Blackout: A Romance Anthology

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Blackout: A Romance Anthology Page 84

by Stephanie St. Klaire

  My body sags against his not realizing how paralyzed with fear I had become. My leg tangles around his and he pulls me closer, if that’s even possible. Not only are our bodies tangled together but I swear there’s something magical happening and our hearts and souls latch onto one another with no intention of letting go. I think I may have just taken my first real breath in over a decade.

  “I don’t deserve you.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong, it’s me who doesn’t deserve a second chance.”

  “Is that what this is, Reece? Our second chance?”

  “You’re damn straight it is. Unless you don’t want it. Tell me now, Rach,” he says, kissing the top of my head. “Because I’m already in. If you aren’t, just give me some more time here in the dark with you before I have to let you go. But I need to know before we get off this elevator. I’m not stepping out of this thing until I know if you’re willing to give me another chance.”


  “How would we even make it work with you in Africa and me back home in Eastlyn? That sort of distance doesn’t make for much of a second chance.”

  “Rachel, you were my best friend and the love of my life. I’d do anything to get another chance at the life I always dreamed of with you.”

  I lift my head to try to catch a glimpse of him, but he keeps me wrapped up tight. “And what exactly was this life you had dreamed up for us?” I ask, barely able to wrap my brain around the fact that he’s thought about these things. That he still does.

  “Well, it’s changed throughout the years, depending on where each of us were in our lives. Yes, it’s true, I’ve kept tabs on you. Parker and Miles always keep me well informed, I don’t know what I would do without them to tell you the truth. Right now, I actually have more of a plan than I have ever had with a little something already in the works and I think the timing may just be perfect.”

  “Could you be more vague?” There’s no hiding the anxious excitement in my voice. Playfully, I tap his chest. “Just tell me your dastardly plan, Dr. Evans.”

  “So impatient.”

  “Some things never change, now spill it.”

  “Well, I haven’t told anyone yet, not even Parker, but...well, I’m taking over Dr. Conrad's practice six months from now.”

  “Oh my, God! You’re moving back home? To Eastlyn?” This time I don’t let him hold me down when I prop myself up to get as much of a look at him as I can. “How come you haven’t told anyone? Earlier you said you were just hoping to get a job close to home someday.”

  He shrugs. “That’s a good question. I’m not really sure why I haven’t told anyone yet if I’m being honest. I guess I planned to at some point while we were all here but I guess saying it out loud makes it real, you know? As for why I was vague earlier…” He shrugs again. Nonchalant, as if his news won’t be the talk of Eastlyn. “Well, I didn’t want to scare you off or hear you tell me you’d rather I didn’t.”

  “Like I said, I’ve been a spoiled child. I’m so sorry, Reece. I’ve been selfish and hateful.”

  Sitting up so we’re face to face, eye to eye he’s serious when he asks, “So, you’re saying you’re cool if I move back?”

  “Am I cool with it? Reece, if I wasn’t afraid I would send us tumbling to our deaths, I would be up on my feet jumping for joy!”

  “You can kiss me instead. You know, just to assure me that you’re okay with me moving back.”

  Without giving it another thought, I climb back onto his lap and kiss him senseless. Slow, deliberate, and hoping to put any doubt he may have had out of his head.

  We kiss and kiss and the darkness we’re buried in is brighter than the surface of the sun with the sparks we’re putting off. Our hands leisurely roaming over one another. The feel of his strong back and arms under my fingers has me already dreaming about getting out of here and exploring each other with all of the lights on.

  “Wanna know another secret I haven’t told anyone yet?” he asks against my swollen lips.


  I feel his smile against mine and his chuckle fills my mouth. “You know how I said my grandparents left me their place?”

  I pull back to look at him, curious what could be next. “Uh, huh.”

  “Well, not sure why nobody in the family ever shared this with me, but my grandparents didn’t just own the property that led to our road to The Jumps, they fucking owned The Jumps. The Jumps and all of our fields.”

  “Are you telling me you own The Jumps?”

  He nods and looks at me like he still can’t believe it even though he’s had the knowledge for quite some time now.

  “Reece, you own our childhood. Some of our best memories.”

  I have no idea why, but the thought brings back the waterworks and I’m emotional all over again. Over a piece of land.

  “I know.”

  He wipes my tears once more with a smile on his face because he knows they’re happy tears.

  “Wow. That’s really cool. Why haven’t you told anyone?”

  “I don’t really know.”

  Another shrug. This seems to be his usual reply when it comes to why he’s keeping things from The Crew. Something about his response to all his secret keeping tells me he needs to talk about something, so I climb off his lap and lay us back down, using his blazer to cover us.

  With my head back on his shoulder and our bodies tangled together once again I wait until we’re settled before speaking.

  “You wanna talk about it?”

  “About what?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe, why you haven’t told anybody you own The Jumps or even more importantly that you’re moving back. Not just moving back but you’re going to be the town doctor. Dr. C. has been the town doc for years and now that’s going to be you. It’s a big deal, Reece. It’s something you would share with those closest to you. So, why haven’t you said anything?”

  He doesn’t reply and I don’t push him. I don’t need the lights on to know he’s in his head, thinking about what I’ve said. After what feels like forever, he finally speaks.

  “There’s something about being in Uganda that’s changed me, Rach. I can’t really explain it, but as much as I can’t wait to come home, it’s gonna be really hard to leave. The people are amazing. The patients, the doctors, the volunteers...I don’t’s just a completely different life. You realize you don’t need things to be happy. Life is about so much more. I mean this hotel is great, but do you know how many lives could be saved with what it costs to stay in our ostentatious penthouse? No offense to Josh and his lifestyle but it’s a bit of a transition to come back to this after where I’ve been.”

  Oh, this man.

  His heart is so big. I can’t believe even a piece of it is mine.

  “Even though a private practice in Eastlyn isn’t going to make me a millionaire, I’ve still got a comfortable life ahead of me and sometimes it’s hard to look at the hopeful faces I help every day and then get excited about everything I have waiting for me at home.”

  “Uganda sounds amazing, Reece.”

  His arms squeeze me even closer to him. “Amazing only touches the surface. Mouse, you would love it there.”

  Take me with you I say only to myself. This is all moving so fast I don’t dare push myself into his life without knowing what pace he wants to set. All I know is that it feels as though no time has passed. But there’s still something he’s not saying.

  “I want to hear all about it, but I still want to know why you haven’t told Parker or anyone else you’re coming home when it sounds like it’s been in the works for a while now.”

  When his shoulders lift my head lifts with them.

  “Sorry, that’s not an answer.”

  “I hadn’t really thought about it, but now that we’re playing therapist and patient, I know exactly why I’ve kept it to myself.”

  “Do tell.”


  “Me what?”

  “I was happy
to come home and start the next stage of my life, but without you to share it with well, the excitement just wasn’t there. All these years we’ve been apart you’ve still always been a part of every decision I make. I may not say it out loud, but I can’t help but wonder how you would feel about most of the big life decisions I’ve made over the years. In the back of my mind I’ve often thought, what would Rachel do?”

  “Shut up, you do not.”

  “Well it’s not like I have WWRD bumper stickers or anything but what you think has always mattered.”

  “Same here,” I confess.

  I’ve always wondered what he thought about what I’m doing in my life. Would he agree with my choices or not?

  “I knew under all that anger you still loved me.” He chuckles under his breath as his lips touch the top of my head in a gentle kiss.

  Can he feel my heart trying to beat right out of my chest while I decide whether I use the L-word with him already? I mean, he’s right, but just a few hours ago I would have never admitted it to myself, let alone him.

  “So, long story short, I was happy to be coming home, but not happy to be doing it all alone.”

  “You aren’t alone, Reece.”

  “You mean that?”

  “You said you were in. Well, I’m in too. I already told you that.”

  “No, you didn’t. You never answered me. You said you were glad I was coming home but you never said you were in.”

  I didn’t?

  “Reece, if you still want me in the light of day once we get out of this god-forsaken elevator, I’m all yours. Always have been.”

  Silence has never screamed as loud as it in the moments that follow.

  “Hey, Mouse?”

  “Yes, Reece.”

  “Don’t freak out, okay?”

  “Okay,” I say, wanting to do nothing but freak out.

  “I fucking love you.”

  I don’t mean to freeze, and I don’t mean to audibly gasp, but I do both, giving him the wrong impression.

  “Sorry, if it’s too soon or if it seems impossible after all this time, but it’s true.”


  The tears are falling again. I’m a mess.

  “Rachel, just hear me out.”

  If he’d let me speak, I’m sure he’d like what I have to say, but I’m certainly not going to stop him from speaking if it’s more of him confessing his love for me.

  “We broke up and went our separate ways, but I still see you every time I’m home. Try as you might, you can’t seem to avoid me, and I know who you are and you’re still a person I love and respect and want to spend all my time with. Do you know what it does to me every time you forget you hate me and we have a conversation or a laugh?”

  “Or a kiss.”

  His body quakes from his quiet chuckle. “Especially, those rare kisses.”

  It feels only appropriate, so I lift up and kiss the lips I’ve missed for far too long. “I don’t hate you, Reece. I’ve always loved you.”

  He has me rolled to my back and is on top of me in a second flat. His kiss is fierce, possessive and binding. “No more games, Rach.” He’s holding his weight on his forearms and his purple gaze is serious and full of purpose. “When those elevator doors open, we walk out of here together, hand in hand. No going backward, no dwelling in the past. Just you, me and our future ahead of us. What do you say?”

  “What took you so long?”

  “You are such a brat.”

  “You love it.”

  “Damn straight.”



  Stretching myself awake from that place between sleep and actually being awake and I swear it felt like I was flying, but as I slowly peel my eyes open, I realize I’m not flying but the power is back on and we are in fact moving.

  For only the briefest of moments the relief of knowing we’re getting out of our seemingly perilous situation sends a sigh out of my lungs, but rolling to my side to push myself up relief quickly turns to apprehension mixed with fear at the sight of the angel asleep next to me. She’s absolutely perfect even with the gummy penis stuck in her hair and the half-eaten penis necklace hanging around her slender neck. Evidence of what I’m pretty sure was the best night of my life.

  And it’s about to end.

  I know I should be happy to get out of this tin can, but I can’t help but worry she’s going to change her mind once we get out of our little bubble and we’re in the real world. Yes, we talked for hours in the dark and made plans for our future, but I still can’t help but hope it wasn’t just the circumstances for her. It certainly wasn’t for me.

  As much as I hate to do it, it’s time to wake my sleeping beauty up.

  Leaning forward I kiss the lips I’ve been watching from across rooms for over the last decade. “Hey, Mouse. The power’s back on. Wake up, sweetie,” I whisper against her lips.

  Instead of yawning herself awake she bolts straight up, her head connecting with my nose. “Oh my, God! We’re moving! Reece, we’re moving!”

  She’s on her feet rubbing her head after nearly breaking my nose. Her head has to hurt because my face is throbbing with blinding pain. She takes a quick peek out into the hotel. “Oh thank, God!” She squeals turning to face me, bouncing on her heels.

  “Come here.” She looks unsure of herself, which only has me fearing my doubts may be a reality, but she steps in front of me anyway. “You got a little something here.” I pull the gummy dick from her hair and pop it into my mouth.

  “Ew, you are so gross!”

  I shrug. “I’ve eaten worse.”

  “I don’t want to know.” She scrunches up her nose but lucky enough for me she kisses my cheek. When she pulls back our eyes connect and if I’m not mistaken, I see a sparkle in hers. I had imagined this same sparkle had been shining back at me all of the hours we’ve been trapped here in the dark, but to see it was real has my heart fucking soaring.

  The lights may finally be back on, but she doesn’t need to look away to find my hands when she takes them in hers.


  I hear the smooth sound of the doors opening, but it isn’t until I hear the all too familiar voice of Miles mutter “no fucking way” pierce through the air that the reality that our time alone is over hits me. Her hands squeeze mine in acknowledgment of our audience, but neither of us seem ready to break the trance we’re in.

  “Well, I guess we didn’t need to worry about these two after all. They seem just fine,” Josh muses somewhere in the background.

  “Uh, guys. Hello?” Emmett asks, trying to get our attention.

  “Don’t worry, we’re all okay. Thanks for asking, dickhead,” Miles chimes in again when Rachel and I continue to ignore them and do our best to make this final moment last. Latching on to one another and all the emotions we’ve experienced overnight in the dark.

  We’re still in our own little world when bodies push us to the back corner of the elevator and the space around us fills with the whispers of our closest friends and the vibrating of a certain soap on a rope. She smiles and silently chuckles at all that’s going on around us.

  “What the hell did you two get up to in here. Vibrators? Really?”

  “Rachel, hey. You okay?” Audrey asks standing about two inches away from us.

  I fully expect her to finally break the spell we’re under but I’m certainly not going to be the one to do it. I’ll stand here with her like this for another twelve hours if that’s what she wants.

  When she finally answers Audrey, her focus is still on me, her reply barely audible.

  “I’m going to Africa,” she whispers.

  It wasn’t a dream after all.

  “Rachel, sorry, I couldn’t hear you. What did you say?”

  Her smile, my favorite thing in the world, lights up her gorgeous face that had unfortunately been mostly hidden from me all night and she speaks directly to me yet again only this time so our friends can hear her.

said, I’m going to Africa.”

  I know they say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, but for Rachel and I, this is just the beginning and I’m taking it all with me.


  Lisa Shelby is a contemporary romance author who calls the Pacific Northwest home where she resides with her husband, their son and two dogs. Reading has been an obsession and writing has been a secret passion of hers. It was that passion that led her on the journey to write a book for her husband. What began as a gift turned into an inspiration of love, and with the encouragement of family and friends the desire to share that love with everyone.

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  Gorgeous: Book Two

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  Something Just Like This


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  I resist the urge to flip off the infamous Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas Nevada sign as I come ripping down Las Vegas Boulevard. There’s nothing fabulous about the real Vegas, it’s a city dependent on drunk tourists, where the crooks and conmen get rich while the citizens either slave away in menial service jobs or turn to crime to survive. I tried to stay away, but like a bad rash, I’m back.

  Riding my bike down the strip wasn’t necessary, it didn’t get me to where I was going any faster, but it felt crucial. That fucking sign was the last thing I’d seen in my mirrors as I was hauled off to jail at nineteen, it was only right it’d be the first thing I’d see of my hometown when I returned.


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