Blackout: A Romance Anthology

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Blackout: A Romance Anthology Page 3

by Stephanie St. Klaire

  “That’s because I’ve only been Mrs. Windsor for about an hour and a half,” Skye teased. “Is that a proposal, Eddie? I mean…Phillip.”

  “I do believe it is, Mrs. Windsor. What wedding are we on now?”

  Skye paused, quietly counting on her fingers. “I lost count. Over a dozen, though. I can’t remember if we were the Johnsons twice? Or three times?”

  Eddie laid Skye down on the couch next to him in one swift movement before hovering over her. “I’d marry you a thousand times over, and over again. I’ll be anyone you want to be. But my favorite identity is our real one. This, right here. Just you and me.”

  “Oh, Mr. Windsor-Johnson-Vance-Spence-Cartwright-Dellingham-Kennsington-Smith, you always know how to speak to my heart, lover boy.”

  “Ganson.” Eddie smirked.


  Eddie sat up on his knees, straddling Skye. “You forgot Dr. Ganson.”

  “Oh! How did I forget the Gansons? That’s who we were when we first arrived!” Skye laughed. “Baby, if nothing else, you’re a good time. Now, let’s talk about how we’re playing that card table tonight and getting into that penthouse. What’s the story?”

  “I thought you’d never ask,” Eddie said with sly smile. “Tell you all about it…in the shower.”

  “Already?” Skye asked shyly. “It’s only been…”

  “Seven minutes and thirty-four seconds since I had you against that wall. I know.” Eddie stood, extending a hand to Skye.

  Skye let him pull her to her feet, her body landing against his. She dropped her head back, inviting him to take a taste. “We do our best planning in the shower.”

  Eddie lifted Skye as she wrapped her legs around his waist and took his mouth. He walked them across the room to the bedroom suite and straight into the shower, clothes and all.


  The file on Davenport wasn’t in like Cane had hoped. It never took this long to get intel on anyone unless they had something to hide. He scoured the internet, searching all the same sites he had prior to calling in help. The information on Henry Davenport was too well placed. Too consistent. There wasn’t anything beyond a well-designed website and a few obvious social media posts. Nothing was dated — that stood out the most. It’s like this guy had just appeared out of nowhere. That never played out well.

  There wasn’t a single candid picture or mention of a sighting by paparazzi anywhere. A man like Davenport — a man with obscene amounts of money — didn’t go under the radar like that. It didn’t matter how much money the guy had, it was impossible to stay that clear of the innerwebs.

  That’s why Cane had called his cousin, Liam, in Portland. He and his four brothers owned Brother’s Keeper Security, the company hired to protect Charlie by way of Cane. Davenport was supposed to be this big-time tech guy, so it was possible he just knew how to scrub the net and did so for privacy. But there was the feeling — the one that nagged and griped and told Cane he knew better. That said instincts saved face and lives.

  That’s where Liam came in. If there was anything to discover, Liam was the guy to find it on the web. He was a well-known tech genius himself, but better known as a hacker. A white hat, of course, hacking only for good, not evil, but a hacker nonetheless. Liam not only ran the virtual security for their clients; he was the reason BK held so many government contracts. He developed software that allowed those in charge to serve, hunt, and protect. If he didn’t invent it, at the very least, he could hack it.

  Stalking the web for hidden treasures was child’s play to him, so given the fact that there wasn’t a file yet, Liam may have met his match. Cane’s number one interest was Charlie’s safety. It was his job, after all. All of Vegas software and security cameras had been hacked and programmed to watch out for Anson Deveraux, but this Davenport guy just wasn’t right either, and Cane couldn’t put his finger on why. Not even the facial recognition software he ran through the casino had a hit on Davenport.

  Cane raked his hands through his dark locks and leaned back in his chair as he stared at the picture of Henry Davenport on his computer screen. “What’s your deal, man? What are you hiding from me? Why can’t I find a damn thing on you?”

  He stood and paced for a moment, racking his mind for answers. That unsettled feeling wasn’t subsiding; it was mounting. Perhaps it was just that Charlie had gotten in his head so deep, everyone was a suspect. Like she said about the Windsors — not everyone is out to get him, or them — not everyone is a bad guy waiting to get caught. Maybe she was on to something, maybe it was all a crock of shit and his gut hit the jackpot on both counts — Windsor and Davenport. Either way, he needed to step back and stop looking for trouble. He trusted his gut was on to something, he just didn’t know what, and he’d have to wait it out.

  In the meantime, he had a couple petty thieves roaming his hotel, and likely the casino by now. Windsor was an alias — a quick search of the internet confirmed what he already knew there. The worst part was there were red flags everywhere and he couldn’t act on a single one until somebody — anybody — did something stupid.

  Cane was patient. He’d watch and wait, then watch some more. Above anything else, he’d watch Charlie because a storm was brewing. With each passing day, the trail grew colder as the serial killer they were targeting went silent allowing the force of his storm to strengthen. Cane would be ready. He’d be ready to take down the fake Windsors and take out Davenport, should paranoia pan out and he pose a real problem. Most of all, he’d be ready for Anson fucking Deveraux.


  Eddie and Skye were on the casino floor doing what they did best — charming people out of money. Eddie strategically played the tables, taking a few losses here and there to overshadow the amount of money he was cheating the dealer out of while Skye played the buzzed onlooker. She’d been nursing the same sparkling water with lime all night and was nowhere near tipsy. It was all part of the act. She had the dumb giddy blonde routine down pat while she flirted her way into a few suit pockets to snatch wallets. She’d then slip her treasures into Eddie’s jacket hanging over the back of his chair.

  With tits on full display and a slit up to there, she had these fools ogling like there was no tomorrow. Every now and again, a wife would send a side-eye glare her way, but that was when Eddie swooped in with a quick head to toe glance at the begrudged wife followed by a scandalous wink that suggested he liked what he saw. Those side-eye glances at Skye became swoony heart-eye stares for Eddie. There wasn’t a fire Eddie and Skye couldn’t put out.

  An older couple they’d met earlier in the day at a different casino, under a different name, passed the card table, the man nodding at Eddie. “Congrats on the nuptials, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde.”

  Eddie shot up a hand to wave and flashed his best smile. “Thanks, Charles. You and the missus turning in already? The night is young, have a seat and see if you can win some of your money back from me.”

  The older couple chuckled as they shook their heads and continued on. Eddie finished his hand.

  “Hey, I thought you were the Jensens?” a man two seats down asked. “And you just got engaged. You’re already married?”

  Most people would crack under the pressure of being caught — not Eddie. “Oh, that?” he asked with a subtle chuckle, tossing a thumb in the direction the older couple went. “He’s been drinking all night. I’m not so sure he knows his own name, or that’s his wife of forty-eight years on his arm and not an expensive hooker.”

  Those rounding the card table laughed collectively, and Skye breathed a sigh of relief — close call adverted. Again.

  “He’s a darling man. Has a case of grabby hands, but sweet as punch,” Skye added for dramatic effect. “Darlene, his wife, was telling me he’s been a little heavy on the liquor ever since he broke his…” Skye dropped her voice to an audible whisper the whole table could hear while she waved her hand around her lower region, “you know what. I guess his thing doesn’t…you know…work anymore. That must be
hard for them. I just hope he finds a way to give her the romantic evening she was hoping for, even if his dinga-ling isn’t working.”

  The table went silent as they each looked on with sympathy for Charles and Darlene. Nobody remembered Skye and Eddie had been the Clydes for about ten whole seconds. They were back to being the Jensens, a newly engaged couple, while everyone felt bad for Charles and his broken pecker.

  They’d earned the trust of the patrons around the table and throughout the casino, so they got a free pass. Almost. Cane caught wind of the conversation, but only bits and pieces — not enough to piece it together or figure out what their end game was.

  “Come on,” Cane whispered to himself. “Let me see it. You’re counting those cards, aren’t you?” he asked himself as he stared intently at Eddie. “Is it…a code? How are they communicating? Shit.”

  He needed a closer look. Nothing like having the head of security standing over your shoulder when you’re up to no good. Cane decided if anything was going to get these two to crack, it would be that. “Hey, you guys are doing pretty good,” Cane said as he butted up next to Eddie.

  “Yep. It’s been a rather lucky night,” Eddie agreed, his view still fixed on the cards. “You run a fine establishment here. We’re considering one of your, uh…what do you call it? Timeshares?”

  Cane raised his brow, amused. “Are you now? You are doing good then.” He laughed. “I’m not the guy to talk to about that, though. I just do security around here.”

  “Yeah, I know.” Eddie was playing a game all right, and it was with Cane. “Security is one of the selling points. I’ve been paying attention. I see you everywhere.” Eddie finally turned to Cane, but only for a quick wink. “You have your finger on the pulse around this place and don’t miss a thing, do you?”

  “Got something in your eye there?” Cane waved his hand around his own eye, mimicking an exaggerated wink. He wasn’t about to fall for flattery; he’d been around way too long for that. “You’re right. I do see everything around here. Even if I miss it in the moment, I have these little cameras.” Cane began to wave his finger around the room, pointing them out. “They’re everywhere. So, what I don’t see gets caught by the state-of-the-art software I have in my office.” He crossed his arms and shrugged. “Eventually…I catch up with everyone.”

  “Hmph.” Eddie laid his cards flat and leaned back in his chair, offering a smug grin. “I’m sure you do. That’s why I like it here. I’ll probably stay…oh…quite a while. I feel,” Eddie mocked Cane with his own crossed arms and exaggerated shrug, “safe here. Untouchable, really.”

  Eddie tapped the table to let the dealer know he was cashing out as he stood to throw on his suit jacket. It was clear to him how busy Skye had been throughout the night when he found it too heavy, to toss over his shoulders and opted to carry over his arm instead as it was heavily weighted down by whatever she had been swiping off people all night.

  “I think we’re going to head up. Feeling a little jet lagged.” Eddie extended his hand like the gentleman he was. “It’s been great talking with you…Cane, is it?” He paused for Cane’s acknowledgement. “I’d love to see the ins and outs of your security around here…you know, before we invest.”

  Cane’s brow shot up in amusement. “Pfft. I’m sure you would.”

  “Maybe tomorrow or the next day then.” With his hand at the small of Skye’s back, he began to lead her away. “Have a good evening.”

  “You too…Windsor,” Cane replied, looking for a reaction.

  “Always.” Eddie nodded as Cane stood, heading toward Charlie who was watching from the corridor that led to the hotel. “By the way…your accent. It’s gone.”

  “Are you just a little paranoid, mate? Or hard of hearing?” A smarmy laugh escaped Eddie as if his questions were in jest. “It’s loud in here, ol’ boy. You just couldn’t hear me well, I’m sure.”

  “Right,” Cane said. “It’s loud in here.”

  “Windsor?” The man who questioned the conflicting identity moments before caught on once again. “I thought you were…?”

  Cane didn’t even turn around to acknowledge the question. He was determined to let the two cons out themselves, one way or another. It would make his job easier that way.

  Eddie took in the stares coming from the poker table and turned on that endearing charisma that poured out of him like an odd super power. He nodded his head toward Cane and flexed his free arm, imitating Cane’s brawn before saying, “Steroids. Avoid them, kids. They don’t go well with…” Rather than finishing the statement, Eddie did just as he had before and held his hand up as if he had a bottle of booze in it and pretended to toss it back like Cane had a problem with the imaginary liquor too.

  Unhooking his arm with Skye’s, Eddie took a bow when the amusement of his audience was clear, then twirled on his heel and offered his elbow back to his lady. “Shall we?”

  Skye did a little curtsy, locked elbows with the best hustler on the Vegas strip, and they set off toward the elevator that would lead them back to their room.


  “That was a close one, Eddie,” she said, her perfect smile never giving away her irritation. “A couple close calls actually.”

  “Ahhh, nothing we can’t handle.” He planted a chaste kiss on her forehead. “We got this, babe. Thanks to you, old man something or other is in dire need of a little blue pill, and the gorilla with the muscles has a drinking problem, thanks to yours truly. Besides, it’s Vegas. We can explain it away as role playing.”

  “Well, that’s a new one.” She laughed. “I suppose you’re right, but are those wallets in your jacket and jewels nestled between my breasts part of the role Not sure how we’d explain that one away.”

  Eddie hit the button to call the elevator. “Well, that, darling, would have posed a bit of a problem.” He turned to face her, pulling her body to his. “I thought those days were over, baby. We agreed no more pockets or swiping.”

  Skye shifted from one foot to the other, rolling her eyes from left to right, wanting to look anywhere but at Eddie. “Okay. We did. But old habits die hard, ya know? It was just too easy. I couldn’t help myself.”

  “Not being able to say no to chocolate or…” he looked at the elevator as it dinged, and the doors opened before turning back to Skye with a sultry look, “hot elevator sex is understandable. Justifiable consequences, baby.” He escorted her onto the elevator and stood in the corner, making sure to keep her in close proximity and facing him. “Getting caught with your hand in someone else’s cookie jar…not easy to explain away.”

  As the doors to the elevator began to close, Eddie snaked one arm around her waist and let his hand drift to her ass. Skye, mindful of where they were, was careful to keep composure and her head upright despite wanting to melt into Eddie’s free hand. The free hand that was working its way up the front of her dress — from the bottom.

  “Oh Jesus.” She was barely able to whisper as her legs quivered in response.

  The doors closed with a thud, which brought the corners of Eddie’s mouth into a Cheshire cat like smile. He didn’t push a button — the elevator remained stationary. “Nope. Just Eddie. I don’t think Jesus would approve of this.”

  Skye lifted a leg and began to run it up Eddies leg, trying to give him better access. Because she was that greedy.

  “Put your leg down,” he said firmly, looking over her shoulder.

  Surprised by his demeaner, Skye’s eyes shot open and she began to turn and follow his stare over her shoulder. “Eyes on me, baby,” he said, stroking her deeper. Her head whipped back to him. “Don’t move. Don’t turn. Just watch me.”

  “Wh-What are you…” The pleasure he was giving her left her nearly speechless. The way he commanded her attention with such a deep, sultry tone and demanding request was nearly her undoing.

  Without breaking their fiery gaze, he nodded slightly to the right, just over her shoulder, and said, “Camera.”

  Skye’s eye
s widened and her body went stiff. “Oh my God, we’re going to get caught.”

  Eddie smiled. “No. Relax. As long as you stay right there, all they’ll see is us standing here. They’ll never know my hand is in your panties and I’m about to make your knees weak.” He slid a finger inside her with one quick motion, earning a gasp. It was the second finger that made her moan. When she tried to ride his palm, he stopped. “I said don’t move, Skye. Just stand there. Eyes open. Look at me.”

  When Skye stilled and met his requests, Eddie returned to pleasuring her. His face was blank. He wasn’t giving anything away to whoever was on the other end of the camera facing him, but his eyes were wild, loaded with passion and mischief. Classic Eddie. The elevator began to move; it must have been called to another floor. That meant somebody was going to be joining them, which added to the excitement.

  Skye bit her bottom lip while she fought the heaviness of her weighted stare. Eyes on him, she reminded herself. As his pace increased, so did her breaths. He glided his fingers across her, dipping in to tease her every so often. A familiar fog washed over her as a light ding entered her space somewhere in the distance — the elevator.

  They’d either arrived at their floor or someone wanted on. The thrill of both was just enough to take her over the edge. Silently, of course, and without any kind of movement that could give her away. Skye stood still as the waves coursed through her. It took everything she had not to sway or rock with them. Eddie smiled at her, pleased with what he was able to give her and how controlled she was. It was all he could do to not spin her around, rip her dress up over ass, and take her right then and there.

  An older couple stepped onto the elevator with the woman they’d met earlier, Kandi. Eddie removed his hand from under Skye’s dress and wrapped it around her waist, tucking her beside him to make room for the other passengers. No kiss. Not a word spoken. They just stood there while heat coursed through them and offered a hello in return when Kandi recognized them.


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