Tray's Sweetheart

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Tray's Sweetheart Page 3

by Angela Franklin

  “I don’t have any. I start at the library Wednesday.” She had the hem of her shirt twisted around a finger on the hand he wasn’t holding.

  “I have to work till 5, do you want me to pick you up after I get off?” The feel of her hand in his was soothing him in a way nothing ever had.

  “I don’t expect you to spend all of your time with me. You could go hangout with your friends, or just go home and relax. I’m sure you will be tired.” Molly kept fidgeting with the hem of her shirt.

  “Look at me, Sunshine.” Tray said as they pulled in at the dinner. As soon as the truck was in park, he shifted so that he faced her. “I want to spend all of my time with you. If I want to hang out with my friends, I will take you with me. I am not going to hide you away unless I am with you. Do you understand?”

  “Yes.” She whispered, her big blue eyes locked on his.

  “Good, I’ll come around and help you down.” Tray kissed the hand he was holding, then released her so he could go around and open her door.

  She looked beautiful. Her skirt and blouse were sexy, but her snug jeans and t-shirt were perfect. He hadn’t meant to push her so soon, but he couldn’t help it with her. He opened the passenger door, she gave him a smile, then turned toward him. With his hands on her hips, he pulled her close. Tray let her plush curves drag along his body as he helped her down. Her eyes snapped up to his, he couldn’t stop the grin that stretched across his face.

  “That wasn’t necessary.” She glared at him.

  “Anything that gets you closer to me is necessary.” He leaned down and kissed her. Taking her hand, he pulled her to the door of the diner. He held the door open for her, then walked in behind her, wrapping his arm around her.

  “Hey, Tray, who’s your girl?” Susie, the owner of Susie Q’s asked as she greeted them.

  “This is Molly. She lived here a while back, but just moved back. Molly, this is Susie.” Tray introduced them.

  “Hello dear, it’s nice to meet you.” Susie held out her hand for Molly to shake.

  “You too. I think I came here once or twice when I was younger. My mom cooked most of the time.” Molly shook her hand, but Tray never released her.

  “Are y’all gonna eat here?” Susie asked.

  “Yep.” Tray nodded at her.

  “She can’t eat with you wrapped around her.” Susie arched a brow at him.

  “Then I will feed her.” Tray didn’t want to let her go.

  “Sorry, dear, the boys here tend to be a bit possessive of their women.” No matter how old they got, Susie always called them boys. “Come on, I have an empty booth by the window.”

  “Stop it.” Molly hissed as they followed Susie.

  “Relax.” Tray whispered back.

  “Kara will be over in a minute to get your order; can I get you something to drink?” Susie always seated people and got their drinks.

  “You want sweet tea?” Tray asked Molly as he slid in beside her. She nodded and he turned back to Susie. “Two sweet teas please.”

  “Coming right up.” Susie disappeared back in the kitchen.

  “What made you decide to come back to Cedar Springs?” Tray asked draping his arm over the back of the booth.

  “I never liked Oak View. After my mom passed away, I didn’t have a reason to stay, so I came back here. It is the only place that ever felt like home.” He heard the sadness in her voice when she talked about her mom.

  “I’m sorry for your loss.” Tray pulled her close to comfort her.

  “She’s been gone for almost a year now. It’s still hard, but it’s getting better.” She shrugged as Susie sat their drinks down along with two menus. Molly opened her menu. He knew she was hiding behind it to compose herself, but he let her have a moment.

  “Hey, Tray.” Kara called as she walked over, as round as her belly was it looked more like waddling, but he wasn’t stupid enough to say that to a pregnant woman.

  “Hey, Kara, how’s my little soccer champ?” Tray stood up to hug her like he always did.

  “I swear he thinks he is competing in the Olympics.” Kara huffed rubbing her belly.

  “So, it’s a boy?” Tray hadn’t heard yet.

  “I don’t know, but he sure kicks hard.” Kara shrugged, then glanced behind him.

  “Kara, this is my girl Molly. Molly, this is Kara.” Tray stepped back so they could shake hands.

  “It’s nice to meet you. Are you new in town?” Kara had come a long way. When she first got here, she didn’t talk much and always kept to herself. The girls had helped, but marrying Cameron made her a whole different person.

  “I’m going to be working at the library. I just moved back to town.” Molly seemed comfortable talking to Kara.

  “Good, Taylor needs some help. Do you want to come to girl’s night Friday? You can meet some of the other local girls.” Kara didn’t even hesitate to issue the invite.

  “Chasity already told me to be at the bakery at seven on Friday.” Molly’s dimples appeared as she smiled at Kara.

  “Great. Do you know what you want?” Kara winced and Tray watched her rub a certain spot on her stomach. The baby must have kicked hard that time.

  “I want a cheeseburger, fries, and a chocolate shake.” Tray ordered, whishing she would sit down.

  “Same for me.” Molly nodded.

  “It will be out soon.” Kara wrote on her notepad, then walked back to the kitchen.

  Chapter 3

  After their food arrived the conversation slowed. Tray snuck glances at Molly as she ate. He couldn’t believe she was really here with him. Her blue eyes sparkled as she turned to look at him.

  “Stop staring at me.” Molly said looking back at her food.

  “I can’t, you’re so beautiful.” Tray whispered, leaning closer to her.

  “Hi Tray. I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” A woman said beside him. He didn’t know her voice so he didn’t acknowledge her. Molly’s eyes were locked on who was trying to get his attention. He felt a hand land on his arm and start to slid up. He didn’t want any touch but Molly’s. He jerked his arm away and turned to see a woman he didn’t know. “Luckily, I saw you in the window.”

  “Who are you?” Tray asked scooting closer to Molly.

  “Don’t be silly.” The woman giggled.

  “Lady, I don’t know you and I don’t appreciate you interrupting my date.” Tray growled.

  “I’m Jessica. You told me to let you know if I needed anything when my apartment burnt down last week.” She pouted at him.

  “Fine, what do you need?” Tray took a deep breath trying to stay calm.

  “I need you of course.” Jessica smiled leaning in to him.

  “Need me for what?” Tray asked as he scooted closer to Molly trying to get away from the other woman, and hoping he wasn’t squishing her.

  “Don’t play coy.” Jessica huffed.

  “If there is any information you need about the fire, you need to go to the fire station. They will have what you need there.” Tray told her, as he reached back for Molly’s hand.

  “I don’t need paperwork. I need you.” Jessica reached out putting a hand on his thigh.

  “I told you I’m on a date. Yo need to leave.” Tray growled pushing her hand away.

  “On a date, with that.” Jessica sneered glancing at Molly. “Yeah, sure. Come on, I booked a room at the local motel.” She reached for his hand.

  “I said you need to go, and don’t touch me again.” Tray felt his stomach roll at what she wanted.

  “Is there a problem here?” Cameron asked from the end of the table.

  “Tray was just leaving with me.” Jessica told the sheriff.

  “No, I wasn’t. If you don’t leave, I will have Cameron, our sheriff, escort you out.” Tray promised.

  “Yeah right.” Jessica laughed.

  “I do believe this is harassment. I could take her in, then you could come by and get a restraining order.” Cameron said as he pulled handcuffs out of his pock

  “Fine, I will go. He’ll be mine soon. You couldn’t keep a man like him, fatty.” She snarled at Molly.

  “Probably not, but he wouldn’t be with anyone like you either way.” Molly spoke for the first time.

  “I’m exactly what men want. I have perfect hair, and the perfect figure. You, however, are pudgy and plain. Tray may be willing to try you once, but he will come running to me in the morning.” Jessica turned back to Tray. “See you soon, lover.”

  “Stay away from us.” Tray told her. Jessica blew him a kiss, then left the dinner.

  “Are y’all okay?” Cameron asked them.

  “Yeah, thanks.” Tray’s jaw was clenched tight in anger.

  “You might want to scoot over and give her some room.” Cameron said gently.

  “Huh? Oh God. Molly are you okay?” Tray turned his head to glance at her over his shoulder. He had her pinned against the window. “I’m sorry.” He moved away to turn and look at her. “Did I hurt you?”

  “No, I’m fine.” Molly said looking down at her plate.

  “Hey sheriff.” Kara said coming over to the table. “You saving the damsel in distress again?”

  “No, this time I was saving Tray.” Cameron told his wife.

  “Cameron, this is Molly. Molly, this is my husband and the sheriff, Cameron.” Kara introduced them.

  “It’s nice to meet you, sheriff.” Molly said looking up at him.

  “You too, Molly. Y’all have a good night. Tray, let me know if you need anything.” Cameron nodded at them.

  “Will do, thanks.” Tray said, then turned back to her. “Sunshine, you need to finish eating.”

  “I don’t want anymore.” Molly whispered.

  “Do you want dessert?” Tray asked her.

  “No, I just want to go home please.” She pushed her plate away.

  “Okay, I’ll take care of the bill then we can go.” Tray kissed her temple then left.

  He could see the gears turning and knew she was going to push him away. There was no way he would allow her to do that. He was thankful Cameron had come in when he did. Tray didn’t like being mean to people, but that woman had no right putting her hands on him.

  “How is Molly doing?” Kara asked as she made change.

  “She’s shaken, but I won’t let her push me away.” Tray sighed.

  “Who was that woman?” Susie asked as she came up beside him.

  “I don’t know her.” At their cocked eyebrows, he continued. “I don’t. Last week we helped with an apartment fire a couple towns over. According to what she said, she lived in the apartments.”

  “Why did she come here?” Susie didn’t like confrontations in her diner.

  “I have no idea. She said that she has been looking for me.” Tray shrugged.

  “I heard what she said to Molly, she didn’t deserve that. Don’t be distracted by a pretty face.” Susie warned him.

  “Too late, I’m already distracted by Molly’s pretty face and I don’t want to change that.” Tray grinned.

  “I like her, if you hurt her, I will get Cameron to hurt you.” Kara warned him.

  “You just met her.” Tray reminded her.

  “Yes, but I can tell she is meant to be part of our group.” Kara shrugged. “She seems like she needs us, like maybe she has been alone too long.”

  “She has, but I’m sure we can fix that.” Tray would make sure she was never lonely again.

  “She looks like she is ready to bolt, you may want to take her home now, Hun.” Susie gestured toward Molly.

  “On it. Have a good evening ladies.” With that, he turned back to Molly.


  Molly watched as Tray stood at the counter. She could only see the waitress, Kara’s, face. She didn’t look happy. They were probably encouraging Tray to stay away from her. She was always invisible, but her first time at Susie Q’s she had to cause problems. She wanted to run out the door, but that would only draw more attention to her.

  Seeing Jessica touch Tray had made her stomach turn. Maybe she was Tray’s usual type. Molly could grudgingly admit she was very pretty on the outside. When she opened her mouth, her nasty, petty personality ruined her by showing how ugly she was on the inside. Molly wasn’t even a threat to her obviously. Tray was out with her now, but she had no illusions she was more than a fleeting fancy for him.

  “Are you ready to go, Sunshine?” Tray asked softly.

  “Yeah.” Molly said looking up at him.

  He held a hand out to help her up, but she ignored it. As she went to slide past him, he reached out lacing his fingers with hers. She tried to pull away, but he held on tighter. With a sigh she headed for his truck. She opened the passenger door, preparing to jump up in the cab. Tray spun her around, then picked her up, setting her on the seat so that she still faced him.

  “Don’t try to push me away, Sunshine. It won’t work, I’m not going anywhere.” Tray leaned in kissing her lips quickly, then turned her to face the windshield and buckled her in.

  Molly stared straight ahead. Chasity and Taylor said Tray was laid back, but with her, everything was intense. As soon as he had his truck on the road, she felt his hand on her thigh. She could feel the heat of his hand through her jeans, and wondered what it would feel like against her bare skin. Nope, she wouldn’t go there. He wasn’t hers to keep. As if he could sense her thoughts, he squeezed her thigh and she bit her lip. When he pulled up at her apartment she jumped out and ran for her door. Tray beat her there, then followed her in.

  “Thanks for dinner. I’m sure we’ll see each other around, this is a small town.” She smiled, holding the door open, hoping he got the hint and left.

  “I know we will, but I’m not leaving.” Tray raised a brow at her.

  “I’m very tired.” Molly faked a yawn. “I know you have to get up early for work, so it would be best if you left.”

  “I told you I wouldn’t let you push me away. I’ll stay up all night if I have to, but we are fixing this.” Tray said, crowding her against the door.

  “There’s nothing to fix. Thank you for dinner, and introducing me to your friends. Have a good day at work tomorrow, and stay safe. Good night.” Molly slipped by Tray, trying to make it inside and away from him. As she turned to pull the door shut, Tray scooted in around her.

  “You said you wouldn’t fight me, Sunshine.” Tray reminded her.

  “I’m not fighting you.” Molly looked down at the hand she was twisting up in her shirt to avoid his gaze.

  “Look at me.” Tray commanded her.

  “I’m tired. You need to go so I can rest.” She replied still refusing to look at him.

  Molly heard the door shut and assumed he had left. With a heavy sigh, she turned for her couch, wishing it would swallow her whole. She had only taken two steps when she found herself picked up bridal style and being carried toward the couch.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” Molly screeched clinging to him for dear life.

  “I’m carrying you to the couch so we can rest. Once you aren’t so tired, we will talk.” Tray sat down gently, keeping her tight against him. Molly tried to jump up as soon as he loosened his grip, but Tray didn’t let her go.

  “Settle, Sunshine. You need to relax.” Tray whispered at her temple, causing her whole body to shiver.

  “You need to go home and rest so you are focused at work tomorrow.” Molly tried to twist away from him.

  “Enough, Molly. There are only two options you have here.

  Option 1: We sit here and you take a nap, then we talk.

  Option 2: We go back to my place and take a nap, then we talk.” Tray was being unreasonable.

  “This is my home, you can’t force me to do what you want me to.” She snapped at him. Tray stood up and took a step. Molly squealed at his sudden movements. “What are you doing? You are going to drop me. I’m too heavy to be carried around.”

  “Never say that again. Everything about you is absolutely perfect. I’m more
than capable of carrying you anytime.” Tray grabbed her purse off the table where she had dropped it, then laid it on her stomach as he walked to the door.

  “Lock the door and pull it closed.” He commanded her.

  “Where are you taking me?” Molly asked as she did what he told her to.

  “We are going home, Sunshine.” Tray sat her down to open his truck door, then picked her back up and sat her gently on the seat.

  “Tray I already was home.” She heard a rumble come from him. “Don’t you growl at me, mister.” She glared at him.

  “We are going home.” Tray snapped, then buckled her in and slammed her door.

  Molly huffed as she watched him stomp around the truck. Easy going her foot. He was acting like a brute. She had wanted him to go, obviously that backfired since he took her with him when he left. Now what was she supposed to do. He looked irritated. The girls didn’t seem scared of him, should she be? She didn’t know him well enough now to answer that. She was debating texting Taylor, but decided not to when Tray got in.

  He didn’t even glance her way as he buckled up and started the truck. As he drove, she made note of the turned he made so she could get back home. Did Cedar Springs have cabs? How was she going to make it back home? She had Taylor’s number, but didn’t think they knew each other well enough for a middle of the night rescue call. If she did call, it would probably look like she was leaving a booty call. There was no good way for this to go. With in fifteen minutes, Tray pulled up in front of a brick house. She could see a rose bush planted at the corner of the porch, it had a few buds, but no roses in full bloom. The house looked nice, but it was plain. It needed rocking chairs on the porch, and more flowers to brighten it up.

  “Let’s go in.” He pulled her from the truck and toward the house.

  “Whose house is this?” She didn’t want to interrupt anyone.

  “Mine.” He unlocked the door, then pulled her in and locked the door back.

  “Why did you bring me here?” She crossed her arms and glared at him.

  “So we can nap then talk.” He looked at her as if she should know that.


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