Sebastian's Chance (The King Brother's series Book 2)

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Sebastian's Chance (The King Brother's series Book 2) Page 17

by G. Bailey

  "I want a hold." I hear Izzy moan from the kitchen.

  "You should have your own then," Harley replies with a wink at Blake.

  "Don't give her ideas man." Blake says. I turn to look up at Seb, who is grinning at me.

  "I love you Sebby." I say reaching up to kiss his cheek.

  "How are you feeling?" He asks as he pulls me closer. Seb has been very overprotective since the birth and Elena trying to kill me. I don't blame him but it's a bit overbearing at time to be constantly watched.

  "I'm ok Seb. Everything is ok." I tell him, staring into those bright green eyes of his. He shakes his head at me and looks away.

  "Can we talk alone for a minute?" I ask him.

  He nods, walking us up to our room before shutting the door.

  "What did you want to talk about?" He asks.

  "You are feeling guilty about what happened." I say carefully, I notice his face pales before he sits on the end of the bed, with his head falling down.

  "Me being stupid and selfish with Elena, almost got you killed Maisy. I don't deserve you." he tells me.

  I go and kneel between Seb's knees. My stomach hurts from the movement but I push it aside.

  "It wasn't your fault, look at me." I ask kindly.

  When he is beautiful green eyes stare at mine, I hold back a gasp at how attractive they are.

  "I don't blame you and I want us to have a future. No one is to blame other than Elena and even then it's not her fault because she is ill." I kiss his head and Seb pulls my face into his hands as he kisses me. I sigh when he lifts me gently off the floor, cuddling me to his chest.

  "Damn May, I really don't deserve you but if you want to keep me, I’m always yours," he sighs.

  "Well I don't know, you do forget to put the toilet seat down sometimes and then there is the dishwasher which you," I stop to laugh as he tickles me under my arms.

  "You little madam." He laughs.

  There's a knock at the door that stops our laughs before it opens.

  "Hey sorry but I've got to go, Tristan and my dad are arguing again, something about that cage place in town. I hope Tristan hadn't got himself involved in any shit." Allie shakes her head, coming over to stand in front of us.

  "Seb, I know you guys fight sometimes in the Cage but can you keep an eye out for my brother. I can't protect him if I don't know." She asks and I tense, feeling bad that I can't tell her. Seb looks down at me with a slight shake of his head before he looks at Allie.

  "Sure but you should talk to Elliot." Seb says, trying to smile a little at her.

  "Yeah that's not going to happen. The jerk wouldn't help me anyway." she mutters the end part, but I can't help but frown at her a little.

  "He would." I tell her.

  "You must be tired from Jake or something so I will ignore that." she winks, as she ignores what I said. I stand up to give her a hug before she leaves.

  "I will walk you out." I say.

  "I will try to find our son." Seb laughs knowing he has a fight on his hands to get Jake back from whoever is holding him.

  "How was the date last night?" I ask her. I know Allie went on a date with some guy she met in the hospital who was visiting his mother. I said it wasn’t a bad idea for her to try dating men again but she said it would just be something to do.

  "Alright but I promised him another date." she wrinkles her nose at me, pushing her shoulder length blonde hair over her shoulder, I notice that’s it’s now dyed a dark brown underneath. It really suits her.

  "Do you want to see him again?" I ask her.

  "Not really but he is a good kisser, so I’ll give him one more chance." she winks. I panic a little when I see Elliot's angry face in front of us, before I realise he must have heard what Allie said.

  He looks at Allie once, like he is trying to work something out before he storms out the door.

  "What's his issue?" Allie asks noticing him leaving.

  "Can't you guess?" I smile at her.

  "No I can't and don't want to. Il let you find your hot man and very cute baby." she hugs me again before we separate.

  I walk around until I find nearly everyone in the kitchen, eating a cake by the looks of it. I smile when I see Izzy holding Jake giving him kisses on his head. I notice Blake leaning against the wall by me watching her with a loving look. He must have noticed me looking at him.

  "I know that's not our baby but seeing Izzy holding him makes me look forward to our future." he smiles before looking at me.

  "I'm sure she feels the same way." I tell him.

  "I hope so." He grins before walking over to Izzy.

  "Allie made you a cake, so I saved you some" Harley comes to my side, with a slice of cake on a plate.

  "Thanks." I grin. After one bite, I nearly moan at how amazing it tastes. Allie is great at cooking and I would hide the whole cake from everyone if I knew about it. I'm about to put another piece in my mouth when Seb pulls my fork into his mouth with a pop and then releases it.

  "Just wow." He grins. I notice he has Jake, who I smile at.

  "Don't steal my cake." I wink at Seb.

  He and Harley laugh.

  "Well I have a way of getting us a whole month of cakes." He grins.

  “Not without your twin attempting to kill you.” Harley warns, making Seb laugh.

  "How?" I grin back and we start discussing our great plan. Seb explains about the bet he made with Allie. I love the fact that he will share the cakes with me if I help, like he had any chance of not sharing them with me in the first place.

  "Your plan is evil and could really go wrong." Harley laughs at us.

  "The best plans are always evil." I wink at him.

  Jake starts crying demanding a feed or nappy change.

  "You two rest, I've got him." Harley says taking Jake and walking to the bottle maker to put one on.

  "Who knew he is so good with babies?" I whisper to Seb.

  "It doesn't surprise me." Seb looks at Harley, with what I can only describe as respect. Even though Seb hasn’t gone into much detail about his growing up, I know Harley saved him a lot and made him the man he is today.

  "Hey sis." Izzy come over, giving me a short hug. Blake is at her side holding her hand.

  "Hey, I was going to ask you later but would you be my bridesmaid?"

  Before she can answer Seb says quickly.

  "Blake, you’re my groomsman." he says, not really asking.

  Blake grins nodding and Izzy answers,

  "Yes I can't wait."

  I get another hug from her and nearly fall over as she smiles at me. Izzy maybe a little small but she is strong.

  "Come on baby, I want to show you something at home," Blake says pulling Izzy back into his arms.

  Izzy kisses Blake, before turning back to us.

  "Got to go. I will be over tomorrow if that’s ok?" she asks.

  "Sounds good sis." I say causing her to smile widely.

  "About time." Seb pulls me to him, kissing my cheek.

  My phone goes off in my pocket of my stretchy jeans and I see it’s my dad.

  Dad: just checking you still want me over tomorrow. I don't want to get In your way but I can't wait to see my grandson and daughter x

  Me: yes I want you over and I'm looking forward to introducing you too. Plus I have some other news that I want your help with.

  Dad: I will help with anything. Do you need me to bring anything over?

  Me: No thanks, I'll see you tomorrow x

  Dad: Can’t wait Maisy.

  I glance up at Seb who is chatting to Luke. I walk over giving him a tight hug and then kissing him deeply. He groans pulling me away a bit.

  "Not that I didn't enjoy that but why?" He smirks at me.

  "I'm just a lucky girl." I kiss him again and this time he runs his hands into my hair. I am aware we are in a crowd but I couldn't care less as I kiss the most amazing man I know.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  "You sure you don't w
ant me to stay?" Seb asks as he fiddles with his tie in the mirror of our bedroom. He looks amazing in a full suit, showcasing his big build and it makes him seem a lot older.

  "No, you need to go and help Harley. It's only my dad." I tell him as I come over to stand in front of him. Jake is sleeping in the Moses basket by the bed, after a long feed. Seb watches as I pull my dress back over my breasts and his eyes darken. With the help of my local midwife, I finally got Jake breast-feeding instead of just feeding from a bottle. Jake is a greedy boy, so he likes to have them both, which surprised the midwife and us. Well, not Seb, who said he is like him about food.

  "I'm suddenly very jealous of my son." He tells me as he steps closer.

  "Really?" I laugh as he kisses me. The kiss is sweet with enough pressure to let me know how much he wants me.

  "Yes," he says and moves away to the door. I follow him downstairs, being sure to grab the video baby monitor and switch it on.

  "If he so much as says anything bad to you, I want to know." Seb warns as he opens the front door.

  "He won't. I know this is difficult but I'm giving him a chance. Like I did with you." I say and he presses a gentle kiss on my forehead as he says

  "Any man is lucky for a chance to be in your life May."

  I blush under his compliment and he chuckles. I give him a playful shove towards the door and he relents by finally going out. As soon as the door shuts, I start worrying about this meeting.

  I'm lucky that my dad pulls up a few moments later and I open the door for him after he knocks.

  "Hey dad." I smile.

  "Can I come in?" He asks looking nervous, dad looks much better than I've ever seen him. Dressed in his usual brown suit and checked vest over a white shirt, but his usually pale skin is darker and he doesn't look so tired. The main thing I can notice is that he doesn't smell like alcohol like he typically does.

  "Yes, you look good dad," I tell him and I walk into the lounge, as my dad follows. He sits on the couch looking around the room. The room is slightly messy, with baby blankets on the sofa and some cups I have been meaning to take out.

  "The house suits you Maisy. I'm glad you look so happy," he tells me.

  "Thanks. Seb asked me to marry him and I said yes." I start the conversation I wanted to have with him off. I show him my ring and my dad starts grinning. I look down at my ring; it still feels strange to see it on my finger.

  "I'm glad he asked. That boy is good for you,” he says.

  “What happened to that girl who threatened you?” He asks.

  “She is in a local mental hospital getting treatment. Once her parents found out what was going on, they came back and we came to an agreement. We agreed that they are taking her away once she is out, if I don’t press charges.” I say but I don’t add that we found out that Elena found Arthur when she looked for her real parents. Arthur and his sister grew up in a bad neighbourhood and his sister put Elena up for adoption when she fell pregnant and died not long after due to drugs. Elena’s adoptive parents told us all this and we were a little shocked. Seb wonders if the mental illness Elena clearly has runs in the family and that’s why Arthur is so crazy.

  “I’m glad she is getting help but honestly I want to kill the girl for hurting you.” He says and I nod.

  “I understand that. Just the thought that she could have taken Jake and I couldn’t have stopped her keeps me up at night,” I tell him.

  “I want to tell you something, if you will let me," he asks.

  "What?" I ask as my dad gets up of the other couch and takes the empty seat next to me. I let him take my hands into his as he starts to talk.

  "I was a terrible father and I was lost to alcohol, more than I could admit before. I've not touched a drop for ninety-two days and I won't." He sighs, as I gasp a little in shock.

  "I'm in a little local group, that I attend every week, and I have put our old home up for sale. Your mother isn't taking it well; I have brought a new house in town. It's a small two bedroom house by the bakery and it's good for me." He says, waiting for my approval I think.

  "That's, well I'm shocked dad." I blurt out.

  "I don't expect you to forgive me, or want me in your life. But I'm going to do everything I can to be a real dad to you," he says.

  "I do forgive you, dad," I tell him and he bursts into tears. I wrap my arms around his chest and hug my dad as he cries. Eventually, he stops and I start telling him why,

  "I'm proud of you for everything you've changed in your life. I know it wasn't easy and I want you in my life. I want my dad to walk me down the aisle and I want my son to know his granddad."

  "Thank you my little Maisy." he says and I pull away, my heart feels like it’s being squeezed at the use of my old nickname he used to call me.

  "So is that a yes? Will you walk me up the aisle?" I ask feeling a little nervous.

  "I would be beyond honoured," he says and kisses my forehead. The baby monitor starts going off at that point with the sound of Jake crying.

  "I will be right back," I say with an excited smile at my dad, who nods with a matching happy face. I change Jakes dirty nappy and bring him downstairs to my dad, who lights up at the sight of my tiny baby in my arms.

  "Being a mother suits you, can I hold him please?" My dad asks and I hand him over gently. My dad slowly rocks Jake in his arms, humming a familiar song and eventually Jake falls asleep.

  "You used to love that song when you were a baby. I spent hours humming it to you when you woke up in the night." Dad tells me fondly.

  "I'm surprised he slept for you, he only seems to like me, Harley or his dad getting him to sleep," I tell my dad who beams as he looks at Jake.

  "If you need any help, day or night. I'm one phone call away," he replies.

  "Thank you." I smile. We spend the rest of the afternoon talking about Jake and about what we have both been up to. Seb comes home to find my dad cuddling a sleeping Jake; I hear him and my dad talk for a bit before he comes to find me cooking some dinner in the kitchen.

  "That smells amazing as usual," Seb says as he looks though the cooker glass at the two handmade pizzas cooking.

  "With my dad helping, I managed to cook a little easier," I say as he comes over. I finish washing up and turn just in time to give him a hug.

  "Everything going ok?" Seb asks

  "More than ok, I've forgiven him." I say.

  "Good," Seb says and takes my hand. We walk into the living room to see my dad watching TV on the sofa with a sleeping Jake on his chest.

  "Dad is staying for dinner." I tell Seb as he sits on the other sofa and I sit next to him.

  "Nice to see you again Mr Reynolds." Seb says.

  "Call me dad, you’re going to be family soon." my dad replies.

  "Alright, but maybe we can call you grandpa?" Seb grins.

  "I can get used to it." my dad laughs quietly.

  "So what are we watching?" Seb asks.

  "I'm not sure what the name is, but there are these two men, who are in love with this one girl." dad says.

  "Sounds good." Seb says as I hold in a laugh.

  "Oh one is a vampire and one is a werewolf." my dad explains.

  "Dear god, you've converted your dad into liking vampires now." Seb says to me with a shocked expression.

  "I like the werewolf, I should do because my grandson is clearly named after him." my dad says seriously, as I laugh and he presses play as Seb glares at me.

  “There’s no way you would have let me call him Edward.” I wink.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I can't help but laugh, as I look down at my damn expensive shirt now covered in sick, thanks to my handsome son.

  "Daddy can't go out like this." I laugh as Jake green eyes look at me as he chews on his hand. I finish baby wiping him down and getting him in some new clothes while I carry on smelling like sick.

  "Oh dear." Maisy giggles coming to the room, looking amazing in a tight blue dress. Her shiny hair is
straight, flowing around her shoulders as she walks.

  "Wow," I say forgetting about my shirt, as her sharp brown eyes meet mine. Izzy and Blake are babysitting for us tonight as we are going out for a date. It's the first time since Jake was born six weeks ago that we are going to be alone together. We haven't had any time to be close or sleep since he was born, so a whole night of being together sounds perfect.

  "Here, hand him over." Izzy walks around Maisy, coming to take Jake from me. I kiss his head before handing him over.

  "Daddy's going to miss you, but I need some mummy time, you will understand when you’re older," I tell him as he just looks at me like I’m mad or something.

  I hear Izzy and Maisy laughing at me instead.

  I leave Maisy to say goodbye to Jake and head into Elliot's room to borrow a shirt. I knock before going in and see he is on the phone.

  "I will meet you then. Don't be late," he says tensely, looking like he wants to break the phone as he ends the call.

  "I'm guessing you need a shirt?" He raises his eyebrows at my sick cover shirt.

  "Good guess," I say sarcastically.

  "Don't be a jackass, help yourself." He says with a snort before leaving the room.

  I grab a blue shirt that I brought Elliot and I know it will look good. I chuck it on before heading back to Izzy’s room. Izzy has the cot all set up and everything ready for the night.

  "So you promise to call me if there are any problems?" Maisy is saying, looking down at Jake in Izzy’s arms.

  "Yes, but we will be fine. Have a good night." she winks and shooing Maisy out the room, towards me.

  "Blake will be here in a bit and I'm sure Harley isn't going to stay away for long," Izzy tells us and then goes back to put a sleeping Jake into his cot.

  "I feel bad leaving him." Maisy says, coming to stand in front of me.

  "I know but he is safe and I want my beautiful fiancé to myself tonight." I pull her up to my chest and kiss her slowly. I hear her moan and I have to pull away before I get a hard-on in front of my sister and son. It's been torture sleeping next to her hot body every night, knowing I couldn't touch her like that yet and we both were too tired to try.

  "Come on." she smirks and we walk out to our car.


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