The Maid of Lorne

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The Maid of Lorne Page 18


  “By the Lord before whom I, Lara MacDougall of Dunstaffnage, swear this oath, and in the name of all that is holy, I will pledge to Sebastien of Cleish, Laird of Dunstaffnage, to be true and faithful, and to love all that he loves and to shun all that he shuns, according to the laws of God and the order of the world. I swear that I will not ever, with will or action, through word or deed or omission, do anything unpleasing to him, on condition that he will hold to me as I shall deserve it, and that he will perform everything as it was in our agreement when I first submitted myself to him and his mercy and chose his will over mine. I offer this unconditionally, with no expectations other than his faith and favor as my lord and husband.”

  She finished the oath and waited, with head low and hands outstretched, for his reaction. No one spoke a word. There were no whispers or noises in the hall in spite of the large number of people who were watching her submission to her lord and husband. He stepped closer and she felt his hands cover hers. She noticed, in that moment, that his were shaking as badly as hers. Then his voice poured over her as he spoke in response.

  “I, Sebastien of Cleish, Laird of Dunstaffnage, do accept this oath of fealty as sworn here before these witnesses, and do promise as lord and husband to protect and defend the person and properties of Lara MacDougall of Dunstaffnage who here pledges on her honor that she will be ruled by my will and by my word. I agree to the promises contained herein this oath unconditionally, with no expectations other than her love and faith and favor as my lady and my wife.”

  The cheering and clapping that filled the hall in the next moment was deafening, but she heard the word that he had added in his pledge—her love. She raised her head and met his gaze then and read, there on his face and in his eyes, all that he had promised and more.

  Sebastien drew her to her feet and pulled her into his arms, wrapping them around her and lifting her to him. And he kissed her in a manner that had little to do with the formal kiss of peace usually shared in this ceremony, opening himself to her even as he claimed her in front of his men and any MacDougalls still present.

  “I think they are pleased for us,” he said, leaning close enough to her ear that his breath tickled her there.

  “And you, my lord? Are you pleased?” He’d said that this was what he wanted, but how did he feel now that she had made this choice?

  “I am well pleased by this, Lara.” He kissed her again.

  “My lord? We could finish this later,” one of the commanders said.

  Sebastien laughed. “We are that obvious, are we?” He turned back to her. “I would ask your leave, my lady. There are things that must be finished now.” He did not look happy about it, but she knew the truth of it.

  “As you wish, my lord. I will await you in our chambers,” she answered as she sank into a deep curtsy.

  He said nothing in reply, although the wanting that showed on his face told her so much. Her body reacted to it, warming in preparation for his claiming. Lara walked through the hall to the tower steps.

  Callum stepped out of the corridor and stopped before her. “My lady,” he said with a bow of his head.

  “What is it that you need, Callum?” She suspected she knew the topic, since Callum was one of Eachann’s men here in the keep. She’d known since the day she listened to Sebastien and James Douglas through the wall. He’d warned her of Sebastien’s approach.

  “That was quite a show, my lady. He is already fascinated by you—this should keep your duties to Eachann a secret still.”

  “Callum, I am done with that. My cousin has no place here any longer.” She felt stronger now knowing that she had her husband’s protection.

  “You may think that, but Eachann will have something to say, something you might not like.” He stared at the bruise on her face and nodded. “That is nothing compared to what he can do, will do, if you betray him.”

  “Callum, I will not tell my lord of your mixed loyalties yet, but I would suggest that you consider joining my father’s household wherever he is. And do so with haste.”

  The old man started at her words. It was not what he expected to hear, since Lara had always been an obedient child and woman. Until now. Until Sebastien’s love showed her that there was a life without fear to be had as his wife.

  Callum seemed to collect himself. “And I willna inform your cousin of this change of heart, my lady. ‘Tis you who should be thinking of your place and the results of this.” He gestured to where she’d stood while making her oath to Sebastien. “It could be dangerous when Eachann hears of it.”

  Sir Hugh chose that moment to approach with a question, and she dismissed the old man with a wave of her hand.

  “My lady,” the knight began, and then lowered his voice. “My lord says that your presence is a distraction to him.”

  Lara found it difficult not to smile. She turned around and noticed Sebastien, indeed all of his men, staring at her. Her smile broke out then and she curtsied again and climbed the stairs to wait for him.

  Stunned by her public commitment and surprised by the manner in which she did it, Sebastien found it difficult to concentrate on the important matters under discussion. All he could hear in his mind were her words: to be true and faithful, and to love all that he loves and to shun all that he shuns.

  He recognized some of the words she spoke from the ceremonies he’d witnessed when Robert was crowned at Scone two years earlier and the nobles present there submitted to him as king.

  The giving of his own oath to the king had been much simpler, since no lands or titles were exchanged. Sebastien held the lands only as royal warden and guardian of Malcolm and not in his own right. When that time came, he would use words very similar to what Lara had spoken to him.

  The silence caught his attention and he realized that he’d stopped speaking in the middle of his explanation of the attack plan. His men, he could see, knew exactly what was pulling his focus from them. Sebastien tried to gather his thoughts, but he could not remember what he’d been saying when the most wonderful images flashed before him. From earthy to ethereal, they all involved Lara.

  He stared at the doorway across the hall that would lead to her. She had given her body and soul and her heart to him, and everyone in Dunstaffnage had heard it. Without hesitation, she’d pledged to him of her own free will. The things that he’d always wanted, the things that mattered in life, were about to be his now that Lara had made her choice.

  Someone was coughing quite loudly and he shook his head to clear his thoughts, and turned to the men again. “Yes, Hugh. Are you having some problem?”

  “Aye, my lord. I am having some difficulty absorbing the news.”

  “The news? Has there been news?” What had he missed while thinking about the woman who waited for him above stairs?

  “I find myself quite moved by the sight of Lady MacDougall pledging herself to you. Quite moved,” he said, not even trying to be serious. “What do you think, men? Were you not affected by the emotional scene before us?” Hugh held his hand out, gesturing to the others to add their comments.

  “Quite moved,” called out Connor.

  “I, as well, my lord,” said another.

  “So moving it was, my lord, that I would beg a short respite to reorganize my thoughts.”

  “A respite, my lord!” It was Connor again.

  “A short time, my lord. To regain our…attention to the matters at hand,” Hugh explained.

  Though tempted not to give in, and to fight the urge to go to her immediately, he caught the smiles and knowing glances of his men and the others in the hall. Giving up the battle, he nodded, threw down the parchment he was holding, and strode through the hall toward the north tower…and her.

  ”’Twould seem that my lord has decided to take a respite,” Hugh said loudly, and his men joined in the laughter.

  Sebastien did not care. There would be time later to finish their plans. Hell, they were almost complete now. His feet moved without effort up the stairs, past the
astonished gazes of the guards, whom he ordered away now. When he reached the outer room, he paused for only a moment before entering their chambers.

  She stood much the same as the day of their wedding—before the window, with her hair loose and flowing down over her shoulders. Most of the time she wore it braided and covered, and he was pleased to see it thusly. Nothing encouraged his rampant desire as much as the thought of tangling his hands in it and stroking its silkiness.

  Lara faced him and this time it was she who held out her arms and he who walked into her embrace. Sebastien lifted her off her feet and held her high enough off the floor that her toes could not touch. Without taking his gaze from hers, he kissed her on the mouth and then let her slide down his body.

  “You are mine, now, my lady,” he said as he took her lips again and again.

  Lara leaned back and laughed at him. “As you are mine, my lord.” Then she kissed him with her mouth open, mimicking the way he always kissed her.

  “You make me wild, Lara. I fear I cannot hold back what I am feeling for you right at this moment.”

  “Then do not hold back,” she said quietly.

  His body tightened, and his cock, which had been hard from the moment she knelt before him, now rose even more. His heart pounded and he found it difficult to stop kissing her.

  “But your poor face,” he said.

  “You will not hurt me, Sebastien. I do not fear your passion.”

  “And I do not fear yours. Let it go and let us revel in it.”

  “Aye, my lord. It is as you wish and command.”

  Her saucy tone excited him more and his body reacted by hardening as he slid his hands to the back of her neck and untied the laces there. He was not certain how all of their clothing was removed, but in a few minutes they stood naked next to the bed. There were so many things he wanted to do, so many places on her body that he wanted to touch and taste. There were so many ways he wanted to draw out that moan that she made when overwhelmed by pleasure.

  “You appear to be confused, my lord.”

  He threw back his head and laughed. “There is so much I want to share with you. So many thoughts and desires are racing through my thoughts and I do not know where to begin.”

  “Start by simply loving me. The rest will come as we go.”

  “That sounds good to me.”

  He started with a kiss. He touched his lips to hers gently and drew her closer. He felt her hands gliding over his skin, around his waist and even down onto his arse. He arched into her, unable to stop and wanting more. He was careful not to touch that side of her face where the bruising was. Sebastien led her to the bed and he sat on it…and smiled. The height of it and his own height put his mouth directly in front of her breasts. Spreading his legs, he pulled her between them and kissed her breasts.

  As he watched, her head fell back and she began to make the enticing throaty sound that spoke of pleasure. Her nipples tightened and he moved from one to the other, licking and sucking on them until she did moan. Steadying her with his hands on her hips, he moved his mouth down to her belly and kissed almost to the place between her legs. He felt her clutch at his head, and laughed.

  “Am I pleasing you, wife?”

  He did not wait for her response in words, for her body answered him and, as he slid his hand between her legs and into the very core of her, wept a welcome for him. She shook and her legs trembled as he continued to draw that moisture out and spread it on the swollen bud there. She shuddered and shivered as he pressed his palm against it, and he felt her tightening around his fingers.

  Lara was so close to her edge and he wanted to be inside of her, filling her, when she reached it. He slid backward on the bed and helped her climb up. Instead of laying her next to him, he guided her across his legs until she sat facing him. Taking a moment and hoping it prolonged what was to come, he moved her legs around his hips and bent his legs around her to keep her where he wanted her. With little effort, he pushed forward and entered her. Although doing so nearly killed him, he sat unmoving until she opened her eyes and looked at him.

  “You stopped?” she said, in a husky, passion-filled voice.

  “Aye, my lady.” He held her steady with his arms wrapped around her. From chest to hips and more, they were touching each other without using their hands.

  She squirmed, or tried to, but he was stronger and held her fast. “My lord, this is not fair. Do you not want to take me?”

  “’Tis simply the consequences of disturbing my work. I saw the way you moved your hips as you walked out. You knew I would be thinking of doing this.” He arched now, pushing more deeply into her and then drawing out. “And this,” he said as he repeated it. She did not resist him, indeed when urged on by his hands and words, she lifted herself closer so that he could capture the tips of her breasts with his mouth.

  “Sebastien!” she cried out. He could feel the tension in her body and knew she wanted release. He was simply not ready to give in.

  “Are you aching for me, Lara?” He took the now tender nipples between his first two fingers and squeezed them gently, then rubbed his thumbs across them until she screamed. Then he released them and blew on the tight buds to soothe them. Another shudder shook her, but still no release.

  His own body screamed for it, too. He knew it was close, but he drew in and let out a couple of deep breaths until he felt more in control. But that did not relieve the tightness of her sheath around his cock. Or the heat and wetness that so aroused him.

  “Sebastien,” she whispered. “Please? Please now? It aches like an itch that needs scratching, and I cannot reach it.”

  “Then let me help you, love. Give me your hand,” he said as he took her fingers and guided them down between their bodies. He moved his fingers around hers and spread the wet folds until he—they—could touch the treasure within. “Can you reach it now? Move your fingers with mine.” He waited for her to follow his instructions. She gasped once, and then again and again, as their fingers teased and touched the center of her ache.

  “I cannot…” she began, and then the words trailed off as her peak came upon her. He felt it probably before she did, for it spread from inside her sheath out to the bud they teased togethered. Her body tightened and arched against his hands and around his cock. He thought he might come, but he was watching the expressions on her face and managed to hold it back.

  She keened, emitting that sound, and he was ready. Lifting her from his lap, he slid down on the bed and settled her over his legs, on her knees this time so she could move. Lara knelt above him now, with her hair streaming over both of them. He took two handfuls and wrapped his fists in it, pulling her forward to his mouth.

  Her expression was one of confusion when she gazed down at his hardness. “Will you not take me?”

  “Nay, lady. ‘Tis your turn to be doing the taking. I promise not to resist you too much.”

  “I can take you?”

  “Oh, aye. I know your skills in riding. Ride me, Lara.”

  After considering it for a moment, she smiled, and he knew that, more likely than not, it was the same smile on another face that had tempted Adam to sin in the Garden of Eden. When she began to move and then found her gait, he knew it for certain.

  He stroked the fistfuls of hair over her belly as she moved against him, and then up to her breasts. She gasped with every touch, and he knew she would come again. He arched his hips against her, aiding her movements and filling her more with every thrust. Then he felt his seed ready to burst forth and he did not to resist it. The muscles deep within her contracted again and again and pulled every drop from him.

  He smiled, satisfied in more ways than just the physical joining. This felt so right. As if he belonged here, he was home. He waited for her to collapse, which she did a moment later. He held her tightly and rubbed his hands over her back.

  “I do love you, Sebastien,” she whispered to him. “In spite of the mistakes I’ve made, I truly do love you.”

“Hush, now, Lara. We will both make mistakes along the way. The important thing is that we have found love and it will help us in times of doubt and trouble.”

  She did not answer him. He knew there were many secrets she still held, as did he, but together they would find their way. He rolled to his side and gathered her close.

  “All will be well.”

  It was at that moment that he realized in his haste to bed her, he’d left the doors to their chambers open, as well as on the landing below. Most likely, everyone in the hall had heard every sound between them. Lara would be most grievously embarrassed.

  As sorry as he was over that, and he was, it was best if they learned now what life would be like as they accepted their marriage. He would keep her in his arms and in his bed as much as possible once he returned home from the next two battles.


  Aye, he was truly home.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “No, Philippe.”

  “But my lord…’Tis my place to be at your side.”

  Sebastien let out a frustrated breath. “I would rather you be here to help my lady wife while I am away from Dunstaffnage.”

  “But, I was there at your side at the Brander Pass. I have trained. I am ready,” Philippe said with all the bravado of one of ten-and-two years. But his mutinous feelings were demonstrated with a quivering lower lip. Malcolm’s influence on the boy, no doubt.

  Sebastien turned to Lara for help in this matter. He did not want Philippe at his side, especially if treachery was in the air. Not certain if she or anyone else had known the details of their plans, he would rather not take the chance and put the boy in danger. As commander of this raid, he and his men would be in enough peril without the added complication of a boy.

  “Philippe, Malcolm will be devastated if anything happens to you, and he would welcome your company while your master is away,” Lara said to the lad. “And I would be happy for your help while my lord is gone.”


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