Alien Resistance (Zyrgin Warriors Book 4)

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Alien Resistance (Zyrgin Warriors Book 4) Page 28

by Marie Dry

  “We have centuries to work on that,” he told her, either oblivious to what she meant or uncaring.

  “You know, if anyone had told me I it was possible to live that long a week ago, I would not have believed them, but I would’ve thought it a wonderful idea. Now I keep thinking of all the implications. Maybe humans just weren’t meant to live that long.”

  “What troubles you about our longevity?” He rubbed her hair between his fingers. For a guy that claimed her hair was ugly and the color of an eye, he sure liked to touch it a lot.

  Madison pleated her shirt and then smoothed it over her legs. “I would outlive my family,” she said, not looking at him. She couldn’t imagine not talking to her mother on the TC every week. Never seeing her brothers again. She’d remain young when their grandchildren were old and dying. She’s have to relinquish generation after generation to death. Just the thought of it already broke her heart.

  He was quiet for a very long time. She had the strangest sense that he wanted to tell her it would be a good thing to outlive them. From where he was coming from, family was not a good thing. Any family that could reject you for your choices was not worth having, in her opinion.

  “There is no way for me to prolong their lives.”

  She stroked a hand over his chest. “Can’t you bite them? Just a little.”

  He very subtly reared back. “It will not work on them.” Distaste was in his voice.

  “Why not? It works on me and I’m human too.”

  “I have sex with you.”


  “It is more than that. My glands will only produce the venom for you and at certain times.”

  “So your teeth won’t have venom, even if you bit my family?” She tried not to sound teary and naggy. The guy just told her he made her practically immortal, she should celebrate.

  “No, I can promise your family and their descendants my protection.”

  “Thank you. I appreciate that more than you can imagine.” It would bring its own sets of problems with some humans shunned for accepting anything from the aliens.

  She wanted to cry at the thought of losing her family one by one, to remain young while they aged. But at the same time she couldn’t resist the thought of living long enough to find the cure to most illnesses. If she had centuries, she could accomplish so much. “Don’t you ever get bored, tired of living so long?”

  “No. I knew if I was chosen for Zacar’s team, I would go to a planet where I would meet my breeder.”

  “So what did the women look like on the planet you meant to conquer before you got thrown off course?” She had visions of green skinned beauties lounging around in skimpy clothes.

  “They were tall and muscled and strong. They would make good breeders.”

  “Instead you got a scrawny woman with hair the color of an eye. I bet you wished you’d ended up on that planet.” So she was fishing. She was just human.

  “They did not have spots, and I prefer your sticklike body.”

  “Wow, what a compliment, you are so romantic.”

  He preened, there was no other word for it. “I have studied the manuals and am now a very good warrior to my breeder. I will teach the other warriors by example.”

  “Yes, and your humility is a credit to you.”

  He nodded quite seriously. “If you wish it, I can still be the Zyrgin’s personal physician. It is a very prestigious position.”

  She sat up and pressed her palms flat on his chest. “I thought you didn’t want to do that job. That you preferred the adventure of conquering another planet.”

  “I would do it for you.”

  Madison smiled down at this serious Zyrgin who’d captured her heart with his arrogance and good heart. She kissed him, a long sensual kiss. “You really are a good example of how a warrior should treat his woman,” she murmured against his lips. “And thank you for offering, but I don’t see myself living in a palace. No thank you. I’d probably throw up on the emperor’s boots.” Madison shuddered just at the thought of it.

  Viglar drew himself upright and grabbed her close to him. “You only throw up on my boots.”

  She had to bite the inside of the cheek not to laugh. At this rate, she soon wouldn’t have cheeks left anymore. How such an intelligent man could be so deadly serious when he said things like that was beyond her. “If you insist, I’ll aim for your boots only.”

  He nodded. “I insist.”

  She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tight. “I love you so much, Viglar.”

  He pressed her closer. “I cannot think of a life without you in it.”

  Madison couldn’t imagine a life without him in it either. They’d get to know each other, work together, make love. Suddenly all those centuries she’d dreaded before stretched before her like one long, loving adventure.


  Ever since she can remember Marie Dry wanted to travel. She had had the privilege of living in Zambia, Morocco, and Spain and sees herself as a bit of a gypsy. Every few years she gets restless and has to be some place new.

  All her life she has read romances and was fairly young when she decided she would write the perfect story that had all the elements she looked for in a romance. In 1997 she shared a pizza with a friend. She promised her friend to go all out with her writing and get published. With her friends cheering her on ever since, Dry found it a wonderful experience to see the characters in her head coming to life on the page.

  There are several wonderful moments in her life that she would never trade for anything. One of them is meeting President Nelson Mandela and the second being published.


  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, businesses, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental. All trademarks, service marks, registered trademarks, and registered service marks are the property of their respective owners and are used herein for identification purposes only. The publisher does not have any control over or assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their contents.


  Copyright © 2017 by Marie Dry

  Cover Design by Marie Dry and Jackson Cover Designs

  All cover art copyright © 2017

  All Rights Reserved

  EBOOK ISBN: 978-1-626946-84-2


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