Drive Me Crazy (an erotic short story)

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Drive Me Crazy (an erotic short story) Page 2

by Delilah Devlin

“Just the right snarl if you were The King.”


  “Never mind,” I muttered. Baby.

  “I mean it. You got close and personal with me, turnabout is fair play. Bring it on up here, girl.”

  “I’m not a girl,” I said, pushing out my lower lip.

  He rolled his eyes. “Will you stop with the age thing? I want that pussy on my mouth.”

  The way he said, his jaw tightening like he’d turn me over his knee if I didn’t move fast enough, had me inching my way up until I squatted over his face, reaching up to curl my fingers over the edges of an overhead cabinet for balance.

  Fingers parted me. He inhaled and gripped my ass in both hands and moved me slightly until my pussy made contact with his mouth. His lips latched onto me, sucking one side then the other, releasing me with moist pops that had me blowing out breaths in short, hard streams through pursed lips because it felt so damn good, so foreign. Like a dream come true because I’d imagined what it might be like and now it was happening.

  Danny Echo was eating me out.

  He gave long soothing strokes of his tongue and short ones that flickered over my soft wet edges. Then he hardened the point to flutter at my clit.

  I couldn’t hold still and began to rock in short glides, guided by his hands as I moved forward and back. I gave a moan when he rubbed his tongue harder over the swollen knot burgeoning at the top of my folds, and held still while he laved it over and over again.

  “God, Danny, that’s good.”

  “Like it?”

  “Oh, yeah.”

  He gave my sex a loud smacking kiss, slapped my ass, and pushed me down his body.

  I heard a tear, the slick snap of latex, and then he rolled, fitting me under him and thrusting his arms beneath my knees to lift my ass. “Put me inside you.”

  I gripped his shaft with both hands, and he rocked forward. I aimed him right at my entrance, felt the nudge of his broad, round cap, and let go, bracing a hand against the wall and clutching the notch of his hip with the other as he entered me.

  He was large. Perfect. Pushing gently upwards, crowding through wet, swollen tissue that hadn’t felt the stretch of a cock in good long time. Air hissed between my teeth, and I turned my face away.

  “No,” he said softly. “You wanted this. You have to watch.” He reached and hit a light switch. The overhead glared down, exposing us both to the harsh, bright light.

  I covered my breasts, but couldn’t help looking down to where our bodies joined.

  He pulsed inward, halted, and then pulled out. His shaft glistened with my juices. He slid his fingers around the base of his cock and squeezed. “Keep lookin’ at me like that, and I’ll blow.”

  A smile tugged at the corners of my lips, and I knew I must have looked like the kitten licking up all the cream. I was the one who’d made his body so tight and hard that his belly shivered.

  “Angela,” he ground out. “Fuck.” He released his grip, angled his cock just right, and slammed up my pussy.

  My mouth opened and a long, thin groan joined the nasty sounds echoing around the cab. Juicy slaps. Soft, masculine grunts. Short, metallic creaks. Coming faster as he pounded toward my core.

  Release, when it came, roared through me. Toes curling, I snapped open my legs as wide as they could go, arched my back and sank my nails into his backside, trying to hold onto the moment because it was so damn perfect.

  When my peak began to wane, he jerked, stroking in short, sharp bursts. Then he dug deeper at the last moment. His head fell back, his mouth opening around a loud, aching groan.

  The sight of him, all primal male, chest and belly quivering, his cock still lodged deep inside me, was deeply gratifying.

  At last, he gave a sigh and collapsed over me, my legs still wedged high, trapping his arms in the bend of my knee. I couldn’t help it. I laughed.

  His head jerked up. His gaze met mine, and his lips twitched. “Think I didn’t do that on purpose?”

  “Losin’ circulation yet?”

  He ducked and mashed his lips against mine before lifting his body slightly. His arms slid from under my legs, and I eased them down, stretching them on either side of his long frame.

  Resting on his elbows, he narrowed his eyes. “So, I hear you’re leavin’.”

  The change of topic surprised me, and I blinked. “Word gets around.”

  His gaze stayed locked on my face. “Movin’ out of town?”

  I nodded, wondering where this was going. Did he want to see me again? I began to regret the fact I hadn’t done this sooner. I would have liked spending more time getting to know him. “To Prescott. I have another job. But how’d you know? I asked Cooter to keep it quiet.”

  His mouth stretched. “Your new job—is it dispatch for Ragland?”

  I eyed him warily. “That’s it. Just a good guess?”

  He shook his head slowly, his smile never dimming.

  Warmth centered in my chest. The way he was looking at me, so smug, so certain, told me this wasn’t going to be a one night stand. I ran my palms over his belly, and scratched my fingernails down toward his groin. He came out of me, and I rolled the wet latex slowly down his length. I held it out and he disposed of it. “Lemme guess. You drive for them.”

  “Uh huh. Owner said this hot as hell woman from HT was hirin’ on and did I know you?”

  I pulled his cock hard, just to get his attention. “You couldn’t have mentioned this earlier?”

  He came over me, bracing his torso on his arms, a wicked glint in his gray eyes. “And spoil one fine-as-hell goodbye? I was already afraid you were going to change your mind.”

  “Well, this is awkward,” I said, glancing at him from beneath my lashes. “My contract says no fraternizing.”

  “Since we already know each other, it’s not going to be a problem. Told the owner we were friendly. Might only have been wishful thinking on my part, but I didn’t want to close that door to the possibility, Angel.”

  “He didn’t mind?”

  “Said since I was always professional, so long as we keep it on the down low, he’s got no worries.”

  “Does that mean…” I combed my fingers through his chest hair and tugged it.

  “That we’re gonna do this again. Yeah. Right now.” He stroked his cock and glanced down. “Well, maybe in a minute,” he said, giving me a crooked grin. Lowering, he pressed his hardening cock against the juncture of my thighs. “And to answer the question I see in your pretty eyes, I plan to camp on your doorstep. You got a place there?”

  I nodded. “Movers’ll be at my place at eight. They’ll deliver before nightfall.”

  “Need help unpacking?”

  My smile trembled, but I couldn’t help it, anymore than I could help the moisture welling in my eyes. “I could use some help putting my bed together.”

  “We’ve got the weekend. We’ll get a hell of lot more done by Monday. If you don’t mind the help.”

  “I don’t mind. And I’d love the company.”

  “I’ll take my compensation in trade,” he said with another waggle of his eyebrows.

  “You will?” I laughed. “Wish I’d known you came cheap.”

  “Baby, I’m not cheap. It’s gonna take a while to work off the debt.”

  I liked the sound of that. Liked even better the smoky look he gave me. He wasn’t just teasing. “You’re sure about this? About us? This doesn’t have to lead anywhere.”

  “I’ve been thinking of settling for a while, darlin’. Just didn’t have the right partner.”

  My chest tightened. “And you think I might be her?”

  “I’ve been holdin’ out. Hopin’ you’d notice me.”

  I shook my head. “I noticed all right.” I inserted a hand between our bodies and gripped his hard shaft. “Think we might do it again?”

  “Think you can manage to turn yourself around? I wanna go deep.”

  My breath shuddered outward.

  He moved back, kneelin
g as I clumsily turned. His arms came around me; his hands cupped my breasts. “I love the way you’re built to cushion a man.”

  Chuckling, I glanced behind me. “You saying I’m fat?”

  “Wouldn’t dare, and you’re not. Just sayin’ it’s gonna give me a lot of satisfaction makin’ you shake and shiver.”

  “Dear Lord.” I gave a moan and faced forward, once again bracing a hand against the wall.

  Behind me, he arranged my hips and thighs, widening my stance, cupping my sex and warming it before he slipped two fingers inside me.

  My channel melted, moisture slipping down to surround his stroking fingers. My belly tightened as arousal built. When he withdrew, I waited, biting my lip to still my moans as he donned yet another condom. Then he was pressing against my pussy, parting me with his thick cockhead, pulsing to push deeper and deeper until he was fully seated.

  One hand came under me and fondled a breast, tweaking the tip. “Ready?”

  “As I’ll ever be,” I whispered.

  His next thrust drove the air from my lungs. Those that followed blew my mind. Hard, targeted strokes raked my G-spot as he pounded me again and again.

  I couldn’t believe the wild creature keening beneath him was me. I braced myself, and pushed backward, meeting his hips, welcoming his powerful strokes. How had I gotten this lucky?

  When I was nearing the peak, he paused. “Not yet. Not ’til I say.”

  The fact he wasn’t breathless impressed me. That he expected me to obey sent a thrill rocketing through me. “And if I can’t wait?” I asked, pulling my hair to the side as I glanced back.

  “Expect consequences,” he said, his stormy eyes darkening.

  I had thought I was the one with the power. I had initiated this. I was older. But in an instant, I learned I wasn’t the most experienced.

  He brought me up so that I sat impaled on his cock, and then smoothed a hand down my belly, fingers gliding into the top of my mound to pluck my clit. It was a hard pinch. He had my full attention.

  “I’ll wait,” I gasped.

  “Thought so,” he murmured against my hair. Then he moved his hands again, this time cupping my buttocks to lift me and shove me down. Not gently, either.

  Not that I minded. Not one bit. I savored the power in his hands, the feel of the wall of muscle against my back. This was no man-child fucking for fun. This was a man asserting his ownership. Power shifted, and not in a subtle gradual way.

  “You’re mine, Angel,” he said, then waited, holding me up, letting me know he wouldn’t fill me until I acknowledged his claim.

  “I’m yours.” I didn’t recognize my voice. It was thin, tight. Every muscle of my body clenched because I wanted to beg him to finish this. I was right there at the edge.

  He bit my shoulder then slammed me downward.

  I shouted, more out of surprise then pain. “I can’t wait!”

  “Now, baby. Now.” He shoved me up and down, then twice more.

  With a rush of sweet heat, I shattered. I rocked up and down, out of rhythm, jerking as my orgasm radiated outward from my tightly wound core in washes of heat and cold. When I was able to draw a deep breath again, he was crooning in my ear. Sweet promises of things he’d do to me. Of things he’d demand from me.

  And I wanted it all. “Yes, yes, yes.”

  For the longest time, he cuddled me against his chest. “I’d like to be there when the movers come.”

  “Angling for an invitation?” I asked, smiling with my eyes still closed. I didn’t want to let go of the moment. Wanted to remember the way we felt in the powerful aftermath, sweaty and quivering.

  “Do I need one?” he whispered, kissing the spot he’d nipped.

  “No,” I said softly.

  “I have a confession.”

  The way his voice teased my ear only deepened the sweet lethargy sweeping through me. “What do you have to confess? Do you have a secret dungeon?”

  He laughed softly. “No, although I do think I want to invest in a paddle.”

  My pussy squeezed around him. “So you can watch my ass shiver and shake?”

  “I think you’ll like me warming up your ass even more than I’ll like makin’ it jiggle. But that’s not what I want to confess.”

  I pinched his thigh. “Then what?”

  “I approved your application at Ragland.”

  I froze. “What do you mean?”

  His hands roamed my belly then spread over the tops of my thighs. When I glanced down, I marveled at how large they were. How capable. But what he’d said didn’t make sense. I shook my head.

  “I bought into the company. It’s why I took extra routes with HT. I needed the money. Will you mind workin’ for the boss?”

  Leaning my head against his shoulder, I waited, not sure how I felt about the fact I knew so little about him. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I had this plan. I was gonna keep this on the down low. I’m still gonna be drivin’ for while. I wanted more time to get to know you. For you to know me. And then you did this—tonight—and I wondered if you might have a thing for a blue-collar guy. I didn’t want you disappointed.”

  I angled my head to meet his gaze. His expression was shuttered. “I don’t have a thing for a blue-collar guy. I have a thing for you, Danny.”

  His expression cleared, and he gave a nod. “I wouldn’t have liked starting with a lie between us.”

  “Sounds like you’ve been thinking about this for a while. About me.”

  “I have. I just didn’t think I had a shot.”

  I shook my head. “You’re an idiot. You have everything to offer a girl. You could have your pick.”

  “And I choose you.”

  I let my gaze slide away as warmth spread through me. I’d been so afraid to even think beyond one night because I wouldn’t have been able to bear the disappointment. When his arms tightened around me, I knew he was waiting, and that he was unsure. He was crazy to think I’d reject him. He’d been driving me crazy for the longest time.

  Glancing back again, I let him see all my longing, all the hopes I’d held so tightly inside me. I reached back, tangled my fingers in his thick hair, and kissed him.

  About Delilah Devlin

  Delilah Devlin is a New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author of erotica and erotic romance with a rapidly expanding reputation for writing deliciously edgy stories with complex characters. She has published over a hundred forty erotic stories in multiple genres and lengths, and she is published by Atria/Strebor, Avon, Berkley, Black Lace, Cleis Press, Ellora’s Cave, Grand Central, Harlequin Spice, HarperCollins: Mischief, Kensington, Montlake Romance, Running Press, and Samhain Publishing.

  You can find Delilah all over the web:






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  Excerpt from Watch Over Me…

  Deke Warrick’s unsanctioned detail is to keep tabs on a congressman’s daughter while she vacations in the Caribbean. He’s determined to keep his distance from the beautiful Nicky Martir, but finds his limits tested when Nicky sets out to seduce him. What seemed like a simple mission becomes deliciously complicated—and then dangerous, when she’s snatched from their hotel room…

  Deke Warrick pushed his sunglasses down his nose to peer at the woman stretched on a chaise not five feet away. She laid face down, her head turned away, thick brown hair held in place by a clip. From the slowness of her breaths, he knew she was dozing. And since he figured she wouldn’t be leaving the beach anytime soon, he relaxed, forcing his fingers to stretch around the teak wood arms of his lounge chair.

  After two connecting flights and a short leg in a specially chartered puddle-jumper, at last he had eyes on Nicky Martir. He knew the woman was her because a hotel staff member he’d bribed had p
ointed her out. Assistance he’d needed because at the moment she didn’t look anything like the air-brushed Facebook photo he’d been given. After finding her, he’d checked out the hotel’s parking and lounge area, all entrances and exits, the stairwells, and then greased the palms of the concierge and wait staff. His initial recon over, he now had time to focus on his target.

  From his vantage point, he’d already determined his former commander’s “little girl” was all grown up. In fact, she was a very well-proportioned woman with lush curves above and below a narrow waist. Must have taken after her mother, he mused, because her father’s frame didn’t sport an ounce of excess flesh. At the moment, her bottom was most prominent—rounded, firm, and displayed all too well by the narrow thong bisecting her cheeks. Not that he wanted to notice, but hell, it was right there, and with more than enough curve a healthy, hetero man could well imagine his hands gripping each mound as he…

  “Señor, would you like another drink?”

  Deke jerked. No one had managed to sneak up on him in a long time, which said a lot about Nicky’s attractiveness.

  The cabana girl’s voice held a note of irritation. Her dark brows were drawn into a frown, her lips pursed in disapproval. But not because he’d been ogling a sleeping girl. He’d claimed a spot beneath a thatched umbrella at the edge of the small tiki bar’s outdoor seating area, and he had yet to deliver on the promise he’d made with his smile when he’d asked for this prime piece of real estate. The seat with its attached table provided a perfect view of the beach, as well as the private gated entrance of the hotel parking lot. More importantly, the chair was situated near Nicky. Not close enough to touch, but from here, he could watch over her, amidst the other sunbathers.

  Giving the waitress an equally irritated glance, he reached into his pocket and took out several bills, more than enough for five drinks and a generous tip. “Bring me a virgin mojito,” he murmured quietly. A ruse to disguise the fact he hadn’t had a sip of alcohol, because he was on the job—even if this mission was strictly off the books and a favor to a man he admired.

  His gaze swung back to the dozing woman. She’d turned her head while he’d been talking to the waitress and was facing him now, a dark fringe of long lashes resting against her cheeks. Yeah, her photo hadn’t done her justice. Sure, he’d known she was pretty, but this close, he could see a smattering of freckles across her nose—a feature she must hide beneath makeup, but which he thought was cute. Made her seem more approachable. Her mouth was full, the bottom lip a little puffier than the top and wide. A mouth made for kissing.


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