The Maid of Lorne

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The Maid of Lorne Page 15


  Hurriedly she placed the items back in the pouch and the pouch back in its hiding place. Putting the clothing over it and smoothing it into position, she closed the lid of the trunk and stood just as Sebastien reached the doorway.

  “I saw you in the yard,” he said, before crossing the threshold of the room. “You looked upset.”

  Dear God! Had he seen Eachann as well? “Upset?”

  “I told him he could not go without your permission. I feared you would throw yourself in the firth after him if you had no knowledge of the plan.” His smile warmed her.

  Relief flooded through her as she realized he spoke of Malcolm’s fishing trip rather than her cousin. “I am not upset by it. Your man explained the safeguards and the supervision and I think it a fine plan,” she said.

  When she took a moment to think on it, Sebastien had surprised her yet again. Believing her upset by the thought of Malcolm on the water, he’d sought her out to comfort and reassure her. Even as she had been plotting against him, he was caring for her. Her sin was glaringly clear and she almost decided then not to go the chapel as Eachann had ordered.


  Her father had sent word to her. She’d heard nothing about him from anyone since the day he’d been exiled. If he was sending word to her, she should at least go and find out what that message was. She noticed Sebastien was staring at her then.

  “I have hesitated to offer it, but I could teach you to swim as well so you would not fear the water.”

  She must have shaken her head without realizing it.

  “Mayhap when the water grows warmer again?”

  “I will have to think on your offer, my lord. It simply does not have any appeal to me.”

  He stepped closer and she smelled the scent of him—an enticing mix of leather and male. Taking her hand in his, he pulled her to him and kissed her. She relaxed into him and slid her hands to his back as he plundered her mouth. The kiss went on and became something more as he moved his hand up to the back of her head. Tugging off the netting over her hair, he loosened her braid and entangled his fingers in her locks.

  Sebastien moved his lips down to her neck and loosened the neckline of her tunic as much as he could without untying the laces. She knew he would use his mouth to drive her wild. Then just when her body tensed, waiting for it, he stopped and drew back instead, touching a spot on the slope of her breast with the tip of his finger.

  “I did that?” he asked, drawing her attention to the purplish bruise on the skin there.

  “And who else could have?” she countered.

  “I did not know. Why did you not tell me that I was hurting you?”

  “It did not hurt, my lord. My mind, I fear, was somewhat distracted by other things you were doing to notice this…” Lara paused, not knowing what to call the mark left behind by the intense action of his mouth and teeth.

  “Love bite.” He provided the answer, but frowned as he said it. “Although the sight of your skin marred in such a way makes me regret my actions, I confess that the thought of kissing you like that makes me want you now even more.”

  The proof of his words could be felt even through the layers of her chemise, gown and tunic. Although her body began to warm to his words, she could not forget about Eachann and his threat. Before she needed to make any objection, voices carried into the chamber from the stairway.

  “Hugh! Hugh, stop!” Margaret’s whispered warning was not subtle or quiet.

  “He has been in there long enough, Margaret.” Hugh sounded exasperated. “He is needed in the yard. Now.”

  More movements on the stairs accompanied hushing sounds.

  “They might be…He might be…I will not go any farther!” Her maid sounded embarrassed and Sebastien began laughing.

  “Then move aside, lass, for I will.” Some grunts were followed by more sounds of movement, then footsteps on the stairs.

  Sebastien took Lara by the hand and led her out into the other chamber. They stood waiting for Sir Hugh to make it up the stairs in spite of Margaret’s best efforts not to allow him to. He reached the landing first, followed by the more hesitant maid.

  “See? As I said, they are not naked again.”

  Margaret covered her mouth at Sir Hugh’s rude words, but Sebastien only laughed. “A few more moments of privacy and who knows what could have happened,” he said, causing Margaret’s blush to deepen and spread over her cheeks.

  “Your pardon, my lady,” Sir Hugh began, without acknowledging Sebastien’s words at all. “We have need of your husband in the yard.”

  “Well, my love,” he said, lifting her hand to his mouth and kissing it, “I must see to this need below. I will find you at supper?”

  “Yes.” She clutched at his hand. “May I walk to the chapel before then?”

  He waved Sir Hugh and Margaret away and leaned in closer to her. “If it is necessary.”

  “Necessary?” she asked, as part of her hoped against hope that he would refuse her permission. If he ordered her to stay within the walls, she had a reason, albeit an excuse, to not answer Eachann’s call. Lara waited and prayed silently that Sebastien would stop her from doing something that might hurt him, and herself.

  “You always seem more agitated upon your return from your prayers. I cannot see what peace you gain from such visits.”

  Please. Please. Please stop me.

  “But, if it pleases you in some manner, if it fulfills some need in you, then go, with my blessing.”

  All she could do was nod, for words of any kind might reveal more than she should.

  “I will have an escort for you when you need.”

  “Guards?” she asked.

  “An escort, for your safety, lady. I have hesitated to tell you this for I do not know your feelings on it, but…” He paused, lowering his voice. “Your cousin Eachann has been sighted close to Dunstaffnage. He murders without care, his victims innocent or not, and leaves a trail of dead bodies as he moves through the countryside.”

  She gasped. She’d known he was about, but hadn’t realized Sebastien was aware of it as well. He misinterpreted her surprise and continued.

  “I know he is kin, but you must have recognized the kind of man he is and the danger he presents to any who oppose him. That is why I want you to have an escort anytime you leave the castle walls.”

  “Murder?” she asked. “He murders?” She knew her cousin was capable of much cruelty, but had never any inkling of this.

  “Three crofters in the next valley were murdered as they slept. Two more near the loch.”

  “But it could have been anyone, Sebastien.”

  “Except that he cuts his name into their flesh…” He stopped and looked at her. “I did not want you to hear this.”

  “My lord!” Sir Hugh’s booming voice filled the stairway and the room, startling her in its loudness.

  “I must go, but you must promise to have a care.”

  She could only nod her head in agreement. He kissed her and released her hand, trotting down the steps to answer Sir Hugh’s demanding call. Lara’s body shook as she went back into the chamber, closed the door and leaned against it.

  Did this change anything? Was she truly ignorant of Eachann’s ways or had she simply not admitted to herself that she knew? Would he harm her when she refused him? Lara shivered as she realized he would if she did not hold some worth to him.

  She remained in her room until most of the afternoon had passed, sending Margaret off on various errands and assigning her tasks to keep her away. Finally, when she knew she must leave, Lara knelt in front of Sebastien’s trunk and lifted the lid. Sliding her hand down the side, she retrieved the pouch and took out the pieces of jewelry again.

  After studying at both, she decided that the cross was the best one. It did not look costly and it might not cause a stir if he discovered it was missing. Turning the ring over and over in her hand, she thought something was familiar about the insignia inside of it. Finally, unable to solve that puzz
le, she placed it back in the pouch and hid it back in its pocket.

  The walk to the chapel was a blur to her. The guards who escorted her were pleasant and shared with her the gossip of the castle and nearby villages. ’Twas clear from their talk that they considered this their home and not a stop along the way to another battle.

  How would things change if Robert was defeated? Would her father return here to claim everything that had once been his? Where would she go and what would happen to Sebastien?

  The guards stopped at the door and allowed her to enter alone. She made her way to the front of the church slowly and waited for some sign of Eachann’s arrival. Despite the daylight outside, the stone walls and small windows did not allow much light inside.

  “Ye made the right decision, cousin,” he whispered from the shadow near the altar. “I feared ye would no’ take me seriously.”

  “I think I know what you are capable of, Eachann. I take everything you say seriously.” She hoped her voice did not tremble.

  He walked over to her and reached out his hand to touch her cheek. She tried to stay still and not pull away, but it was difficult.

  “Ye have the look of a well-ridden whore, Lara. If I were to smell your skin, I would wager I could smell his seed on ye. They say he takes ye to his bed for hours and hours.”

  She stepped away then, from his touch and his disgusting words. “Stop this, Eachann. I do not have much time here.”

  He started at her words and she waited for his reaction. “And, ’twould appear that ye have grown a backbone. I will enjoy watching ye be tamed once more when yer father returns. Oh, aye, it will be a sight to see.” He slid his hand down now and rubbed himself as he spoke. “Spare the rod and spoil the child, the book does say. Yer father will no’ spare the rod on ye when he finds out the filthy things ye have been doing with the enemy.”

  This was becoming dangerous, and she feared she wouldn’t be able to escape if he attacked her. Lara walked away and put the altar between them. Then she realized what he’d said. “What do you mean, when my father returns?”

  He gazed at her as though lost in thought, and then shook his head. Reaching inside his tunic, he removed a folded parchment and held it out to her. “This is from yer father. He said to read it and then I’m to burn it so that none know about it.”

  Lara took the parchment, broke the seal and opened it. Holding it close to the candle that burned on the altar, she read her father’s greetings, news of his triumphant entry into England and into Edward’s favor and his appointment as Admiral of the Western Seas.

  “He be an admiral now. His fleet is growing and will give the Bruce’s allies here in the isles much to worry about.” Eachann nodded at her.

  After Eachann’s frightening words, the tone and wording of the letter came as a surprise to her. First her father apologized for the humiliating scene the day of his capture; he explained that it was necessary in order to make her husband believe she’d been repudiated. Her father praised her for keeping the children safe and for the unfortunate burden she’d had to bear over these last few months as wife to the enemy. He promised a warm welcome and his favor once that same enemy was routed from their home and the MacDougalls reclaimed Dunstaffnage, as was their right.

  His closing words entreated her to continue to pass information on to Eachann for their use, to undermine her husband in any way she could, and to stay faithful to the clan. He promised he would make arrangements for her safe return when the time came. She felt the tears gather in her eyes as her doubts about what she did lessened. She had not been abandoned at all.

  Something within her sent off a warning. This was too favorable to her. Too ingratiating. Too confusing. Who could she believe in this? Her father, who now stood on the brink of a return, or her husband, who treated her with respect and honor and…love? Eachann was watching her as she considered the letter.

  “When did he write this, Eachann?”

  “He gave it to me just three days ago. The day ye should have been here to receive it, but ye were in that bastard’s bed.” His expression changed and his words and tone softened. “But, he says he understands that ye must do such things as ye must do.”

  She feared this instability in him and wanted to leave as quickly as possible. She tore the parchment in pieces and gave it back to him. Without a word about the cross she carried or what she’d overheard, Lara turned to leave.

  “Here now, Lara. Ye have something for me?” he asked as he held out his hand to her.

  “Why do you need something of his?”

  He was around the altar before she could finish her question. With a punishing grip he pulled her to him. “Ye should no’ question my methods, lass. I do what needs doing, too.” He shook her and then pulled her to him again, holding her so close she could feel his breath on her cheek. “Did ye bring something for me?”

  She nodded and reached into a pocket in her cloak for the cross. He tore it from her hand and held it up to look at. She thought he might let her go now, but, after placing the cross in his pocket, he smiled at her in a way that made her skin feel as though it were on fire.

  “Ye have been entertaining some important people there. Surely ye heard something when the Black Douglas was sitting at yer table?”

  How could he have known that? Did he come and go freely, with no one noticing? She knew he’d done it at least once, when he approached her in the yard in the full light of day, so ’twas possible he’d done it before or since. Or…?

  “You have other contacts within the household?” she asked.

  “Aye. A few well-chosen, well-placed, faithful MacDougalls are there with ye. But ye are the best placed by far, with the most intimate access, shall we say?”

  Now that she thought on it, it made sense to her. Lara suspected that she knew at least one of those who still reported to Eachann. And who probably gave an accounting of her behavior as well.

  “The sun is going down and I must be on my way, so tell me what you know. What did the Douglas say?” Eachann twisted her arm tighter, until she gasped, and then asked again, “What did he say?”

  She did not answer fast enough, for he backhanded her across the face and she fell to the floor. “He is not worth it, Lara. You are trying to protect the Bruce’s spy and it’s no’ something ye need worry about.” He yanked her to her feet and spoke quietly now. “What are they planning?”

  “Spy? He is not a spy,” she said, so dazed from the blow she could not focus her thoughts. “He is a warrior.”

  “Ye are sleeping with the man who controls all the spies used by the Bruce. Sebastien of Cleish and I are old acquaintances and have faced each other many, many times, Lara. ‘Tis like a game now between us. I leave him signs and he answers them in kind. ‘Tis fitting somehow that ye should be his downfall.”

  “Signs?” She covered her cheek with her hand. It burned from his blow. “Like those people you killed?”

  “Just so. Yer husband does the same when he gets close to my trail. ‘Tis just sport among those of us in the game. But ye’re wrong in this one—he left them for me, no’ the other way round. They died at his hand and bear his mark.”

  “You think this is some kind of game?”

  “Oh, aye, ’tis that. Tit for tat. He makes a move, I counter it. He found out about the ambush at Brander Pass. I found out about the gathering at Kilcrenan, but the bastard changed the location and we missed our opportunity to capture the Bruce himself.”

  “So, he did not go to Kilcrenan?”

  “Nay. The bastard used St. Modan’s instead. He defiled our own priory. But dinna worry, for he will pay dearly for that sacrilege.” He turned his gaze back to her. “Dearly.”

  Eachann leaned her back against the altar and faced her, his hands free and menacing before her. “This is the last time I will ask ye. If ye do not give me what I want, I will fetch sweet Catriona and we can finish this with her to spur on yer words.”

  “No!” she cried.

��Good. Then speak yer piece and ye can go.”

  “The Douglas said that they need to take but three more keeps to control this area. Invercreran is to be last, Glen Gour and the southern tip of Loch Awe first.” She could see him thinking on her words.

  “When do they make their move?”

  “By early next month. Then the Bruce will seek out the Earl of Ross.” She related to him the details of the attacks and the specifics about how many would be involved in the plan.

  “Verra good, lass. Next time do no’ make me waste time waiting for ye to come or to tell me what I need to know. I will tell yer father that ye are glad to hear of his return.”

  He stepped back and disappeared into an opening in the wall before she could agree or not. Before she could tell him that she would not do this again.

  Lara gathered her cloak around her and wondered how she would ever conceal this from Sebastien. From the pain in her face, she knew it would be obvious that she’d been struck. What could she say? How could she explain it?

  She stumbled to the door and pulled it open, for the need to breathe fresh air was overwhelming to her. The two guards stood a few yards from the entrance and they turned as she left the church. Positioning the hood of her cloak over her head, she tried to keep her face hidden in its folds. When they arrived at the path that went up the embankment to the drawbridge, she stopped.

  “I am not ready to go in just yet. I would like to walk on the shore there for a few minutes.” They glanced at each other and looked as though they would argue, until she pointed out the guards on the battlements and at each corner of the castle, on the beach. “I will be observed every moment and will be quite safe. I need only a short time.”

  With a nod, they allowed her to go on, and she walked to the water’s edge. Crouching down and dipping her hand into the water, she knew its chill would soothe the growing pain in her face. Taking the end of her cloak, Lara wet it and held the cold cloth on her cheek. When it warmed, she dunked it again and repeated the action until the pain lessened.


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