The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test

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The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test Page 18

by Tom Wolfe

  Oh, but it’s great to be an Angel,

  And be dirty all the time!

  Then Allen Ginsberg was in front of the microphone with finger cymbals on each hand, dancing around with a beard down to his belly and chanting Hindu chants into the microphone booming out over California, U.S.A., Hare krishna hare krishna hare krishna hare krishna—what the mollyfock is hairy krishna—who is this hairy freak—but you can’t help yourself, you got to groove with this cat in spite of yourself. Ginsberg really bowled the Angels over. He was a lot of things the Angels hated, a Jew, an intellectual, a New Yorker, but he was too much, the greatest straightest unstraight guy they ever met.

  And be dirty all the time!

  The filthy kooks—by nightfall the cops were lined up along the highway, car after car, just across the creek, outside the gate, wondering what the fock. The scene was really getting weird. The Pranksters had everything in their electronic arsenal going, rock ‘n’ roll blazing through the treetops, light projections streaming through the gorge, Station KLSD blazing and screaming over the cops’ heads, people in Day-Glo regalia blazing and lurching in the gloom, the Angels going Haw—Haw—Haw—Haw, Cassady down to just his hell of a build, nothing else, just his hell of a build, jerking his arms out and sprocketing around under a spotlight on the porch of the log manse, flailing a beer bottle around in one hand and shaking his other one at the cops:

  “You sneaky motherfuckers! What the fuck’s wrong with you! Come on over here and see what you get … goddamn your shit-filled souls anyway!”—laughing and jerking and sprocketing—“Don’t fuck with me, you sons of shit-lovers. Come on over. You’ll get every fucking thing you deserve.”

  The hell of it, men, is here is a huge obscene clot of degradation, depradation and derogation proceeding loose and crazed on the hoof before our very eyes, complete with the very Hell’s Angels, and there is nothing we can do but contain it. Technically, they might have been able to move in on the grounds of Cassady’s exposing himself or something of the sort, but no real laws were being broken, except every law of God and man—but sheer containment was looking like the best policy. Moving in on those crazies even with ten carloads of armed cops for a misdemeanor like lewd display—the explosion was too grotesque to think of. And the cops’ turret lights revolved and splashed against the dirt cliff in a red strobe light effect and their car-to-headquarters radios were wide open and cracking out with sulphurous 220-volt electric thorn baritones and staticky sibilants—He-e-e-ey Mis-ter Tam-bou-rine Man—just to render the La Honda gorge totally delirious.

  Meanwhile, the Angels were discovering the goddamnedest thing. Usually, most places they headed into on their runs, they tested people’s cool. What are you looking at, mother. As soon as the shock or naked terror registered, they would be happy. Or if there was no shock and terror but instead somebody tried some brave little shove back, then it was time to break heads and tear everybody a new asshole. But these mollyfocking Pranksters were test-proof. The Angels didn’t know what permissive was until they got to Kesey’s. Go with the flow! The biggest baddest toughest most awfulest-looking Hell’s Angel of them all was a big monster named Tiny. The second biggest baddest toughest most-awfulest-looking Hell’s Angel was a big raw-boned guy named Buzzard, dark-looking, with all this dark hair and a beard, all shaggy and matted and his nose came out like a beak and his Adam’s apple hung down about a foot, and he was just like an enormous buzzard. Tiny and Buzzard had a thing of coming up to each other when they were around non-Angels and sticking out their tongues and then licking each other’s tongues, a big sloppy lap it up, just to shake up the squares, it really jolted them—so they came up right in front of this tall broad of Kesey’s, Mountain Girl, and la-a-a-a-a-ap—and they couldn’t believe it. She just looked right at them and grinned and exploded sunballs out of her eyes and started laughing at them, Haw—Haw—Haw, as if to say in plain language: What a bullshit thing. It was freaking incredible. Then some of them passed a joint around and they passed it to Mountain Girl and she boomed out:

  “Hell, no! What the hell you doing putting your dirty mouth on this clean joint for! This is a clean joint and you’re putting your dirty mouths on it!” Nobody in living memory had ever refused a toke from a joint passed by Angels, at least not on grounds of sanitation, except this crazy girl who was just bullshitting them blind, and they loved it.

  It even got to the point where Mountain Girl saw Tiny heading into the mad bathroom with a couple of beer cans like he is going to hole up in there and drink a couple of cans in peace, but this is the bathroom all the girls around here are using, and Mountain Girl yells out to Sonny Barger, the maximum leader of the Hell’s Angels, “Hey, Sonny! Tell this big piece of trash to stay out of our clean bathroom!”—in a bullshit tone, of course—and Sonny picks it up, “Yeah, you big piece of trash! Stay out of the clean bathroom! They don’t want you in there!”—and Tiny slinks out the door, outside, in a bullshit slink, but he does it—

  And that’s it! It’s happening. The Hell’s Angels are in our movie, we’ve got ’em in. Mountain Girl and a lot of the Pranksters had hit on the perfect combination with the Angels. They were friendly toward them, maybe friendlier than anybody had been in their lives, but they weren’t craven about it, and they took no shit. It was the perfect combination, but the Pranksters didn’t even have to think of it as a combination. They just did their thing and that was the way it worked out. All these principles they had been working on and talking about in the isolation of La Honda—they freaking well worked.

  Go with the flow—and what a flow—these cats, these Pranksters—at big routs like this the Angels often had a second feature going entitled Who Gets Fucked?—and it hadn’t even gotten to that before some blonde from out of town, one of the guests from way out there, just one nice soft honey hormone squash, she made it clear to three Angels that she was ready to go, so they all trooped out to the backhouse and they had a happy round out there. Pretty soon all the Angels knew about the “new mamma” out in the backhouse and a lot of them piled in there, hooking down beers, laughing, taking their turns, making various critiques. The girl had her red and white dress pushed up around her chest, and two or three would be on her at once, between her legs, sitting on her face in the sick ochre light of the shack with much lapping and leering and bubbling and gulping through furzes of pubic hair while sweat and semen glistened on the highlights of her belly and thighs and she twitched and moaned, not in protest, however, in a kind of drunken bout of God knew what and men with no pants on were standing around, cheering, chiding, waiting for their turn, or their second turn, or the third until she had been fenestrated in various places at least fifty times. Some of the Angels went out and got her ex-husband. He was weaving and veering around, bombed, they led him in there under glare and leer and lust musk suffocate the rut hut they told him to go to it. All silent—shit, this is going too far—but the girl rises up in a blear and asks him to kiss her, which he does, glistening secretions, then he lurches and mounts her and slides it in, and the Angels cheer Haw Haw—

  —but that is her movie, it truly is, and we have gone with the flow.

  So much beer—which is like an exotic binge for the Pranksters, beer. Mountain Girl and Kesey are up in the limelit bower and the full moon comes down through the treetop silhouettes. They are just rapping in the moonlight, and then Sandy wanders on up there and sits with them, high on acid, and he looks down and the floor of the forest is rippling with moonlight, the ground shimmers and rolls like a stream in the magic bower and they just sit there—a buzzard! Buzzard is wandering up the slope toward them and there in the moonlight in the dark in the magic bower he … is a buzzard, the biggest ever made, the beak, the deathly black, the dopply glottal neck, the shelled back and dangling wings, stringy nodule legs—Kaaawwwwwww!—and Kesey jumps up and starts throwing his arms up at him, like the way you would scare away a buzzard, and says,

  “Aaaaagh! a buzzard! Hey! Get away, you’re a buzzard! Get t
his buzzard out of here!”

  It’s a bullshit gesture, of course—and Buzzard laughs—Haw! Haw! Haw!—it is not real, but it is … real, real buzzard, you can see the whole thing with two minds—Kaw Kaw Kaaawwwww—and Buzzard jumps and flaps his arms—and the whole … connection, the synch, between the name, the man, the bird, flows together right there, and it doesn’t matter whether he is buzzard or man because it has all come together, and they all see it …

  They all see so much. Buzzard goes, and Sandy goes, and Kesey and Mountain Girl are in the moonlight ripply bower. By and by—where?—Kesey and Mountain Girl—and so much flows together from the lights and the delirium and the staticky sibilants down below, so much is clear, so much flows in rightness, that night, under the full moon, up above the flails and bellows down below—

  THE HELL’S ANGELS PARTY WENT ON FOR TWO DAYS AND THE cops never moved in. Everybody, Angels and Pranksters, had a righteous time and no heads were broken. There had been one gang-bang, but the girl was a volunteer. It was her movie. In fact, for the next six or seven weeks, it was one long party with the Angels. The news spread around intellectual-hip circles in the San Francisco-Berkeley area like a legend. In these circles, anyway, it once and for all put Kesey and the Pranksters up above the category of just another weirdo intellectual group. They had broken through the worst hangup that intellectuals know—the real-life hangup. Intellectuals were always hung up with the feeling that they weren’t coming to grips with real life. Real life belonged to all those funky spades and prize fighters and bull-fighters and dock workers and grape pickers and wetbacks. Nostalgie de la boue. Well, the Hell’s Angels were real life. It didn’t get any realer than that, and Kesey had pulled it off. People from San Francisco and Berkeley started coming by La Honda more than ever. It was practically like an intellectual tourist attraction. Kesey would talk about the Angels.

  “I asked Sonny Barger how he picks new members, new Angels, and he told me, ‘We don’t pick ’em. We recognize ‘em.’”

  And everybody grokked over that.

  Likely as not, people would find Hell’s Angels on the place. The Angels were adding LSD to the already elaborate list of highs and lows they liked, beer, wine, marijuana, benzedrine, Seconal, Amytal, Nembutal, Tuinal. Some of them had terrible bummers—bummer was the Angels’ term for a bad trip on a motorcycle and very quickly it became the hip world’s term for a bad trip on LSD. The only bad moment at Kesey’s came one day when an Angel went berserk during the first rush of the drug and tried to strangle his old lady on Kesey’s front steps. But he was too wasted at that point to really do much.

  So it was wonderful and marvelous, an unholy alliance, the Merry Pranksters and the Hell’s Angels, and all hours of the day or night you could hear the Hell’s Angels gearing and winding down Route 84 to Kesey’s, and the people of La Honda felt like the plague had come, and wasn’t there anything that could be done. More than one of the Pranksters had his reservations, too. The Angels were like a time bomb. So far, so good—one day the Angels even swept and cleaned up the place—but they were capable of busting loose into carnage at any moment. It brought the adrenaline into your throat. The potential was there, too, because if the truth were known, there were just a few of the Pranksters who could really talk to the Angels—chiefly Kesey and Mountain Girl. Mainly it was Kesey. Kesey was the magnet and the strength, the man in both worlds. The Angels respected him and they weren’t about to screw him around. He was one of the coolest guys they had ever come across. One day, finally, Kesey’s cool came to the test with the Angels and it was a strange moment.

  Kesey and the Pranksters and the Angels had taken to going out to the backhouse and sitting in a big circle and doing the Prankster thing, a lot of rapping back and forth and singing, high on grass, and you never knew where it was going to go. Usually it went great. The Angels took to the Prankster thing right away. They seemed to have an immediate intuitive grasp of where it was going, and one time Kesey started playing a regular guitar and Babbs started playing a four-string amplified guitar and Kesey got into a song, off the top of his head, about “the vibrations,” a bluesy song, and the Angels joined in, and it got downright religious in there for a while, with everybody singing, “Oh, the vi-bra-tions … Oh, the vi-bra-tions …”

  And then Kesey and a few of the Pranksters and a lot of the Angels, including Sonny Barger of the Oakland Chapter, the maximum leader of all the Angels, were sitting around in the backhouse passing around joints and rapping. The subject was “people who are bullshit.”

  There are certain people who are bullshit and you can always recognize them, Kesey was saying, and the Angels were nodding yeah, that certainly is right.

  “Now you take—,” said Kesey, mentioning one of the Angels who was not present. “He’s a bullshit person.”

  A bullshit person—and man—

  “Listen, Kesey,” says Barger, 100 percent Hell’s Angel, “—is an Angel, and nobody—nobody—calls an Angel a bullshit person.

  —the freaking gauntlet is down. It’s like forever and every eye in the place pins on Kesey’s face and you can hear the blood squirt in your veins. But Kesey doesn’t even blink and his voice doesn’t even change one half tone, just the old Oregon drawl:

  “But I know him, Sonny. If I didn’t know him, I wouldn’t call him a bullshit person.”

  Yeah—we-e-e-elll—everybody, Angels and Pranksters—well—Kesey knows him—there is nothing to do but grok over this statement, and everybody sits there, still, trying to grok over it, and after a second, the moment where heads get broken and fire gets pissed is over—We-e-ell, ye-ah—

  Two or three days later it occurs to some of the Pranksters that they still don’t know what the hell Kesey meant when he said that. He knows the guy. It doesn’t make any sense. It’s a concept with no bottom to it—but so what! At the moment he said it, it was the one perfect thing he could have said. Kesey was so totally into the moment, he could come up with it, he could break up that old historic push me, shove you, yeah-sez-who sequence and in an instant the moment, that badass moment, was over.

  THE PRANKSTERS GOT PRETTY CLOSE TO SEVERAL OF THE ANGELS as individuals. Particularly Gut and Freewheeling Frank and Terry the Tramp. Every now and then somebody would take one or another of the Angels up into the tree house and give them a real initiation into psychedelics. They had a huge supply of DMT. As somebody once put it, LSD is a long strange journey; DMT is like being shot out of a cannon. There in the tree house, amid the winking googaws, they would give the Angels DMT, and Mountain Girl saw some of them, like Freewheeling Frank, after they came down. They would walk around in no particular direction, listing slightly, the eyes bugged wide open, glazed.

  “They were as naked as an Angel is ever gonna git,” she told Kesey.

  chapter XIV

  A Miracle in Seven Days

  Oh, the vi-bra-tions …

  Oh, the Unitarians …

  Apostate seminarians …

  Grok the groovy

  Pranksters and Hell’s Angels …

  Whose Angels?—

  Why the consternation?

  Arise ye antediluvians,

  Groove on

  The Pranksters and Hell’s Angels …

  Noah’s destination

  Is where it’s at:

  Now showing at the Mount Ararat,

  Apis the Bull in Après le déluge,

  Groovy movie with a thousand castoffs:

  Whose Angels?—

  Hell’s Angels …

  Dear Lord, prepare to blast off

  Into the Angel blue.

  Oh, the vi-bra-tions …

  Among those who began to wonder about the mysteries of La Honda

  Were some Unitarian ministers known as the Young Turks;

  Bob Kimball, Dick Weston and Paul Sawyer said freak our cerebral cloisters and

  Emerge! See how the alleged grass-smoking Kesey’s magic works.

  The Young Turks saw Unitarians becoming ghostl
y seminarians,

  Desiccated Kantians cut off from Early Christianity.

  Oh, a century ago we were the vangard, routing the redneck blackguards

  Of Fundamentalism—and today?—the Youth yawn at our inanity.

  Oh, the vi-bra-tions …

  Oh, the Unitarians …

  Apostate seminarians …

  Grok the groovy

  Pranksters and Hell’s Angels …

  Whose Angels?—

  Sawyer found our Day-Glo heroes on the beach at Pescadero

  One sunny afternoon with Allen Ginsberg in his finest bearded form.

  The scene was charged with energy, yet there was a weird serenity

  Even when the Hell’s Angels pulled in, rank but most righteously warm.

  Now, Sawyer had his teenage daughter along and she feared something might … go wrong.

  When Kesey said, On the bus! she said, “Daddy, I … don’t want to go.”

  So his daughter stayed behind, but Sawyer was determined to find

  The secret of this vibrant communion: Angel Black & Prankster Day-Glo.

  Oh, the vi-bra-tions …

  Oh, the Unitarians …

  Apostate seminarians …

  Grok the groovy

  Pranksters and Hell’s Angels …

  Whose Angels?—

  Onto the bus! and it was so fine, with Angels hooking down great jugs of wine

  And grooving on the sunlit ocean like euphoric Nature freaks,

  Passing joints and Haw!—Haw!—Hawing! but coursing through their raucous bawling—


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