way past the break. My shoulders were on fire from all the paddling and I cursed my former personal trainer for not preparing me for something so simple. The middle-aged man sitting on his board next to me looked like he was frequent consumer of beer and fried bar food, and yet he'd paddled out no problem. No judgies on his food choices, but damn, that was a little humiliating.

  Taking the time to rest before I turned the board around and tried for my first wave, I watched the other surfers' technique, the way they paddled, when they popped up, how they dropped off the board when the wave turned to foam. They made it look so easy when I knew it wasn't. I wasn't afraid to look like an idiot or to do hard work though. I had this.

  I saw a swell coming up behind me and no one around me seemed to be going for it, so I laid down and started to paddle hard. The swell hit me and I kept paddling, now on top of the wave. When my board felt like it was being propelled in the wave, not because of my paddling, but because of the force of the water, I placed my hands on the rails of the board and hopped up, feet wide underneath me. I stayed crouched till I felt like I had my balance and then I popped up, actually surfing for several feet of pure bliss.

  Next thing I knew I was falling and the water smacked the crap out of me and rushed up my nose. I bobbed up to the surface and looked for my board, feeling the tug on my ankle. I swam over and struggled to get my board headed back out to the ocean while the waves kept coming. I finally got on it, paddled out past the break, and stayed down on the board to catch my breath.

  Holy shit...I surfed!

  I laid on the board, exhausted, eyes and nose stinging from the salt water rinse, and smiled like a loon. Finally sitting up, I tossed my head back and stared up at the expansive blue sky. Euphoria from my surfing success, combined with my love for the great outdoors, bubbled up in my chest and made me feel giddy. I was in love with this place! The history, the laid-back nature of the residents, the lure of the surf, the excitement of budding friendships with genuine people, the ocean breeze that danced across my skin. Not even the thought of another tough call from my father could wipe the smile off my face.

  "Nice one, Surf Betty!"

  I opened my eyes and swiveled my head to find the owner of that smooth voice. He was sitting on his jet ski about fifteen feet away, forearm resting on one of the handles, his sunglasses shielding his eyes and drawing my gaze to his white smile. The tight t-shirt, the red shorts, and the tanned skin made for a visually pleasing combo that spoke right to my girly parts. The boy was hot.

  "Did you see me?" I was laughing for no other reason than I felt damn good. I kicked with my feet under the water to turn my board around so I could see Jax. When there was a man that gorgeous around you should make sure you eye him for as long as you can, you know?

  "Hell yes, I saw you. I saw a radass woman surfing by and realized her backside looked familiar. Like I'd seen it before." His grin curved even wider.

  "Huh. I'm pretty sure you see all kinds of mooning out here on the water surrounded by surfers all day, but I'm happy mine was so memorable." I knew I shouldn't be flirting with him, but hey, he started it.

  "I thought we were going surfing together next time you took a board out." His jet ski was bobbing on the surface, bringing him closer and closer to me, like it knew we wanted to close the space between us.

  I tilted my head and looked down at my board. "Yeah, well, I knew you'd be out here, and here you are! So technically, we're together."


  She's looking up at me with those brown eyes, defiant but also a bit sheepish, knowing she'd broken her word. She has no idea that she could literally do anything to me and I'd forgive her the moment she turned those eyes on me. I should dislike her for trying to buy my shop from me when I've told her repeatedly I didn't want to sell. She obviously comes from money, which rubs me the wrong way, but it does nothing to dim this attraction I have for her.

  It's like my body and my brain are on completely different pages on what to do with this girl. My brain wants to run for cover and never talk to her again. My body wants to hear her life story, slay dragons for her, and make her wear my t-shirt to bed every night so she wakes up in it every morning after I've had my way with her.

  "Since I'm not selling my shop, what are you still doing in HB?" Might as well get right down to it. Maybe I could get her to cut and run before I did something stupid like kiss her for real this time. Somewhere we wouldn't be interrupted for hours.

  But again, I didn't get what I expected. Instead of frowning and leaving, a peaceful smile took over her face, she tilted her head back, and she closed her eyes. Her hands drifted out to the side, fingers stroking through the water like she'd never felt the ocean before. It was like she was communing with nature and I was an intruder to her moment.

  I had to lean in closer to hear her eventual answer. "I don't know, Jax. All I know is that I love it here. I will literally lose everything by not buying your property and at this moment, I don't seem to give a fuck." She smiled even bigger, still looking up at the sky like she was giving herself up to the sun as an offering.

  Shit, this girl was something else. I'd never met anyone like her, which might explain why I was so attracted to her. She was different. I had no idea what was going to come out of her mouth. Or what that lithe, athletic body was going to do. Like dancing in the middle of the street fair last night. She'd been completely lost to what was happening around her. Like she was in her own little world, completely at peace. And that kind of quiet confidence was sexy as hell.

  When she opened her eyes and looked back at me, the spell was broken and I finally clued into something she'd said. "Wait, you'll lose everything? What does that mean?"

  She chuckled. "You know, I've been really stressed about it, but I just kind of realized today that it doesn't matter. I want to be free and this place makes me feel free. So I need to come up with a plan to do what I think is right for this place."

  She was speaking in riddles. "I'm glad you've got it all figured out. Maybe you could tell me what the hell you're talking about?"

  That really made her laugh. "Sure. There's no harm in me telling you now. The Beach Squad knows so it's only a matter of time before you know too. My father is a big commercial real estate guy back east. He told me that in order to get my trust fund when I turn thirty next year, I needed to buy The Surf Shack, demo it, and build a successful restau
rant in its place. If I succeeded, I'd not only get my trust fund, but he'd give me his company when he retired. I know he loves me deep down, but my father is a bit of a hard ass."

  My jaw dropped. There were several concerning things about her explanation. However, I finally realized why she was so pushy about buying my place. Her whole future rested on me selling. "Damn, Sage. I had no idea."

  She waved a hand in the air like she was shooing away a fly. "Oh, it's not like I would ever take over his company. I have no interest. But I do want that trust fund. That thing could buy my freedom so I could finally do what I wanted without my father pulling the strings. But being my own person matters more to me than the money."

  I didn't understand how she could be so blasé about it. "So, that's it? You're just gonna give it up then?" I knew what it was like to be financially strapped, and it sucked. I wasn't sure she knew what she was in for by turning away all that money. She may say the money doesn't matter now, but come months from now when she has nowhere to live and bills are piling up, she may change her mind.

  Her board bumped up against my jet ski, the distance between us finally closed. "Oh no, Jax Stern. If there's one thing you need to know about me, it's that I don't give up easy. I've got an idea I'm thinking through and it's risky, but if I can pull it off, we'll both be happy campers. You wanna get risky with me, Jax?"

  She was definitely flirting with me now. I was ninety-nine percent sure of it. The grin was back and she was looking up through her eyelashes at me, that confidence like a siren, leading me straight into choppy waters and rocky coastlines.

  "Yeah, I'd love to get risky with you." My brain was fried, unable to come up with anything better to respond with. I'd let her lead, and I'd follow. For now.

  She winked at me, knocking me over with that simple gesture. If I didn't keep a tighter grip on my heart, I'd be losing it over a girl that was all wrong for me. But my body told my brain to shut up and I enjoyed watching her lay on her board and paddle away from me.

  That ass I'd recognized surfing moments ago was now right in front of me, perfect curves that my hands swore they'd get to touch one day. My brain scoffed at the idea, yet my body tightened and hardened, preparing for that day even now.

  Before I could yell out a warning or even just some helpful advice, she was paddling hard for the next swell coming in. I turned the engine back on and stood up to get a better view. She had white water all around her and I thought for sure she'd crash and burn when I saw her float back up to the top of the wave. She popped up, in a perfect crouch, those long legs steady beneath her.

  Well, what do you know? The girl that was all wrong for me could totally surf.

  I waited until I saw her exit the water, the front of the board tucked under her arm, the back dragging in the sand. She turned around and flashed me the 'hang loose' symbol with her thumb and pinkie extended before breaking into laughter. I waived in return, happy she was on solid ground in one piece.

  The moment before I turned the jet ski around, she dropped the board and grabbed the sides of her bikini bottoms. My eyes were riveted to the sight, ignoring the rocking of the jet ski as I shifted positions to get a better view. She pulled the bottoms down, exposing that gorgeous ass yet again. In the blink of an eye, the bottoms were back in place and she was back to dragging the board up the sand, laughing the whole way.

  The blood roared in my ears and I shook my head, looking around to make sure no one caught her little act. I didn't like the idea of anyone else knowing what she looked like under that suit, but I fucking loved how playful and silly she was. She may have come from money, but she wasn't some stuck up brat. And the girl had a perfectly round booty I wanted to get my hands on.

  That perfect, pale ass was now engrained in my brain, finally getting it to shut up.



  I sat on my patio, eyes glazed over, watching the waves roll in. It was mesmerizing and soothing, the perfect balm for the conflicted thoughts jumbled in my brain. I had a decision to make.

  Oh, who was I kidding? I'd already made my decision out there on the water when it was just me, the ocean, and the sunshine. I'd come up with a harebrained idea, not certain of the details, but it had felt so right. It was ballsy and had a high potential for screwing me out of my trust fund. So I needed to go over every last detail and make sure I had my plan solid before I made my move.

  I broke out that leather portfolio that was originally just for show and whipped it open to the first page. My hands shook uncapping the pen, but my handwriting was firm.

  Rule #1: I wouldn't hurt Jax.

  Rule #2: I'd preserve the best of HB.

  Rule #3: I'd show my father I could be a success.

  I booted up my laptop and did some research. Then I picked up my cell phone and called Esa, the only phone number I had for any of the girls in the Beach Squad. She was their ringleader anyway, so I figured she'd be the one to contact.

  "Hey, Sage! What's up, girlie?"

  "I got a plan. Want to help me?" I didn't have time for pleasantries and I hoped she'd roll with me.

  There was a quick pause, followed by a whoop. "Hell yes, I wanna help! Tell me when and where and I'll round up the girls."

  I told her what I needed, glossing over some of the details that didn't concern the Beach Squad. She didn't ask any questions, just wrote down the details and gave a few helpful suggestions. When we hung up, I sat down and took a few deep breaths. My eyes were tearing up and I couldn't keep writing out my plan when everything was blurry. A warm glow was spreading through my body, like I was wrapped in the world's biggest bear hug.

  I'd just met Esa a few days ago and she was willing to help me without questions and without any benefit to her. That was exactly the type of friendship I'd been trying to make my whole life. The type of relationship that I’d always wanted from my parents.

  And I'd found that already, here, in HB, with a pack of crazy girls.

  This plan was coming together perfectly, I could just feel it.

  I slammed my laptop shut and sat back in my chair, surprised to find that the sun had set and I'd missed it, even though I was sitting in front of the sliding glass door to my patio with a clear view of the ocean. My stomach let out a fierce growl and I realized I'd missed dinner too. At least my stomach was finally settling, knowing I had a solid plan in place.

  Denying my father's orders wasn't for the faint of heart, I was learning. Leaping without a net was scary as shit but I was finally passionate enough about something to give it my all. It was like that moment out on a surfboard right before the huge wave hit you and you weren't sure if you'd survive it. You had a half second to doubt your decision and then it was a sink-or-swim, life-or-death situation. And then. Well, then it was pure bliss and exhilaration. I was betting my entire future on this plan turning into the same exhilaration.

  Checking the time, I threw my hair back into a high, messy bun. Feet slipped into flip-flops and I was out the door with my car keys and wallet. I had just enough time to stop by a Chinese takeout place I'd seen just a couple blocks south of Jax' place before it was too late to be out and about in a new town. I'd grab some dinner for two, head over to Jax' place and let him know I was executing a new plan. My heart felt compelled to put him out of his misery. To let him know that I wouldn't be pressing him to tear down a landmark of his hometown. I wanted him to hear the whole plan from me, before the Beach Squad girls spread the news.

  Being born and raised an East Coast girl, I grew up knowing the night didn't even get started until after nine. I was still getting used to Huntington Beach being a sleepy beach town during the week. I was hoping it wasn't too late to make a casual stop at Jax' place, but truth be told, I was too excited to see him again to worry about etiquette.

  My cheeks heated, thinking about how I’d mooned him on a public beach, feeling him watch my every move as I stepped out of that water. I'd been giddy, feeling high off living free. And it had felt too damn good to stop
. Besides, it was just a butt. We all had one. What was the big deal?

  Walking around to the back of The Surf Shack, I climbed the wooden stairs up to the apartment on the second floor. The security light flooded the darkness when I reached the top, nearly making me drop the bag of food. No stealthy approach for me, I guess.

  My knuckles tapped on the door, listening for movement.

  "Crap," I muttered. I should have called first to see if he was even home. Or he could be home, but have a girl with him, which would be beyond embarrassing. I didn’t actually know him, know him.

  The silence stretched out and I silently turned around to retreat back to the safety of my car. I'd made it to the first step when I heard a door swing open.

  "Sage?" His voice called out, scratchy and lower pitched than normal.

  Turning carefully, I came back up the step and looked up at him, the sight washing away any words from forming. He stood in the doorway, low slung flannel pants hiding his legs but showcasing a set of abs that belonged on a billboard in a mall somewhere, enticing teenage girls to buy some overpriced jeans. His arms were overhead, grabbing the top of the doorframe, leaving his muscled torso naked to my eyes. My hands itched to get in on the action and I almost dropped the bag to proceed with the fondling before my brain reengaged and told me to get my crap together.

  I swallowed hard and approached slowly, the bag of food outstretched between us as a distraction.

  "I, um, I brought food." I cleared my throat, unable to get anything else out of my parched mouth.

  He took one ripped arm down from the doorway and took the bag from me, pulling me closer to him before I was able to let go. His hair was disheveled and his eyes were unfocused, like I'd pulled him straight from a peaceful sleep.


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