Sebastian's Chance (The King Brother's series Book 2)

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Sebastian's Chance (The King Brother's series Book 2) Page 15

by G. Bailey

  "All good. My baby is kicking a lot and Maisy won’t admit it but she is struggling to get off the sofa these days. She is looking forward to seeing you this Saturday." I tell him and he smiles fondly. If I didn’t know that Harley has always treated Maisy like a sister, I would be jealous of that look but I’m not. I know there’s nothing between them, other than love for each other like family.

  "Yeah me too. Sorry, I can't be over more but the gym is so busy. I will be happy for your help after the baby comes." He says.

  "I'm honestly looking forward to it. I've always loved this place." I smile, I come here at least three times a week to work out and I run every day for an hour to keep in shape.

  "It certainly keeps me busy." he smiles but it doesn't quite look that real.

  "You doing ok bro?" I ask.

  "Yeah it's just odd to see my younger siblings more settled in their lives than I am." he laughs before the phone rings. He answers and then asks whoever it is to hold.

  "Sorry Seb, I have to take this I’ll see you later." he says.

  "No problem. Later." I say then walking out. I'm nervous as I get in my car because I'm meeting Maisy’s dad to ask him for permission to marry Maisy. I know it's a little old fashioned but I need to do it. I’ve done everything backwards, like getting Maisy pregnant before marrying her, so I need to do this one thing right. I pull into the parking lot of the coffee shop in town and order a coffee. I take a seat by the window, watching people come in. I'm a little early, so I'm surprised to see Maisy's dad come in and take a seat, after getting his own drink.

  "Hello Sebastian, how is my daughter?" He asks as an introduction. Maisy dad looks like an old college professor than the successful businessman, I know he is. He owns several very large hotel chains all over Europe and America. I don’t think he is that involved in them anymore by the look of him. His suit has seen better days, despite the fact it’s an expensive make and his face is pale. He looks a little ill as his hands shake around his drink.

  "Very good, Mr Reynolds. We are all looking forward to our son’s birth." I tell him and I have to look down into my drink, the dark coffee reminds me of Maisy’s dark browns eyes and I clear my throat.

  "I came to ask for your for blessing, to ask Maisy to marry me. She doesn't know I am here. I promise to always look after her. I love her very much." I tell him and manage to keep eye contact the whole time. When I look at his face he is holding back tears and looking very emotional as speaks.

  "Your one of the best things that's ever happened to my girl. Yes you have my blessing Sebastian and you don't have to tell me you love her, I can see it," he says and then carries on speaking.

  “I was disappointed when Maisy came home all those months ago and said she wanted to come with us on our trip to Europe. I knew something must have between you two but we took her away with us. A month into the holiday, my ex-wife found out Maisy was pregnant. I cancelled our trip and made Maisy move back home. I hoped she would contact you but I didn’t push her. I’m so pleased that you finally showed her where her home is. Don’t let her go.” he says and wipes away a few tears.

  "Thanks. I'll speak to Maisy about her seeing you. I know she misses you." I tell him honestly because we had a chat the other day. She does want her dad around but is too stubborn and I think scared to try, and get put down again.

  "Thank you for your help. Can I give you some advice?" He says as he pushes his black hair out of his eyes, he looks so much like Maisy at that point, it almost makes me smile. They have the same brown eyes and black hair but his is going grey. The only thing she seems to have got from her mother is her body figure, but she has more curves now she is pregnant and I hope she keeps them. I could just get her pregnant again.

  "I would like that." I smile.

  "Don't let her go. I fell in love with a girl once but I let her go for money and I wish I hadn't." he looks away, clearly lost in thought.

  "I won't. She is my life." I say firmly.

  "Well son, I hope I get to meet my grandson and to see your wedding." he says with his voice full of hope.

  "I can't promise because its Maisy decision but I will try." I pat him on the shoulder before saying bye and leaving.

  When I get home its dinner time and Maisy is in the kitchen, cooking a stir fry and rice is boiling in a pot.

  "Smells amazing again May." I say as I walk in and kiss her cheek. She smiles up at me and it takes my breath away how beautiful she is. Her long black hair is wavy and she is wearing a blue sundress that shows off all her curves as it falls to her knees.

  "Don't you think it's getting a little cold for dresses?" I ask her.

  "Nope," she says and I remember she always wears her dresses, no matter how cold. She would just add tights and a big coat when we went out. I help her dish it up and we eat together in the dining room. We have a simple four chaired wooden table but it's perfect for us. The room is quite bare with just a wooden cabinet and a picture of the sunset on the wall but I like it.

  "I met with your dad today," I say noticing how she tenses up.

  "Why Sebastian?" She asks looking at my eyes.

  "It doesn't matter but he wants to talk to you." I grab her hand to hold over the table.

  "Do you think I should?" she asks as she moves her food around the plate.

  I walk over and crouch next to her, moving her chair to face me and tilt her face up with my finger so she is looking at me. I frown when I see the tears and kiss them away.

  "That's your choice and I'll support you in whatever you want but I know you miss him, and he wasn't a good dad before but I think he wants to try May," I tell her.

  "It's hard to forgive him." she says resting her forehead against mine.

  "I know."

  We don't say anything more about her dad as we eat and I clean up while she rests. When I'm done I walk back into our lounge and hear

  "Ok, dad. Why don't you come over next week? I miss you too."

  I smile to myself knowing this is the best way forward for Maisy.

  Chapter Seventeen


  "You look amazing sis," I say hugging Izzy as me and Maisy walk into the kitchen at my brother’s house.

  "No baby yet," Blake says to Maisy as a hello.

  "No," she says bluntly and I wrap my arm around her kiss her forehead. Maisy is a little hormonal the moment and I worry for Blake’s sake as my girlfriend glares at him. I can’t count the amount of times people have asked her when the baby is coming now.

  "Won't be long May," I tell her as she sighs and rests into me. I know she is very uncomfortable right now and I tried to persuade her to stay at home today. I didn’t have much choice when she said she would drive herself here without me, so here we are and my stubborn girlfriend wouldn’t ever Miss Izzy’s birthday.

  "Happy eighteenth birthday Izzy," Maisy says with a smile.

  "Thanks for the present to and you should be calling me sis." She laughs and hugs Maisy gently before placing a kiss on Maisy’s bump.

  "I'm never going to get used to everyone touching my stomach." Maisy’s laughs.

  "Only me and our son will when he comes out," I say feeling jealous of anyone that touches her.

  "Ok caveman." she laughs whacking my chest with the back of her hand.

  "I know that feeling," Izzy says kissing Blake on the cheek, who smiles down at her before pulling her to his side.

  "Another shot." Luke appears at Izzy side and they have shots together. I raise my eyebrows at Blake who just shakes his head with a grin.

  "Izzy lost a bet with Luke, so she has to get drunk tonight." he says and looks over at Izzy, who chatting with some people from our old school.

  "What was the bet?" I ask. I know Izzy doesn’t drink so it must have been something she was sure wouldn’t happen.

  "That Luke could get Allie to kiss Elliot." Blake laughs as I snort.

  "There's no way Luke won that bet." I shake my head, I glance at a smirking Luke, who's handing Izzy
another shot.

  "He did. Izzy didn't say where Allie had to kiss Elliot, so he paid Allie to kiss Elliot on the cheek." Blake says.

  "Did anyone record this? I bet Elliot went mad." Maisy says looking happy. I grin at her.

  "Nah, she did it quickly when he was surrounded by people and ran off." Blake laughs. I know Luke and Allie wanted Izzy to let lose a little because she has been so stressed over college work.

  Izzy bounces over and throws herself into Blake’s arms kissing him, way too passionately for me to witness that.

  "Come on," I mutter turning away from the couple and walking into the lounge.

  "Maisybear." Allie shouts bouncing off the sofa where she was talking with some guy. I notice Elliot glaring at the guy on the couch before watching Allie again. I can't help the grin on my face as Elliot sees that I've noticed his watching. I wink at him.

  "How are you feeling?" Allie asks running her hands over Maisy’s baby bump.

  "Alright, just had a few pains today." she says looking anywhere but at me.

  "You didn't tell me that, I wouldn't have brought you. Sit down." I tell her with a sigh and make her sit in an empty seat.

  "I know but I had to come, it’s Izzy eighteenth birthday. Plus they aren't too bad." She says resting a hand on her stomach. I don’t want to say Maisy is huge now but she is, being overdue now for three days and her bump looks so much bigger than the rest of her. She has been struggling with headaches and swollen feet for weeks. The midwife's keep saying it’s all normal and her blood pressure is fine, so I shouldn’t worry but I do.

  "You sure?" I ask brushing a kiss on her forehead, unable to stay mad at her for long.

  "Yep." She grins up at me.

  "Would you like a drink?" I ask Allie and Maisy who nods at me. As I walk through the house, saying hello to people I know, I find Harley and Elliot chatting in the kitchen by the drinks. I grab two beers and an orange juice as I go to say hello to my brothers.

  "I heard you had a special kiss earlier," I smirk when Elliot whacks me on the arm, and I nearly drop my drinks.

  "Shut the fuck up," he growls at me. I can’t help the chuckle that comes out, or when I move behind Harley when Elliot looks like he close to strangling me.

  "You really should just tell that girl how you feel," Harley says with a hidden grin.

  "That she is annoying?" Elliot answers.

  "Nah, more like that you want to fuck her and have since high school," I say and get hit again for that one on the arm. Elliot walks off as me and Harley laugh our heads off.

  "See you in a bit bro," I say to Harley before heading back to my girl.

  "Here you go." I hand over the orange juice to Maisy and the beer to Allie.

  "So what are you ladies talking about?" I ask them.

  "You don't want to know Sebby," Maisy says with a look I don't get. I notice she is holding her side.

  "Maisy was just telling me about how she got you to finally wear those fangs and pretend to be a vampire in bed." Allie laughs at my horrified face.

  "You know what, I really didn't want anyone to fucking know that Allie and I wish you didn’t know that," I say and glare at Maisy who is bright red and giggling. I can’t stay mad at her and she knows it.

  "You asked what we were talking about," Allie says as she continues to laugh.

  "Are your roommates here? I would like to meet the people Izzy is moving in with." I ask trying to get her to change the subject.

  "Well, the new one that sleeps around is here with some girl. Emilia couldn't come, she has a date with some beefed up dude." Allie shakes her head at the thought.

  "What do you think of them then?" I ask.

  "There good people, don’t worry, I’ll kick their asses if they mess with my Izzy. I doubt this new guy would try it like the last one,” she tells me and it makes me more relieved than I want to admit.

  "I knew there was a reason I like you." I wink and she laughs.

  "You’re quiet, you alright?" I ask Maisy who seems a little pale.

  "Yeah I'm good," she says quietly and I frown. I’m about to say something stupid, like demanding Maisy to let me take her home when Izzy and Blake come in the room. They both have messed up clothes and Izzy is straightening her hair down. I can't help but frown a little feeling overprotective as I glare at Blake, who just shrugs at me. I swear the bastard even mouthed the words, not sorry to me. Thank fuck I’m not having a girl, I don’t think I could cope with it.

  "Shots," Luke shouts coming into the room, carrying a tray of multicoloured shots.

  "Izzy, come here sis." Luke shouts and I watch as Izzy does four shots with Luke and sways as she stands. Allie goes over doing a shot before turning the music up and dancing with Izzy. Half an hour later Izzy is dancing on the coffee table, as Allie laughs with Maisy and me. I get my own payback by watching Blake trying to get Izzy down of the table and not helping him.

  "Ow ow ow," I hear Maisy shout and then my feet feel wet.

  "Fuck, your waters have gone Maisybear." Allie shouts and I panic.

  "Turn the fucking music off," I shout at Luke, who stops dancing with some girl, to do that quickly for me.

  "Let's get you to the hospital May," I say picking Maisy up who smiles at me, even when she holds her stomach in pain. I don’t care that my tops and shoes are wet as I hug her close, wishing I could take the pain from her.

  "Our baby is coming." she whispers.

  "I know baby," I say kissing her forehead when she suddenly holds her stomach in pain and screams.

  "Wait I'm coming." I hear Izzy say behind me and followed by a thump as she trips over something.

  "No chance, your wasted Izzy, it's sober up time for you before I'm taking you to the hospital later." Blake says and I agree with him.

  "I will start my car, Allie you open the doors for Seb." Harley shouts getting his keys out of the bowl by the door.

  "Someone grab the bag out my boot would you, the car is open," I shout unlocking the car with my keys in my pocket when I get outside. Maisy doesn’t say anything as we all run around sorting things out.

  "Ah, fucking hell that hurt," Maisy screams holding onto my neck. I don’t complain when her nails dig into my neck, enough that I'll likely have marks. She can hurt me as much as she wants if it makes her feel better.

  "We will be at the hospital soon and they have drugs," I tell her, having no idea what else to say.

  I slide into Harley's car and Allie shuts the door behind me. Elliot moves into the seat next to me and Allie slides in the front seat, leaning back to hold onto Maisy’s hand after doing her seatbelt up.

  "You’re doing great Maisybear," she says as Maisy’s screams again. Harley starts the car and we drive to the hospital.

  "Ah, it really hurts," Maisy screams again and I feel my jeans getting soaked. I panic when I feel the warm blood on my hand, there’s no way that’s water. I pulling up my hand behind Maisy and see it covered in blood to make sure. Maisy doesn't see but Allie does going pale, she whispers to Harley and I feel the car speed up.

  "You doing great, I love you, baby." I kiss her forehead, freaking out about the blood.

  "Call the hospital and tell them we are on the way, and that Maisy is bleeding a lot, Elliot." I tell my twin, who looks as worried as all of us. I don’t like saying it out loud because I know it will scare her. I feel her tense but she screams what must be another contraction. That can't be normal. The next ten minutes to the hospital are the worse of my life. All I can think about is how I can’t lose her or the baby. I'll do anything to make sure I don’t.

  I lift her out the car when Allie opens it for us. I place her on the bed that is ready for us, with midwives and a doctor standing around it. We are quickly taken in and my brothers wait outside, while Allie comes in with me. I'm covered in blood and I must look terrible by the way the nurses are staring at me.

  "Ok Maisy I'm going to check you now." the doctor says and I hold Maisy’s hand as they do the examination. Maisy s
creams and I see more blood appear, the white bed sheets turning red. She looks so pale and Allie is pacing by the door.

  "Maisy listen to me, no pushing your baby out even if you want to. We need to do an emergency c section, you’re haemorrhaging badly Maisy." The doctor tells her and she whispers

  “Just save my baby boy, please.”

  The sound of her breathless plea breaks my heart and I hear Allie crying by the door.

  “I will do everything in my power to save you both.” The doctor tells her.

  The next thing I know Maisy is being taken out the room and I'm told I have to wait in here. Allie has to hold me back when they tell me I can’t follow and that they will bring the baby out. I vaguely hear Allie making sure that we are told anything that happens.

  I fall to the floor holding my hands to my face as I cry; I can’t believe this has happened.

  "They will both be fine, she is strong. I'm going to get the boys. We need the family," Allie says and I don't move.

  “Brother, she is a King already and she will make it through this. Maisy and your son need you to be strong.” Harley says to me, I can see him crouched on the floor in front of me.

  “You’re right,” I say as I realise I can’t break down now.

  "I brought some clothes from the car," Harley says as I stand. I glance at the pile and take them to the bathroom to change. It's some jogger bottoms and a white top that I know are Harleys from the gym.

  None of us say anything while we wait in the room for the next half an hour. Allie holds my hand which helps in a way. Elliot sits close to Allie on the floor, I swear he is holding her hand but I don’t check. Harley is pacing the room by the window, sending texts to the rest of our family I think.

  The door opens, as I jump to my feet, to see a midwife walking in with a tiny bundle wrapped in a white blanket. I walk over feeling myself shaking, as the midwife explains that Maisy is fine and our baby boy is looking great. She hands over my son, who is sleeping wearing a little white hat. He has a load of black curly hair and looks so much like his mother with his dark eyelashes. I don't know how long I spend standing in the doorway, holding my son as his small hand reaches out and squeezes my little finger. I know I’m crying but I don’t care. I turn eventually, to see my brothers and Allie standing waiting. Allie is stood holding Elliot's hand, as they walk over and take turns looking at my son. Harley wipes away a few tears as he kisses my son’s head and Allie cries into Elliot’s shoulder in happiness with a massive grin. Elliot smiles so much that I’m surprised he is the brother I’m used to.


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