Hockey Holidays

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Hockey Holidays Page 22

by Toni Aleo

  “Will I?” Angel asked bluntly.

  Vassoula cut her eyes in her husband’s direction, shaking her head. “Sometimes he is very stubborn—too stubborn. I don’t know why he is so set on Dmitri marrying a Greek girl, but Dmitri can be stubborn also. Eventually, Antoni will see that Dmitri isn’t a child and makes his own decisions. Then everything will be okay.”

  “I hope so. He’s so upset at the idea he might have to choose between his family and me.”

  “His family?” Vassoula raised her eyebrows. “Never. His father—eh, he’ll get over it, this is how old-school Greek men behave. But Dmitri will never lose me or his sisters. Don’t worry, everything will be all right.” She put a gentle hand on Angel’s cheek before moving off to talk to Ashleigh.

  Everyone but Antoni had settled into Brock and Ashleigh’s home with no problem, mingling with them and their friends as if they’d always known each other. Even Penny was in the middle of a card game with Bella and Toli’s stepdaughter, Raina. Ginnie and Tina were slightly starstruck being in the same room as two movie stars like Ashleigh and Rachel, Marlon was talking sports with Brock, Vlad and Toli, and Vassoula made the rounds between Angel, the women and the kitchen. Had it been any other situation, Dmitri would have been thrilled. Instead, he’d been keeping a wide berth from his father but had no choice but to acknowledge him when he came up behind him in the garage as he took out a bag of garbage for Ashleigh.

  “You’re going to marry Penelope, yes?” his father asked.

  Dmitri looked up wearily. “You already know the answer to that.”

  “There’s a baby,” he said, as if Angel wasn’t pregnant too.

  “Apparently, there are two babies but I’m only in love with one of the mothers and at this point, I don’t even like Penny.”

  “I didn’t love your mother when we got married but it was the right thing to do.”

  “For whom?”

  His father peered at him over the top of his reading glasses. “You marry a nice Greek girl and settle down. That’s what Greeks do. Then you finish this hockey business and come home to work with me.”

  This again. Dmitri didn’t know how to make his father understand hockey was his life and career, and when he wasn’t able to play anymore, he wanted to coach. He was never going home to Astoria to run the family restaurant; he shuddered just thinking about it.

  While his mother had embraced all the U.S. had to offer when she and his father moved here, his father remained a lot more focused on the Greek ways. Marrying other Greeks, living near other Greeks, owning a Greek-run business. Dmitri wasn’t sure how he’d gotten lucky enough to play professional hockey, but it was almost all because of his mother. His father had thought it was stupid and even when he’d gotten really good and the NHL had come calling, Antoni had been unimpressed by this life choice. He was impressed with his salary, for sure, but far too proud to admit it.

  “Baba, I make ten times what I would make at the diner.”

  His father scowled. “Money isn’t everything.”

  Dmitri burst out laughing. “That’s the least Greek thing you’ve ever said.”

  “You’re going to be the man of the family when I’m gone. How will you do this playing hockey?”

  “By making a lot of money and providing for everyone,” Dmitri shot back. “Besides, you’re not even fifty. You’re going to be around a while unless you know something I don’t.”

  The older man grunted. “You disappoint me, Dmitri.” With that, he turned around and went back into the house.

  This was a familiar argument and Dmitri wondered for the millionth time what it would take to make his father proud of him. In general, they were a tight-knit, fun-loving family. His father was a little old-fashioned but loved his children and had worked long hours to provide for their family without ever complaining. Dmitri didn’t understand why he seemed to be held to a higher standard than his sisters. There was no need for a head of the family these days. One sister was married, the other would most likely be married in another year or two, and if his father died first, there was no doubt he would make sure his mother was provided for. What else was there? Dmitri had money and wasn’t selfish with it. His parents had money. His sisters both worked at the family diner and Marlon made a good living as an engineer.

  He walked back inside as the doorbell rang and since he was closest, he went to open it. The person standing there was the last person he expected to see and for a minute he wondered just how far his father would go to manipulate him. Then he reminded himself he had a baby on the way—with a woman he loved—and there would be no manipulation. Especially not by his ex-best friend who’d slept with his fiancée at the time.

  Chapter Nine

  Dmitri didn’t want to make a scene that might upset Angel, so he stepped outside and shut the door. “What the hell are you doing here, Greg?”

  “I’m here for two reasons.” Greg stuck his hands in his pockets, hunching over a little.

  “How did you find me?”

  Greg shrugged. “Doesn’t matter. Anyway, I know you hate me, and I get it, but I’m going to do you a solid to make up for what I did.” Greg shifted, digging something out of his pocket. “This should tell you everything you need to know.” He turned and started walking away.

  “Wait, what is this?” Dmitri wasn’t in the mood for games.

  “Look at the dates,” Greg called over his shoulder. He lifted his hand and turned back towards the taxi that Dmitri just noticed was waiting.

  “What. The. Fuck.” Dmitri stared at the ultrasound photo curiously. He read the details, trying to find something that stood out. Penny’s name, her doctor’s name, and the date of the ultrasound were at the top. There were some numbers he didn’t understand. Then he saw it. His eyes widened and his heart rate kicked up a notch.

  “Wait, dammit!” he yelled after Greg. “What’s the second reason?”

  Greg paused, hand on the door of the taxi. “While you were off doing the hockey thing, I was back home loving your girl. I tried not to—because I love you too—but when she finally got lonely enough to turn to me, I took the opportunity. Her parents aren’t down, though. They want her to marry the rich guy, the pro hockey player in Vegas, not the plumber with the bum knee in Astoria. But she’s my girl and that’s my baby and I’m not giving up without a fight.”

  “If she loves you, why does she care what her parents think?”

  “Why do you care what your dad thinks?” he countered.

  “I don’t.” Dmitri shook his head. “I still love him, but I’m not going to marry Penny. I love Angel. Period.”

  “Maybe it’s because she’s a girl, not a guy, but she’s afraid to walk away from her family.”

  “I’m not walking away from mine,” Dmitri pointed out. “I’m doing what’s going to make me happy and I have to believe at least my sisters and my mom will be there for me. I hope my dad comes around, but if not, it’s his loss.”

  “Yeah, well, I’m going to do my damnedest to make Penny see the light. We’re here in Vegas and could get married before we go back to New York. Then it’ll be done and there won’t be anything they can do.”

  Dmitri nodded. “Then maybe you should come inside. It’s cold out here and you can’t ask her to marry you from inside that cab.”

  Greg hesitated but then handed some money to the driver, grabbed his duffel bag out of the back and walked up to the front door.

  Angel didn’t know who the handsome man coming in with Dmitri was, but Penny’s gasp and the muttered curses coming from Antoni gave her a good idea. She exchanged a curious look with Dmitri, but he just winked before introducing Greg to everyone.

  Penny was on her feet, quickly approaching him, and they had a quick, huddled conversation before turning around and going right back out the front door. Angel slid her arm through Dmitri’s whispering, “What on earth is going on?”

  He grinned. “She lied. It’s not my baby—it’s Greg’s.”

er mouth fell open. “Are you sure?”

  “He gave me one of her ultrasound pictures and she’s a lot more pregnant than she says she is.”

  “Is your father going to believe it?”

  “He’ll have to.”

  “What do we do now?”

  “We enjoy Christmas.” He pulled her into his arms and gently kissed her. “It’s our first Christmas together.”

  She smiled up at him. “It’s definitely not the Christmas I was expecting to have this year.”

  “Me either, but it’s not a bad thing, is it?”

  “Not as long as I have you.”

  “You absolutely do.”

  It was a long time before Greg and Penny came back inside. Her eyes were a little red, as if she’d been crying, but they were holding hands and there was a tremulous smile on her face. Antoni shook his head, saying something in Greek that made Dmitri roll his eyes, but Penny just shrugged.

  “It’s time for me to grow up,” she told him in English. “Time for me to do what’s right for me and my baby—and that’s for us to be with his father, which is Greg. I’m sorry I lied to you, to all of you, but I was afraid and now I realize that I don’t have to be.” She looked at Greg. “We’re getting married before we go back to New York.”

  There was an explosion of Greek from Dmitri and his family but Angel didn’t care. Penny wasn’t carrying Dmitri’s baby and she wouldn’t be in the picture anymore. His father would probably never be thrilled with her, but as long as she had Dmitri and her family here in Las Vegas, everything would be okay. This was her own Christmas miracle and she wasn’t going to worry about anything else.

  Dmitri spent the night with Angel at Brock and Ashleigh’s so they would be there when Bella woke on Christmas morning. It was as loud and chaotic as they’d been expecting, and as he watched Angel on the floor with Bella, helping her unwrap gifts while Ashleigh held Devon and Brock took pictures, he envisioned doing this with their children in the years to come. Some instinct told him they would be together for the long haul, his beautiful Angel and a house full of children. Well, maybe only two or three of them. Some other instinct told him she wouldn’t be happy just sitting at home having babies all the time.

  He chuckled to himself at the thought and Angel caught his eye, cocking her head. “Why are you smiling?” she asked.

  “Because you and Bella are so beautiful.”

  Bella looked up, her blue eyes twinkling. “Do you think I’m pretty, Dmitri?”

  “I think you’re beautiful, just like your sister.”

  “Are you going to be my brother now?”


  “Yay!” Bella got up and ran to him, throwing her arms around his neck. “You make Angel smile and that makes me smile.”

  Thank god, he thought, but all he said was, “She makes me smile too.”

  “I have a present for you,” Angel said to him, finally getting up from the floor with a brightly-wrapped package.

  “What is it?” he asked automatically.

  “Open it, silly.”

  He tore into the paper, making Bella giggle. It was a picture frame of some sort and he turned it over slowly, a smile spreading across his face as he looked up at Angel.

  “I’d forgotten about the ultrasound pictures,” he said softly. “You sent me photos of the pictures while I was on the road so I never thought to look at the actual photos themselves.” She’d put them in a frame with the dates and a few empty slots for upcoming ultrasounds.

  “One of our Christmas gifts to you is sending you guys to get the 3D ultrasound when you have time,” Ashleigh said. “Brock and I did it and we loved it. You even get video.”

  “Thank you,” he said solemnly. “I can’t wait.”

  “It’s creepy,” Bella wrinkled her nose. “Devon looked like an alien in that video.”

  Dmitri laughed. “That’s okay. We’re pretty sure he’s not… right?”

  They were still chuckling when the doorbell rang.

  “Are we expecting company?” Angel asked.

  “Maybe.” Brock winked as he lumbered to his feet and went to the door.

  There was noise in the foyer and Dmitri slowly got to his feet as his family packed into the family room.


  “Kala Xristouyena,” his mother responded as she hugged him tightly. Merry Christmas.

  “I can’t pronounce that yet,” Angel said softly, hugging her as well. “But Merry Christmas.”

  “Merry Christmas, Angel.” Vassoula put her hands on either side of Angel’s face. “Welcome to the family.”

  “Th-thank you.” Angel blinked back tears as Ginnie and Tina hugged her too, her eyes seeking out Dmitri’s in the melee.

  He was choked up too, wondering how Brock had gotten his father to come this morning, and when he’d arranged it.

  “I was wrong,” his father blurted out in Greek. “I thought she was a nice Greek girl. I thought you would be happier with her. I thought you missed our home the way I miss Greece, but… I was wrong.”

  “You weren’t wrong,” Dmitri responded automatically, walking over to him. “I do miss home, but I love my life, just like you love your restaurant and the life you built for us in New York. I love knowing I can always go home. For a visit, for forever, for whatever. That’s what family is.”

  “You’re right.” Antoni hugged his son tightly.

  Angel and all the women were crying too even though only half of them knew why. Finally, Brock cleared his throat.

  “Is anyone hungry? I’m starving.”

  The women were galvanized into action, heading into the kitchen as Ashleigh pulled a casserole out of the oven and Angel began setting out bagels and pastries. The commotion was both amusing and chaotic, the house filled with laughter and love. She didn’t know what Dmitri and his father had talked about in Greek, but if it made them hug, it had to be okay and he would tell her later.

  When breakfast was under control, she slipped upstairs to her room and pulled out the locket she hadn’t worn it since her parents had died. It used to have a picture of her parents on one side and one of Bella’s baby pictures on the other. It had hurt too much to look at in those days, but with so much love in her life now, it felt okay to pass it on to Bella. She’d changed the photos last night so there was a picture of their mother on one side and one of Ashleigh on the other. She hadn’t been sure when she would give it to Bella, but it suddenly seemed like the perfect time and she hurried back downstairs.

  “Where’d you go?” Dmitri asked, circling her waist with his arm.

  “I had one more present for Bella,” she said.

  “Another one?” Bella’s eyes rounded.

  “This is a special one,” she said quietly. “Mom gave this to me on my 13th birthday and I wore it until…”

  “They died,” Bella supplied knowingly.

  Angel swatted at her eyes. “Yes. But now it’s time for you to have it because I’m getting ready to have my own baby.” She held it out and was vaguely aware that the room had gone silent as Ashleigh came to stand beside them.

  “It’s both my mommies,” Bella whispered, her blue eyes filling with tears as well. “Oh, Angel, I love it! I love you.” She threw herself at Angel and buried her face in her chest.

  “I love you too, sweetie.” Angel couldn’t stop the tears now.

  Ashleigh gently pried the locket from Bella’s hands and burst into tears as she looked at the two pictures.

  “Geez, what’s going on over here?” Brock asked lightly, joining them and looking down at the locket. “Oh, wow, that was incredibly thoughtful. Thank you, Angel.”

  Angel could only nod. Someone pressed a tissue into her hand and she blew her nose as Bella put the locket around her neck and hugged Ashleigh.

  “Okay, I wasn’t going to do it like this,” Dmitri spoke up, clearing his throat. “But since everyone is already crying and stuff…” He dropped to one knee, holding out a ring.

Dmitri!” Angel’s eyes widened.

  “I know you said you didn’t want to get married because of a baby, but that’s not why I’m asking… I’m asking because I love you and I want us to be part of each other’s lives and families. Angel Reardon, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  She dropped to her knees too, starting to cry all over again as she stuttered out a ragged, “Yes.”

  He slid the ring on her finger and found her lips with his as the room erupted in cheers, with a lot more hugging and kissing.

  “My beautiful Angel,” he whispered against her mouth. “My Christmas Angel.”

  “I love you, Dmitri.”

  “I love you, too, honey.”

  Thanks for reading! If you’d like to keep up with me and my releases, join my mailing list at

  Books by Kat Mizera

  Las Vegas Sidewinders series


  Cody's Christmas Surprise





  Toli & Tessa



  Royce (coming soon)

  Alaska Blizzard series

  Defending Dani

  Holding Hailey

  Inferno series

  Salvation's Inferno

  Temptation's Inferno

  Redemption's Inferno

  Tropical Inferno (coming soon - previously released as Tropical Ice)

  Romancing Europe series

  Adonis in Athens

  Smitten in Santorini

  Other books

  Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Protecting Bobbi

  Brotherhood Protectors: Catching Lana

  About Kat Mizera

  Kat Mizera is a South Florida native. Born in Miami Beach with a healthy dose of wanderlust, she's called Los Angeles, Long Island, upstate New York, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Atlanta home. She's never been able to pick which locale is her favorite, but if pressed, she'd probably choose the west coast.


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