Tiger Billionaire: The Whole Story (BBW Paranormal Tiger Shifter Romance Box Set)

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Tiger Billionaire: The Whole Story (BBW Paranormal Tiger Shifter Romance Box Set) Page 2

by Suki Selborne

  And now? Now I was alone with the most terrifying animal I had ever seen my life. And I already knew it had a taste for human flesh.

  The white tiger turned fully round to look at me for the first time. Its huge blue eyes seared into me, unwavering. My knees almost buckled.

  I pressed myself back against the wall, pleading silently with fate to spare me.

  Please let its handler turn up soon.

  Please let Bob have called the police.

  Please let the zookeepers come running in with tranquilizer darts.

  Please let someone save me from being torn apart.

  But nobody was coming. I was going to die here, right now. I was going to end my days as tiger food.

  The tiger padded softly towards me. I couldn’t move a muscle, even to breathe.

  Its giant face loomed towards me and I shut my eyes, bracing myself for the impact of teeth and claws.

  But it didn’t bite me. Instead, its big nose nudged and snuffled all over me, its mouth firmly closed. It seemed to be… sniffing me.

  I opened my eyes. The tiger’s face was inches from mine. The soft white fur of its neck was tinged crimson with blood on one side.

  I looked deeply into its eyes, quaking. Please don’t hurt me. Please.

  The tiger paused for a moment. Then it let out a muted rumbling, purring noise from the depth of its throat. I felt the vibrations rock through my skin until I was scattered with goosebumps.

  Then the tiger turned and slinked off to the dark edges of the parking lot. I watched its elegant white shape reach the back wall, until it vanished round a corner.

  I leaned my head back against the wall, panting. Oh god. It didn’t eat me. I was still alive.

  Was there anywhere for the tiger to go over there? Had it really left?

  There was no more movement or growling. It really did seem to have gone.

  Okay, I thought. Time for a plan.

  First, run the hell back to the security gate and tell Bob what happened. Then he can call the police.

  Do the police know how to deal with escaped zoo animals, I wondered? Yeah, they must have handled something like this before. They’d know who to call, at least.

  I got my breath back and took a hard look around. There was still no sign of the tiger. The whole place was eerily quiet and seemed deserted.

  Edging down the wall to the corner, I stole one more glance around. Nothing here. Nothing and nobody.

  The bright lights of the parking area entrance were just visible, reflected off the windshield of one of the parked cars. Safety, here I come.

  I kicked off my high heels and ran for my life.


  The parking garage entrance was brightly lit and my eyes took a moment to adjust from the darkness. The window of Bob’s kiosk looked empty. Maybe he was with the police right now?

  I reached the kiosk and found the door was open. Yep, Bob was gone.

  Even if he was getting help, there was no one there at this moment. For the time being, at least, I was on my own.

  It was all too much for me to bear. This evening had just been the pits. First I broke up with my boyfriend, then I almost got myself kidnapped, then I got carjacked. Then I nearly got eaten by a wild killing machine. Now there’s nobody even here to tell me they’ve got everything under control and I don’t need to worry. The one thing in life I’d love more than any other. Not to be coping with everything on my own, all the time.

  Staggering and tripping over my torn dress, I moved to lean against the kiosk wall. The sound of anguished sobs filled the air and I realized it was me. I was crying. I hardly knew what I was doing.

  Where was I going to go? What were you supposed to do, if you got attacked and a tiger came wandering through the financial district of your capital city? Is there a handbook for this sort of stuff?

  Where the hell were all the security cameras? Were they switched off? Why wasn’t anybody coming to help?

  If this was a bad dream, I decided I’d really like to wake up right about now.

  Through my tears, I noticed a door far on the right hand side marked ‘Reception’. So that was an exit which must lead into the main building. If I ran in there, I could get to the receptionist and raise the alarm. At least they’d help.

  I swiped at my tears and stood up. My heart hammered brutally in my chest as I reached the door to the building. Hurling it open, I ran inside.


  I crashed straight into someone, right on the other side of the door. It was a man.

  A naked man.

  A naked man?

  I stared at him, unable to speak. He was absolutely, totally nude.

  Now, I thought, I really must be dreaming. And this dream was a lot better than the last.

  The man was tall and solid, yet lean and sinuous at the same time. He steadied me with a big hand on each shoulder. I was instantly still, like a kitten when its mother picks it up with its mouth.

  “Are you all right?”

  The naked man’s voice was deep and calming.

  I stared again. I just couldn’t help it. Trying desperately hard not to gaze down at all the angles and edges of his bare skin, instead I focused on his chiseled jaw and aquiline nose. Man, he was gorgeous.

  He was ripped like an athlete, with a lithe grace that made my mouth water. As for his manly goods, well. I knew I shouldn’t look, but they were on display, and holy shit. He was a work of art.

  “Does complete silence mean no? You’re not all right?” His blue eyes twinkled at me like a Vegas sign.

  He must have known I was checking him out. But then again, he was the one standing there in the buff. What did he expect?

  “I’m… I’m okay thanks. Well no, there were these guys. And a tiger. Oh my god, there’s an escaped tiger round here, seriously. We need to call the police right away. Why would there be a tiger? Could it be from London Zoo? That’s not very near here though. Private collector? Someone needs to notify the authorities, for sure. It can’t be…”

  I was babbling so fast, it almost certainly made no sense.

  Hot Naked Guy’s neck was grazed and sore-looking. I peered at it. His hand flew to the wound.

  “Oh my god! Did the tiger get you?”

  “No, don’t worry. This is, ah, a shaving injury. I’m all good.”

  I narrowed my eyes. It didn’t look like a shaving cut. Not many guys wet-shaved with cut-throat razors these days.

  He took my hand firmly. “You, on the other hand, look very pale. Come with me.”

  He placed his hand on the small of my back and guided me through a set of double doors, heading back into the building. We emerged into a cream marble foyer with a single elevator. There was nobody sitting at the reception desk.

  I wondered whether this particular bank employee always got naked as soon as the support staff went home. Weird kink, but pretty harmless, I supposed.

  He hit the elevator call button.

  “We can go to my office and get you something to drink.”

  “And call the police? And the zoo? Or whoever deals with stuff like escaped tigers?”

  “Of course.”

  Naked Hot Guy still didn’t seem to have any concern that he was naked. He hadn’t tried to explain it at all.

  As he pushed the button again, I stole a glance at his rear view. Then I sighed. I wasn’t sure I’d ever seen a man as good-looking as he was. The oddest thing was that he made me feel completely comfortable. I’d have expected to feel awkward around such an attractive guy, even with clothes on. That would go double for an attractive guy in the raw. But this one seemed remarkably easy company.

  Easy, naked company. I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Was he going to pretend it wasn’t the case? Maybe he was insane? He didn’t seem too crazy. For some reason, I opted to trust my instincts where he was concerned.

  “I’m Finola,” I said. “Finola Malley. So you work at the bank too? Which department?”

  “Irish? Finola. T
hat’s a lovely name.”

  “Yeah, Irish. Adopted by Londoners. I’m more of a Londoner than an Irish girl now.”

  “Irishness is a state of mind, body and soul. You can’t turn English, no matter how much you might try.”

  He was teasing me gently. I smiled, but really I wanted him to tell me about himself, not the other way round. “And what’s your name?”

  “You’re a temp worker here?” He wasn’t answering my question.

  “Yeah. I’m a temp admin assistant. Are you a banker?”

  “Yes. I’m a banker.”

  “May I ask your name?”

  I bit my lip and stared up at him, using every ounce of my strength not to gaze down at his magnificent cock again.

  “Forgive me. It’s Sebastian.” He shook my hand, his eyes sparkling ever bluer. “How do you do?”

  I couldn’t help smiling again, despite my ordeal tonight.

  “It’s so good to meet you, Sebastian,” I said. “Even though it’s been a hellish night so far.” And it had been hellish. But it was certainly intriguing to meet him.

  “You do seem to have had a bad time of it.”

  Sebastian smiled at me with no self-consciousness at all. His eyes crinkled just slightly at the edges and I felt a flutter in my stomach.

  Focus, Finola. Don’t embarrass yourself. This man is stunning. He wouldn’t look at you that way in a million years.

  “Yeah,” I blustered. “I thought I was going to get into serious trouble back there.”

  I suddenly noticed I was holding my shoes in my hand and put them back on hurriedly.

  “I’m so sorry you’ve had such a hard time. You must tell me all about it once we get you a brandy.”

  A brandy? Were employees of investment banks allowed brandy in the office? That was news to me.

  Hell, I thought, I’d drink ditchwater if it was served up by this guy. He was quite simply the most beautiful man I’d ever seen. And for some insane reason, on this most insane of nights, he was wandering around naked like it was the most normal thing in the world. And he was offering me a brandy in his office. And I was going to accept it.

  The elevator arrived and we stepped inside.


  As the doors closed and the elevator jolted on its way, I glanced up at Sebastian. Standing right next to him, I realized just how tall he was. Well-built, too, with bulging muscles and not an ounce of fat. He looked strong enough to pick me up without breaking a sweat. I’d never felt delicate before, but this guy made me feel tiny.

  We locked eyes and I looked away. The air seemed to crackle around us.

  Sexual tension with a guy this hot? How was that even possible? Guys like that don’t go for girls like me. Ever.

  But this guy… The glances he shot me felt laced with an undercurrent of something. Something… sexy.

  No doubt I’d feel embarrassed for myself tomorrow, because I must be imagining it. But here we both were, and I was damn well sure I would enjoy the moment. Just standing next to a guy this attractive was like a theme park ride for me.

  A pulse of warmth radiated from between my legs. I became aware that my breathing was a little too fast.

  His eyes were on me again. I could feel them scorching into me.

  Then his fist hit the emergency stop button.

  My cheeks burned and I felt a pang of excitement flicker through my limbs. What was he doing?

  He loomed over me, looking down at me with his sapphire-blue, half-lidded eyes.

  “I…” I faltered. Words didn’t seem to be possible right now.

  His strong hands found my hips and he pulled me towards him, then pressed me up against the wall of the elevator. I let out a gasp.

  “Finola,” he whispered. “So that’s your name.”

  I nodded weakly.

  “I always wondered what your name would be,” he said.

  I didn’t understand what he was talking about, but all I knew was that I needed his hands to stay on me right then. Had to have them. If he took them away, I’d fade to nothingness. I’d flutter away on the breeze, like a fallen leaf.

  At last, my courage surged. If he was touching me, he wouldn’t object if I touched him. Right then, there was nothing I wanted more than to feel his skin against mine.

  It was insane. We just met. Yet my heart and mind both told me I had to have him. Nothing else in the world existed in this moment.

  All caution and sense of decency evaporated. He was mine, for this moment.

  My hands slid up his hard, sculpted chest and up to his shoulders. He felt so solid beneath my fingers. Like a smooth, tide-worn rock. I steadied myself and looked deep into his eyes.

  With a deep, almost growling sigh, he lifted me up and wrapped my legs round his waist. I was pinned to the elevator wall, squirming against his hardness as it shoved up against my aching pussy.

  “I can’t stop this,” he said, his voice thick with desire. “I want to keep you from harm. I don’t want you mixed up in this, but my God. How can I stop this?”

  His words made no sense at all. But I didn’t stop to puzzle them out. I was thinking with a different part of my body altogether. He nuzzled my neck with his perfect lips and I moaned.

  I rocked wantonly against his cock, desperate for him to fill me fit to burst. The lust I felt was almost frightening in its intensity.

  I was so wet for him, it never occurred to me how crazy all this was. A total stranger exposes himself, then leaps on you in an elevator five seconds later and presses the emergency stop so you’re stuck with him? Finola, what are you thinking?

  But it felt like the most natural thing in the world. Like it had to happen.

  He set me back on my feet then and dropped to his knees on the floor. I looked down at his upturned face, taking in the beauty of all his features. His eyes were an incredible aquatic shade. His jaw was strong and determined. His ruffled dark blond hair was streaked with natural flashes of gold. It looked like he spent a lot of time in the sunshine. Maybe he had a holiday home in the tropics. Bankers often did.

  I cried out as he tore my already ragged dress down the middle and ripped the pieces apart, pushing my panties aside with force. Waves of pleasure cascaded over me as he launched himself between my legs. His tongue worked my pussy enthusiastically while he gripped my ass with both hands.

  My legs wobbled, tired with everything that had happened, and he moved his arms so he was holding me up, legs split wide so he could devour me. There was almost a roughness to his tongue as it lashed my clit wildly.

  He was like a wild animal let loose, passionate and out of control. The build-up of heat between my thighs was almost instant. I couldn’t hold back even for a minute. I ground against his face as the blissful pressure flooded my body.

  “Oh my god, I’m going to - “

  My orgasm exploded like a million stars and I screamed and bucked against him, while he held me up in his iron grip. I thrashed and cried out, over and over again, until the spasms finally slowed and then stopped.

  Then I fell limp against him. He was still holding me upright. The man must have the strength of ten men.

  He looked up at me, his lips glossy with my juices. Then he licked his lips. I felt another shudder pass through me. His eyes were half-closed with desire.

  I pushed his hands off and sank to my knees in front of him. There was no way I was going to be able to keep away from that huge, luscious cock. Especially not now.

  All inhibitions and embarrassment had vanished the moment the elevator doors shut. All that mattered was him and me and us and our bodies. The rest of the world seemed to have disappeared.

  His hands threaded into my hair as I licked him, base to head. As I circled the velvety tip with my tongue, he made low approving noises and pulled my hair tighter.

  I took his balls in one hand, stroking and rubbing while I took his full length as far in my mouth as I could manage. He was so large, I couldn’t fit him all in that way. But I did my very best, sque
ezing and pumping with my hand as I sucked and licked every inch of his massive cock.

  I tasted the salty tang of his precum on my tongue and picked up the pace. Flicking my tongue over the tip of his cock as I sucked, I felt his immense granite-like thighs tense. He was trying to hold off, trying to delay the inevitable. I lifted my head and looked up at him. His jaw was clenched tight with the effort of controlling himself and he was frowning.

  “I want you to look right into my eyes and come for me,” I heard myself saying.

  He made a noise that was half snarl, half-growl, but he stared deep into my eyes and I felt him jerk and thrust just as I’d asked him to. Hot spurts of fluid shot into my throat, over and over, more and more. I swallowed it all down hungrily, latched on tightly until the last spurt had ended.

  His fingers were so tangled in my hair, he could hardly pull himself free. At last, he unhooked himself.

  We sat for a few moments, panting.

  As I got my breath back, the mesmerizing veil that had been draped over the situation was suddenly yanked away. I saw things as they really were and it dawned on me where we were sitting.

  “What if someone calls the elevator?” I yelped.

  We were in no way fit to be seen. The air was hot and thick with the scent of sex. Sebastian was still very much naked. My dress was torn, my breasts and panties were on show and I was sure my eye make-up was halfway down my face. If someone caught us like this, it could be the most embarrassing moment of my life. Well, one of them.

  “Nobody will call the elevator,” he said, stretching his arms over his head and down again. “This is a private one. It’s just for me.”

  “Your private… You have a private elevator?”

  “Of course.” He stood up, extending a hand to pull me to my feet. “Come see my office now.”

  He pushed a couple of buttons and the elevator jolted back into motion. Within seconds, it stopped again and the doors slid open.


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