Diamond (Galaxy Playmates 3)

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Diamond (Galaxy Playmates 3) Page 2

by Pillow Michelle M.

  His body jerked behind her and his hips began to rock. She wanted nothing more than to lean against the wall and have him take her from behind. But, fair was fair, and she had a small favor to return.

  Diamond tried to step forward to her suite. The man held her tighter. The finger in her mouth hooked her cheek lightly and pulled her face around meet his. Lightly, he pushed his finger in and out, mimicking what he wanted her to do to his arousal.

  His blue eyes lit with meaning as he glanced down to the floor. He’d done her on her terms now it was her turn to do this on his. Diamond grinned. He wanted his cock sucked right here in the hall. Thrilled by the sense of danger at being caught, she slowly sunk to her knees, biting his finger so it was forced to go down with her.

  Letting his finger go, she felt it slip back into her hair. Her hands skimmed over his delectable hips, working the laces at one side to free him. His glorious erection sprung free from its confines, so much larger than she could’ve imagined.

  Her tongue instantly flicked out over the tip, licking lightly at it as she swirled it in slow circles over the cockhead. His breath hitched and she slowly drew her mouth forward, taking him deeper. Gently, she began to suck him, using her hands to cup his balls and stroke the extra length she couldn’t fit comfortably into her mouth.

  “Ah,” he whispered, so light she barely heard it. His hips pumped faster, thrusting himself deeper into her throat.

  Diamond sucked harder, feeling him close to release. She wanted him to come in her mouth, wanted him to finish so she could demand more from him. Her lips clamped down hard and pulled. He moaned, jerking violently as he came into her mouth in a hard stream.

  Swallowing she pulled back and grinned, lightly swiping a finger along her lips to clean up any mess. She lifted her hand and he helped her up from the floor. Her lips parted, ready to invite him back to her room for more.

  “Man, Jane,” his low, throaty voice rumbled, in a tone that gave her chills. “Had I known your sweet little mouth could suck a man’s cock like that, I defiantly wouldn’t have teased you in school like I did.”

  Diamond froze, not believing her ears. That accent! It could only be one person. Liam! She looked at him with renewed eyes and slowly backed up, shaking her head. No, it couldn’t be. But, now as she looked at him, she could see the boy he had been in the hot, built body before her. It would seem she wasn’t the only one who’d grown up.

  “Liam?” she whispered, really wanting him to deny what she already knew. Why didn’t she recognize him? Diamond already knew the answer. She hadn’t been looking for this guy--she’d been looking for a grotesque image she created in her head. The real Liam wasn’t anything like she pictured.

  “You look gorgeous, Jane, or should I say my little Diamond?” He reached for her and she automatically jerked away.

  “I’m not your anything,” Diamond denied. Her heart beat really fast. She’d known that she might run into him on Werten, but he was supposed to be bald and fat and gross. He wasn’t supposed to be a complete and utter space hunk.

  “Mm, by the taste in my mouth I would have to disagree with that assessment.” Liam grinned and she saw his dimples. Why did he have to have such a great mouth? Why couldn’t he have been horrible when he kissed her to climaxing?

  The taste of him was still in her mouth. All her hard won confidence in being a playmate just fluttered away until she felt like awkward little Jane standing before her brother’s best friend wishing she was more to him. In that instant, she knew she’d loved him as a girl. Those same feelings washed over her now, crashing in on her. He was the reason she’d never gotten serious with anyone. Convincing herself that he wasn’t had been easy, but now that she was faced with her feelings, she knew. She was still in love with him.

  “No,” she whispered, more to herself than him. Shaking, she backed away.

  “Jane?” he asked, looking concerned.

  “Not you.” Her voice croaked and she wanted nothing more than to be a million miles away.

  Please don’t let him be stopping at Werten, she thought. Please just let him continue on and out of my life forever. Just make tonight a bad dream.

  At that he looked irritated. “Why not me?” His eyes narrowed as if something dawned on him. “Are you saying you really didn’t know who I was?”

  The look on her face must have answered his question, because he stiffened. Diamond didn’t care. Every instinct told her to run away, like she had as a girl, and never look back.

  “I see.” His tone was dark and he didn’t bother to hide his snarl of anger. “Do you always come onto perfect strangers?”

  “So what if I do?” she lied.

  Liam chuckled, his tone lightening some. “You’re lying.”

  How in the galactic zone did he know that? Diamond frowned, suddenly remembering another of Liam’s traits. She could never lie to him, no matter how hard she tried. It was like he sensed her or something.

  “I wasn’t looking for you, Liam,” Diamond said, doing her best to regain her composure.

  “And yet, Jane, you found me, didn’t you?” He grinned, nodded once and turned to go. She watched him walk away, stuck in her place. Over his shoulder, he said, “I’ll see you on Werten. I believe we have some catching up to do.”

  Her body instantly pulsed with life at his implied meaning. He slipped through the door, leaving her alone in the hall. Diamond gasped for breath, her knees weakening to the point she fell against the wall. The feelings she’d tried to suppress weren’t gone. She was still in love with Liam Ferguson.

  Chapter Three

  Diamond was livid, simmering in her anger as she spent the rest of the trip in her private suite, refusing to leave. Liam! He was the last person in the entire known Universe that she’d want to sleep with. Then why did the taste of him in her mouth and the feel of his lips invade her every thought? Blessed Stars! Why did he have to grow up so cute? And why couldn’t he have been a horrible lover she could make fun of?

  Damn! Damn! Damn!

  Diamond had so wanted to show Liam what he’d been missing when she went back to Werten. She had dreamt about seeing him again and flaunting what he’d never had in his fat, balding face. But, he wasn’t fat and he wasn’t balding and damn it all! He was fucking hotter than and Intergalactic Male!

  After he revealed himself, Diamond had been struck speechless, just like she’d been as a young girl. How was it that one word from him and she suddenly lost all the confidence she’d gained as a Galaxy Playmate?

  How could she have not known it was Liam?!

  Hearing a small ding, she looked up and saw that the landing light was on. The ship had touched ground. She was home. Knowing the porter would take care of her baggage, Diamond stood. Her hands shook slightly, but she told herself she was only home for a few weeks. She could well avoid seeing Liam during that time. Okay, so she had to pay a visit to his mother and their families did live right next to each other. Oh, and then there was the fact that her mother didn’t really cook and most of her food growing up had been ordered from the restaurant or taken off the fueling station shelves.

  Blessed Stars! Make him get hit by an asteroid as soon as we land. Please, make him go away.

  Diamond adjusted her breasts beneath the slimming blue satin corset top with built in shoulder straps, checking her appearance for at least the thirtieth time in the last fifteen minutes. The top hooked together in the front, the latches hidden in the seam, and laced up the back to expose her spine. Beneath her flowing black pants of lightweight material, she wore a pair of blue satin, string panties that matched the corset, garter belts and thigh high panty hose.

  Her honey blonde hair was swept up off her shoulders, with little locks left to fall over her ears and shoulders. Large star shaped earrings clung to her ears, made completely from diamonds--the real thing, not those stupid fakes that some women wore. The outfit would be perfect for the desert temperatures of the planet.

  And, Diamond thought with a
hopeful sigh, to make Liam suffer by seeing what he’d never get another taste of. It’s not so bad. Now his suffering will only be all the more because he got a little of Diamond and will yearn for more. I will not give into him. I will not give in. I will not give in…

  Making her way toward the docking plank, she shaded her eyes as she looked around. The planet of Werten was just as she remembered it--dust as far as the eye could see. It was no wonder she’d spent her teenage years dreaming of getting off the floating rock.

  Seeing her brother Tommy, she smiled and waved. Walking down the metal plank in heels was nothing for a girl who’d strutted her stuff on the Universe’s many stages. Tommy was older than Diamond, with a winning kind smile and matching green eyes. His brown hair flopped lazily in the dry wind as he gave her a hug.

  “Hey, kid,” he said. “Glad you could make it back!”

  “Mmm, it’s good to be home,” Diamond answered. “I didn’t think this last tour would ever end.”

  “Yeah, right,” Tommy laughed, knowing instantly that she was lying. “You missed the dust ball, did you?”

  “All right, you got me. It’s good to finally get to see you and mom,” she amended, grinning and rolling her eyes. “I hardly missed the planet.”

  “Hey, you’ll never guess who came down the plank just before you,” Tommy said, motioning to his hovercraft. It was the same one he drove the last time she was home. A classic Mustang Hover with cherry red paint. The thing was his pride and joy, refurbished to classic hover car perfection. “Liam. Did you know he was on board?”

  Diamond opened her mouth to answer that she had, briefly, when Liam’s accented voice came up from behind her. “No, we didn’t have the pleasure of crossing paths. She must’ve been hiding in her suite the whole time. Jane, how great to see you again.”

  Diamond felt herself harden and she instantly wanted to yell that she had not been hiding from him. She just had not reason to leave her luxury suite. Instead of answering, she turned to look at him, forcing the fluttering in her chest to stop as she curtly nodded her head. She would stick with her plan of trying to ignore him. At her coldness, Liam nodded curtly back, his eyes hard and challenging. She knew that look. He was daring her to try something.

  “Ah, come on, you two! You’re still not fighting like when we were kids are you?” Tommy laughed. The porter came with Diamond’s bags and she automatically waved him to the car. He grinned like a besotted fool and instantly walked the extra way to take care of her luggage. Tommy laughed at that and said, “I’ll go open the trunk for him.”

  “That’s a fine welcome,” Liam grumbled when they were alone.

  “What did you expect?” Diamond sneered. “Roses and a serenade? I’ve got news for you, you weren’t that good, space cadet.”

  “You ran away too fast, Janey darlin’. Just say the word and I’ll more than prove myself the best fuck you’ve ever had,” Liam whispered hotly behind her ear.

  Diamond shivered and said the only thing she could think of. “My name’s Diamond, not Jane.”

  “Mmm, and I’m pleased to see that your name’s not the only thing that’s changed since we were kids.” Liam’s whisper was husky and Diamond felt his warm hand cupping her butt. Before she could catch herself, she gasped and shivered. “I can’t stop thinking about your mouth on my probe. Think I could get a repeat performance, Diamond?”

  Diamond didn’t answer, as she moved to follow Tommy’s wave to his car. When she leaned over to get in the front seat, she was horrified to see Liam slipping in next to her. Tommy merely said at her look, “Oh, Liam needed a ride. I didn’t think you would mind.”

  “Not at all,” she quipped, irritated that her body was on fire from the brief cupping of his hand on her ass. Already her panties were soaked with cream. If she didn’t get away from Liam Ferguson and soon, she’d be fucking him within the hour. That settled it. She needed a replacement cock and fast!

  Feeling his leg purposefully brush up along hers, she stiffened. Did she say fast? She needed that replacement cock now!

  The ride home was short. Liam’s leg caressed her the whole way, sending spine tingling sensations over her entire body until she could barely concentrate on the conversation between Liam and her brother.

  The fueling station hadn’t changed. It looked like every fueling station on every planet. The large metal sign boasted everything a ship might need for restocking, from drinks to food to cleaning supplies and medicines. Diamond left her brother to carry in her bags into the family home above the station and, ignoring Liam completely, went inside to catch up with her mother.

  “Huh,” Tommy said as she walked away, “wonder what’s eating at her. I’ve never seen her so space lagged.”

  “Who knows,” she heard Liam answer as she pushed through the door. “Jane was always a temperamental one. Never could take a joke.”

  Tommy’s knowing laughter died as she slammed the door shut behind her.

  Chapter Four

  It took Diamond four days before she braved walking over to Liam’s family restaurant, which adjoined the fueling station. She’s spent much of the time with her mom and brother playing catch up and so she had an excuse not to go. However, she knew she couldn’t put off seeing Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson forever and, after her mother’s gentle persistence that she go say hello, she finally worked up the nerve to face Liam and his family.

  Diamond left her hair down around her shoulders. She dressed herself carefully in a low riding black mini skirt and matching black leather ‘O’ ring bustier. The bustier had a lace up back and a lace up cinch waist in front that threaded through the two rows of metal rings. Her breast looked particularly good in this outfit, as it pressed them up but not too together. The thin, spaghetti straps over her shoulder kept the outfit cool in the hot desert temperature.

  Walking in the restaurant, Diamond watched all eyes turn to her. She smiled, confident and sure. Some of the men smiled back, other’s just gaped in awe. Then, seeing Liam walk out of the back wearing a clean apron, she lost all confidence and felt once more the self-conscious schoolgirl. His eyes lit with pleasure to see her and he smiled.

  “I’ve come to say hi to your parents,” she said, doing her best to sound confident as she walked up to the counter to meet him.

  “They’re in the back,” he answered. “Come on, I’ll show you.”

  Diamond followed Liam through the door behind the counter, trying to regain her composure while checking out his firm butt beneath his tight black pants. The muscles rippled, leading down from a narrow waist to perfect thighs. He tossed the apron onto a countertop as they passed through the clean kitchen. When they were out of sight from the restaurant patrons, he turned and grabbed her by the arms.

  Liam pulled her into his chest and instantly thrust his tongue into her mouth, prying it open to receive him. When she stopped fighting him and was panting breathlessly, he pulled back. His eyes were on fire and he pressed his hard shaft into her stomach.

  “Took you long enough to come around,” he growled. “What happened on the ship was pure magic. You know it, I know it.”

  “Maybe to you,” she quipped. The words lost their hard edge under her breathless gasps for air.

  “Still fighting it.” He chuckled, caressing the side of her face. “I have a confession. I knew it was you on the ship.”

  “Imagine that.” Diamond rolled her eyes. “Everyone knew who I was on that ship. You should’ve said something.”

  “I tried. You kept shutting me up and then…” He grinned, glancing down her body. “How’s a man to say no to an offer like that?”

  “Oh, and you just think I’m going to offer again, do you?” Diamond’s body was hot. Who was she kidding? She wanted him, desperately. Just like when she was a girl taking cooking lessons from his mom, Liam was the real reason she came to the restaurant. She missed him and wanted to see him--not that she would ever admit to it.

  “Mm, come on, baby doll, why fight what’s between us
?” His tone lowered as he nuzzled her neck, licking and nipping his way up to her ear. “Besides, I’ve been going crazy with the need to fuck you and I couldn’t exactly come calling on you with Tommy there. At least not until you admit I’m your guy.”

  “What?” Diamond gasped.

  “I have another confession,” he interrupted. “I knew you were going to be on that ship. I got a vision of it. I wanted to see you.”

  That surprised her. “Oh, so you wanted to be able to brag to your friends that nailed a Galaxy Playmate, did you?”

  “Mmm, the thought never occurred to me. Though, I will admit the idea of nailing my little Janey did.”

  He kept doing that! He kept calling her his. She shivered, her body starting to wiggle against his as he slowly seduced her with his nearness. His tight hips pressed into hers, letting her feel his raging need.

  “I didn’t come here for that. I came here to say hi to your parents,” Diamond whispered.

  “No, you came for me. Why else would you wear this skirt?” Liam pressed himself along her, digging his hands up between her thighs. “I can feel you want me. Don’t worry. I’m the only one here--besides the customers. We won’t get caught.”

  Her heart beat erratically in her chest and her pussy was already soaked, belying her words. She wanted nothing more than to be riding his hard dick until it was raw. “I’m here to say hi to your mom. I’ve always liked your mother. She was kind to me as a girl.”

  “Mm, let me be kind to you as a woman,” he grinned, chuckling at his own persistence. Diamond gave a small laugh, unable to suppress it. This man was just too much! She touched his arms. They were hard, like the rest of him. “And stop talking about my mother. I can’t have that conversation and make love to you at the same time.”


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