Elegant Death

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Elegant Death Page 5

by M. L. Bullock

  "I think you know why I am here. Really, Levi. I expected better questions from you."

  “Where is Lisa? Where is my girlfriend?"

  She smiled, but it was an impatient smile. "Why play games? You know where Lisa is and with whom. You know what I want. I cannot offer you a trade. You and I both know I have the upper hand. I am not in the mood for trading. Except maybe your life for the three of those behind you. Then again, one at least is a Sustainer so trade would not last very long. Sustainers are such a rare commodity. Sleeping peacefully, aren’t they?”

  I swallowed; my voice appeared stuck in my throat.

  “You wouldn't want anything to happen to them, would you? It's only a matter of time before you starve and I will be here. We are ageless. We can wait. For eternity, in fact."

  "We can wait too,” I lied with no belief in my own declaration.

  She laughed but it was a pretty, hollow sound. “For how long? A few days? A week at the most?”

  “I know you need me–you need my blood. I am not going to give you anything. I want my girlfriend here now. Where is she?"

  “Foolish boy. Mortals are so reckless. Like any man, mortal or immortal you have no patience. Imagine turning down what I offered you? What we offered you." She tsked at me and then said viciously, "Sustainer, you have an obligation! Unlike humans, vampires adhere to their promises, and you made a promise to us.”

  “A promise you forced me to take. You know you did. What human would agree to become your slave?”

  “You will come with me! You will keep your promise! You belong to Rex!" And to my surprise, my feet were moving in her direction. Slowly and with purpose, as if I were being manipulated like a puppet. Yes, that’s right and she was leading me out of the cave. I would have no say so in the matter. I would have no choice!

  I belonged to the Frenzied. I’d signed over my permission to my own soul and for what? To be noticed by some rock and roll group? "Stop it!" I shouted until my mouth was shut by an invisible hand. Alice waved her fingers and the motion pulled me closer to her as if she had some sort of magical attachment tied around me. Closer and closer and then suddenly I heard Virgil’s voice behind me.


  It was just enough to distract Alice and with that distraction a bright light appeared. It was brighter than the sun. I heard a vehicle roll to a stop as Alice fell to her knees and began to scream maniacally. Four men-- no make that six, jumped out of the vehicle as Alice proned out face first on the ground, her body seizing under the power of the massive light.

  What was happening? I felt her turn loose of me, those invisible fingers freed me. I watched in horror as the men threw a silver blanket over her and wrapped her up in it. She screamed like a captured animal and I guess in some ways she was. But I had no pity for her as she had none for me or anyone else. Virgil ran to the man leading the way.

  "Agent Ford! How did you know we were here? I'm so glad to see you."

  The man tucked his hat down on his head. It was a plain blue with no lettering on it at all. The other men wore matching hats. What was this? "Glad to see you too. Get the rest of your group and let's move out. Time is short and I want to get the cargo into the Lab without completely destroying her. You must be Levi. Nice to meet you. I'm Agent Ford."

  "Nice to meet you, too. Yeah, I’m Levi."

  Naomi and Jackson were on our heels and the four of us scurried out of the cave and into the massive vehicle that waited for us. It wasn't until I got inside and Naomi collapsed on my shoulder that I could breathe a sigh of relief.

  Maybe now things would go in my favor.

  Lisa, I’m coming baby! I haven’t forgotten you!

  Chapter Eight--Levi

  I must have fallen asleep because I jerked awake when the vehicle finally came to a stop. There were no windows to peek out of; nothing to do but wait for the doors to open. What was taking so long? Where exactly were we? Man, I sacked out. I’d been exhausted but I hadn’t been sleeping long. I could tell because my muscles were sore and achy. Always happened when I skipped sleep. There were other folks in this vehicle besides Virgil, Naomi, Jackson, and me; none of them looked friendly and they were all wearing shades and a sidearm. And Jackie was still asleep. Naoma reached over and shook him awake and he unhappily sat up.

  "We will be safe here," Virgil promised with a twitchy smile. “We will be safe. Agent Ford is a good guy."

  Pardon me if I don't take your word for it, I thought to myself. From somewhere nearby I heard a whisper in my head, a familiar voice pounded inside my brain.


  I climbed out of the vehicle and pretended nothing was happening. Pretended that the vampire wasn't in my mind; that she wasn't reaching out to me.

  As if I would help you. How could you believe such a thing? You killed Debbie. I hope you die--I hope you rot.

  No…Not me...

  That was her lying reply and then there was nothing but silence. We were escorted through a chain-link fence down the sidewalk and then down concrete steps. I could see the lake in the distance. Had to be Big Creek Lake.

  “Move forward, please,” the man behind me instructed. He nudged me along toward the a set of hidden steps that I could not see from the road. I wanted to take a look around, get a good grip on the layout but there wasn’t a chance of that happening..

  “What is this place? Some kind of government institution?” Jackson queried the man with the gun that walked beside him. He didn’t respond. Yeah, I needed to take a look around. Get a glimpse beside and behind me to try to get my bearings, but Agent Ford wasn't having any of that. We’d barely gotten down the stairs when the door shut behind us and Ford lit into my father Virgil.

  "You went way beyond the limit, Wallace. You put us all at risk by leaving. All of us! You could've gotten yourself killed on your little adventure and then what?”

  “Clearly my little adventure had its advantages and now I have my family. I asked you for help, Agent Ford. I told you I was going. What more do you want? Debbie is dead. She's dead because I waited too long!” Virgil sobbed as he poked Ford in his bony chest with his index finger. “Debbie is gone! My daughter is dead!"

  The agent’s face went soft with emotion. If he did know Debbie was dead he was a damn good actor. "For that, I'm truly sorry, Virgil. I did not know. I swear I didn't know. I...I thought they would be safe. I'm so sorry for your loss. You too, Mrs. Wallace and Levi. Listen, we can talk later. I’m sorry. For now, Priscilla, let's find these folks a bed to bunk in and some food to eat."

  An older woman with a silver eye glasses approached me. "I don't want food. I want Lisa. Where is she? Tell me where to find her."

  Agent Ford tapped my shoulder patiently. "She's alive and I am sure they plan to keep her alive. We know what they are after and they won’t risk losing her too. That much I do now. But beyond that, I have nothing to report. Now if you will excuse me, I have a vampire to secure. "

  We watched as Agent Ford and his two goons hurried down the hall to another large door. He disappeared beyond them and I began to wonder exactly what kind of facility this was.

  "And this is where you were hiding out? This is where you were vacationing while we were fighting for our lives? Every day, Virgil. Every day I had to fight to keep food in the house. And you were here?" I wanted nothing more than to press my forearm into my father's throat and pin him against the wall. Everything I loved had fallen apart and I need someone to blame.

  Someone besides these vampires. They didn't know me. They weren't related to me. They weren't my parents. They were creatures for sure, but they had not abandoned me or sacrificed their family for their own happiness. Just looking at Naomi and Virgil sickened me. I didn’t have much love for Jackson either at the moment. Imagine being my friend and sleeping with my mother. What the hell?

  The woman in the white coat cleared her throat. "Welcome aboard. Welcome to the Lab. As you heard, my name is Priscilla. I'll lead you to the residence section. The cafet
eria is just next door to it. It is open 24/7 so just follow your nose when you get hungry.”

  “How many people live down here?” Naomi asked nervously as she clutched her frumpy purse and ran a dirty hand through her equally dirty hair. “What were you doing down here, Virgil?”

  “I can’t say,” Priscilla answered without making eye contact with any of us. “A few dozen probably. We do work in shifts so nobody stays all the time. Well, except for a few folks. Virgil your room is still open. Nobody touched a thing. Ma’am, you could room across the hall, if you like. This wing is empty. Each room has a small desk and a private shower. Actually, all of these rooms are large enough for two people, if you’d like to bunk together.” Priscilla said cheerfully, but I could see that she wasn’t sure how all this would work. Virgil, his wife, and her boyfriend did not make for a cheerful group. I pushed past them all and reached for the doorknob about three doors away. I didn’t want to be too close and I was exhausted. I was running on fumes and angry as hell.

  “Hey, what about this one?”

  “It’s available,” she answered as I walked inside and slammed the door. Unfortunately, the hydraulic hinges didn’t make it easy to slam.

  Why? Why was I so angry? Debbie. Lisa. Everything I’d seen and experienced. That’s why.

  I saw a full-sized bed and collapsed onto it. I wanted to cry, scream, beat my fists against the wall, but I had nothing left. I needed to sleep, damn it. My body was demanding sleep and food. I didn’t want to slow down at all, but I had no choice if I wanted to stay on my game.

  And that damn vampire wouldn’t leave me alone.

  It didn't take long for me to surrender to sleep and I was out cold, despite the vampire’s weak pleadings. I slept so hard I woke up drooling and wondering where the hell I landed. It wouldn’t be my first time waking up in a strange place. After washing my face, I heard a soft tap and thinking it had to be Naomi I opened it without question. No, she wasn't my favorite person, but she was still my mother and the only connection I had left to Debbie. Except for Virgil who I secretly blamed, or not so secretly blamed, for all of this. Imagine being down in this freaked out governmental commune while the rest of us were fighting for our lives and we didn't even know it.

  What a douche!

  To my surprise, it wasn’t Naomi standing in the hallway, but Jackson. My ex-best friend and homewrecker. He too had fallen asleep and looked a little more rested. Apparently, he found his way to the shower because his hair was still wet. I didn't ask him what's up or anything I just stood there.

  "We need to talk."

  “Get lost.”

  "Come on, Levi. We've been friends for too long. You can't hate me, or blame me. You had to know they were on the outs. Neither one of us meant for this to happen. Can’t we just talk like two adults?"

  I leaned against the door frame, but I wasn’t inclined to grant him entry. "I'm all talked out, Jackie. I've got other things on my mind. Like getting my life back. Adios." I slammed the door in his face, but again the hydraulic hinges wouldn't allow me to get a good slam. Before it closed completely I heard him say

  “I need to go too, Levi. I have to go. Jewel and Randy are my responsibility and I would be the worst kind of man to allow the wolves to rip them to shreds. You know that. Look, I’m sorry about Debbie. She was a sweet kid, but you have to know this broke Naomi. Broke her. And she wasn’t firing on all six cylinders to start with.”

  I answered with a sound of disgust. But I had no advice to offer him. My lack of emotion must have surprised him. He shrugged it off. “I've got to check on my old lady and my kid. You aren’t the only one hurting. I've got to get out of here and I need your help to do it. After all of this, you owe me that."

  I pulled the door open and it slowly moved. “I owe you that? I owe you nothing. Whatever you think I owe you I'm sure Naomi has paid you in full."

  Jackson flinched at my turn of phrase. “Don't talk about her like that. Naomi is a good woman. She’s just lost. Like all of us. Like you are. You wouldn't believe how much alike you two are in so many ways."

  "Thanks, stepdad. I'll look for that on this year’s birthday card.”

  "You’re a shit, Levi Wallace. You’re hard on everyone except yourself. You don’t give anyone a break. No one can live up to your expectations. Not even Lisa. You need a reality check and fast. This ain’t going to go down good for her if you don’t get it together. You’re all she’s got. I’m willing to help you, if you help me, but I’ve got to see Jewel and the kid too."

  I pulled on the handle and opened the door wide again to allow him entry. I might regret this, but at least I could hear him out. He might have something important to say and I agreed with him. To an extent. I did set the bar too high, as my football coach would say. No, that’s wrong. He’d say I set the bar too low. That I didn’t expect enough from myself. Whatever. Couldn’t please everyone. No wonder I flubbed out in football.

  Time to make a real plan.

  Chapter Nine--The Creep

  "Where is Alice? Bring her to me, Creep. Now!"

  I couldn't help but laugh in his face. How dare the upstart believe that I ducked and fetched at his command. As if I were a teenage girl obsessed with his preening stroll or somewhat handsome face. How dare he believe that Alice our queen was his to command! He had so much to learn about how things worked amongst the Frenzied--of which he was a newcomer. There weren’t many of the older vampires on tour with us. This had been Alice’s idea, making this rocker the so-called king.

  I silently agreed with him that her absence was strange; I once found her in a butterfly garden weeping. She'd been there for quite some time and she was so depleted of blood that her skin was nearly translucent.

  How would I feel if Queen Alice were truly in jeopardy? How would I feel? Would I feel sad? I wasn’t sure I could experience sadness anymore. No, I did not study my feelings. I could not risk Alice catching me plotting against her. Not that I would do such a thing. But this Rex Teaser was her problem, not mine. He had been a mistake to begin with.

  I warned her that this was the wrong move to make, the wrong way to go.

  We don’t need a king, Alice.

  Deadly, powerful Queen Alice, we only need you. Come back to us and lead us. This is a new time, a modern time and we must change with the times. She’d listened to me for a while, but changed her mind again, as she frequently did. There were few of us left in her old counsel. Very few. Of the remaining three, only I traveled with her.

  Despite my extreme dislike for her choice of consort, I would not leave such a powerful young vampire unattended. But I would certainly put him in his place if he didn't mind his manners. Even Emerus had been smarter than this silly pretense of a man.

  “Where is she? You will not do. I don't want to see your face again. Leave me." Rex whined as he paced before me. He was a tall man--he stood a half a foot above me and tended to look down his nose to accentuate that height difference frequently. Why did I care how tall he stood? I would always be more powerful. I would always be stronger. I had nothing to fear from this Rex Teaser.

  A seductive fragrance caught my attention. It was warm and inviting like an ancient perfume. The ancient balms were far more evocative than any perfumes found today. Perfumers of old knew their arts. They were careful to allow the scent to permeate in layers and they distilled the plants at the right time; such as when the moon was in the perfect position, or when the sky yielded the right warmth. It all depended on the plant or flower.

  Yes, this fragrance was an ancient one.

  Oh, my. It was gone.

  I glanced about me, but there were only the Frenzied here. Rex and his band--which looked worse than before they became vampires--and a few of the stagehands, who had accidentally been changed. They all watched the two of us like owls in a haunted forest.

  This entire tour would be a mess to clean up. From top to bottom. We’d already drawn far too much attention. Rex Teaser was becoming a complication. It wo
uldn't take long before others like Charles Coleman put it all together and the connection between the concert tour locations and the bodies wouldn’t be difficult to make. Drained bodies tended to draw attention. I didn't think for a minute that this Loomis had the wherewithal to track us down, but he might be the noisy spring in the trap. As they say in modern culture, it's the squeaky wheel that gets the grease. And there was much squeaking going on now.

  The aroma was back!

  I smelled it again and wanted to get lost in it. Just a hint of citrus and amber and the holy incense that once permeated Egypt. But there was no one here that smelled so wonderful. Not any of the Frenzied and the only human present was the dancer.

  The pretty dark-haired girl with wistful eyes. But this couldn't be her scent. I had taken deep breaths of her before and would have noticed such an intoxicating odor. I couldn't understand it.

  Rex observed my interest and immediately changed his tone, which heightened my distrust of him. No, I didn't trust the so-called King of Rock and Roll. I certainly didn't expect he would tell me the truth if I were to ask it of him.

  “I told you to leave. I will repeat my earlier statement: I do not want to see you again." And with a dismissive flick of his wrist, he turned his back on me. What a mistake to make. My hand shot out and I grabbed him about the back of his neck. I lifted him a few inches off the ground before dropping him. He sprang to his feet like an angry cat and growled at me. I took the opportunity to repeat the process only this time we were face-to-face and I did not let him go. I wanted him and all his “family” to see who was truly the most powerful between us.

  "Do not make that mistake again. You may be the king, but in name only, I promise you that. If you are hungry then I suggest you feed but you will change your tone with me. I am not beneath you; I am beneath no one except Alice. And when she comes back, when she returns, she will judge between you and me."


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