Passion Regency Style

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Passion Regency Style Page 16

by Wendy Vella

  Livvy looked at the dark, dreary skies. She shuddered to think how horrendous their journey to London would have been had Will not forced them to accompany him. She couldn’t see much, just buildings jammed closed to each other and streets lined along the edges with snow that would turn into slush.

  “What is that building, Lord Ryder?”

  Livvy listened to the deep rumble of Will’s voice as he answered Phoebe. Had she made a mistake accompanying him and Mr. Blake to London? If anyone found out, surely they would be ruined, and yet as none of the Langley sisters had had a season, surely no one would know. Was it wrong for two young women to stay at the Grillion Hotel un-chaperoned? Probably, but again, who would know and how could it be helped? Lord, it was taxing, making these decisions with no one to guide her.

  She would send a note to Lord Langley as soon as she had a chance, requesting a meeting with him. Hopefully, he would change his mind about evicting them from their home when Livvy explained her family’s situation in full to him. Her pride was not pleased about throwing herself at his mercy, yet until one of the Langley sisters found a match, they would need his support. She did not want to think of where they would live if he forced them from Willow Hall.

  “You’re frowning, Olivia.”

  Ignoring Will, Livvy looked first at Phoebe and then Mr. Blake. Both were looking out the windows so she turned back to Will and crossed her eyes as she had often when they were younger. It was a foolish, infantile gesture that made his gray eyes fill with silent laughter and one that made her heart feel lighter if only for a few precious seconds.

  Minutes later the carriage pulled to halt.

  “Freddy will go in and organize our rooms and we shall remain here in the warmth.”

  “Oh, but surely I should assist in some way?” Olivia said, preparing to follow Mr. Blake from the carriage.” A hand snaked out and grabbed a handful of her skirt to stop her reaching the door.

  “A young, single woman does not go into a hotel and request a room, Olivia. Freddy will do it and we will enter when he returns.”

  “Of course,” Livvy mumbled, realizing how foolish she had been. Twitching her skirts free from his grasp, she then reseated herself and sat silently until Mr. Blake returned.

  Thirty minutes later they were out of the carriage and walking up the grand front steps into the brick building where a uniformed man awaited them. He then led them up several flights of carpeted stairs to the floor their room was on. Opening a white door, Will then motioned them inside.

  “Oh, my,” Phoebe said, walking into the sitting area. Silk curtains in lemon and silver stripes were closed against the gray sky and a fire blazed in the hearth. Thick carpets muffled their feet as they moved deeper into the room. The walls were lemon, the two chairs the color of the drapes and the rest of the furniture was polished to a high sheen.

  “This cannot be our room!” Livvy dragged her eyes from the glimpse of two big beds placed side by side in a room off this one. “It is too grand and… and t—too expensive,” she stammered, looking at Will who lounged in the doorway.

  “I’m in heaven!” Phoebe cried as she ran into the other room and threw herself face first onto one of the beds.

  “No, we cannot stay here.” Livvy was mortified. She could never afford this and surely neither could Will. “I won’t let you pay for this… us,” she added, waving her hand around the room.

  Will grabbed her fingers and hauled her into his arms.

  “Will!” Shooting Phoebe a look, she was relieved to see her sister was not in sight.

  “I can afford it, Livvy, so be a good girl and shut up and just enjoy the luxury.”

  “I will not.”

  He robbed her thoughts and breath with a hot, seeking kiss.

  “A meal and bath will arrive shortly along with your luggage, my sweet, and I shall see you in the morning.”


  Livvy’s words met a closed door.

  “Come and see the view, Livvy, although you can’t see much. But still, we’re actually in London!” Phoebe cried.

  Giving the door a final look, Livvy went to join her sister. Tomorrow would be soon enough to tackle the arrogant Lord Ryder.


  The Langley sisters slept deeply and woke refreshed after their long journey. Last night’s meal had been delicious and the beds more comfortable than any they had slept in and now they were enjoying an equally delicious breakfast when a note was pushed under their door.

  Opening the missive, Livvy scanned the page.

  “Well, what does it say?” Phoebe said, lounging in a chair before the fire.

  Her sister wasn’t going to like the reply to the note she'd sent their cousin last night, but Livvy would have to do as Lord Langley had requested.

  “He wants me to call upon him this afternoon, to discuss our situation.”

  “You’re not going to see him alone, Livvy. I forbid it!” Phoebe declared.

  “I will go alone and you will stay here.”

  “I don’t like it, Livvy. He’s not a good man and I worry he will upset you in some way.”

  The genuine concern in her sister’s eyes made Livvy’s stomach flutter with nerves, but she had to do as Lord Langley wished. It would not pay to upset him when she was asking for his help.

  “I promise to leave if he says or does something that upsets me, Phoebe. However, this must be done and the sooner it is, the sooner we can return to Bella.”

  “I just don’t trust him, Livvy.”

  “It will go well, Phoebe. Trust me.”

  “All right, but I’m not happy about any of this.”

  Fortunately, a knock on the door stopped any further discussion, Livvy hurried to open it.

  “Good morning, Luke.”

  “Good morning, Miss Langley. Lord Ryder and Mr. Blake left early for an appointment, but Lord Ryder has asked if you would like to visit his warehouses.”

  Phoebe appeared beside Livvy to look at Luke.

  “What does he hold in these warehouses, Luke?”

  “All kinds of things, Miss Phoebe.”

  “Yes,” Livvy said, making the decision for both her and Phoebe. She did not want to sit around in their room getting nervous over her upcoming interview with Lord Langley, and if she was honest she wanted to know more about William Ryder. “We want to see them, thank you, Luke. If you will give us a few minutes to gather our things, we shall be with you shortly.”

  “Lord Ryder in trade! Scandalous.” Phoebe laughed as she rushed to retrieve her bonnet.

  “And we are highwaywomen, sister. I would not go casting aspersions on another’s character were I you,” Livvy said, doing the same.

  Twenty minutes later they were in the carriage and traveling through London. The weather was cold and gray, but perhaps a little warmer here than out of the city. The streets were narrow and the horses and carriages were turning the snow to a nasty gray sludge.

  “It’s quite drab, don’t you think, Livvy? The people seem to be hurrying everywhere and the buildings are so close together. It seems a dreary place out there.”

  “People tend to hurry around when it’s cold, sister, and yes it does not look very appealing. However, I’m sure it is a very different city during the season. Besides, we are probably not in the areas most frequented by society.”

  They traveled through the narrow streets, passing buildings which she tried to peer into. In some people worked, in others they lived. All were wrapped up warm against the elements.

  “I would love to explore the shops, wouldn’t you, Livvy? I would find lots of wonderful styles to create for us to wear.”

  “I was wondering if we could get some kind of women’s fashion periodical while we’re here so we don’t have to rely on village gossip to keep up with the latest styles. It would be worth spending a few of our precious pennies for that, don’t you think? “

  “La Belle Assemblee!” Phoebe cried. “I would love a copy of that!”

erhaps Luke will know where we can get one, and if not him then definitely Mr. Blake?”

  Before Livvy could stop her Phoebe had opened the hatch and stuck her head through, letting in a blast of freezing air. She then told Luke to stop at a store that sold La Belle Assemblee, to which he replied that he had no idea what that was or where to get it from.

  “It is hardly likely to be something he reads, Phoebe. Be fair.” Livvy laughed at the frustrated look on her sister’s face as she flounced back onto her seat.

  “I am determined to have a copy before we leave London, Livvy, now that you have planted the seed in my head.”

  “I’m sure Mr. Blake will be the man for the job.”

  “I hope so. Oh, look,” Phoebe said, pointing at the tall masts of several ships. Livvy watched as they passed the last building and soon they were able to see the ships in all their glory.

  “They’re so big, and look at all those people and carriages,” Livvy said as Luke pulled to a halt in front of a large, long building.

  Stepping down, Livvy sniffed at the sea air as around her masts and rigging clanked and creaked. There seemed to be a mass of movement and noise everywhere she looked, buildings with signs advertising ropes and ship rigging, plus taverns that seemed to have many patrons even at such an early hour.

  “That lady nearly has her breasts exposed!”

  Turning at Phoebe’s hissed words, Livvy felt her jaw drop at the sight. The woman had gold hair and painted lips and the bodice of her dress was straining against the fabric above which her breasts were spilling from.

  “Come along,” Luke said, seeing the direction Livvy and Phoebe were looking. “Lord Ryder will be waiting.”

  “I would like to look at the water, Luke, if I may?”

  He looked startled at Livvy’s request.

  “We have never seen or touched the sea, Luke, and we may never get another chance.”

  “Lord Ryder said I was to take you straight into the warehouse, Miss Langley, as there are many undesirable people in this area.”

  “All right, Luke,” Livvy soothed. Seeing his concern, she allowed him to herd them into the warehouse.

  Windows above offered light and Livvy was able to see rows and rows of tables and shelves filled with goods as they entered the long room. The scents permeating the air were wonderful.

  “Spices and tobacco.” Phoebe sniffed loudly.

  “Look at the fabric,” Livvy added. “It’s amazing!” Wide-eyed, she hurried to the nearest table and looked at the rainbow of colors.

  Phoebe touched a piece. “This is expensive silk. Look at the texture.”

  The Langley sisters walked slowly down the row with Phoebe examining everything they saw.

  “See anything you like?”

  He was directly behind her and Livvy had to fight the urge to turn with a ridiculously wide smile on her face. Instead, she faced him saying calmly, “Lord Ryder, thank you so much for inviting us here today.”

  “My pleasure, Olivia.”

  He looked vital and handsome and there was something different about William Ryder from other men, Livvy realized, a carefully leashed strength that he had not carried before. He was a man now and one who was not to be trifled with. Livvy had the ridiculous urge to touch him and absorb some of that strength for herself.

  “Do you own all this, my lord?”

  “Freddy, I and one other,” he said, shooting Luke a dark look which puzzled Livvy. “We also own two of those ships you saw out there.”

  Ships! Livvy thought, he owns ships.

  Will had watched Livvy enter his warehouse and look around in surprise at the variety of goods on display. Phoebe had touched the fabrics reverently, but not Livvy. She had kept her gloved hands tightly clasped behind her.

  “Come, I will give you a tour.” Taking Livvy’s arm, he guided her down the rows. She didn’t resist, her eyes going from him to the goods before her.

  “So you bring all these things to London from India, or wherever they come from, and then sell them?”

  “Exactly, Phoebe.” Will nodded. “I have two more warehouses with other merchandise, but this is the biggest.”

  “Some of these fabrics are exquisite.” Will heard the longing in her voice.

  “I would like to give you both something. Whatever you wish, you can have.”

  Phoebe did a little leap in the air clapping her hands. Her sister however, shook her head and took a step away from him.

  “Thank you!” Phoebe cried.

  “No, thank you,” Livvy added firmly.

  Ignoring Olivia, Will said, “I’ll show you around, Phoebe, and then you can decide what you want. Your sister, of course, can’t see her way clear to accepting the offer in the manner it was issued, that of one friend to another.”

  She looked disgruntled at his words and he wanted to lift her up on to one of the benches then step between her legs and kiss her until she could form no other thought but those that included him.

  “You have done so much for us already, brought us to London, helped us secure lodgings, and now want to offer us more. I’m sorry, Lord Ryder, it would not be right to accept.”

  “She’s right, as usual,” Phoebe said, deflating.

  “Would you excuse us, Phoebe?” Will took Livvy’s arm and urged her down the row and into a small office at the end. Closing the door, he kept hold of her arm as she tried to free herself.

  “What are you doing? I cannot be alone in here with you. What will Phoebe be thinking?”

  Nudging her back a few feet until she reached the bench, he then caged her in with his arms. “I have lots of money, Livvy, lots and lots, and if I choose to spend some of it on you and your sister, then so be it.”

  Her mouth formed a perfect circle as she stared at him. The big, floppy cream bow of her bonnet was tied to one side and the ends trailed onto her breasts. Will’s fingers itched to stroke them.

  “A few bolts of material or spices will not ruin me, Livvy. Now be a good girl and stop fighting me at every turn.”

  “You’re rich? I… I mean you were always wealthy as the Duke’s son but… oh, dear, that didn’t sound right.”

  He didn’t make it easy on her; in fact, Will enjoyed seeing her flustered because Livvy was usually in complete control. She was either taking charge of her sisters or a situation. In fact, it seemed only when he got too close that she became flustered.

  “What I meant to say, my lord, is that it is not right for you to give us so much.”

  She recovered quickly; he’d give her that, although she was looking at his necktie rather than his eyes and her pulse was still fluttering.

  “This,” he said, touching the curve of her upper lip. “Is the greatest temptation.”

  “Don’t kiss me,” she whispered, trying to back up, but she had nowhere to go.

  “Take my gifts and I won’t kiss you, Livvy.”

  She tried to push him but he didn’t move.

  “You can’t kiss me here! Not with Phoebe and Luke so close.”

  “Say you’ll take my gifts, Livvy.”

  “I will not!” she declared defiantly as she pushed harder. “And you are no gentleman to behave in such a manner.”

  “Your words will not deter me as they once would have, Livvy, I am no longer the boy who left you and it would pay you to remember that fact.” She squeaked as he picked her up and sat her on the bench. “Take my gifts, Livvy.”

  “Let me down!”

  “No.” Will leaned forward. She tried to evade him by dropping her chin but he simply lifted it and kissed her. It was right and good and everything else that he knew it would be. She was perfect in his arms, her lips beneath his, even if she was putting up the pretense of struggling.

  “Say you’ll take my gifts, sweet Olivia.” His words brushed her cheek as she tried to turn her head.

  Sealing her lips so he couldn’t kiss her, he kissed her chin instead and then her cheeks, moving to the curve of her jaw. He then caught the whisper o
f breath as she spoke. Taking her mouth again for a slow, thorough exploration, he then lifted his head. This time, they were both breathing heavily.

  “Say it again, Livvy.” His words were ragged.


  “Good girl.”

  Before Will could react, she had pushed him back a step and slipped off the bench. Will tried to catch her as she ran for the door.

  “However, you will not manipulate me in such a manner again, my lord, or I will be forced to take action.” Chin raised, she looked defiant; however, he could see the sensual heat lingering in her eyes.

  “I shall look forward to your action, my sweet,” he drawled, following her from the room.

  They toured the warehouse and then Phoebe collected two bolts of fabric—one for herself and one for Bella, while Livvy got some spices for Jenny.

  “Select something for yourself, Olivia,” Will urged.

  “We have enough, my lord.”

  She gave him a prim look which told him she thought she had won.

  “You spent a long time lingering over the large satin pillows, so I shall gift you one of them.” Pushing aside visions of her glorious hair spread over the emerald satin, he picked it up and lifted it high as Livvy tried to snatch it from his hands.

  “Don’t be churlish, Livvy. You know you want it,” Phoebe said.

  Will swallowed his smile as Livvy reluctantly thanked him and then, twitching her skirts, she followed Luke back outside towards the carriage.

  The temperature seemed to have dropped again and the wind was whipping along the dock.

  “Will you show us the water before we go, Lord Ryder?”

  Opening the carriage Will placed their gifts inside before he spoke. “It’s dangerous for most people to linger here too long, Livvy, but for beautiful women even more so.”

  “You’ll keep us safe,” she said, looking longingly to where the boats were moored.


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