Billionaire Chef Bear: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Beast Bears Book 2)

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Billionaire Chef Bear: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Beast Bears Book 2) Page 8

by Natalie Kristen

  “Just the dragon and his treasure,” Layla said aloud. “Okay.”

  She went back to work.

  As she slid the huge cake tray into the oven, she looked at the clock again and winced. She wasn’t working fast enough.

  “I need...magic,” she whispered.

  If she wanted to get this done on time, she would have to use magic to help her. She had seen her mom and aunts use magic in their everyday lives. It was easy, seamless and harmless. You could use magic to help you but magic couldn’t do all the work for you.

  Did she dare?

  Could she trust herself to get the spell right?

  Layla took a sharp breath and went through the list of spells she had memorized.

  She couldn’t afford to mess this up.

  Layla blinked at the stack of paper boxes on the shelf. The name of her bakery was neatly printed across the boxes.

  The Magic Oven.


  Layla could almost hear her mother’s excited, happy voice as she suggested the name for her bakery. You, my clever, capable Layla, will be the boss of The Magic Oven!

  Turning around, Layla stared at the large oven behind her for a long moment.

  She was the boss of The Magic Oven.

  Layla gave a slow smile.


  Layla stood in front of her oven and pointed her whisk at it. Her whole body was tingling with anticipation. She and her oven were going to create some magic together.

  “Ready or not...” she said to the oven. “Here goes!”

  When she finished yelling the incantation in her most commanding, bossy voice, the overhead lights flickered a little. But the oven sat sullenly in its corner, apparently ignoring her command.

  Layla pursed her lips. She was sure her spell had worked. She had felt the magic flowing through her. There was even a faint glow around her nails.

  When the glow faded, Layla scowled and stepped back. “I am the boss of you, you know.” She wagged her finger reproachfully at the oven.

  Layla huffed, but she didn’t want to risk hitting the oven with another dose of magic. If her oven malfunctioned at this critical time, she was deader than dead.

  Blowing out a breath, Layla sat down and picked up where she left off. She continued making the intricate jewelry pieces for the cake. As she molded the decorations into shape, Layla let out a shout of amazement.

  Her fingers were moving so fast she could hardly see them. Her hands were just a blur. She shaped all the delicate decorations with speed and precision. It was like...magic!

  Laughing with triumph and delight, Layla soldiered on.

  She was working at double, no triple, the speed. She was an unstoppable, unbeatable cake-making machine!

  She popped the cake into the oven. She had to make a few layers to create a multi-tier cake. It took her oven less than half the usual time to bake each layer, and everything turned out beautifully. The cake was soft and moist, and the texture was perfect.

  “This is magic!” she cried happily. “I’m doing it!”

  Together, Layla and her oven created the most beautiful, eye-popping, breath-taking cake.

  At six o’clock sharp, everything was done.

  Layla boxed up her masterpiece and carefully loaded the gigantic box into her car.

  She was tired but so excited and happy. She was so proud of herself. She couldn’t remember how many pictures she had taken but she was going to upload them all to her Instagram and Facebook accounts. She wanted to show the world her masterpiece!

  With a spring in her step, Layla went over to the driver’s side and checked the route on her phone. She’d promised Venom that the cake would arrive by seven. It was a long drive and she wasn’t familiar with that part of town.

  “Buckle up!” she said to the cake and laughed.

  Clearing her throat, Layla started the engine and gripped the steering wheel with both hands. This was no time to be fooling around. She had to drive really carefully. No sudden starts and stops. If she jerked suddenly, the box might topple and that would be the end of her hard work and her dream. She would have a messy car and a very unhappy customer.

  Layla drove on as the sky darkened. She had left the highway about half an hour ago and she was now trundling down a long, lonely stretch of road. There were no other vehicles coming or going. Layla checked the address again. Her frowned deepened as she stared at the unfamiliar road ahead. The road led to the base of a mountain and continued snaking up.

  “Does anyone live here?” she muttered, looking around. She checked the directions again and saw that she was on the right track. She was just ten minutes away from her destination.

  Frowning, Layla drove up the dark, winding road, seeing nothing but the rocky face of the mountain on one side and trees on the other.

  “Are we going all the way up?” she asked the cake at her side.

  The box swayed slightly. Layla took that as a yes.

  “Finally!” she breathed. Near the top of the mountain, she saw some bright lights.

  The colorful lights were strung across the trees, directing her towards the majestic mansion at the peak of the mountain.

  Layla’s eyes widened.

  The sprawling, grandiose mansion was a mixture of both modern and Gothic architecture. Lights blazed from every window and loud music spilled out of the arched doorways.

  There were people milling around the grounds and staggering out of the house.

  A party was in full swing.

  Layla drove past the tall gates and got out of the car.

  She checked the address again. Yup. No mistake.

  She and the cake had arrived at their destination.


  Layla gawked at the imposing architecture before her and saw drunken guests in masks and wild costumes stumbling out of the gilded doors.

  Two men in dark suits and shades approached her car. Layla gulped and cleared her throat. “Hi.” She tried to smile. “I’m looking for Miss Venom. My name is Layla. Miss Venom ordered a cake from my bakery...”

  The men parted at a step behind them. Venom walked up to her and nodded. “Miss Layla.”

  Layla released a breath. It was good to see a familiar face. “Hi. Your cake is here.”

  Venom nodded and motioned for Layla to follow her into the house. “Don’t worry,” Venom said. “You can leave your car here. This won’t take long. “

  “Ah, the cake...” Layla began.

  “They’ll take care of it,” Venom said, indicating the two burly men in suits.

  Layla stepped through the grand double doors and glanced over her shoulder to see one of the men carry the large cake box from her car.

  Careful, she mouthed to him.

  She couldn’t tell if he was looking at her behind his dark shades but his mouth curved slightly in a smirk.

  Layla followed Venom through the crowd. The guests were dressed as creatures of myth and legend. Some wore horns, wings and tails, while others flashed long, gleaming fangs at her. A few pairs of blood red eyes followed her as she weaved through the crowd.

  “Clever use of makeup and contact lenses,” she murmured as she passed a woman with scales on her face and arms. She paused, but the woman had disappeared into the crowd. Did she really see those scales change color?

  Layla jumped back when a man in a cloak lunged at her. His fangs came dangerously close to her neck and his eyes glowed eerily. She almost lost her footing but a big hairy arm caught her around the waist.

  Layla stifled a scream when she found herself in the arms of a towering, hairy beast. The beast had the face of a wolf and the body of a man. His body was covered in dense, black fur and he wore torn, faded jeans.

  The beast pulled her closer and sniffed her. He bared his sharp teeth at her in a leering grin and leaned down.

  Layla screamed and struggled. She could feel the beast’s hot breath on her neck.

  All of a sudden, the beast froze.

nbsp; Snarling, the beast glared at the gun that was leveled at his chest.

  Venom stood in front of the beast and said evenly, “Mr Max is expecting her.”

  The beast released Layla and growled. Layla staggered to Venom’s side, panting. “Thanks,” she wheezed.

  Venom holstered her weapon and straightened her jacket. “You’re here on Mr Max’s orders. You are under his protection,” Venom said.

  Layla nodded shakily. The guests who had stopped to watch the spectacle turned away and continued drinking and dancing.

  “That’s some costume,” Layla muttered, glancing over her shoulder. The beast was still watching her, his eyes glowing menacingly. “Where did he get that mask? Those eyes...” She shuddered.

  Venom turned her head to the side, and from the way her brows drew together, Layla saw that she was debating how much to tell Layla.

  “It’s not a mask,” Venom said at last.


  But Venom would say no more. She simply strode through the house and marched up the wide, spiral stairs.

  Layla passed more reveling guests on the stairs. A bare-chested man sporting wicked, curling horns was making out with a tiny, pointy-eared female.

  As Layla stared at the couple in fascination, a sudden thought struck her.

  Maybe the guests weren’t in costume at all.

  They were…

  She almost walked into Venom’s back. “Oh sorry,” she mumbled.

  They had reached the top floor. Venom was standing in front of a large, white door. Layla looked around.

  There was only one room on the top floor of the mansion, and that room occupied the whole floor.

  Layla gulped audibly. She was going to meet Venom’s boss, the owner of this mountainous mansion.


  Venom knocked on the door and Layla saw a red light blink above the door. Was she being monitored? She wouldn’t be surprised.

  There was a click and the door opened. Layla followed Venom into a sprawling room with opulent furnishings and curtains. Layla’s mouth and eyes rounded. This room alone was as big as her whole house!

  There was a long conference table, a bar counter and a billiard table at the far end of the room.

  Venom walked towards the floor-to-ceiling window. A tall, blond man was standing at the window, his back to them.

  “Mr Max,” Venom said. “This is Layla, from The Magic Oven.”

  The man turned and raised his wine glass in a toast. He smiled and Layla did a double take. She stared up at his brilliant blue eyes and blinked repeatedly.

  Layla knew it was rude to stare but she couldn’t help herself. This guy looked so much like...

  “Miss Layla,” he said, interrupting her thoughts. “The cake is perfect. You’re a very talented baker.”

  “’ve seen the cake?” Layla asked in bewilderment.

  “Yes. I especially like the dragon. It looks just like our birthday boy!” He chuckled. “It’s my friend’s birthday today. As you can see, it’s a wild birthday party.”

  Layla nodded uncomprehendingly. “I hope your friend likes the cake,” she managed.

  “Oh, he hasn’t seen it yet. He’s at the back of the house,” Mr Max answered. “Skinny dipping in the pool with some nymphs.”

  Layla smiled at the mental image. She wondered if his pool was filled with gold and precious gems.

  “Would you like to stay for the party, Miss Layla?”

  Layla started. “Oh, thank you very much, Mr Max,” she stammered. “But I have to get back. It’s getting late and it’s a long drive.”

  “I can get my chauffeur to drive you back in the morning,” he drawled.

  “That’s very kind of you, Mr Max but...”

  “Max. You can call me Max. Or Mad Max, like everyone else.” He laughed mirthlessly.

  Mad Max? Layla studied him for a long moment. Why did Mad Max look so familiar? She stared at his blond hair, bright blue eyes and tall, powerful physique. There was something about him. Something that reminded her of…

  “My mate.”

  Mad Max arched a brow at her.

  “I have to get home to my mate,” Layla said in a clearer voice.

  Max smirked and she saw his eyes flick to her neck. She stood taller and met his appraising gaze.

  She wore Dean’s mate mark now. She was a mated woman and she was proud to shout it out to the world. Max’s bemused expression told her that he could see the mark clearly. It merely confirmed her suspicion that Max was a shifter.

  Max finished his wine and went to the well-stocked bar.

  “Venom, could you please pay Miss Layla the balance and see her to her car,” Max ordered.

  “Balance?” Layla squeaked. “You’ve already paid in full!”

  Max dismissed them with a wave of his hand and turned back to the window. Something else was on his mind and he was no longer listening to her.

  Venom escorted Layla out of the room, and Layla heard the door click behind them. She paused and looked up at the hidden camera near the top of the door.

  She had a sneaking suspicion that Mad Max could see everything that was happening in his mansion.

  Venom pressed a stack of notes into her hand. “Delivery fee,” she said to silence Layla’s protest.

  Layla looked back at the closed door and said, “Doesn’t your boss like to party? I mean, he’s throwing this big, wild party in his house. But he’s not downstairs with his guests.”

  Venom moved her shoulders ever so slightly.

  “Right. It’s none of my business,” Layla conceded. “Can I ask you something?”

  Again that shrug that wasn’t really a shrug.

  “Does your boss have any brothers?”

  “Not that I know of.” Venom narrowed her eyes. “Why.”

  “Nothing.” Layla shook her head. “It’s just that Max looks a lot like...ah, never mind. Please ignore my ramblings. It’s been a long day, and...I miss my mate,” she added softly.


  Dean dialed Layla’s mobile number again and scowled. Layla wasn’t picking up her phone. It was getting late, and he was worried about her. Where was she?

  Both her shop and her house were in darkness. He knew she was rushing a custom cake for a customer, but that didn’t explain her disappearance.

  He drove past her shop again. Had she gone out to grab a bite or run an errand? Maybe...

  Dean felt his bear rise suddenly. His fangs and claws stabbed out as a growl rumbled out of him. His bear rammed against his shields, wanting out. The beast wanted to go after his mate.

  Dean put the car into gear. His bear could sense that his mate was no longer near him. She had traveled quite a distance away, too far away for comfort.

  His phone blared and Dean snatched it up. “Yo, where are you?” Zack demanded. “I’m at your house, but nobody’s home...”

  Dean frowned. “Why are you here? Why aren’t you home with Renee and Noah?”

  “Renee got a call from her sister. It sounded like Kim had a bad breakup, so Renee went over to her place. Noah went along to cheer his Aunt Kim up. They’ll be spending the night at Kim’s place, so I thought I’ll come over and hang out.”

  Dean scrubbed his hand down his face. Kim was Renee’s younger sister. The sisters were close. Kimberly sometimes joined them at their family dinners, and Dean was pretty fond of the bubbly young woman. She was witty, funny and a doting aunt to Noah.

  “Hey, is everything all right?” Zack said.

  “Layla’s gone somewhere on her own. I need to get to her,” Dean said tersely.

  “Where are you?” Zack said at once.

  “In front of her bakery, at the corner of Cedar Lane...”

  “I’ll be there. Two minutes.”

  Dean was just getting out of his car when he heard the squeal of tires and saw his brother’s Jaguar turn the corner and careen towards him. It had taken Zack less than two minutes to reach him. Dean found him
self wondering if Zack had driven in a straight line directly from his house to Layla’s shop, bulldozing through manicured lawns to get to him in record time. He wouldn’t be surprised. Zack could be reckless and he always took the fastest route.

  “Get in,” Zack yelled through the window. “I’ll can drive really fast!”

  “No shit,” Dean muttered. He left his car at the side of the curb and jumped into his brother’s car. Zack took off even before he could close the door. His brother was like a maniac behind the wheel.

  “Your bear can track her, right? Just tell me where to go,” Zack said.

  Dean pointed his brother towards the highway. Zack nodded and stomped on the pedal.

  Neither of them said a word as the car zoomed down the highway. Zack understood his overpowering need and instinct to track and protect his mate. The brothers understood and supported each other, and they always had each other’s backs.

  “Is Layla in danger?” Zack asked quietly.

  Dean scowled. “I can sense her worry but not her fear. She may not know that she is in danger. Turn out here,” Dean said suddenly, indicating an exit.

  “Why did Layla come all the way out here?” Zack asked, peering at the gloomy road ahead.

  “I think she came to deliver a cake to a customer.”

  “A customer? Who lives out here in the wilderness?” Zack said, looking incredulous.

  Dean didn’t reply. He was scanning the shadows, his mind and heart racing.

  There were wild animals in these parts. Layla could have been attacked. Dean couldn’t even breathe as he tried to look for her car at the side of the road.

  If she swerved and skidded, she might have wrapped her car around a tree or hurtled down a ravine.

  Dean snarled.

  He never thought he would ever say these two words to his baby brother.

  “Drive faster.”


  Layla grimaced and peered warily out the window. Venom had told her that there was a shortcut that would lead her straight to the highway. It would get her home in half the time.


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