Role Play (Silhouette Studios)

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Role Play (Silhouette Studios) Page 13

by Katana Collins

  He withdrew and entered again, this time with two fingers. A tremor began at my knees and traveled up my body. I was literally shaking with desire.

  “I have to taste you,” he whispered. And then, his fingers were gone, replaced with his flattened tongue. He licked me from the tip of my clit to the edge of my opening before he stabbed his tongue inside of me.

  My breath caught in my throat and I thrusted my hips back for more. The penetration stayed shallow, and when he lifted his fingers back to my clit, he circled the area in slow, soft strokes.

  “More,” I begged, as his other hand stroked my ass where he had smacked me, still tender from his hands earlier.

  He chuckled and his hot breath fanned over my slick pussy. “Tell me what you want,” he said.

  “I want you inside of me,” I begged. I was both pathetic and needy, but in that moment, all I cared about was feeling his thick girth slide inside of me.

  “Like this?” Ash asked, gliding two fingers inside of me once more. I groaned and rolled my hips back against the slow thrust of his fingers.

  “No,” I moaned.

  “Well, then, you’re going to have to be more specific.”

  He twisted those fingers, pulsing them against the bundle of nerves deep at my core. “Your… your cock. I want your cock inside of me.”

  “There’s only thirty minutes left on our lunch break,” he informed me. As if I wasn’t aware of the time restraints we were facing.

  I gasped as his thumb brushed over my clit. “Plenty of time,” I said.

  “Not even close,” he whispered. “Not for all the things I have in store for us. I want to fuck you for hours.”

  “Please,” I gasped. “Please…” I didn’t even know what I was begging for at this point. All I knew was I couldn’t go back out there—I couldn’t face Kelly and do my job on set feeling this way. Feeling so unhinged and on edge, like at any moment I might melt into a puddle of orgasms. I was so close, so goddamn close, I held my breath, arching into his movements, reaching for the orgasm that was so close, yet so far.

  “This is your punishment,” he said. “You are not to touch yourself. You are not to have any release until I allow it.” He stood behind me, continuing to drive his fingers slowly in and out of my body, my climax edging closer and closer.

  From behind, his hand brushed my throat, gently trailing a path down to my shoulder. My sex pulsed harder with his touch, tightening around his fingers as he did it. “Oh, God. Yes,” I croaked.

  “Not yet,” Ash growled. “Don’t you dare come, Luciana. Not until I say so.”

  “When?” I cried. “Tell me when. I can’t without knowing…”

  “Tonight,” Ash said, then withdrew his fingers entirely and released his hand from my throat. I moaned, unsure what was better—the anticipation of release, or the dark promise of what was to come. I felt ridiculous, standing in a supply closet, pants around my ankles, ass in the air… and so aroused that I was literally dripping down the insides of my thighs.

  He bent, dragging my pants up and over my thighs, buttoning them for me while I situated my shirt and bra. Heat burned in my cheeks. While normally I blushed a shade of pink, I was pretty damn sure I was bright red.

  “Tonight,” he said in a harsh whisper. “After work… meet me in my office after filming.”

  “No,” I said, feeling my foggy mind clear, if only slightly. “We can’t while at work. This? In a closet? It can’t happen again—”

  He cupped my face, silencing me with a look. “I agree,” he said. “I just want to meet in my office to discuss some specifics with you.” His eyelids grew heavier than his long, deep breaths and his full lips parted, still slick with my sex. Good. We were both on the same page… that was a start. “But we can’t keep pretending we don’t want to be together.”

  I swallowed, not answering. He lifted his eyebrow at me. “You do want a night together, don’t you Lucy?”

  “God, yes,” I whispered.

  A flicker of a smile crossed his face and in a blink, it was gone. “Good. Because I need to fuck you. I’ve never needed anything so badly in my goddamn life.”

  I nodded, speechless. Come on, Lucy. Say something. “I agree,” I whispered. “We need to get this out of our system.” It felt so cold what I’d just said. But maybe it was true. Maybe if we had sex, we could each move on from this stagnant, intoxicating chemistry that seemed to bind us together.

  He was going to fuck me. Tonight. And based on the way he grabbed my hips and spanked my ass, it wasn’t going to be sweet and gentle.

  He brushed his nose across my cheekbone and the bottom edge of my glasses until his tongue flicked the base of my ear. “Something tells me one night might not be enough. But we’re going to try to make it count,” he whispered.

  He groaned, taking my mouth and nudging my lips open with his tongue. We met in a tangle of silk and promises. Lust shone heavily in his face as the kiss ended and he pulled away. “See?” He said. “You’re not the only one who will feel the torture of waiting.”

  “But you’re not forbidden from touching yourself.”

  “You’re right. I could go to the bathroom right now and jerk off… but I won’t.” My eyebrows creased together and Ash answered before I could ask the question. “What fun would that be, Lucy?”

  He gently brushed his lips once more over mine. “Tonight. Be sure to get some food in the twenty-five minutes left of your lunch break.”

  He grabbed his phone from the shelf and pushed it into his pocket. Then he turned for the door, and as his hand landed on the doorknob, I stopped him, saying, “What if I say no? What if I don’t come to your office after we wrap tonight?”

  A moment of regret passed along his features, tightening them. “Then I’ll respect your decision. Jon has replaced me as the costume department’s boss. Your answer will not have any effect on your job or your status here at Silhouette.”

  So, I could say no if I wanted to. He’s still technically my boss, but with zero power over my position. If only he knew the kind of power I had over his. One call to Uncle Rich and poof. Unemployment line for Ash.

  “But Lucy…” He turned and stalked back to me, towering over my five foot three frame. “I’m not the kind of man who asks twice.” Lifting his hand, he brushed his fingers over my cheekbone where I knew my spray of freckles was most prominent. “So, if this is something you do want, don’t say no.”

  Chapter Ten


  When the shoot finished, I took the undergarments Marlena and Jude had worn, bringing them to be laundered before tomorrow. Grabbing my cell phone, I checked the time. Four forty-five. Even with all our delays this morning, we’d managed to stay ahead of schedule. Maybe if I was lucky, I could get out of Silhouette Studios before Uncle Richard asked to see me. It was inevitably coming; I knew it was. After seeing his face when I was across Ash’s lap as the stand-in? No way in hell was he going to let that go.

  My phone buzzed with a text message, rattling through my palm, all the way up to my heart. My anxiety over Uncle Rich melted into an entirely different type of nervousness—an excitement—as Ash’s number blinked on my notifications. His message was simple. To the point.

  My office. 15 minutes.

  Between my legs, heat throbbed. The ache was increasing with every friction-filled step and I found myself clenching and unclenching for some form of release from the painful ache. I wanted Ash. Wanted him so damn bad that I was nearly willing to forget myself. The ache Ash had caused was delicious and painful—but not cruel. He was different than my dad. I could feel it. This was about the pleasure more than the pain.

  Even still, nerves stabbed at my lungs. Each breath was jittery, like I could feel my heart tremble as the minutes passed, getting closer and closer to when Ash and I would be alone again.

  Those fifteen minutes I spent pacing the halls of the studio were the longest fifteen minutes of my freaking life. I took a deep breath before lightly knocking on the
ajar door. It creaked, drifting slightly inward with the taps of my knuckles.

  “Come in.” His voice was thick and entirely masculine. Even with that simple demand, come in, he had me wet. His eyes lifted to meet mine and we both froze in place. The world around me seeped away like I was leaving this realm and entering some sort of foggy dream world that only had one point of focus—Ash. Ash and his bright cerulean eyes. Ash and his lush, dark hair. Ash and his five o’clock shadow that peppered his sharp jawline. Ash and his button-down shirt that emphasized an incredibly tanned and muscled physique. And only hours ago, he had stripped it off and had demanded that I grab his powerful arms while Ben adjusted lights around us.

  His gaze slid down my body and I lowered my chin, dropping my eyes to floor. Why the hell did I just do that? Strength, power, and raw sexual chemistry filled the space between us, so potent, it was impossible to ignore.

  I curled my fingers tighter around the leather straps of my purse—the only designer item I owned, a Kate Spade bag that Uncle Rich bought me for my birthday last year.

  “Luciana,” Ash said. “Look at me.” I snapped my gaze to his with the command. Why did such a basic statement have my pussy throbbing for his attention? Why in the hell was it so sexy when he told me what to do? With my history, I should be horrified. I should run in the opposite direction from a man who enjoys pain. But I was far from horrified. I craved it.

  As he stood and crossed the room to shut the door, I followed him with my eyes. “Are you okay if I lock this?” he asked. “You can still leave at any time yourself by flipping the deadbolt here. I just don’t want anyone walking in while we’re talking.”

  I definitely didn’t want anyone walking in either. I was afraid of what people might think if they knew about my uncle. Imagine what they’d say if it got out I was fucking the director. I nodded, not quite trusting my voice yet.

  The corner of his mouth quirked into a fleeting smirk that vanished quickly. “I prefer if you answer me with ‘Yes, Sir.’ But we’ll get to all that soon enough.”

  We’ll get to all that? All what, exactly? I was having flashbacks to Sunday school and how we were told we had to address any adult authority figure with ‘sir’ or ‘ma’am’.

  “Have a seat,” he said, gesturing to the same chairs Kelly and I had sat in just a few nights ago. I lowered myself into one carefully, resting my bag on the floor by my feet.

  “Yes, Sir,” I said, joking. Not that Ash seemed to care. His head jerked to me, eyes alight and pleasure radiated from him.

  “I don’t even fucking care if that was sarcastic. I loved it.”

  Holy shit. The way his eyes gleamed with excitement. The pure hit of happiness enveloping him made my blood heat. Pleasing him was like a liquid gold coursing through my veins. I clasped my hands in my lap, hoping he didn’t see the way my fingers trembled. The leather seat cradled me, warming to match my heated body temperatures which were climbing by the second in Ash’s presence. Even though I had been in this office with him a few nights ago, it felt different now. Everything felt different now. Last week, Ash was just my hot boss that had never glanced my way. Now? He was about to stick his penis into my vagina.

  Oh, my God. Penis into my vagina? What am I, a middle school health teacher? No, he’s a man I’m about to fuck.

  When he didn’t say anything, I inhaled a long, deep breath into my lungs, blurting out, “I got the impression Thursday night that you didn’t want…” Me? This? Us? What was I saying? I did not think this through. “… that you didn’t want to pursue anything between us. We even talked about it in your trailer. Friends. We should remain friends.”

  Ash nodded, his jaw tightening. “I think it’s pretty obvious after this morning that we clearly feel more than just friendly to each other.”

  Well, that was for damn sure. My eyes drifted shut briefly before I snapped them back open. “This is what I meant on Friday about hot and cold. You’re either in or you’re out. We’re either doing this, or we’re not. But we need to make a choice and stick with it, because I don’t do this back and forth thing.”

  I was surprised at how steady and firm I managed to keep my voice. I gave a little inner fist bump to myself.

  “I know,” he said. “This time, I’m in.” He smiled in a seductive way that almost had me fooled. Until I dipped my eyes to where he was spinning that ring on his pinky finger. He followed my gaze, immediately freezing his hold on the ring. He cleared his throat, letting go of the ring and reaching for a small stack of papers on his desk by his left hand. “However, we need to be one hundred percent clear about where we stand. I meant it when I said I don’t do relationships. I’m not going to sit here and pretend that I can offer you a future with me, Lucy. That’s not what I do.”

  It was so blunt. So to the point. All the air rushed out of my lungs in a short, staccato breath. “You don’t… have relationships at all?” I asked.

  His gaze was sharp on mine and his eyes seemed to flash. “You said you don’t want to be tied down either.”

  “And I-I don’t. I was just asking… for clarification.”

  He shook his head and with that little bit of movement, his face softened, revealing something vulnerable beneath that sharp, veiled gaze, if only for a second. Something pensive and somber that was the root to his harsh beauty. “I don’t do relationships at all. Not anymore.”

  Helplessly, my eyes flicked to the ring again and Ash quickly cleared his throat, moving his hands beneath the desk.

  “Okay,” I said.

  His dark eyebrows jumped, and he regarded me carefully, like he had expected me to go back on my earlier statement of being okay with this. Frankly, I had kind of expected that, too. But, the fact of the matter was relationships didn’t work well for me. They never had. So maybe this intoxicating world Ash was a part of was where I belonged. A world where relationships were strangely transactional and apparently you didn’t have dates… you had “scenes.”

  There was only one way to find out. This strangely alluring life of dominance and submission, of ropes and spanking, of Sir—no, not Sir. I could never. I still needed to be myself. But the thought of his hand hitting my ass until I was so raw, I was literally throbbing for him? A shudder shook my body visibly and I rubbed my palms over the gooseflesh lifting on my skin.

  Maybe this could work. I hadn’t had a date for two years. But regardless of this, I still had needs—clearly as evidenced by how wet and desperate for human touch I’d been in the supply closet at lunch. Maybe this was the answer. Hot, deviant sex with a man who made my toes curl against my rubber flip-flops.

  He cleared his throat. “I have rules for any of my subs. But the one that I always reveal first and foremost is this: Absolutely no Googling me from this point forward.”

  No Googling? That’s a weird rule. Then again… it could benefit both of us. He was clearly private with this history and his ex—whoever she was. And I didn’t want him finding out about Uncle Richard.

  I nodded at him, forcing a smile. Was it a little disconcerting? Yeah. Did that make it a bad rule? Nope. Not at all. “Okay,” I said. “But if I’m not allowed to Google you, then you’re not allowed to Google me. Deal?”

  “Deal,” he responded without hesitation.

  “I have some rules, too” I said, surprising not only Ash, but myself as well.

  “Rules are good,” Ash said. “They’re an absolute part of this life. My life.”

  "Right," I said. I knew from working on the film that Dominants and submissives hash out contracts, and strictly abide to them. "I'm sure I'm not surprising you when I tell you I've never done anything like this before.”

  “Oh, I’m counting on that,” Ash said, and his mouth twitched in a way that I wasn’t sure whether it was a smile or a frown.

  “Okay. Well, I'm going to need you to walk me through this, step by step. And I’ll need you to be understanding if I don’t really pick up on it right away.”

  He nodded. “I’m not exa
ctly known for being ‘understanding,’ but with you, I believe I can make an exception. That being said, punishment is a big part of what BDSM is about. So, me understanding you’re a novice is one thing… but you’ll still receive punishments. And that’s what safewords are for. I’ll never be upset if you use yours.”

  Was that true? I always imagined that the use of safewords would be frustrating for a Dominant. “Punishments like… the closet?”

  “To start with,” Ash answered. “I enjoy administering pain. Especially pain that my subs find pleasure in. I like being in control of it. But I never take it too far. I never have. I never will.”

  “Other than spanking, what else do you do for pain?” I wasn’t opposed to the idea, especially if it was the sort of pain I felt earlier, that twinged with excitement and anticipation. But I was so new at this, so uneducated, I didn’t even know where my lines began or ended.

  “Any number of things. Floggings, spanking, getting spanked with the riding crop, nipple clamps…” he paused. “Want me to keep going?”

  I shook my head, picturing nipple clamps attached to my tender breasts. “It’s hard to imagine something that’s truly painful being sexy,” I said, my raspy voice a dead giveaway for how raw and needy I felt.

  “I know it’s hard to understand, but pain heightens everything. All your senses burst to life with pain. Colors are more vivid. Sounds are intensified. A hard spank, mixed with a feather-soft stroke is utter perfection. One cannot exist without the other because that quick snap of pain makes the ecstasy of pleasure that much more intense.”

  I squeezed my legs together tighter. “We each have limits, right?” Another twitch of his lips—this time, definitely a smile. “That’s right,” I said. “I know some things. I’d have to be a total idiot to not pick up on some of the details working on this film.”

  “You’re anything but an idiot, Lucy.” Ash stood from behind his desk and for the short instance he’d been sitting and talking, I had almost forgotten how absolutely gorgeous he was. No, gorgeous didn’t do him justice. That’s something you call a beauty pageant contestant. Not Ash. Not with his hulking, muscular physique; broad chest and lean waist; piercing blue eyes, razor sharp cheekbones and square jaw.


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