Do Me Baby (The Beaumont Series)

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Do Me Baby (The Beaumont Series) Page 6

by Angie Daniels

  “The only woman I want to make love to this weekend is you.”

  Dammit! He hadn’t planned to be so bold. But there was something about her that made him want to be totally honest and upfront. No lines, no beating around the bush, just straight to the point.

  “I didn’t expect you to be that honest,” Debra finally said, pushing away from the rail and taking a seat on one of the padded arm chairs. “You can have any woman you want. Why me?”

  “I didn’t think you’d noticed,” he said, and flashed her a silly grin, trying to soften the mood and bring back that wonderful relaxed feeling that had been there when he’d first stepped out onto the balcony.

  “What’s not to notice? You had every woman on this ship swooning since the second you stepped out onto the deck. Hell, even the men were falling over themselves trying to get five seconds of Dr. Dribble’s time,” she said with a slight edge to her voice.

  He held his palms up in defense. “That’s my job. I’m a ballplayer first. Besides my family, everything else comes second in my life.”

  “Including relationships?”

  “Like I told you, I don’t do relationships.”

  “Just weekend flings,” she mused, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

  He shrugged. “And what’s wrong with that? Enjoying each other’s company. No pressures. No promises.”

  “And after the weekend we both go our separate way.”

  Rance wasn’t sure why he hesitated. There had been a time in his life when all he’d cared about was himself. Other than his family and the Sixers, no one else had mattered. But his injury had changed that. The fans, people he didn’t even know, had reached out and had been willing to help, wishing him well and offering words of inspiration. And he realized he was surrounded by people who mattered, because without them he was nobody.

  “Yep. No strings attached. But it doesn’t mean we can’t be friends.” He didn’t have many friends. “You’re close to my cousins, so any friend of theirs is a friend of mine.”

  Rance watched as she crossed her legs, drawing his eyes to her thick thighs. “I’ll have to think about it. I’ve been so focused on the bakery I just haven’t had much time to think about men and dating.”

  He had to scratch his head. How could someone not think about sex? “I was under the impression women had needs as well.”

  She shook her head and blushed again. “We do. Or rather, I do. I guess at this point in my life I have different priorities. You’re all about basketball and I’m focused on my cupcakes.”

  “Do you ever thinking about anything other than work?”

  “Sure I do. I think about how to make more money,” she added with a chuckle. “My business is too new to take a break. If I do, another bakery will move into Sheraton Beach and put me out of business.”

  He nodded, clearly understanding where she was coming from. “The same way I feel about being on the bench. Everyone suddenly notices the rookie and my name is barely mentioned anymore.”


  “How about when I get back home you come to Philadelphia and visit me?” he suggested. He had this strong desire to see her again, even though the weekend had just begun. It was crazy and made absolutely no sense at all.

  “Why?” she asked.

  “Because I want to see you again.” He wanted to get to know her. “We’re supposed to be working on me becoming your new BFF, remember?”

  She tossed her head back with laughter. Damn, he loved that musical sound.

  “If that’s what you want,” she said softly.

  “No, what I want is to kiss you.” While his words hung in the air, Rance reached out for her hand and brought Debra to her feet, her weight resting against his.

  He loved the feel of her, soft in the right places and solid in the rest. Debra made no attempt to push away. Good. He wasn’t sure how he would have handled it if she had. Instead, she seemed just as reluctant as he to see the moment end. “If you think this is a big mistake, then you need to tell me in five, four, three, two, one…”

  Her breath caught. He was offering a weekend fling. A no-strings-attached relationship that was sure to leave her hot and bothered.

  Before she could tell him all the reasons why that was not a good idea, Rance swooped in and brought his mouth to hers. Oh, my goodness, the man could kiss! She had to go up on her toes to meet his lips. Was this really happening? One moment he was staring at her and the next his mouth was pressed against hers, doing things with her lips that short-circuited her brain.

  A split second later he wrapped his arms around her and drew her tight. Her lips parted beneath his and Rance went straight in. She heard a soft sound that was half delight, half surrender, and realized it had come from her. Rance claimed her mouth like he was staking ownership.

  The kiss went on for so long. Or not long enough. His kisses were what dreams were made of. Totally delicious. His hands were skimming the side of her swimsuit when a sound coming from the balcony to her right caused her to stiffen.

  It was just a couple laughing, but it was enough to remind her they were in a public place, even though her entire body was screaming that they go inside the cabin and finish what they’d started.

  Instead, she ended the kiss. Rance rested his forehead against hers and just breathed. In and out. And waited for the feeling to fade. It wasn’t easy.

  “How about seeing where that kiss could have led?” he whispered.

  She refused to be swayed by the urges she was feeling. “I want to say yes. I think that’s why I’m still standing here. I just don’t get why I’m attracted to you. I don’t even like basketball players.”

  Rance laughed and leaned back as he gazed down into her eyes and asked, “Why is that?”

  “Because they’re jerks.”

  Laughing, he replied, “You are really something else.”

  She gave him a tender half smile, probably looking more vulnerable than she wished to reveal. “I don’t really date,” she admitted. “As you noticed earlier, I’m pretty much always all about work.”

  “You’re not seeing anyone. Not even an occasional dinner date?”

  She tipped her head back to look into his eyes. “Sometimes, but I’m busy and no one has intrigued me enough—”

  “Enough? Enough to do what?” He tipped his head to the side, studying her.

  “To risk getting my heart broken again.”

  “Did someone hurt you?” he.

  “No one worth talking about,” she said, gently brushing past him and heading toward the door.

  “Hey, all relationships don’t have to end in hurt,” he said.

  She glanced back over her shoulder. “Getting involved would only complicate things between us. You want a friend? Cool. You got one. But a lover? I just can’t agree to that.” Especially since there was no way she could separate her body from her heart. Not with the man towering in front of her.

  She now understood why Bianca had booked her on this cruise. She wanted her to let go of her past and find happiness with someone worthy of her love. Unfortunately, a weekend fling was not the answer. Rance Beaumont caused all kinds of emotions to stir inside her and made her want to say and do things that would later cause her to blush from just thinking about them. Nope, the best thing she could do would be to stay clear of him and his bed.

  She turned and opened the cabin door.

  “I think I’m going to take another shower and get ready for dinner.”

  The thought of her being wet and naked some few feet away was not helping the situation. “Okay, I’ll start getting ready after you’re done.”

  She looked like she wanted to say more, but in the end she gave him a little wave and stepped inside the cabin. Rance stood there watching the door close, feeling rejected.

  To give her some privacy, he decided to stroll around the ship and get his head on straight.

  He stepped through the cabin and found her already in the bathroom. As he moved out
into the hall he tried not to think about the running water and Debra’s naked body on the other side of the door.

  Shoving his hands into his pockets, he strolled leisurely down the long corridor and tried to focus on basketball.

  It worked for a while. He managed not to think about Debra for all of thirty seconds. He went to the upper decks and walked through the casino. Several fans stopped him and he was glad for the distraction. He took photos and signed a few autographs. But the moment he was on his way to the promenade deck Debra was at the center of his thoughts again. He kept wondering what she was doing and what she was thinking.

  Rance waited almost an hour before he decided the coast was clear and made his way down to the cabin. During the entire walk he imagined her spreading cocoa butter over her shapely legs and his groin tightened at the image of all her lush curves. He didn’t know where she had even gotten the idea that anything was overweight about her, because as far as he was concerned she was perfect. He loved a woman with meat on her bones.

  He fumbled with the door a couple of times to give her advance warning that he was coming back into the cabin, then swiped his key and stepped inside.

  Damn! At the sight of her Rance had to force himself to breathe while he drank in all her details. She was wearing a black dress that fell just below her knees and accentuated every voluptuous curve, showing off shapely calves and cute painted toes in strappy rhinestone heels. She had arranged her curly hair into an upsweep style that showcased her high cheekbones and drew attention to the diamond studs in her ears.

  “Wow!” he said followed by a whistle. “You look good.”

  She blushed. “Thank you.”

  He shut the door and stepped further into the cabin while she took a seat on the end of the bed and glanced up at the television where Everybody Loves Raymond was playing.

  “Dinner is in an hour,” she said without looking at him.

  “I guess it’s time for me to get ready.” He started to remove his shirt.

  “Whoa!” she cried and sprang from the bed. “Wait. I’ll give you some privacy.”

  “You don’t have to leave.”

  She licked her lips, her eyes lifting from his chest to his darkened gaze. “Yes, I do.”

  “No, you don’t.” He pressed his lips in a determined line.

  Debra gave a strained laugh. “Don’t be silly! I’m going to go wander around this huge ship while you get ready.”

  “Alright, as long as you come back so I can escort you to dinner.”

  She nodded her head quickly. “Okay. I’ll see you in forty-five minutes.”

  Chapter 7

  She couldn’t get out of that cabin fast enough!

  Debra quickly moved down the corridor and didn’t stop until she was around the corner. There she leaned against the wall and took a moment to allow herself to get her breathing under control.

  How in the world was she going to survive two nights in the same room with that man? Rance was just too sexy for his own good, and the second he’d started lifting his shirt over his head, showing off that magnificent six-pack, she knew she had to get out of there when she had the chance or she might have jumped him and demanded he take her right then and there.

  She released a slow frustrating breath. Rance was gorgeous, but clearly not as arrogant as she had originally thought. If he had been, it would make being around him so much easier.

  Hearing laughter coming down the hall, Debra pushed away from the wall and headed for the bank of elevators. She had time to kill, so she might as well use it to get her thinking straight.

  She boarded the elevator along with three other guests who were chatting merrily, already caught up in the spirit of the weekend vacation. And despite being stuck sharing a room with a professional ballplayer, a smile tilted her lips.

  Debra stepped off the car and strolled along the deck, scanning all the shops. They wouldn’t officially open until they were out several hundred feet away from the shore, but it didn’t hurt to look. Anything to take her mind off Rance. She spotted a beautiful charm bracelet in the window that she would definitely have to come back and purchase for Bianca for her birthday. Although after the stunt Bianca had pulled, what she should be doing was finding a way to get back at her for trying to be a matchmaker.

  Debra sighed as she passed a clothing store. Her best friend had meant well. It had been no secret that Bianca never cared for Sony. She’d always thought he wasn’t good enough for Debra. But instead of listening to her friend’s warning, Debra had leaped into the relationship head first. And now she saw where it had gotten her. Disappointment.

  But after she had settled into her new condo, Debra had begun to discover that what she had felt for Sony hadn’t been love at all. She still couldn’t quite put her finger on it. Maybe it was his charm, or that he was so different from the other guys she had dated, that she’d wanted to try something new. Either way, he had been all wrong for her, and she was glad that she had finally found out the truth. Although it would have been better if it had been on her terms.

  One thing she had learned from the relationship with Sony was that she’d never had honesty. There were so many things he had said that she should have questioned but never did, thinking maybe she worried too much. The auditions that never panned out. The part-time jobs that were stifling his career, and why he was never home on Friday nights. The warning signs had always been there.

  Shaking her head, Debra mentally closed the door on the past. Their relationship was null and void. No point in dwelling on it.

  And now, as a result of that fiasco, it would be a long time before she risked her heart to another man.

  As she walked past the casino she thought about her roommate again. That man definitely knew how to kiss. Just thinking about those perfect lips pressed against hers made her want to moan and beg for an encore.

  Why not? You’re on vacation.

  Her friends always joked that “what happens on vacation, stays on vacation,” and maybe that was the attitude she needed to have. Just enjoy the moment. After all, when was the last time she had allowed herself to just have a good time? She frowned. Longer than she could remember.

  By the time she was headed back to the cabin, Debra had convinced herself that she was going to relax and allow the weekend to dictate itself. Although having a fling was still an absolutely no-no.

  After glancing down at the slender watch on her arm, she headed toward the large turned staircase. There were several guests in dresses and ties whom she assumed were headed to dinner, while others were wearing flip-flops and bikinis.

  She admired the women, wishing she was bold enough to run around in almost nothing. She released a sigh.

  I’m an actor. I need a woman who looks good on my arm.

  Quit it, Debra, she scolded. Sony was a prick. You’re fine just the way you are. She had never been insecure, so why start now. With that she pulled her shoulders back and strutted confidently down the stairs to the lower level. But as she neared their cabin her confidence faltered slightly, because on the other side of the door was the sexiest man she had ever encountered.

  Debra was preparing to knock when the door swung open. With a gasp, she stared at the man in front of her. She would have never guessed he could look any more gorgeous, but the proof was towering in front of her.

  Rance was wearing a white crisp shirt that emphasized every hard muscle, and he had on navy blue pleated slacks that were made for his body.

  There was a mild tremor at her middle section. Damn, resisting this man wasn’t going to be easy.

  He gave her a once-over that made her skin hot.

  “I take it you like what you see.”

  “Since you already know, there’s no point in me telling you,” she said with a smirk.

  He shrugged. “Yeah, but it never hurts to hear it.”

  “And blow up your big head some more?” she laughed. “I don’t think so.” Still laughing, she pushed past him and stepped into the roo
m to retrieve her purse.

  “Ready to go?” he asked, looking her up and down.

  Debra looked up at him. Rance’s gaze, hot and intense, warmed her like a caress. She gave a tiny nod.

  Rance tilted his head to the left. “After you.” He held the door open and waited for her to go first. As she brushed pass him his cologne ruffled her senses. Damn, the man was scrumptious in so many ways.

  But I’ll never tell.

  Rance Beaumont was used to women falling at his feet, but she wasn’t going to be one of them, no matter how tempting the idea was.

  Rance shut the door and they moved down the corridor, bodies brushing. There was no denying the attraction. They boarded the elevator and she saw the speculative glances from other guests and watched him try to appear unaffected by the attention. “You’re just sucking it up, aren’t you?” she said softly as the car emptied.

  “What?” he asked innocently.

  “Whatever,” she mumbled as they moved down the hall. “I’m sure women either love you or hate you.”

  Rance offered his arm and she crooked her arm through his. “Then I do whatever I can to make sure the women always love me.”

  She pretended to gag. “I think I’m going to be sick.”

  Laughing, he led her down the hall past the casino where several photographers had set up makeshift studios with backdrops that had a cruise theme.

  “Hey, how about a picture?” Rance suggested. He stopped walking and looked down at her.

  She shrugged, pretending indifference. “Sure, why not?”

  The young female photographer glanced up as they approached and her eyes lit up with recognition.

  “Are you Rance Beaumont?” she asked with a strong Hispanic accent.

  He nodded.

  “I’m a huge Sixers fan!” She started giggling uncontrollable. “Wow! I’ve never photographed a celebrity before.”

  Oh, brother. She was batting her thick eyelashes and grinning so hard it was a wonder her face didn’t crack. She found it amazing the way women lost their minds when Rance was around.


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