Rider's Revenge (The Last Riders Book 10)

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Rider's Revenge (The Last Riders Book 10) Page 1

by Jamie Begley

  Rider’s Revenge

  The Last Riders, #10

  Jamie Begley

  Young Ink Press Publication


  Copyright © 2018 by Jamie Begley

  Edited by C&D Editing,

  Diamond in the Rough Editing & Hot Tree Editing

  Cover Art by Cover Couture

  Map by C&D Editing

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  This work of fiction is intended for mature audiences only. All sexually active characters portrayed in this ebook are eighteen years of age or older. Please do not buy if strong sexual situations, violence, drugs, domestic discipline, and explicit language offends you.

  Connect with Jamie,

  [email protected]




  Map of Treepoint, Kentucky


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Epilogue 1

  Epilogue 2

  Epilogue 3

  Sarah Brianne


  1. The Fallen Angel

  2. You’re in Enemy Territory

  Natasha Madison

  Something So Irresistible


  Chapter 1

  Map of Treepoint, Kentucky

  Heroes can be found in everyday life, but legends … those are rare. Those you have to search for…


  Jo swam through the cool water of the small lake hidden in the woods behind Rachel and Cash’s house. Rachel had offered to let her swim there any time she wanted. Usually it was early evening when she came out here. If she didn’t see any cars or motorcycles outside Rachel’s house, then she would take a quick dip. Tonight, though, it was so dark she couldn’t see her hand in front of her face, and the lights from Cash’s cabin that could normally be seen through the inky darkness were off.

  She dunked her sweaty hair under the water. The night was muggy, and she had serviced a three-car pile-up on the outskirts of town.

  Jo swam until she was nearly exhausted, banishing the sight of the dead body being wheeled to the coroner’s van. Thankfully, the victim had already been covered in a body bag before she had arrived.

  The sheriff had told her that the victim had been from out of town and had ignored the warning for the sharp curve. The BMW had taken the curve too fast, not seeing another car had stopped, waiting for a car in the incoming lane to pass so they could go down the side road that led to a home.

  All three cars had been involved in the accident, four people had headed to the ER, and one to the morgue.

  “I need to find another job,” Jo said out loud to herself as she floated aimlessly on her back.

  Staring up into the tree branches that fanned over the water, she had drifted out farther than she had thought. She didn’t bother lifting her head, knowing exactly where she was in the small body of water.

  The faint sound of a motor from the road didn’t have her lifting her head. The main road wasn’t close, but sounds carried in the woods surrounding the lake. With Rachel and Cash being out of town to visit Cash’s relatives, she didn’t expect any of Cash’s friends or Rachel’s brothers to stop by for a visit. Even if they did, they wouldn’t stay long, seeing that they weren’t home.

  As the sound of the motor grew closer, Jo lowered her legs, treading water to stay in the shadows of the trees on the side of the lake.

  “Dammit,” Jo muttered softly, seeing a motorcycle’s headlight coming to a stop at the bank, the lone light hitting the water.

  She moved farther into the shadows, her chin dipping into the water in case the light hit her. She castigated herself for not taking the time to put on her swimsuit.

  She had ridden her bicycle from the scrapyard. At least whoever the lone rider was who was enjoying his cigarette wouldn’t be able to see it from where it was leaning against a tree several feet away.

  Jo remained still, making small movements to stay afloat as he smoked. When the smoke drifted toward her, she realized whoever it was, they weren’t smoking a cigarette.

  When he lifted the joint toward his mouth again, Jo recognized Rider.

  She cursed to herself. She detested that particular Last Rider. Shade, she had talked a few times before and after her father had been murdered. He had even loaned her enough money to keep her business going when she had been overwhelmed with the debts her father’s death had left behind. If Shade hadn’t loaned her the money, the new tow truck her father had talked her into buying would have been repossessed.

  The few times that she had been unfortunate to talk to Rider, he had grated on her nerves. The first time she had met the handsome biker, he had expected her to fall for him as if he were God’s gift to women. The second time, he had thought she was interested in women.

  Every bone in her body had screamed at her to take the Casanova down a peg or two. The only reason she didn’t was because Jo knew he was friends with Rachel and because his ego was so overblown that dynamite wouldn’t make a dent in his pearly whites.

  A stray breeze had her shivering in the water.

  Dammit, how long does it takes to smoke a joint? she thought wrathfully as she waited for Rider to leave.

  When she saw him flick what was left in a glowing arc, then turned off his bike, she knew she was in trouble. His headlight disappeared, giving only the dim shadow of him undressing.

  Her head spun at trying to figure out what to do as she warily watched his movements.

  Rider headed toward the opposite side of the lake from where she was swimming. When she heard the scape of a rock, she knew he was climbing the rock overhang.

  Was he going to stand there or …?

  Her unfinished thought was answered as soon as she heard the splash.

  She started swimming for the bank where she had left her clothes and bike. Her heart was pounding in exertion as she swam.

  The ti
ps of her toes had just grazed the bottom when she felt a muscular arm curl around her waist.

  “Let me go!” Jo screeched, trying to jerk out of Rider’s restraining hold.

  “Who do I have here? A mermaid coming to keep me company?” his amused voice came from behind her as she struggled against him, kicking her bare feet at his shins and thighs.

  “Let go!”

  “What’s the hurry?”

  Jo sputtered out the water that was threatening to drown her as he turned her around to face him in the dark. The sleek feel of his skin under her palms heightened her anxiety of being alone with him in this isolated spot.

  “I want to leave.” Jo was angry at herself for the slightly hysterical tone she could hear in her own voice. When men saw a weakness, they were quick to take advantage.

  “I can’t convince you to stay?” His husky voice had a seductive, assertive tone that had him increasing her efforts to get away from him.

  It might be pitch dark, but she could see the sexual promise that had the cool water feeling as if she was trying to escape being dragged down into quicksand.

  With her nails, she scratched his hands, determined never to be a victim to a man’s desires again. “No!”

  He released her, and she frantically started swimming toward the bank.

  “Come on, Rach; the least you can do is keep me company until Cash gets here.”

  She stopped swimming to turn back toward him, dumbfounded. “You think I’m Rachel?”

  “Who else would be skinny dipping in Cash’s swimming hole?”

  Was he pretending not to know who she was? Jo could have sworn he had known. Then she admitted to herself that if she hadn’t seen who he was when he had been smoking, she wouldn’t have known.

  “No, I’m not Rachel.” Jo had lowered her voice, hoping he wouldn’t recognize her voice from the few times she had been around him.

  “Want to tell me who you are, then?” The seductive intent turned flirtatious.

  “It doesn’t matter. I have no interest in keeping you company.” She flipped onto her stomach and started swimming again. “Just stay where you are until I can get dressed and leave.”

  “You must not know who I am if you think I’m a gentleman.”

  Jo swam harder at hearing the sound of splashing behind her.

  “Don’t you dare get out of the water before I leave.”

  As soon as she was able, she took off in a run, going toward the vicinity she had left her clothes and nearly tripping over them.

  Tugging on her shorts as fast as she could, then her T-shirt, her heart was pounding out of her chest, leaving her unable to hear where he was in the water. Twisting as she tried to tug her stubborn damp T-shirt down, she heard the sound of a twig breaking.

  “Don’t!” She bent down, trying to find her panties and bra. Finding her bra, she shoved it into her back pocket, giving up on trying to find her panties. She then slipped into her tennis shoes, water still running down her legs. “Where are you?” She raised her head, trying to peer through the pitch darkness.

  “I’m still in the water.”

  “You’re lying.” She carefully maneuvered herself toward her bicycle.

  “Now, why would I lie?”

  She was making a fool of herself. “Are you laughing at me?” Feeling relief as she finally grasped her handlebars, she turned it toward the road.

  “A little.”

  Her head practically did a exorcist spin as she tried to determine where he was.

  “You don’t have to worry about me. You’re going to break your neck running around in the dark.”

  “It’s not my neck I’m worried about,” she muttered, getting on her bike and starting to peddle as fast as she could without seeing where she was going.

  As soon as she didn’t think she was being followed, she turned on the faint headlamp. A minute later, her wheels were on the pavement, heading back toward town.

  It was dangerous riding this curving road in the dark. A car could mow her down before they even knew she was there. If Rider hadn’t shown up, she would have gone up a couple of feet and took a small dirt trail that would have led her back to town.

  Most of the town had forgotten that trail was there. It was overgrown and wasn’t big enough to get a car through, but it was nice to walk it after she would ride her bicycle up the main road. She only knew of its existence because she been raised on going on road calls by her father’s side.

  Jo slowed down, coasting down the hill toward town, seeing The Last Riders’ clubhouse lights blazing as she passed.

  Looking up the hill where the house sat, she saw a couple of the members watching as she rode past. She lowered her head, pretending she hadn’t seen them, relieved when she turned the corner and was out of sight.

  Two minutes later, a motorcycle pulled into the parking lot. Rider parked, already knowing the gloating that would be waiting for him as he climbed the steps to the porch.

  “You’re looking all wet.” Moon snickered.

  “I told you that you were wasting your time,” Razer taunted.

  “It was worth a shot.” Rider laughed. “You don’t know if you don’t try.”

  “How bad did she shoot you down?” Razer asked.

  “She pretended she didn’t know it was me.”

  “That must have hurt.” Moon laughed.

  Rider gave a mocking grin back. “I pretended I didn’t know it was her, either.”

  The men just shook their heads.

  Moon looked at him curiously. “You mind if I take a shot at her next?”

  “Go for it. It won’t work.” Rider shrugged at the other biker. “Not for you anymore than did for me.”

  “So, if you can’t get in her panties, no one can?” Razer rolled his eyes at Rider’s cocky attitude.

  “I didn’t say I didn’t get in her panties.” Reaching into his pocket, he twirled out a lacy pair of panties on his fingertip.

  “I’d ask, but I don’t want to know. Brother, one day, a woman is going to bring you back down to earth, just like Beth did to me.”

  “Won’t ever happen. Why settle for one woman when I can do them all?” There wasn’t a woman who existed now or in the future who was worth getting shackled to.

  Unlike Razer and the other brothers who had fallen in love, none of them were like him. Even Shade, who Rider would have sworn didn’t have a heart, had fallen under a woman’s spell.

  Not him. Never him. No woman, and certainly not Jo, would ever be able to give him everything he wanted. It wasn’t possible. There would always be another woman’s pussy to explore and make his for a time before moving on to the next one. Half of the fun was the chase. Once that was over, half the fun was gone.

  “I wish the women could hear you.”

  Rider tossed Jo’s underwear to Moon. It was bizarre to him that Razer or any man would settle for one woman. Hell, women never gave up anything. They expected the ring, the picket fence, and kids. What did the men get? The pleasure of having them in their bed and, if they were lucky, one night of fucking per week. He could have a woman sucking his dick for him with a snap of his fingers. Would a wife do that? Hell no.

  “You’re just jealous they love me.” Rider pulled his damp T-shirt away from his broad chest. “I need to get a shower and change. Later.”

  Rider didn’t miss the amused glances his friends threw in his direction, so he gave a parting shot to Razer.

  “Beth promised me she would heat me up a plate of food that was left over from your dinner. I’ve got to hurry. I don’t want it to get cold.” Satisfied that he had found his mark, he went inside, while Moon blocked Razer from lunging toward him.

  “Cool it.”

  “That fucker better find his own woman quick.” Razer jerked his arm away from Moon’s grip. “Or I’m going to kill him.”

  Moon held his laughter back, afraid that the other man would throw him off the porch. “He only does it to piss you and the other married men off. I do
n’t know why you all let him get to you.”

  “Because nothing gets to him … ever. He managed to fool our wives into believing he’s a dumb schmuck. And he’s managing to get a piece of our pie. Hell, he’s not even content with that. He’s trying to steal the whole fucking pie.”

  Moon shook his head. “Brother, you all fucked up, and now you’re trying to close the gate. Rider is one Last Rider that I plan on keeping any woman I’m interested in away from. If I were you, I’d handle him differently.”

  “Oh, yeah, old wise one? What in the fuck would you do differently?”

  “Find Rider a woman to keep him occupied so he won’t have enough energy to chase after your women.”

  “How are we supposed to do that? A whole clubhouse of women and the ones in town haven’t slowed him down.”

  “Because they aren’t the right woman.”

  “Like who?”

  “Ask Shade. He and Rider used to party hard together before he married Lily. He’ll know which woman would attract his interest.”

  Razer stared at the panties that Moon was twirling on his finger. “I might have a few ideas of my own.”

  Moon grinned. “Jo’s hot, sexy, and she virgin territory to the men in the club.”


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