A Dungeon, a Vampire, and an Infatuation

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A Dungeon, a Vampire, and an Infatuation Page 10

by CC Dragon

  Gunnar sighed. “I’m making eggs and bacon.”

  “I’m on toast,” I volunteered.

  “I can’t eat,” Greg said.

  Matt looked lost. “Deanna, this is getting out of hand. I need you to be careful. Don’t let your guard down. Especially with that church. They could use the death as a distraction to get closer to you.”

  “Matt, don’t worry about me. I can handle it. Just worry about you and John. You lost a brother. Lance and I weren’t friends but no one wanted him dead,” I replied.

  “Very true,” Greg agreed.

  “We need to plan this exorcism and get it done,” I whispered to Greg.

  He sighed. “I have some people but it’s not as easy as you think.”

  “I know. That’s why you left the church. Their hoops to get approval take forever. You can do this on your own. You just need help,” I said.

  “How did I not know there was a demon inside of her?” he asked.

  I worked on some sourdough toast. “She’s been going through a lot and acting nuts. That happens when you’re stressed and have major life changes. I saw it and then it seemed to go away. Like the demon retreated or something. Let her be for a bit.”

  Greg nodded.

  “You care about her. You have to fight for her. You’re the best person for this job. With the right backup.” I nodded.

  “You and Gunnar need to be there,” he said.

  “Okay. I’m not great at this. No training, remember?” I said.

  “You need to keep me focused and on track. Gunnar is muscle and youth. Demons like sucking energy,” Greg replied.

  I took out some toast and put in more bread. “Maybe that’s what is at the club?”

  “What do you mean?” Greg asked.

  “I always feel like someone is sucking my energy there. Like an energy vampire. I’m sure there are a few possessed people at Dungeon.” I shrugged.

  “Could be energy vampire. There are people who suck the life out of others. But a demon could do it, too,” Greg replied.

  I was too close to being a suspect in Lance’s murder. I had to leave that case alone for right now but I could hit Dungeon tonight and see what was wrong there. It may or may not be connected to the murder or that odd church. I just needed to do something.

  THAT NIGHT, IVY AND Brody went to my club. Greg stayed with Mary Lou. Matt was having dinner with John. Gunnar had stayed behind because it seemed like the brothers needed time alone.

  I dragged Gunnar to Dungeon with me. I needed to make Lucifer miserable. See if he was a demon. Possessed. An energy vampire. Or just an evil guy...

  I found the club reopened and even more crowded than before. As we waited in the line, I texted Candace to see if I got any reply. I’d done it off and on in the past few days but hadn’t gotten anything back.

  “My star guest.” Lucifer hugged me.

  “What’s going on?” I asked.

  “Death attracts a certain clientele. Such a shame. I hope Mary Lou is doing okay,” Lucifer said.

  “The police cleared you?” Gunnar asked.

  “Naturally, or they wouldn’t let me reopen. No one on my staff had any connection to Lance or any reason to harm him. Except Mary Lou, of course. She’s on suspension pending the investigation. But she will have her job back.” Lucifer winked.

  “You’re broken up, I can tell,” I said.

  “It’s bound to happen. Some people overdo it. I can’t help it if Lance took drugs or drank too much with a bad heart. He’s an adult. Can I get you a VIP table?” Lucifer offered.

  “Sure, thanks,” I replied.

  My phone vibrated and I checked. It was a pic from Candace.

  I nearly dropped the phone but tapped on the pic to make it bigger. Whoever sent this wasn’t Candace, but the girl in the photo was.

  She was barely dressed and looked like she was passed out drunk on a bed. My heart dropped when I saw today’s edition of The Times with the date circled in scribbled, bright red orbs was shoved roughly under her hand. Something told me Candace hadn’t voluntarily ingested whatever had knocked her unconscious.

  I nudged Gunnar and showed him my phone.

  “Crap. Any clue where she is?” Gunnar asked.

  I shook my head. “I’ll forward it to Matt.”

  “Send her phone number too. Maybe they can try to track the phone and locate her. Pull the phone records.”

  “They’d need a warrant,” I argued. Something caught my eye and I sensed something evil in the room.

  “That pic is probable cause,” Gunnar replied.

  “You text him.” I handed Gunnar my phone.

  Go help Candace...I mentally projected to Amy.

  The guardian angel appeared. She was always right there beside me whether visible or not.

  "I can’t leave you,” she replied.

  Go! I insisted.

  She vanished and I hoped she’d followed orders. I refocused on the room around me. Gunnar handed me back my phone.

  Who’s that man?

  Dungeon was as bad as the club before it. Maybe even worse. It pulled in people with darker intentions than just some kinky fetishers. Though seeing people in nothing but leather cutouts or with furry hats and little else was unsettling.

  “Like it?” Lucifer asked.

  “I thought there was a backroom for the lifestylers?” I asked.

  He smiled. “There is, but we have to remodel for them to have a bathroom and their own entrance. They’re dressed street legal.”

  Was I turning into a prude? No, I was more worried about the underage people who were getting in.

  “I know. I hope your bouncers are doing a better job of checking IDs for that room.” I trusted my instincts. Something was wrong and imminently bad.

  “We are. There will always be some who slip in. Or else it’s not a popular club,” Lucifer said.

  “Very popular. Fire marshal will tag you if you’re not careful,” I replied.

  Underage drinking wasn’t my big concern. The dark magics and other things going on here were far more worrying. I followed my gifts and scanned the room. It took less than a minute for Gunnar to catch up with me.

  “Something wrong, boss?” he asked.

  I nodded and headed for a back table. A couple was making out, the girl in the guy’s lap. Nothing that weird but inside I got this sick feeling. I cleared my throat.

  “Excuse me,” I said.

  They ignored me.

  Gunnar knocked sharply on the table. “Hello,” he shouted over the music.

  The girl turned around and through the layers of makeup, false eyelashes, hair extensions, and jewelry—I saw a younger teen. The man was clearly over forty.

  “What’s your problem?” the girl asked.

  “You’re underage,” I said.

  “She’s not drinking,” the man scoffed.

  Gunnar shook his head. “Sorry. No minors allowed.”

  “Fine, we’ll go.” The girl stood up and took a step to the door.

  “We’re not going anywhere,” the man replied.

  “No, you’ll stay and go to jail,” I said.

  Gunnar was on his phone texting Matt to come over. I couldn’t ask for a better assistant in my work. Gunnar anticipated my needs and had the experience of a cop without any inner rage or temper.

  The man laughed. “Jail?”

  I looked at the girl. “What are you? Fourteen?”

  “Fifteen,” she shot back.

  This wasn’t a girl from the church, but I wasn’t letting Dungeon start this sort of crap. Not even a legal adult? No way.

  Gunnar got between the girl and the older man. “The age of consent in Louisiana is seventeen.”

  “We’re from Mississippi,” the girl shot back.

  “What have we here?” Matt asked, flashing his badge. He had shown up at the club after dinner with his brother once he learned where Gunnar and I were.

  “Call the Feds.” I folded my arms.

“Feds?” The man rolled his eyes.

  “If you play with underage girls, sir, you should really be aware that taking a minor across any state line makes the case federal kidnapping. NOLA PD will hold you until you’re transferred into custody.” Matt pulled out the handcuffs.

  “We didn’t do anything yet,” the girl insisted.

  “You’re lucky, Heather. They’ll take you to the station and you can call your parents,” I said.

  “They won’t care. You think my parents have a clue where I am?” She stopped. “How did you know my name?”

  I smiled. “You can trust Matt and Gunnar. Go home and stick to boys your own age. Older men might buy you things but they’re using you. It’s creepy and when you’re a mom, you won’t want your daughter in this situation. If your parents don’t care, then you’ll get put into the foster system. It’s got to be better than whatever is going on here.”

  The older man stood up and seemed compliant but when he turned, he bolted for the door. Gunnar ran after him but I was faster. Mentally, I held the doors closed. Gunnar cuffed the man as Matt called for backup.

  “What is going on?” Lucifer asked.

  “Are you encouraging human trafficking here?” I demanded.

  “Certainly not,” he said.

  “We can shut this place down again and interview everyone here,” Matt threatened.

  “You’re already done that. It only makes my business better,” Lucifer reminded him.

  “We’re taking this guy in and the girl,” Matt nodded. “You can expect further inquiries.”

  “Of course.” Lucifer nodded.

  The two men left with the questionable couple. I had spotted Candace in the crowd, but she took off when she saw the handcuffs.

  Lucifer sighed as Matt and Gunnar left. “The stress of a business. I can’t be responsible for all of my customers.”

  “No, but someone that underage? No excuse,” I said.

  “I’ll investigate that. Someone probably bribed the doorman. It’s rare,” he defended.

  I rolled my eyes. “Mary Lou is ill. She might not be able to come back.”

  “No, that’s not possible. She must come back,” Lucifer said angrily.

  “She’s been acting odd. We’re going to have her checked out. Get her some help,” I said.

  Lucifer clenched his fists. “No. She’s fine. She’s wonderful here. You’re sabotaging everything.”

  “I’m trying to help her. I suspect she is possessed. Is she the only one?” I challenged him.

  “What?” he scoffed.

  “You’re at the very least an energy vampire. You drain me. Or you’re a demon. Either way, stay away from me and my friends,” I said.

  I headed for the door and when I tried the handle, it wouldn’t budge. The door appeared to be locked. I knew it wasn’t, not really.

  I saw the evil in Lucifer when I looked back. Stepping back a few feet, I closed my eyes and let my power flow. Amy showed herself as well and we blew the doors open.

  He wasn’t strong enough to stop me and my angel. Lucifer didn’t live up to his namesake.

  “I’ll let you know when the exorcism is...in case you want to join us,” I said.

  I walked out of the club with all eyes on me.

  I walked to my car and felt eyes on me.

  I turned around and saw a group of four men all dressed like the man who’d left the snake—masked and all in black.

  I heard my angel tell me to run. I dashed for my car but one of the men shoved me to the ground.

  I hit the panic button on my key fob and unlocked my car. When I tried the door, one of the men slammed it shut.

  “You’re nothing but trouble. Stay away from Candace and all her friends,” a man whispered in my ear.

  “She’s an adult, she can talk to whoever she wants to. She’s free,” I countered.

  He pinned me against the car. “You’re jealous because she’s young and pretty.”

  “Nope.” I struggled. My purse had landed on the ground so I couldn’t get to my phone either. I tried a jab with my elbows but I was outnumbered. The other men opened my SUV and I suspected they were going to try to shove me inside and take me along.

  I closed my eyes and pulled my angels in close.

  The heavenly beings from my house arrived and knocked the men to the ground as Lucifer and the bouncers ran out of the club. The men scrambled and ran off before the bouncers could grab them.

  “You okay?” Lucifer asked.

  I nodded. “You need to police your parking lots better.”

  “I have cameras,” he defended.

  “They had masks,” the bouncers pointed out.

  “We’ll have their license plate. Go check the security tapes and call the police,” Lucifer ordered.

  I leaned against my car, suddenly weak.

  “Are you okay?” Lucifer asked.

  I nodded.

  “Come on inside and we’ll wait for the cops. Drinks on the house,” Lucifer said.

  I wasn’t much of a drinker but a shot of something might steady my nerves. I locked my car and slowly walked back into Dungeon. There would be no way to hide this from Paul. If I was this much of a target, so was everyone near to me. The passive threats had turned very physical.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The night before the exorcism, I tried to get some good sleep. My plans didn’t always work.

  I found myself in my Gran’s cottage in Heaven. Sitting in an overstuffed chair with a checkered pattern, I waited. My guardian angel was always with me and in Heaven she was always visible.

  “What’s going on?” I asked Amy.

  “You must actively participate in the exorcism of your friend,” Amy responded.

  “I’m not trained,” I countered.

  “The rules of exorcism are to keep men from getting above God. If they think they have the power, the demon has already won. The sin of pride is in them,” she explained.

  “And women don’t have pride?” I shook my head.

  “Of course, they do. You are confident in some things but never overstep where it counts. You fear you are too weak. You must challenge yourself.”

  “Greg and other experienced people will be there. I’ll only mess them up and my Latin sucks,” I argued.

  The angel frowned at me. “Language matters less than conviction.”

  “Gran!” I called.

  My grandmother was a short and sweet woman who’d had gifts similar to mine in life. She enjoyed her afterlife more, I suspected. She appeared with a grin.

  “How are you, my dear?” she asked.

  “My angel dragged me here. How can I help with an exorcism?” I asked.

  Gran sighed. “You must help. Greg is emotionally involved. As are you. It’s a bigger problem than Mary Lou but you must help him.”

  “He has assistance.” I knew at least three monks were coming.

  “They don’t know Mary Lou. You and Greg do. That will balance the team. It’s good. The angels will support you,” Gran replied.

  “I’ll need more,” I confessed.

  “You will have them,” Amy confirmed. “You will have as many as you need. I must warn you, warrior angels are scary to humans.”

  “Warrior angels? I don’t care if they look like trolls as long as they fight for my side,” I said.

  “Then back to your body and rest. The battle begins at three in the afternoon,” the angel advised.

  “Afternoon? Okay,” I said.

  I closed my eyes and was back in my body and my bed in a deep sleep.

  Three o’clock rolled around and we had Mary Lou sit in the living room. Most of the past few days she’d been fine. Sometimes she freaked out if someone touched her. We’d tried hard to reason with her when she was herself and to get her to quit the job.

  The doorbell rang and I answered it. Lucifer had decided to show up. What powerful narcissist could resist being the center of attention?

  Mary Lou looked happier when L
ucifer sat down next to her.

  “This is all nonsense,” Lucifer said.

  “Shut up or leave,” Gunnar said from a chair in the corner.

  Gunnar was both medical first aid and muscle.

  “Don’t interfere unless we ask,” Greg said to Gunnar.

  Gunnar nodded. It was no joke and I was glad he was here.

  Greg had three monks with him. They all had their books and kits. I joined in with the prayers in English, one monk stuck to Latin and another was speaking Aramaic. It was hard on the ears so I tuned all but the English out.

  “You let her stay? A woman will only make it harder for you. It’s a waste of your energy. Your souls will be mine,” Lucifer said in a voice that didn’t sound quite like his.

  I watched the monks. Lucifer used his strong trick first. Sucking energy. I pulled my angels into the room and blocked him from absorbing energy. It was a mental battle of wills, but I saw the confusion in his face.

  He tried again but could only pull energy from Mary Lou. Wearing her down was fine; exhaust her and force the demon out. The angels took positions circling the two subjects. The buzzing of their singing and prayers was high-pitched.

  The warrior angels started off normal-looking enough, like Amy—tall and majestic with a pure white glow that hurt your eyes. But soon those warriors grew as tall as the room and changed to a shining silver. They sparked instead of glowed.

  “You bring a lot of ammunition, Deanna. Yet you’re attracted to the dark side of things. Checking on Lester instead of putting him in jail. Coming to my club instead of shunning me. The company you keep. You’re no better than me,” Lucifer said slowly.

  “She likes her power,” Mary Lou added.

  “Ignoring evil doesn’t make it go away,” I argued.

  “Don’t engage,” Greg said.

  I nodded. “Are you a pure demon, Luci? You’re not really scary. You suck energy from people and take advantage of women going through bad divorces. You’re a pathetic gigolo.”

  “I have more power than you. You’d have anything you wanted if you just gave in to your desire for me,” he said.

  I laughed. “I have no desire for you. Or power. There are enough angels in this room to blow you straight to Hell. So just go. You can’t win.”

  “I’ve already won. Hurting your friends. Throwing you off work on a real case to play babysitter to a dumb trophy wife who needs others to make her feel important. She’s my plaything.” Lucifer waved a hand and Mary Lou fell on the floor.


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