Made By Design (Blood Bound Series Book 2)

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Made By Design (Blood Bound Series Book 2) Page 11

by J. L. Myers

  “She won’t have a choice.”

  Although I didn’t want to spoil the getaway, I told Ty everything. Secrets in the past had always caused more trouble in the end. He wasn’t impressed Marcus had initiated the vacations, but he took the warning seriously.

  “Wherever we are, I’ll never let anyone harm you.” Ty ran his hand across my cheek. “I’d die to keep you safe.”

  As I went to smile, a roadblock occurred to me. “Oh, I didn’t even…your father. He won’t let you go, will he?”

  Ty laughed. “I’m an adult, remember? He won’t like it one bit, but he can’t control me.” His strong arms wrapped around me. “This is going to be awesome.” Ty paused, arms releasing a fraction. “Hey, what do you plan to do about, uh…blood?”

  Kendrick had already brought up that issue. “I’m going to stash packs of baggies and bottles in my checked baggage. That should work, right?”

  Ty’s eyebrows lifted, considering. “What if you get a puncture? How would you explain blood leaking from your luggage to airport officials?”

  Hadn’t thought of that.

  “What about this?” Ty lifted my hand and pressed it to his elevated heartbeat. “Drink from me.”

  I coughed, choking on my own saliva. “What!” I shook my head. “No, Ty. I couldn’t do that to you.” Firstly, drinking from Ty like that would make it feel like I was using him. Secondly? I still didn’t trust my self-control one hundred percent. What if I didn’t have the strength to pull away?

  “I know why you’re worried. But you don’t have to be. I trust you, Amelia.” Ty saw the doubt on my face and lifted my hand to his lips. “If I need to help you stop in the beginning, that’s okay. I understand this is new territory for you. It is for me, too. But I want to do this. I want to be connected to you in a way that’s special, that’s just for us. Don’t you want that too?”

  I wanted that more than I’d ever wanted anything in my entire life. “I do.” I took a deep breath, seeing the hopeful determination on Ty’s face. No matter what I did or what I was, Ty trusted me. I had always trusted him too. “If you change your mind…”

  “I won’t,” Ty vowed.

  I took another deep breath. “Okay then. I’ll drink from you.”


  Mom cleared her throat, pushed the neatly folded wrapping paper aside then rose from her green armchair. Behind her, the ceiling-high Christmas tree sparkled with decorations and flashing lights. A card for a booked weekend spa treatment and a silk shawl were clutched in her hands. “There’s one last thing.” Her smile was angelic and infectious, the earrings I’d given her complementing her designer sweats. “Dorian and Amelia, why don’t you have a look outside.”

  Dorian tossed his gift from me—the new iPad—aside on the imperial, cloth and wood sofa. He was up and running through the living room’s tinsel and holly decked archway and out the front door by the time I uttered, “Outside?”

  On the other side of the sofa Kendrick was listening to the new Three Days Grace album on his iPod, which now had a glossy new boarding case. He put aside the boarding boots and bindings I’d gotten him after our vacation surprise and smiled at me.

  Dorian hollered from the front porch. “Woo hoo!”

  I shoved my own loot aside—new Vans from Dorian, and surprise, surprise, a cocktail dress from Mom that I didn’t totally hate—and rushed out the wreathed front door.

  Out here snow coated almost everything: driveway, trees, grass, and the stone boundary fence. Even the windows were coated in crystal snowflakes. Amongst the winter blanket, one object was clear of white dust. Our car was parked at the steps, and the change was a standout. Brand new, massive mag wheels.

  “They’re fricken mad!” Dorian came around the car and wrapped his arms around Mom. “Thanks, Mom.” He released her after a moment and glanced at Kendrick. “We’ve gotta go for a drive, but first…” He wriggled a brow at me. “You might want to take a look in the garage.”

  Expression guarded, Kendrick caught my hand and led the way through a gust of snow-swirling wind. I tried to read his thoughts, but they were locked up tight. Then I saw it. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. In the spare garage bay was the most amazing gift I could ever imagine. It was purple and glossy and had two wheels. “A Ducati!”

  “Kendrick told me how much you wanted your own transport,” Mom said, now beside me. She hugged me and kissed my forehead. “You deserve it, sweetheart.” Her arms released and she smiled. “You’ll need to get your permit, of course, but apart from that it’s all yours.”

  Mom trekked over the snowy driveway and back into the house, leaving Kendrick and me alone.

  Almost in a trance I gravitated toward the bike, running my hands across its cool metal. There was a silver insignia painted into the purple. Soul mates. My cheeks grew hot. “You did this?”

  Kendrick smiled. “Yeah. That’s why I’ve been blocking you out. When your mom told me what she’d gotten you it was so hard to keep it hidden.” His gaze dropped with vulnerable uncertainty. “Do you like it? The artwork, I mean…”

  I bit my lip, feeling uncomfortable. Then that awkwardness dissolved. Kendrick hadn’t meant to imply that we were ‘meant to be’ or anything. This was just his way of saying that bound or not, nothing would ever break up our friendship. I stepped closer and curled my arms around his waist, head resting on his chest. Kendrick was my soul’s mate and he always would be. “I love it.”

  After checking out every inch of the bike and firing it up to rev the engine, we headed back inside. Today had been awesome so far, but it wasn’t going to stay that way. We had the huge job of bringing up the vacations with Mom. Guilt pressed against my heart. After everything she’d done for us, the possibility of having to compel her ate at my conscience.

  “Mom,” I said as Kendrick and I re-entered the lounge. Sitting in her green armchair, she smiled at the digital photo frame Dorian had given her. Right now it was scrolling through photos of us all as kids, including Kendrick. Seeing our innocent and naive faces made me feel even more terrible about what we had to force her into. “We have something we need to ask you.”

  Back on the imperial sofa, Dorian looked less than carefree as I walked to our mom’s armchair. Kendrick remained leaning against the arched entry.

  Mom replaced the frame on the ornate fireplace. “What is it, sweetheart?”

  After receiving the itineraries and deciding to compel our mom if needed, we’d also made another decision. With Caius able to control her through compulsion, telling her the locations we’d be heading to would be asking for trouble.

  “We want to take off on a camping/hunting vacation to the White Mountains. Off the beaten track, of course.” I expected this next part to backfire, but I’d made my mind up. Mom had accepted my relationship with Ty, and if I wanted her to continue treating me like an adult, I needed to be upfront. “Though you should know, Ty will be coming too.”

  By the time I stopped speaking, Mom’s face had turned from contemplative to hardened stone. “You think I’ll allow this?” Her steely gaze locked on me. “You think I’ll let you go away unsupervised with that wolf?”

  Her words scratched at my skin. Of course the problem was that Ty would be there. I’d even bet if the roles were reversed, she’d let Dorian go with Marika. I copied her stance, folding my arms across my chest. “You can’t keep treating me like a child. I made a promise to you about my relationship with Ty, and I intend to keep it.” At least for now. “Do you have that little trust in me?”

  “This is not about trust, Amelia. This is about—” Her words died with the loud chiming of her phone. She frowned and yanked it free from the pocket of her zip-up sweater. The crease between her eyebrows grew and her hand covered the speaker. “I have to take this. Wait here. This isn’t over.”

  As she stormed out to the hallway and into her office, I was met by Dorian. “You didn’t actually expect a different reaction than that, did you?”

  “No, maybe�

  “Well, it doesn’t matter either way,” Dorian said under his breath. “She’ll change her mind whether she likes it or not.”

  Kendrick remained silent against the archway. He still didn’t like the situation one bit, but he’d resigned himself to accepting it for my safety.

  I perched on the edge of the stone coffee table and kept my voice low. “I’m not sure we should compel her. I don’t…” I broke off and froze.

  “Another one?” Mom’s words traveled through the foyer from her office.

  Dorian began to argue when I shushed him. “Listen.”

  A few seconds later Mom gasped. “No, not him. And in our own backyard. How could this have happened?” Mom made a noise of agreement, and then there was a long silence. “Yes, I understand.” Soft steps came our way and she re-entered the lounge, looking paler than usual and clearly distracted.

  Kendrick pushed off the wall. “Is everything alright, Ms. Lamont?”

  Mom shook her head, glancing to each of us. “It’s a council matter. I can’t elaborate.” She reclaimed her armchair and leaned forward, hands clasped in her lap and deep in thought.

  After a tense minute she peered up. “I will allow the vacation. Though Kendrick, you’ll need approval from your mother.”

  My jaw fell open, mirroring Kendrick and Dorian’s utter disbelief.

  Dorian recovered first. “I don’t mean to sound ungrateful, but why the change?”

  Mom sighed. “There are some current security issues in the vampire community. So for right now it is safer for you all to get away.”

  “What kind of security issues?” Kendrick pried.

  Mom sighed, long and hard. “I can’t elaborate. I’ve already told you too much.”


  I paced the front steps the following morning. My suitcase was against the pillar, packed since yesterday. I’d barely slept and was running on fumes, but I didn’t care. Ty would be here any minute to whisk me away on our trip. Our cruise didn’t leave port for two days, but we’d lose a day in travel to get all the way to Australia, then another in time difference. Thanks to the long council meeting last night, Mom had said her goodbyes and sternly reminded me of my restrictions before passing out in bed with the sunrise. Dorian and Kendrick planned to take off after us in his car to keep our shared-destination white lie going.

  After a few more minutes of wearing in my new Vans, Ty arrived, driving up to the house in his WRX. Light rain fell as he jumped from the car and I bounded down the front steps. A second later I leaped into his arms. “I can’t believe this is happening.”

  Ty’s scent invaded my nose and I wriggled free. He smiled. “Well, you’d better, because nothing’s stopping us now.” He collected my suitcase and placed it next to his in the trunk. Then he froze. “Is that a Ducati?”

  My bones turned brittle as I followed him through the open garage door. Why the hell was it open? “Ah, yeah. Mom’s Christmas present. Now I’ve got my own ride and Dorian keeps the car.”

  Ty swung a booted leg over to sit on the bike then frowned. His scarred hand slid over the insignia. “This isn’t standard issue.”

  “Far from it.” Kendrick strolled in to stand beside me. “Cost a bit, but she’s worth it.”

  “Soul mates because of the blood bond,” I clarified, frowning at Kendrick. “It’s not meant to be romantic in any way. Isn’t that right?”

  “Yeah, sure.” Kendrick raised a brow at me as Ty dismounted the bike. “You’re not leaving without saying goodbye, are you?”

  Despite the tension now radiating off Ty, I glanced at Kendrick. He was smiling, but the look was frozen with strain, painting his emotions clear as day. He wanted me to be happy, but he hated that my happiness included Ty.

  Kendrick coiled his arms around me, lifting me off the ground and burying his face in my neck. “I’ll miss you.” A long moment passed, then he lowered me back down, keeping one hand on my waist. “Even if we are still connected twenty-four/seven.”

  I tried to ignore his lingering touch and the I’ll always be watching meaning behind his words. But I failed. Irritation scored through me, knowing my time with Ty would always be shared. “Like you need to remind me,” I snipped. A pang of instant regret at my tone weighed against my heart. Because even with the bond, I was seriously going to miss him. The guy my soul would forever be connected to. I threw my arms around him. “It’s only a week.”

  Ty cleared his throat, now standing outside in the hardening rain. “We should get going.”

  His voice caused me to jolt away from Kendrick. I forced a smile, feeling like I’d done something wrong. “Say goodbye to Dorian again for me,” I said, moving to the car to get in. I’d already done the hug and tears thing with him this morning. And I was glad. Right now saying goodbye to Kendrick was already difficult enough.

  “Will do.”

  I shut the car door and Ty gunned the engine, directing us out the front gates. The property and Kendrick’s silhouette shrank in the rearview mirror. I sighed and began tapping my leg. Apart from the rain pattering the windshield, the air was thick with silent tension. With the mood threatening to dampen our trip away, I made a decision. I placed a light hand over Ty’s, which clutched the gear shifter. “You’re annoyed with me.”

  Ty frowned, chin twitching. “No. Not you. I just…”

  “You just what?”

  “I see the way…” His jaw clenched then released. “I see the way your friendship has grown.”

  Ty was a touch possessive, I’d noticed since we’d returned. But he was also confident. He knew where I stood and exactly how I felt about him. He knew he was the one. “You’re not jealous, are you?” my tone teased.

  Ty’s expression darkened and my breath caught. “Would you blame me if I were?”

  Shock and defensiveness rocked me. “We’re friends. That’s it!” Hearing my sharp tone my lips snapped shut. I took a deep breath and ran my hand over his cheek. “I love you.”

  Ty’s eyes closed as he grasped my hand from his cheek, pulling it to his lips. “I know you do. It’s just difficult to watch you two sometimes. The bond that you share, that closeness…I see it changing.” He dropped my hand and clutched the steering wheel as we veered off Ocean Boulevard. “I don’t want to ever lose you.”

  “You will never lose me. I’m never letting you go.”

  Ty smiled at that, the tension from his body and hands releasing. “I have something for you.” He reached for the inside pocket of his leather jacket. “It’s your Christmas present. Though it’s nothing as flashy as a cruise…” The next part was said under his breath. “Or personalized bike artwork.”

  His heart began to pound. I could hear the increased drumming as he freed a small square box from his pocket. A velvet box.

  My heart skipped in my chest, giddy and nervous all at the same time. I’d never been given any kind of jewelry before, well not from a guy I was in love with. Suspicion struck through me, turning any and all giddiness to full-blown panic.

  Oh God. Don’t be a ring. Don’t be a ring.

  The panic wasn’t a commitment thing, not really. I knew I wanted Ty and that I would love him as long as I lived, which could be a seriously long time. Still I was only sixteen, and with everything we were learning I had no idea what my future would hold. Would I even be alive in a year’s time? Would Ty still want me? And what about The Council?

  Unable to speak while trying to keep myself from hyperventilating, I stared.

  Ty flicked open the box, seeming perplexed and nervous at my frozen, horrified expression. I gasped. Inside was a stunning heart-shaped amulet. Made of a red stone it was neither clear nor perfect. It was speckled with darker and lighter red spots with a hint of black grains. Silver molded around the stone’s heart shaped edges, hanging from a long chain.

  Ty grasped the thick chain with his free and shaky hand, allowing the weighted stone to dangle before my eyes. “Do you like it?”

  I exhaled t
he breath I’d been holding. “Like it?” I took the amulet in my hands and Ty let the silver chain drop. His intake of breath was audible as he watched me between checking the road. The stone was heavy, even heavier than it looked. The silver was cool to the touch. It wasn’t purple, but it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. “Ty, I love it.”

  “It’s a bloodstone. It belonged to my mother,” Ty said quietly, glossy gaze staring out the windshield at the thickening traffic. “The morning after she was killed I found it under my pillow. Back then I thought my father would take it off me. I thought he wouldn’t want me to have something so precious of hers that I could lose. So I hid it.”

  “Oh, Ty.” My heart tugged, feeling like little hooks were pulling at it. I picked up the empty box and placed the amulet back inside, closing the lid. “I can’t accept this. You should keep it.”

  Ty frowned at me. “No. I want you to have it.” I began to argue, but Ty wasn’t finished. “I’ve kept it all this time knowing that one day I would give it to the one girl who owned my heart. Amelia, you are that girl. Connected to Kendrick or a hundred guys, I don’t care. I love you. Please…” He took the amulet from the box and caught my hand, the cold stone pressed between our palms. “Please say you’ll keep it. Say you’ll wear it as a symbol of my love, my heart in stone against yours.”

  Sniffing back sudden tears, I nodded. How could I say no to that? The guy of my dreams—or should I say, dreamscapes—was professing his limitless love for me. Solidifying the fact that nothing could ever get between us.

  I took the amulet and fastened the chain around my neck, letting the heavy stone fall between my minimal cleavage. “I’ll never take it off.”

  Ty smiled and laced his fingers through mine. “By the way,” he said, “I kind of suspected, though I didn’t know for sure…” His words ended as he maneuvered around a slow-moving car.

  “Didn’t know what?”

  “If what Caius did to you had provided immunity.” At my stumped frown he explained. “The chain and the edging around the stone are silver. You’re immune.”


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