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Brilliant Page 16

by Rick Lakin

  “I can have ScreenWriter’s Buddy up and running with the existing apps by tomorrow morning. I started to develop the HoloScene Generator, and it'll be in ugly alpha by next Thursday. Ugly alpha is barely functional and very buggy.”

  “We can’t wait,” Gia said. “Go do your other job. Again, we meet in this room Tuesday through Friday. Check in as often as possible.”

  “May I have your permission to record your meetings? That is a function of your HoloPad.”

  “That’s fine. We look forward to working with you.”

  “Gia, five HoloPads will arrive at this room in forty-five minutes. Thanks for the opportunity to work with you.”

  By lunch, the director on Brilliant completed the reshoots that Jennifer recommended in her rewrite.

  Jennifer called her mom on the way to lunch.

  “Is dinner set up?” Jennifer asked.

  “All fixed. Six o’clock. The house AI messaged me, and your dress has arrived,” Sheila said.

  “Cool. I created a new app called ScreenWriter’s Buddy. It compiles all the writer's tools that I created and opened up a new project for JennaTech. It'll be a challenge because the new function is about two years behind what we want it to do. I want it to generate HoloScenes based on the scene that the writer's currently working on.”

  “That sounds promising. I have a client coming in. I'll see you after work.”

  Jennifer grabbed a sandwich and sat down alone in the cafeteria. On the second bite, a young man approached, “Jennifer?” he said.


  “I’m Jake Hargrove. I work as a temp with Grayson in IT. May I join you?”

  “Of course. How may I help you?”

  “I'm a huge fan of you and the apps you created.”


  “There's a problem.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “I charted the CPU demand on all the lot’s computing power. If you consider the increasing number of HoloPads, the number of apps that users are subscribing to, and the amount of time users are spending on the pads, we'll exceed all our computing resources by next Thursday. Life in the fast lane will slow down to Sepulveda Pass with a sigalert at Mulholland Drive.”

  “I get it. Sami, join us.”

  Sami popped up. “I’ve been listening, Boss. I studied the problem that Jake presented. The studio will start to slow down after ten o’clock next Thursday.”

  “Do you have a solution?” Jennifer asked.

  “During grad school at UVN, I interned at HumanAI, and I worked on the HoloPad. The beta devices were very underpowered. The current operating system and the underlying code of your apps is based upon that architecture. The release version of the HoloPad hardware has about five times as much computing power. The OS upgrade is due in two weeks. That upgrade will only solve a third of the problem. The apps need to be recoded to take advantage of the computing power. I can do that in my spare time,” Jake said.

  “What's the third part?”

  “Look around you.” Jennifer looked around. At least two-thirds of the diners in the room were joined by a HoloCharacter, either their HoloBuddy or someone they were chatting with.

  “I see it.”

  “There are several locations on the lot like this room where there's intense HoloPad use. Those areas are taxing the network and computing resources. We need to install local MiniTurbos and upgrade the fiber-optic network to the hub.”

  “You said you are a temp. What's your status?”

  “My contract ends this Friday,” Jake said.

  “So, you're looking for a job?”


  “What's your degree?”

  “Undergrad degree in Computer Science and Masters in Artificial Intelligence from UVN. I'm working on my doctorate in HoloTechnology part-time.”

  “Do you have dinner plans?”

  “No,” Jake said.

  “I'm forming a startup to help me bring my ideas to the market. Interested?”


  They exchanged information and Jake left.

  Jennifer started her short walk back to the soundstage, “Sami, contact Grayson.” A moment later Grayson popped up.

  “How can I help you, Jen.”

  “Tell me about Jake Hargrove.”

  “He's our best temp. He mentioned that he was going to chase you down. He told me about the problems we're going to have. I'm working on the hardware end. I have promised him that he'll be the first to receive full-time employment when we get funds. I hate to lose him.”

  “I'm starting a new company called JennaTech to build my ideas. Would it be okay if I offered him a job?”

  “That would be perfect for Jake. He's a bit over-qualified for our shop.”

  “When can you release him? I need for him to start recoding my apps to reduce the computing load at Tovar. I'm guessing that he has told you the timeline?”

  “Yes, he has. I can release him to you tomorrow if you can start paying him.”

  “Is it possible that he can keep his office for a couple of weeks since he'll be working on projects benefitting Tovar? You can give him the bad news that you are releasing him but keep it quiet that I'm offering him a job.”

  “Of course, thanks for all of your help.”

  “Thank you, Grayson.”

  On the way back to Sound Stage One, Jennifer messaged her mother, “Could we add one more place for dinner tonight? Jake Hargrove is a potential new employee of JennaTech."

  The rest of the day’s shooting schedule was back on track and passed without incident. Afterward, David approached, “I'm looking forward to some serious dancing. So is Riley.”

  “Tayla and I are all fashioned up and ready to go. You know of course that I have twice the human complement of left feet,” Jennifer said.

  “I know. I've seen you on your butt.”

  “You won’t let me forget that.”

  “I don’t plan to. Wanna grab food?”

  “I have a business dinner tonight. I'm starting a company for my technology ideas.”

  “Of course, you are. Good luck.” They hugged and parted.

  When Jennifer got home, she went to her mom, “Can we chat?”

  “Sure, what’s on your mind?” Sheila asked.

  “I don’t think that I'm ready to lead a startup company from the business side and I'm not old enough legally to have that responsibility. I need a competent CEO to handle those duties.”

  “I agree.”

  “Mother, would you be willing to take the position of the Chief Executive Officer of JennaTech and mentor me in preparation for me to succeed you at some point in the future?” Jennifer asked.

  Sheila’s eyes watered as they had many times through the years as she dealt with the fact that her daughter was a cerebral superstar. “I'd be honored.”

  “And, I don’t want you to be my mommy on this. I want you to take a real salary and a real ownership share. I'd like Dad to participate as well. Between the three of us, we would maintain a controlling interest and then distribute profits and ownership to other participants. Tell me what you think of this.”

  “Great, so far.”

  “I'd like to assign my royalties, profit from my IP, and royalties from my books to JennaTech to provide some initial cash flow.”

  “Yes, on the income related to intellectual property. No, on the author royalties. As your attorney, I recommend that you incorporate your earnings as an author and related creative endeavors under a separate entity. If JennaTech fails, you don’t want all of your wealth under the same tent when it falls.”

  Jennifer’s eyes got big for a moment. “Too many eggs, not enough baskets, right?”


  “Do you accept my offer of employment and compensation as Employee Number Two of JennaTech?”

  “I accept.” The two business partners shook hands. “Let’s walk through and make sure everything is ready for dinner.”

  Jake arri
ved first. Jennifer greeted him and introduced him to her mom who said, “Jenna tells me that you are the software guru.”

  “That’s very generous. I'm a real fan of what Jennifer has created in a short time,” Jake said.

  “My mom will be acting as CEO of JennaTech. Until I turn twenty-one, I'll be acting as Chief Technology Officer.”

  “Grayson let me know that I'll be laid off after tomorrow, but for some reason, he said not to pack?” Jake said.

  “Would you like to work for JennaTech?”

  “What's the position?”

  “I'd like you to take the lead on AI and HoloPad Software. You pointed out some specific problems with my apps. I'd like you to start by fixing those. JennaTech doesn't yet have office space. The initial work would directly benefit Tovar, so Grayson is offering to allow you to keep your office space.”

  “What does it pay?” Jake asked.

  “Initially, you'll get a twenty percent raise from what you are making at Tovar, with quarterly raises based upon productivity. You'll get company ownership incentives, and you'll receive thirty percent of royalties from any intellectual property that you create. JennaTech will also pay your tuition toward your doctorate.” Jennifer said.

  “That’s very generous. I’m in. When do I start?”

  “Can you start Thursday?”


  “Would you be willing to sign a non-disclosure on what we discuss tonight?”

  “Of course.”

  “Done. Welcome to JennaTech. You are officially Employee Number Four. I'm Number One, mom is Two, and I'm reserving Three for our guest of honor this evening.”

  A few minutes later, the Mendoza family arrived. Introductions were made, and the six retired to dinner.

  “Dr. Goldstein, that is a very colorful tie,” Tayla said.

  “Thank you, it’s by Jerry Garcia,” Allen said.

  “He must be a very accomplished clothing designer.”

  “Tay, my stepdad is a Deadhead,” Jennifer said.


  “Look it up.”


  After the appetizer of Blue Cheese and Pear Tartlets, Jennifer began the serious conversation, “Mr. Mendoza, please describe the work that you have been doing?”

  “Please, call me Steven. For the last seven years, I have been designing and supervising the Avionics and AI team that's creating the newest class of military aircraft. Unfortunately, after one-hundred and twenty-three years, our company is exiting the defense industry, and so my employment is ending. I will miss my work, but the company has offered me a generous severance package.”

  “What aircraft were you working on?” Jake asked.

  “Jake, I could tell you, but then I'd have to shoot you,” Steven said.

  “Skunk Works?”


  “Have you ever been able to work on an aircraft as wonderful as the SR-71 Blackbird from the 1960s?”

  “Like I said….”

  “Never mind.”

  Jennifer steered the conversation back to the matter at hand. “What do you think of my design for the Selfie-Drone?”

  “It's very promising and somewhat enlightened in that you used many off-the-shelf components. Of course, the biggest challenge is fitting it into a small enough and light enough package in the first generation.”

  “Selfie-Drone?” Jake asked.

  “Sami, fly the mini-drone above the table for everyone to see. Start with actual size,” Jennifer said.

  “Yes, Boss.” The device appeared above the table and zoomed in and out and revealed itself up close to each diner. The rectangle flew with two internal rotors. The mirror opened and rotated. A simulated image also hovered above the table indicating what the drone would display as it zoomed in and out and turned.

  “There would be as many as forty mini-drones flying above an action scene on location, getting close-ups, overhead and tracking shots. The on-site networked hardware would gang-roll the drones, record all the shots, and compile the images for post-production. The system, called VirtualLocation40, would roll up to the location in two fifty-four-foot tractor trailers.” Jennifer explained.

  “Imaging, device software, avionics, power, networking, trailer hardware, and software. That’s a challenging project.” Steven said.

  “Mr. Mendoza…Steven, would you be willing to manage this project as employee Number Three of JennaTech?” Jennifer asked.

  The conversation continued as the second course of Tuscan Kale Caesar Salad was served.

  “Would I be able to select my team? I'd need one of my aeronautical engineer colleagues from Skunk Works, engineers familiar with imaging, networking, and audio and video production software. I'd also need a hotshot AI developer. And then there's funding?” Steven asked.

  Sheila jumped in. “Jennifer, you aren't aware of this. I made a couple of phone calls today. My company, GGG, and HumanAI will be major investors in JennaTech. GGG will provide tech support, business and human resources, office and lab space, and will assist in marketing within the entertainment industry not only for the VirtualLocation system but the HoloPad Apps. HumanAI will provide funding, HoloPad software support, fabrication, and device integration in exchange for the simultaneous development of the Selfie-Drone.”

  “Selfie-Drone? You mean I can have this toy in my pocket?” Tayla asked.

  “That’s the idea. Jake, do you know any hotshot AI developers?” Jennifer said.


  “That works. Jennifer, I’m in.” Steven said.

  There were congratulations around the table.

  Allen stood and proposed a toast. “To Jennifer, and our new company, JennaTech.”

  “To JennaTech,” the diners said.

  Sheila stood, “I have just been notified that our newest attorney at GGG has passed the California bar exam and has begun to write the Articles of Incorporation for JennaTech. With your concurrence, Jennifer, I am going to appoint Ana as General Counsel for the company”

  “Of course,” Jennifer said.

  “To Ana Mendoza, Esquire,” Sheila said.

  Tayla smiled, “Mom? Congratulations?”

  “Thanks so much. I'm honored to accept,” Ana said.

  There was more applause and handshakes around the table as the entree of Baked Dijon Salmon was served.

  “Am I the only one at the table who's unemployed?” Tayla said.

  “You can be the Chief Beta Tester,” Jennifer said.

  “You mean I get to play with the toys before anyone else? That works.”

  The dinner was deemed a great success by all present as everyone finished the dessert of White Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake.

  After dinner, Jennifer asked Tayla to come to her room. "Would you like to see my dress?" Jennifer asked.

  They got to the room, and Jennifer turned, "Tayla, you have been flirting with Jake all night. Won't Riley be jealous?"

  Tayla laughed, "You have always been gaydar-challenged."

  "I thought…but…Sami?"

  "Yes, Sis, Jake's gay. Now, show Tayla the dress," Sami said.

  Tayla tried on the dress and Jennifer gawked. "Wow, you and Riley will be pap bait. Total celeb couple."

  Tayla took on a dreamy look. "Riley is special. He's cute. He can play tennis. I wonder if he can dance…."

  Albuquerque, New Mexico, 2064

  Riley McMaster finished his twice-weekly advanced Salsa class at the SalsaMex Dance Studio. As usual, he was hit on by a couple of twenty-somethings, each wanting him to be their dance partner in a Salsa contest.

  "My girlfriend is a senior at the U. She's my regular partner in competition," Riley said.

  "But can't we have a drink and talk about it?" one girl said.

  In reality, he was too busy studying to have a girlfriend. When he did compete, he had a list of enthusiastic partners to choose from. Besides, he was only seventeen and the son of a single mom. Jada McMaster was a laser engineer for Boeing at
Kirkland Air Force Base.

  "I have to get home and study for midterms." That, too, was a lie. He just completed his coursework for a Masters in Spaceborne Propulsion at the University of New Mexico. His thesis titled, "Simulation of a Newtonian Heavy Body. Is the StarCruiser Brilliant Gravity Drive More than Fiction?" had attracted six-figure job offers from a number of aerospace companies.

  He got in his self-driving Corolla and directed the car to take him to his Foothills home. He got out his pad and checked his messages.

  From: @thechiefdesigner

  To: @loboguru

  Re: You've been passed on BrilliantSim

  @thechiefdesigner has completed TheHannaChallenge and posted a higher score, passing you on the leaderboard. He challenges you to match his score and save StarCruiser Brilliant.

  Riley got home overlooking the city and greeted his mother in the kitchen. "Hi, Mom."

  "I brought home Tex-Mex. Would you like to go to a movie with Alyssa and me? It is Friday night," Jada said.

  "Sorry, Mom, I got a challenge from the chief designer," Riley said. "Thanks for dinner."

  "That BrilliantSim is going to fry your brain," Jada said.

  Riley knew that his mother thought that he spent way too much time in steveLearn on the BrilliantSim. I am a brillian. I must beat @thechiefdesigner, he thought.

  Riley entered steveLearn. "Start BrilliantSim with TheHannaChallenge," Riley said.

  Navvy Kelrithian popped up on the bridge of the Brilliant. "Welcome back, Riley. You are at the Engineer Console on the Brilliant. The ship is on a shakedown cruise inside the orbit of Mercury near the sun. The goal is to engage the gravity drive, escape the sun's gravity, and return to Earth all while avoiding the disaster of using the StarDrive and traveling back two hundred years to another timeline. The BrilliantSim is equipped with the latest upgrades. Good luck. Say 'engage' when ready." Navvy disappeared.

  "Engage," Riley said.

  Instantly, Riley was facing the Engineer Console on the aft end of the bridge of the Brilliant. Behind him were Navvy in the captain's chair and Jack in the pilot seat.


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