Tray's Sweetheart

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Tray's Sweetheart Page 7

by Angela Franklin

  “Tray’s mine!” Jessica yelled. “He will always be mine!”

  “Listen lady, you have caused enough drama. I am with Tray. If he wanted you, I wouldn’t be here. You need to leave us alone.” Molly had had enough of this crazy lady.

  “This isn’t over.” Jessica snarled.

  “For now, it is. I have to go to work. See you later, mom.” Molly pulled Sarah in for a hug and played along with what she said.

  “Be safe, honey.” Sarah said as Molly got in her car.

  Before Molly even had the car in reverse, Jessica was speeding away. Molly looked up and Sarah waved at her. She smiled, then went to work. Normally Molly didn’t condone lying, but she was so glad Tray’s mom had been there today. She thought about calling Tray, but decided she could talk to him tonight.

  “Good morning.” Taylor greeted her.

  “Hi.” Molly tried to smile.

  “Oh no. Did Tray do something already?” Taylor asked her.

  “No, it’s just been a weird/bad morning.” Molly sighed.

  “Oh, what happened?” Taylor asked.

  “I’m here to work. If there is tome to gossip after you train me, we will.” Molly reminded her.

  “Party pooper.” Taylor pouted.

  The system was pretty much the same one she used at the other library. Taylor had walked her around the library to show her where all the different genres were set up and they had just finished the opening and closing procedures when Tray came flying in the door.

  “Why didn’t you call me?” He asked crushing her against his chest.

  “Can’t. Breathe.” She gasped.

  “Sorry.” He loosened his hold. “Why didn’t you call me?” He repeated.

  “Because I’m at work.” She said confused.

  “We need to go to the sheriff’s office.” Tray said looking over her shoulder at Taylor.

  “Why?” Taylor asked curiously.

  “We need a restraining order against Jessica.”

  “What happened?” Taylor gasped.

  “Molly didn’t tell you?” Tray asked her.

  “How did you find out?” Molly had almost forgotten about it.

  “Mom came by and filled me in.” Of course, Sarah would tell her son.

  “It’s fine Tray. I’m sure she will move on soon.” At least Molly hoped she would.

  “It’s not fine. I don’t even know how she got our address.” Tray’s temper was starting, but it didn’t scare her.

  “Hey guys, can someone explain to me what’s going on?” Taylor asked them.

  “Jessica showed up at our house this morning. Good thing my mom was there, or Molly wouldn’t have told me.” Tray glared at Molly.

  “I was going to tell you tonight.” Molly tried to reassure him.

  “Is this the same woman that confronted y’all at the diner?” Taylor asked them.

  “Yep.” Tray nodded.

  “Y’all need to go over to Cameron’s office and get this taken care of.” Taylor told them.

  “We don’t even know her last name. Don’t we need that to get a restraining order?” Molly had never been in a police department and didn’t want to start now.

  “I called the head station from the fire and got her information. Come on, Sunshine. Let’s get this over with.” Tray said pulling her out the door.

  “I’ll be back as soon as I can Taylor.” She told her new boss.

  “Just come back tomorrow at 8am.” Taylor said handing her purse to her.

  “Okay. See you then.” Molly sighed.

  It took them an hour at the Sheriff’s department to get all the paper work filled out. Cameron promised to keep a look out for her and make sure she was served with the restraining order. Molly thought everyone was going over board, but she went along with them. Tray walked her back to her car and followed her home once they were done. It was barely lunchtime, but she was exhausted.

  “I was going to go to the grocery store on the way home and pick up some thing for dinner. For now, I’ll make us some sandwiches.” Molly said walking into the kitchen. “How long do you have before you have to get back to the station?”

  “I’m not going back today.” He growled, spinning her around.

  “Tray.” Molly gasped as he pinned her against the counter.

  His lips met hers with such force their teeth clacked against each other. He fisted his hand in her hair and pulled her head back. She gasped at his forcefulness and he slipped his tongue in to duel with hers. He released her hair to grab her hips and lift her up on the kitchen counter. She could feel his heart pounding against her chest as he situated his big body between her thighs. Needing to breathe she turned her head to the side. Tray trailed kisses across her jaw and down her neck. She was starting to understand whisker burn as his stubble scrapped across her delicate skin. The sensation had her pulling his mouth back to hers.

  “I love you.” He whispered by her ear before kissing her lips again.

  Molly wanted to freeze at his words, but he didn’t let her. She felt deeply for him, but it couldn’t be love, could it? He was the kindest, sweetest man she had every met, most of the time. He was also commanding and possessive. Her heart raced when she thought of him. When he was with her, she felt safe. When they were together like this, she felt wanted and needed like she never had before.

  “I love you too.” She leaned away to look into his eyes.

  “Oh Sunshine. I can’t be without you anymore. Do you understand?” Tray asked as his grip tightened on her hips.

  “I’m yours.” She smiled at him.

  “Tell me to stop. I can’t on my own.” He was running his hands up and down her thighs.

  “Please.” His hands froze at words. “Don’t stop.”

  “Those lips are confusing me.” Tray stared at them as he spoke.

  “I’m yours Tray, all of me.” She said hoping he understood. She couldn’t bring herself to say the words.

  “And all of me is yours, Sunshine.” Tray lifted her up and kept her legs around his waist as he walked her to their bedroom.

  He laid her gently on the bed, then stood up and stripped his clothes off. He was gorgeous and muscular head to toe. Her eyes ate up the sight of his body. Her eyes lingered over a certain part she had wondered about earlier and he growled. She snapped her eyes up to meet his. He got on the bed and pulled her clothes off quickly. She wanted to hide from him. He was so perfect and she wasn’t.

  “So perfect and all mine.” He said reverently as he ran his hands over her softly. She glanced down at him as he moved between her thighs and bit her lip. “It will fit, Sunshine. I was made for you.” He promised.

  At first there was a pinch of pain, but he leaned down and kissed her until she forgot about it and started to move under him. Tray was slow and gently with her, leaving no doubt that he loved her. They found their release together. She had never felt anything like that. There is no way to describe how this felt. It was like they were the same person. As her breathing settled back to normal, he moved beside her and pulled her close to him.

  “Are you okay, Sunshine?” He whispered as he ran his hand up and down her back.

  “Perfect.” She promised.

  “Do you want me to make us some lunch?” He asked.

  “I just want to lay here, and maybe take a nap.” She said around a yawn.

  “As my Sunshine wishes.” Tray pulled her half on him with her head on his chest and she fell asleep.

  Chapter 7

  It had been a month since Molly had moved in with Tray. They had fallen into a great routine. When they weren’t at work, they spent their time together or with their friends. Molly never imagined it could be so good. She had a man who loved her, friends she liked hanging out with, and of course Tray’s mom. Sarah was always calling and bringing her lunch when she worked.

  “Penny for your thoughts.” Tray said as he wrapped his arms around her.

  “Just thinking about how much everything had changed in the
last month.” Molly smiled as she enjoyed being in his arms.

  “All for the better I hope.” He kissed her forehead.

  “Definitely.” She answered.

  “It’s time for me to get to work.” He sighed.

  “I don’t have to be in till 10am.” She reminded him.

  “Don’t forget our date tonight, just you and me.” He kissed her then headed for the door.

  “I won’t. Love you.” She called out as he opened the door.

  “Love you more, Sunshine.” He smiled back at her, then he was gone.

  Since she had a while before she had to leave, she decided to do some house work. Today breakfast had been simple with them eating cereal so the dishes only took a minute. Then it was on to the laundry. She didn’t have time to finish it all, but she could get a head start. With a load of towels in the washer, she turned to the sweeping and mopping. Once she had the mopping done, she went to get dressed for work. She pulled out a pencil skirt and a baby blue silk shirt. As she put the towels in the dryer, the doorbell rang.

  “Coming.” She called as she closed the dryer door, so she could turn it on after work.

  Molly didn’t bother slipping on her shoes, or checking the peep hole. The only person who came over during the day unexpectedly was Sarah, Tray’s mom would think of random reasons to stop by and talk to Molly. When she opened the door, she froze.

  “You can’t be here.” Molly told the unwanted visitor.

  “Did you really think a piece of paper would stop me?” Jessica asked her with an evil grin.

  “Just leave us alone.” Molly told her wishing she had grabbed her phone so she could call the cops.

  “You took what was mine.” Jessica glared at her.

  “I didn’t take anything. Tray chose me. You need to leave before I call the cops.” Molly started closing the door.

  “Not so fast, fatty.” Jessica pushed the door wide open. “If it wasn’t for you, I would be his little misses. There is an easy fix for that.” Jessica snarled.

  Molly screamed as Jessica lunged for her. Molly fought her off for a few minutes, but then Jessica grabbed the lamp off the end table by the couch and slammed it down on Molly’s head. She tried to fight off the darkness that invaded her mind, but lost the battle as she felt herself being dragged away.


  Tonight was the night. He was going to ask Molly to marry him. It may seem soon, but he knew she was it for him. He had known since he was in the eighth grade. Tray had already taken tomorrow off work to stay home with her, and with any luck Taylor would let her off too. Maybe he could convince her to just go to the court house with him.

  “I was just getting ready to call you.” Tray answered his phone when Taylor’s name popped up on his caller ID.

  “Really? Is it about Molly?” Taylor didn’t sound like her normal perky self.

  “Yeah. I wanted to see if you could let her off tomorrow.” Tray didn’t want to tell her why if he didn’t have to.

  “Sure, but where is she now?” Taylor asked him.

  “What do you mean? She said she had to be in at 10am today.” Tray was confused.

  “She was supposed to be in at 10am, but Tray it’s 10:45am and I haven’t seen or heard from her. That’s not like her.” The worry was clear in Taylor’s voice.

  “Have you tried to call her? Maybe she had car trouble. Maybe a flat tire or something.” Tray was trying to stay calm, but Taylor was right. Molly was never late.

  “I keep getting voicemail. I’m worried, Tray.” Taylor confessed.

  “It’s pretty slow. I’ll let Jacob know I’m gonna run home and check on her. I’m sure she’s fine. I’ll call you back okay?” Tray reassured her.

  “Okay. I’m sure you’re right.” Taylor sighed and hung up.

  “Hey Jacob.” Tray called out.

  “Yeah.” Jacob answered coming over to him.

  “Taylor just called and said Molly didn’t show up for work. Do you mind if I go check on her?” Tray was already feeling in his pocket for his keys.

  “Sure. Let me know if you need anything.” Jacob nodded.

  “Thanks. I’ll be back as quick as I can.” Tray said, then headed for his truck.

  He took the same route home she would have taken to work just incase it was car trouble along the way. Not seeing her he thought maybe she had fallen back to sleep. He had kept her up late. When he got to his house, her car was still parked in the same place. The front door was wide open, but she never left it open. Maybe she just ran back in for something. He walked in the house and stopped in his tracks. You could see the furniture was slightly out of place like it had been bumped, then he saw the lamp laying on the floor with blood on the corner and a small trail of blood leading to the front door. Tray immediately called Cameron.

  “Hey man, what’s up?” Cameron answered on the second ring.

  “I need you to get to my house fast.” Tray’s voice was husky as he tried to fight back the fear he felt.

  “What’s wrong?” Cameron asked as Tray heard him start his truck.

  “Molly’s missing.”

  “Are the girls getting you back for something?” Cameron asked. Tray wanted to be mad, but after last time he understood why he asked.

  “No. Taylor called me because Molly hadn’t shown up for work. When I got home the front door was open, the furniture is messed up, and there is a trail of blood from a lamp to the front door.” Tray heard Cameron turn on the sirens.

  “Be there in five minutes, let me call in back up.” Cameron hung up.

  Within ten minutes there were cops everywhere. Cameron had asked him to wait outside while they processed everything. It seemed like forever before Cameron came back to talk to him. He had already called Jacob and Taylor. Both were worried and asked to be kept in the loop.

  “Any idea who might want to hurt Molly?” Cameron asked.

  “Only one person I can think of that doesn’t like Molly. We haven’t heard from Jessica since we got the restraining order.” Tray’s stomach turned at the thought of Jessica being anywhere near his Sunshine.

  “That’s what I was thinking too. Stay here incase Molly calls or someone calls about a ransom. We are going to start searching. Call me if you hear anything.” Cameron turned and left with the other cops following. Tray went inside and put his phone on charge. He wanted to be sure it had a full battery so he could keep in touch with Cameron. He had been sitting there waiting for two hours when there was a knock on the front door. Tray rushed to grab it hoping it was Molly.

  “What do you want?” He snarled.

  “I just heard and wanted to comfort you.” Jessica gave him an innocent school girl look.

  “Where is Molly? What did you do to her?” He was trying to reign in his emotions but wasn’t doing it very well.

  “I have no idea. She probably ran off with another man. I would never do that to you.” Jessica bit her lip and looked up at him through her lashes.

  “Listen…” Tray started but his phone rang. “Stay there.” He snarled shutting the door in her face.

  “Hello.” He answered the phone.

  “We talked to Jessica. She said she thinks Molly left you.” Cameron told him.

  “I know. She showed up here.” Tray spoke through gritted teeth.

  “Crap. I can pick her up for breaking her restraining order, or we can put a tail on her and see if she leads up to Molly.” Cameron laid out his options.

  “I want her gone, but maybe she will lead us back. Maybe we should follow her.” Tray didn’t like the idea, but it was the best option.

  “YOU stay put, let us handle this. I have someone on their way. By the time you go back to the door they will be in place.” Cameron didn’t give him time to argue. Tray stomped back to the front door.

  “Look, I don’t have time for this. I need you to leave.” Tray snapped at her.

  “Don’t you see? With her gone, we can be together. We were meant to be together!” She yelled at him.<
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  “Leave before I call the cops. You are violating the restraining order.” Tray shut the door in her face and walked away.

  He heard her tires as she sped away. He hoped she took them to Molly. He needed his Sunshine back in his arms, safe and sound. His mom came over an hour later and started cleaning the house. She said Molly didn’t need the reminder when she came home. His mom adored Molly. The cops had already gotten everything they needed so he let her take care of it. It took her two hours to get the blood out of the carpet.


  Molly’s head was pounding. Why was her head hurting so much? This was the hardest bed she had ever been in. Slowly she opened her eyes. Where the heck was she? Her hard bed was a dirt floor. Glancing around she saw shafts of light coming in between boards. Maybe it was an old barn, or storage building? She sat up slowly as the room spun around her. Her head throbbed worse and she felt something running down the side of her head. When she reached up to wipe it away, her hand came away with blood. “Well, that explains the headache.” She mumbled to herself.

  Now, what happened? She remembered Tray kissing her goodbye as he left for work, then she did some house work. What else? Her head hurt worse as she tried to remember. There was a knock at the door. Who was it? She just couldn’t remember.

  “I see you woke up.” Molly turned her head to see Jessica coming in the door.

  “Where am I?” Molly asked. She should be scared, but all she felt was fury.

  “You’re safe, for now.” Jessica whispered the last part.

  “Why did you bring me here.” Molly growled.

  “I need you out of the way. With you gone, it’s only a matter of time before I make Tray mine.” Jessica said gleefully.

  “They will know you kidnapped me.” Molly said. “We have a restraining order against you.”

  “They already talked to me. I told them you ran off with another man.” Jessica informed her.

  “Tray would never believe that. I’m sure you made a big mess dragging me out of the house.” Molly’s memories had returned at the sight of Jessica.


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