Young Annabelle Series: Young Annabelle, The Truth About James, What My Heart Wants

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Young Annabelle Series: Young Annabelle, The Truth About James, What My Heart Wants Page 30

by Sarah Tork

  I stared at my ex, confident as he walked in front of the catcher holding his bat firmly in position. I crossed over to Dean, who seemed focused, ready to use whatever he had to make James strike out.

  Losing for either them was not an option. And whoever did lose, was not going to take it well. This was personal, especially since they fought last month.

  Everything just got serious. This was the moment. Dean swung his arm back, throwing the ball with what seemed like lightning speed. James swung his bat and missed.

  “Strike one!” The Umpire guy yelled, I think that’s the Umpire at least.

  Dean prepared another pitch and threw it even faster. The ball landed in the catcher’s mitt, James missed again.

  “Pay attention!” Our coach yelled, clearly exasperated.

  I thought this was supposed to be a friendly game? It seemed more competitive to me, like it was more important than the Baseball team was letting on during the week.

  I didn’t get it.

  “This is it.” Jenna said. I watched the field with intense focus and was on edge. Who was going to pull through, James or Dean?

  Dean threw back his arm, and then quickly hurled the ball towards James.

  James swung his bat, this time hitting the ball high into the air, a cracking noise followed. The ball flew into the air, flying high and far. James dropped his bat and shuffled slowly from side to side, waiting to see where the ball was going to go and whether or not it was going to be a home run.

  When the ball went past the Outfield players, the entire crowd from our school erupted into a crazy cheer.

  It’s a homerun, obviously, even I knew that.

  “That douchebag actually did it.” Jenna said in disbelief. “He hit the homerun that won the game!”

  She was pissed, she wanted him to fail, to be a disgrace and a failure to the school.

  “It’s fine, it’s more than fine, look how happy everyone is.” I gestured with my hand to the happy frenzy at the bottom. The people on the hill were happy too but not as happy as the diehard fans, meaning Donna and her hot girl crew who were jumping with joy, squealing as if they’d just won the lottery.

  Jesus, it’s not like they’d won. James won, the Royal Heights Team won. Who the hell did they think they were? They were nothing but groupies, sad high school groupies!

  Calm down! I took a deep breath, hoping to calm my boiling blood. Which surprised me, why was I getting all upset?

  I stared down at the field. James was in a hugging frenzy with his team mates. Dean kicked the dirt walking back to his side with his head down.

  Awe! Don’t be upset! I mentally told him. I watched him slump down on to the bench, curling his hands over his face.

  He’s upset, clearly.

  “Well will you look at that, Miss Thang there is pushing her way through the crowd towards boy wonder.” Jenna sneered. My eyes snapped back to James as Donna creeped her way through the crowd, jumping into his embrace, hugging him tightly. He pulled back grinning. Donna clearly not having that hurled herself again into him, this time her lips collided on to his, kissing him hungrily in front of everyone.

  “Oh my God! I think I’m going to be sick!” Jenna said, disgusted. “God get a room!”

  Yeah! Get a room.

  Or don’t and just stop kissing, that’d be cool too.

  Not that I cared.

  Looking away because my stomach and heart couldn’t take much more of their PDA, I found Dean still hunched over on the bench.

  He was so sad, and that made me feel sad. It was a close game. He shouldn’t feel sad, he should be happy. And it was just a friendly game, so it’s not like there were points or it affected their standing in their league.

  He needed a boost to cheer him up. I pulled my phone from my pocket and sent him a text.

  Annabelle: It’s okay, don’t look so sad…

  I watched Dean like a hawk for the next few seconds. All of a sudden his head snapped up and he reached into his duffle bag which was resting next to his feet on the ground. He pulled out his phone. He stared at the screen for a few seconds before his head snapped up scouring the area like a mad man. He didn’t find what he was looking for so he quickly tapped away at his phone’s screen.

  A few seconds later, my phone beeped.

  “Who’s that?” Jenna asked, jerking her chin to my phone resting on my lap.

  “I think its Dean.” Smiling nervously I opened my phone’s screen. His name popped up and my smile grew. I was ecstatic.

  “Is it him?” Jenna asked, excitedly.

  “Yeah.” I answered and opened his text.

  Dean: Anna? You’re here?

  I grinned and quickly texted him back.

  Annabelle: Yep! This is my school silly, have you forgotten me already?

  I sent the text and quickly looked down the hill, his demeanor was noticeably different. He was happy again.

  “Well will you look at that, someone’s not depressed anymore.” Jenna laughed, staring down at Dean. “The power of women knows no bounds. We control everything!”

  Her team mates laughed as did I. I watched Dean tap away at his phone, his smile growing.

  My phone beeped a few seconds later.

  Dean: Baby, I never forgot you! Where are you?

  I put my phone down, grinning like crazy.

  “What is he saying?” Jenna asked, peering over my shoulder to see my phone. I laughed and held it away so she couldn’t see the screen.

  “He wants to know where I am” I told her.

  “Well what the hell are you waiting for?” Jenna exclaimed, impatiently.

  I texted him again and my fingers shook from nervousness.

  Annabelle: Look behind you, up on the hill!

  Taking a deep breath, I pressed send. After a few seconds Dean swirled around, scouring the hill.

  “Anna! Wave!” Jenna cried, grabbing my arm, attempting to raise it. I yanked it out of her hand and did it myself. I waved my arm up and his eyes met mine in an instant. He waved back, grinning happily. He looked away and tapped at his phone again.

  My phone beeped a few seconds later.

  Dean: Can we talk?

  “What’s he saying?” Jenna asked.

  “He wants to talk.” I answered.

  “Well, what are you waiting for? Go for it!” Jenna cried.

  I texted him back.

  Annabelle: Okay, when? Where?

  Dean: I drove here. Do you want to meet me beside my car in the parking lot in fifteen minutes?

  Annabelle: Okay, see you then.

  I dropped my phone, feeling my face heat up.

  “Well?” Jenna exclaimed. “What did he say?”

  “We’re meeting in the parking lot beside his car in fifteen minutes.” I answered staring down at the field at Dean who grabbed his duffle bag off the ground. He looked up and met my eyes. Smiling wildly, he waved once then turned around joining his team in a huddle around their coach.

  “Woah!” Jenna shouted. “Well this is moving fast! Anna, play it cool! And this time, don’t scare him away!”

  I nodded. “Got it.”


  I didn’t move from the hill until both teams had vacated the field. Especially James, I did not want to see him, or talk to him, not with having to go and speak to Dean right after. I didn’t need that toxicity in my mind.

  “I’m going to Dana’s house, you want come after?” Jenna asked getting off the ground and wiping grass off her jeans.

  “No, that’s okay. I’ll just go home after. I still have some homework to finish.” I explained, curling off the ground. I did have homework I needed to finish, but I also didn’t want to intrude on Jenna and her friends. We all got along but things were not the same.

  I didn’t know how it happened. How we separated. I guess I had some catching up to do in the friend department, or I had to make more of an effort and become closer to her friends so we could all hang out more often.

  How mature of me
! I thought happily.

  “Alright, but don’t stray off suddenly after. I don’t want to hear tomorrow that something went horribly wrong and you somehow got it on with James again!” Jenna exclaimed, horrified.

  “That will never happen. And even if I wanted it to happen, you think Donna’s gonna let him out of her sight. She’s as close as ever to making him her property. She’d claw my eyes out if she saw me anywhere near him.” I explained.

  “If she did that, I’d claw her eyes out!” Jenna threatened, making all of us laugh. I trekked down the hill, waving everyone a goodbye.

  “You better call me later with all the details. You hear me! I want details!” Jenna ordered from behind.

  “Alright!” I laughed loudly, making my way down the hill. I walked behind the emptying stands on the dusted path. Most of the spectators had already left, leaving behind a few of my classmates chilling about. Two Baseball players from our team still lingered on the field, grabbing the rest of their things, shoving it inside their duffle bags.

  Are those James’s friend? I wondered walking passed them. My mouth felt dry so I took a detour to the water fountain. I sipped the cold water for a few seconds, allowing it to cool my dry tongue. I heard feet rustling behind me and immediately let go, stepping away. I’d had enough water anyways.

  I turned to see who it was and it was the two Baseball players from the field. On closer inspection I realized who they were. I’d known them since freshman year, but I didn’t really ‘know’ them.

  My eyes met the one right behind me and he smiled. He wasn’t as tall as James or Dean but he was taller than me. I could see he had dark brown hair under his backwards Baseball cap. His brown eyes twinkled knowingly and then he did something shocking, he spoke to me.

  “Hey, Anna right?” He asked. The other one with dark blonde hair was also a friend to James, came up and stood beside him, crossing his arms. I recognized him from last period History. I think his name was Tom. The first one, I wasn’t too sure.

  “Hey um, I’m sorry I don’t remember your name.” I said to the first one. Tom burst out laughing, grabbing and jerking what’s his name’s shoulder, whose jaw dropped in shock.

  “The name is Peter!” He cried, clearly horrified that I didn’t recognize him right away, considering he was one of the Kings of the hallway. He yanked his arm out of Tom’s grip.

  Oh Peter, that’s right!

  “Oh sorry, I had a brain freeze moment. I remember we had first period Chemistry last year.” I said to him. “I went to your party last month.”

  “Oh cool, hoped you had good time.” Peter grinned, scanning me.

  “I did.” I answered. Then I said something I shouldn’t have. “I know someone who knows your cousin at Pleasant View.”

  Again, I don’t know why I said that.

  “Oh yeah, who?” Peter asked, curious.

  “Dean.” I answered, timidly. I didn’t get myself sometimes.

  Peter gave Tom a look before glancing back to me. “Oh really, the pitcher guy from Pleasant View? We just slaughtered them.”

  Peter and Tom burst out laughing, slamming hands in a ‘Yeah bro’ kind of way.

  “So Anna, you going to our victory party later at Thompsons Park?” Tom asked.

  “I’ve got plans sorry.” I told them, feeling my face go red. What was going on? Why were they talking to me?

  “What! What kind of plans?” Peter asked, narrowing his eyes.

  “I’ve got things to do.” I answered.

  “What about James?” Tom asked out of nowhere.

  My jaw dropped a little. How did they know about James and me? “What are you talking about? What do you mean, what about James?”

  “Weren’t you guys hooking up?” Peter smirked, giving Tom another look.

  Oh my God, he told his boys about us! How could he!

  “What exactly did he tell you guys?” I gulped, my heart pounding a mile a second.

  This was really happening.

  “Um, we’re not going to spill on our boy.” Tom smirked, giving Peter another knowing look. Well if that was how they were going to play it, two could play at that game. And I was guessing that they probably knew everything.

  “Yeah, well then since you two seem to know every dirty detail, there is nothing between James and me.” I snapped to them.

  “That’s not what he said.” Peter said like he had some information.

  “I don’t care. Besides isn’t he with Donna now?” I snapped again. They didn’t answer me, shrugging instead. “Whatever, I’ve got things to do, you know, people to see. Congratulations on winning boys.”

  I quickly got back on the path and started to walk away.

  “Hope to see you at the party Anna!” Tom yelled from behind me.

  I didn’t answer them and they started laughing. I quickened my pace. I needed to get away, far away.

  Damn you James!

  “Dude, she really is a Fireball!” Peter exclaimed loudly. My face felt enflamed, he even told them my nickname!

  “She got cuter though, her body is looking good!” Tom said loud enough, on purpose so I’d hear obviously.



  On my way to the parking lot, my phone beeped loudly. I pulled it out of my pocket and halted abruptly when I saw who my latest text was from.


  What the hell was he texting me for?

  Wasn’t it a rule that when you broke up to never ever talk again with your ex?

  I was confused.

  I opened his text.

  Tiger: Where are you?

  I would have deleted his number, but he still had mine. I didn’t want a phone call from him to show up as unknown. With his name still attached to his number, I could happily and easily avoid all calls from him.

  Where was I?

  Why did he want to know? Shouldn’t he be off celebrating or making out with Donna? What he shouldn’t be doing is texting me. Someone really needed to give this guy a lesson on priorities.

  I was clearly a waste of time.

  I texted back anyways, curious.

  Annabelle: Why do you want to know?

  My phone beeped quickly after a few seconds.

  Tiger: Were you at the game?

  Shit, how was I going to answer that? Knowing James, he was going to think I came to watch him specifically play. Which couldn’t be farther from the truth, I mean there’s no ‘I’ in team and it’s not like I still liked him.


  Okay, maybe I still had a little thing for him, but that’s totally understandable, I mean we did just break up. I wasn’t a robot. I couldn’t just switch off my feelings.

  Annabelle: Yes I was. I came because my friend Jenna asked me to.

  Tiger: I see. So when do I get my congratulations kiss?

  My jaw dropped, shocked.


  His congratulations kiss?

  Why was he speaking to me like this?

  Annabelle: James you can’t talk like that to me anymore. We’re not together and no there will never, ever be anymore kisses from me to YOU! Besides it seems you already got your congratulations kiss from Donna. Why don’t you make things official with her, it’ll make her day.

  Tiger: Donna? What are you talking about? I’m not into her. I’m into someone else. Where are you now?

  Annabelle: Well good luck with that. I’m somewhere that you don’t need to know. I’ve got to go, I’m meeting someone.

  I sent the text and waited a few seconds, but nothing came in. Maybe he was finally getting it, that I wouldn’t be back for whatever he was offering.

  I tucked my phone into my pocket and walked across the parking lot. Most of the lot was still packed. Kids from school were still hanging around listening to music loudly, laughing and enjoying the high of the win. On the opposite end of the parking lot, there was a huge huddle of Baseball players and Donna and her hot girl crew. James was for sure probably in that huddle so I hunc
hed over, hoping the height of the cars would shield me from his prying eyes.

  I did not need another confrontation with James, especially since I was meeting up with Dean soon. I needed to be nerves and anger free.

  Cool, calm and collected.

  Now, where was Dean’s Honda? This was going to be tricky, trying to find his car without being noticed by James and his boys, who as I’d just found out knew everything. I had to escape all their prying eyes. They’d probably been spying for him too. James probably also knew about my conversation with Peter and Tom, them giving him every single detail.

  They’re worse than girls gossiping.

  I circled around a few more cars keeping myself low and my ears open for Dean’s voice. I stopped when I heard my phone beep, crunching down to the ground immediately.

  Just great! I should have put my phone on silent. I pulled out my phone. Dean just sent me another text.

  Dean: Anna! I’m sorry I had to leave, my coach told us all to get back to our school for a mandatory meeting. I’m so sorry! I didn’t want to go. I wanted that talk with you.

  I’m too late! I took long, I should have left earlier.

  Disappointed, I texted him back.

  Annabelle: No I’m sorry, I took too long. Well hopefully your meeting will go okay. I hope your coach doesn’t give you guys a hard time for losing considering it was so close.

  Dean: I’ll text you after, that okay?

  Annabelle: Yeah, that’s cool.


  Grinning like a fool, I tucked my phone back inside my pocket. It could have gone better, but at least we’d have a talk later. Now all I had to do was get off this parking lot without letting James or one of his boys seeing me. I could feel my forehead starting to really sweat and I was wearing a jacket. Yes it was a light jacket but still, it was freaking hot today. I peeled off the jacket, holding it on my arm and fanned myself with my available hand.


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