Wolves and Roses

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Wolves and Roses Page 26

by Christina Bauer

  Wolf-Knox turns to me. He tilts his head with sympathy. “You don’t have to do this now, you know.”

  “No, I need the truth. Keep talking, Mirabelle.”

  Lauralei throws up her arms. “Shut your mouth, this instant. Mirabelle, if you tell Bryar Rose even one more word, then Jules will find you. He’ll come after all of us!”

  Mirabelle huffs out a frustrated breath. “Don’t you get it? We’re talking about the deal between us and Jules. Should that be able to happen? He had those wizards and fairies cast about a dozen silencer spells on us.”

  Lauralei’s face pales. “No. I suppose it shouldn’t.”

  “You know what that means. Jules is dead. That’s why Bryar Rose is here and we can even discuss these things. There are no more excuses now. And she’s shifted into her werewolf form. There’s no point pretending.” Mirabelle turns to me. “What else do you want to know?”

  I feel like a kid set loose in a candy store. All my life, I wondered who my parents really were. In fact, I dreamed up identities for them as regular humans. There’s no question what I want to know first. “Who are my parents?”

  “You’re half werewolf,” answers Mirabelle. “That’s all we know. Jules dropped you off with instructions to give you Predator’s Bane. Although, considering the spell you just cast, I’d guess your other half is fairy.”

  Wolf-Knox steps closer. “Half?”

  Tension tightens up my neck. “Is that a bad thing?”

  “No, it’s just…” Wolf-Knox bobs his head. “You’re really powerful to be half were. I could be alpha of all alphas if I wanted to, and my wolf chose you.”

  Lauralei grins. “Alpha of all alphas?”

  “And our Bryar Rose is your mate?” asks Fanna.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” says Lauralei. “Apologies for our rude greeting before, Mister…?”

  “Knox. His name is Knox.” I can’t believe this. Now that Jules is dead, they’re sucking up to the next most powerful person in the room.

  And that’s never going to be me. At least, not in their eyes. I’ll always be some weak foundling they were saddled with. “I have one more question for you. Colonel Mallory the Magnificent says he saved my wolf. What do you know about that?”

  “Colonel Mallory? Seriously?” Lauralei waves her hands. “You’re dating an alpha, but let’s not put on airs. I doubt Colonel Mallory the Magnificent would have taken an interest in your existence.”

  “Enough, Lauralei.” Mirabelle focuses on me. “Jules once said something about Colonel Mallory slipping away from him before Jules could finish him.”

  Before he could finish him as a meal of dragon power, more likely.

  “I think I know what happened.” Knox’s wolf-voice is low and soothing. “If Colonel Mallory was held in the same place where Jules was keeping you as a baby, maybe he ran across you there. Jules has tough prisons, but I bet Colonel Mallory could break free. He might have cast the Slumber Beast spell on you there.” Knox tilts his head and gives me a meaningful look. I know what he’s thinking.

  And maybe cast another spell as well. There’s no question what spell that would be either: the lockbox in my soul.

  I chuff out a breath. “I really want to talk to Colonel Mallory.”

  “Good luck,” says Mirabelle. “He shows when he shows.”

  Lauralei rounds on Knox. “Our Bryar Rose really knows the great Colonel Mallory the Magnificent?”

  “I’m right here, Lauralei. And I already said I know Colonel Mallory.” I make a point to turn toward Mirabelle. “Thank-you for answering my questions.” I look to Knox. Now that all the excitement is over, I feel like a balloon that’s been deflated. All I want to do is go home. “Look, the computer in my bedroom has IP telephony. If I call Alec, do you think he would…?”

  “He would. And while you do that, I’ll wait here and keep an eye on your aunties.”

  “Thanks.” I pad off in my wolf form into my room, transform back to a human, get dressed, and call Elle. It’s the same thing as contacting Alec anyway. In short order, Alec casts some spells so Knox is dressed and we’re both back in his apartment.

  Once I’m safe inside his place, I launch right into a crying jag. Knox doesn’t say a word. He simply directs me to his bedroom and tucks me under the covers. I’ve never been in a guy’s room before, but with Knox? It feels natural and safe to be in his personal den. The place is warm and comfy with lots of earth colors and leather.

  Once I’m snuggled under the covers, Knox slides in beside me while keeping his own body over the covers. As I fall asleep, his fingertips brush through my hair, and his low voice whispers, “You did so well, Bryar Rose. I’m proud of you.”

  And to those words of comfort, I drift off to sleep.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Bryar Rose

  For a totally crap day, my night was filled with some pretty amazing dreams. Believe it or not, they all happened in the LeCharme elevator. This time around, the place felt quaint instead of old and creepy. And best of all? Knox was there, guiding me into kiss after blissful kiss. And since this was all a dream, we never had any awkward stuff like neck cramps or our teeth knocking together.

  As dreams go, it was pretty awesome.

  Sure, a few times I caught a wolf in the corner of my vision, but I ignored it, and the animal went away. That pretty much sums up my whole attitude toward my werewolf side at this moment. It’s there. It exists. But until I understand what is really happening to me, I’m not ready to fully embrace that side of myself. Who knows what that could mean?

  When I wake up, I find that I’m still lying in Knox’s bed. After waking up in a strange tower yesterday, I can’t even begin to say how amazing it is to awaken the same place you fell asleep. The only negative is that I’m alone on the mattress. Knox himself isn’t cuddling me anymore. Not to be a whiny baby, but it’s a bummer. Even though Knox was atop the covers and everything, having him so close still made me feel so much warmer.

  The good news is that Knox is still here. He’s snoozing away in a nearby armchair with his head lolled forward, arms folded, and legs kicked out in front of him. It doesn’t look too comfortable.

  Knox opens his right eye. “Morning, Bry.”

  “I didn’t mean to wake you up.”

  “Don’t worry about it. It’s my wolf. The slightest movement and he’s alert.” Knox stretches, and since he’s still wearing his rock star pants and fitted T-shirt, I’m really enjoying the view. Knox is ripped.

  I realize I’ve been staring for too long, so I decide to turn my mind to something useful. “I’d like to go back to the LeCharme Building. I really want to get a head start on those papyri.”

  “It’s Sunday. Maybe you should take a day off from magic stuff.”

  My mind blanks. “And do what?”

  “I have an idea.” His mouth winds into a wolfy grin. “You up for some fun?”

  Fun. Me. And with a hot guy. This is really happening.

  I do my best to try and act cool. “Sure, fun. I’m into you.” I smack my own head. Way to play it cool. “I mean, I’m into it. Having fun. That part.” Shut up, mouth.

  “Good.” Knox nods to a door in the back of the room. “There’s a private bath in there. Should have shampoo and all that girly stuff. I tell the staff to keep it stocked.”

  He stands and stretches again. This time, his T-shirt pulls up enough that I can see a sliver of bare skin along his belly. Knox catches me staring and gives me one of those sly smiles where his eyes crinkle up.

  My stomach goes woozy. “I’ll just get ready then.”

  “Sure. I need to let Alec and Elle know you’re up.”

  My mouth falls open. “They’re both here?”

  “They came by last night to check on you. Alec has some master plan for us and the papyri, and Elle…” He tilts his head. “She feels really bad about lying to you.”

  “What lie is she worried about this time?” Elle’s a con artist, for cryin
g out loud. She lies for a living. Still, it’s all for a good cause, so I try not to get caught up in it.

  “The lie of omission. Not telling you she’s one of the fae.”

  “Oh, that lie.” For some reason, waking up in the tower was less upsetting than confronting my best friend about her major lie of omission. Part of me wants to scream at her for an hour, minimum. But another part wants to trust her. Elle has covered my back more times than I can count. It’s against girl code to freak out before she’s told me her side of the story. And considering she came over last night, she definitely wants to tell her side.

  I debate about going out right now to chat with Elle, but that’s the moment my stomach decides to growl at a volume that could break the sound barrier. I quickly set my hands on my stomach. “I need a shower and some food before I deal with Elle. Do you think you could let her know?”

  “Sure thing, Bry.” He winks. “Besides, I need to shower, too. Mine is just on the other side of the wall from yours.”

  “Oh.” Knox will be naked on the other side of the wall from me. That’s a lot of information. Not that I’m complaining.

  “See you in the kitchen.” He saunters out of the room, and it’s like the energy level plummets or something. That must be his alpha wolf energy. It sure is magnetic, but I need to steer clear of it. I have some big decisions to make, like where I’m going to live and how I’ll earn money for stuff like food. I can’t let my mate attraction to Knox distract my focus.

  Whatever happens next, I will never let my werewolf side dictate my life. It’s just a condition; that’s all. In fact, the more I think about it, the more I think that my normal life as a regular human could be closer now than ever before.

  About an hour later, we’re all hanging in the kitchen: Elle, Alec, Knox, and me. Like the rest of Knox’s place, the kitchen has bare-cement walls, black furniture, and wood floors. We’re all dressed in jeans and sweats, except for Alec who’s always wearing his ever-present sport coat packed with jewels.

  Elle sits across from me at a black granite high-top table. Her shoulders are slumped, and she won’t even look at me.



  I lower my voice a little. “Elle.”

  “What?” She still won’t look at me, though. I turn to Knox. “Can you guys give us a second?”

  Knox gives me one of those chin-nods that only hot guys can get away with.

  Alec looks ready to burst with excitement. He beams his most winning surfer-boy smile. “Are you sure? I have some amazing news.”

  “Come on, Captain Excitement.” Knox gives him a playful punch on the shoulder. “I’ll show you my new gaming console.”

  Alec heaves out a dramatic sigh. “If we must, we must.”

  Once they finally leave the kitchen, I take the barstool next to Elle’s. “Can we talk now?”

  “I feel terrible.”

  “Elle. Give me your eyes.”

  At last, Elle looks up. Her huge blue eyes are watery. “I didn’t tell you I was a fairy. That’s the same as lying. I’m so sorry.”

  I raise my hand, palm forward. “Did you have a good reason to keep the truth from me?”

  Elle nods.

  “And did that reason have something to do with your stepfamily?”


  “There’s more to it, isn’t there? You have to keep other things from me because of them.”

  Her voice cracks. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Stop torturing yourself. I understand.”

  “You do?”

  “How many times have you had my back when things were crap? I trust you enough to know that you’ll tell me when you can.”

  “I don’t believe this. So you’re not mad?”

  “Well, I’m not thrilled about the situation, but that’s not your fault. Come on. You just faced down a zombie army for me, and yet, you’re moping around some dude’s kitchen because your crazy stepfamily is making your life hell? We got this, girlfriend.” I offer her my fist to bump. “Team?”

  She bumps me back. “Team.”

  Leaning over, I give Elle a major hug. You know the kind. We’re laughing a little bit while rocking from side to side. Elle’s the best.

  Alec marches into the kitchen. “You ready for my news?”

  Knox follows him. “That’s just rude, man. They were doing their girl-thing in here.”

  Elle breaks the hug, sits back, and pats the tears from under her eyes. “No, we’re good. Right, Bry?”

  “Absolutely.” Elle and I share a smile. I really am super-lucky to have a best friend like her. We’re about to hug again when Alec steps between us. It should be a rude move, but Alec looks so excited, it’s hard to be upset with him.

  “Hold on,” says Alec. “Wait until you hear what I’ve been up to this morning.”

  Knox rubs his neck and yawns. “Besides hanging in my kitchen and making a ton of calls?”

  Alec rolls his eyes. “It’s my kitchen, technically.”

  Elle turns to me. Her bright smile is back, which is great to see. “Alec has been on the phone for hours.” She lowers her voice to a hush. “He’s working on some secret project.”

  Alec leans his elbow against the counter in another classic menswear catalog pose. “My news is about West Lake Prep.”

  His words send my pulse into high gear. It feels like a million years ago that I was sitting in a basement with Madame, dealing with her crazy in the far-fetched hope that I could maybe-possibly get into this school.

  “What about it?” I ask.

  “I got you in. I got you all in.” Alec beams. “Isn’t that great?”

  No one jumps for joy. Sure, it’s awesome that I got into the school, but that still leaves a ton of questions out there. Like how I’ll pay for school and where I’ll live. Both of which Alec promised to cover at one time or another, but I’m not sure it’s a great idea to go from relying on my aunties to relying on Alec.

  Alec narrows his eyes. “I can’t help but notice the lack of excitement here.” And he has a point. Elle looks freaked. Knox looks wary. And me? Cautiously optimistic.

  “Look, I appreciate what you’re offering, but I just walked out on my aunties. I need to find a job before I worry about anything else.”

  “And that’s the beauty of the whole thing. I’m starting an Egyptian Studies club. You’ll be doing the same work you were doing on your internship: putting the papyri back together. We still need to find the fountain that’s the source of all magic. And to get that job done, the same deal applies. You’ll get a salary and an apartment. I’ve even gotten you a scholarship. How’s that for amazing?”

  I scrub my hands over my face. “It’s super-generous, Alec. I just don’t feel right taking you up on it. It’s like I’m taking advantage of you or something.”

  Alec rolls his eyes again. “Please. The benefit is all mine. The Magicorum have been trying to translate those papyri for thousands of years. You’ve made more progress than we ever have. You’d be doing me a favor.”

  “That’s nice of you to say, but a job, scholarship, and a place to live?”

  “Don’t forget your salary.”

  “That makes it worse, Alec. Now I really feel like I’m taking advantage.”

  Alec’s face turns serious. “Your help is worth even more than all that. You know I’m a warden, right?”

  “I guessed.”

  “And you know what that means?”

  “Out of all your people, you have the most power over wizard magic.”

  “There’s more to it than that.” Alec sighs. “Wardens are supposed to guard the fountain of magic, but it was lost thousands of years ago. Now, we have no clue where it is. As long as that thing’s hidden, we can’t get married. Our spouses die.”

  I gasp. “What about all those girls you date at parties?”

  “Knox told you about that, eh?” Alec glares in Knox’s direction. “Casual hookups don’t count. It’s getting married th
at causes the trouble. You may not think I’m a serious person, but I do want a wife and family someday.” His gaze flickers to Elle. “If you find the fountain, then all the wardens can have families and a future. That hasn’t happened for thousands of years. I don’t have a shot unless you help me. So, will you help me?”

  When Alec puts it that way, I feel like a total creep for turning him down. “Sure, Alec. I’ll help you.”

  Alec’s million-watt smile returns. “I’ve got the best apartment picked out for you, too.” He rubs his palms together and turns to Knox. “So you’re going?”

  Elle frowns. “Why wouldn’t Knox want to go?”

  A muscle twitches along Knox’s neck. “There are a lot of werewolves at West Lake. Some want me to lead them. Others want to fight me for dominance. It’s a total pain in my ass. That’s why I’ve been taking online classes.”

  “Wait a second.” I hold up my pointer finger. “Madame said that West Lake was all humans.”

  Alec chuckles. “What Madame didn’t know is a lot. Folks at West Lake act like regular humans, but they aren’t regular at all.” He focuses on Knox once more. “What do you say?”

  Knox fixes me with a look so intense, I’m glad I’m sitting down, or I might get wobbly. “If Bry is there, then I’m in.”

  My chest warms. He’s going to West Lake Prep for me…even if it’s actually a school full of crazy Magicorum.

  “Excellent. Bry and Knox are a go.” Alec rounds on Elle. “And how about you?”

  Elle shakes her head. “I have to avoid any kind of typical school. If my stepfamily found out where I was, it would be terrible. I’m really better off on the streets.”

  Suddenly, the thought of going to West Lake Prep without Elle seems like an awful idea. I’m about to say just that when Alec steps in.

  “I’ve thought about that already.” Alec smirks. “After pulling in some favors with a few especially shady characters, I’ve gotten you a new identity, Miss Evelyn LeCharme.”

  Elle’s eyes widen. “LeCharme?”


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