Countered: A Dark Suspenseful Gothic Romance (The Rule of Lawes Series Book 2)

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Countered: A Dark Suspenseful Gothic Romance (The Rule of Lawes Series Book 2) Page 14

by Felicity Brandon

  “I’m right?” he repeated, filling her pussy once more. “So, now you don’t want the climax?”

  She sucked her lower lip between her teeth, resisting the urge to follow his body north for more stimulation. Getting even more worked up was counterproductive. She exhaled at that, listening to the unhelpful monologue playing out in her head. The plan, April. Remember the plan.

  “Yes, sir,” she whimpered. “I want it, but it’s up to you, and if you don’t think I deserve the pleasure, I accept that.” It pained her to make the statement, and of course, there wasn’t a single fiber of April that concurred, but it needed to be said. Lawes needed to believe it.

  “Well, that’s a first.” He laughed at the assertion, pressing his body over hers, so there was no choice for her clit but to feel each lunge of his hard length. “I’ve never seen such deference from you before.”

  April fluttered her lashes at the fresh stimulation, biting her lip while she tried to focus. She mustn’t let him cloud her judgment. However good this was—however much he wanted to torment her—this hedonism was not what she was here for, and she had to remember that.

  “Arms over your head.” Lawes gestured to the top of the headrest, and unthinkingly, she complied. He had her now—he truly had her—so what difference did it matter where her hands were? “Now, eyes on me.”

  That instruction was more difficult to obey. April could keep her mind on the prize if she forced her focus somewhere else. Something other than the consuming possession of his cock, something else than the way her clit was begging for more—more of the pressure each time he fucked her, more of that blissful contact. But meeting his gaze made that practically impossible. Now, there was nowhere to hide. Nowhere for April’s gaze to wander. Nowhere for her mind to go except further into the deep green pools of his eyes.

  She forced herself to concede, and their gazes locked as his hips snapped forward, filling her up again.


  Just the one, soft and taunting word, but it was enough to reignite the chemistry. Hell, April could almost hear the crackle of the electricity that flowed between and around them.

  “Keep looking at me, pet.” His tone was even lower now. “I want your eyes on me while I drill you into this chair.”

  She gulped, realizing she’d struggle to look away now even if he commanded it.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “I’m going to fuck you so hard, and you, little pet. What are you going to do?”

  April exhaled, mesmerized by the hard light in his eyes. “Take it, sir.”

  His lips twitched despite the tension in his jaw. “That’s right,” he told her. “You’re going to take it and beg me for more.”

  “More.” April wasn’t even sure if that was supposed to be a question. She felt dazed, and more concerningly, she could sense the plan slipping away.

  “Yes, more.” Lawes slammed into her, grunting with the effort and forcing a guttural groan from April. “More of me, more of my cock, and more of this treatment. That’s what you came here for, young lady, and that is what you’re going to get.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  With her legs hooked over the armrests and her arms splayed out behind her head, April was powerless to resist the insistent lunges of Lawes’ cock. There was only Lawes and his malevolent intent. She had underestimated him when she and Hannah had forged their schemes. She’d forgotten his authority and the influence he wielded over her body, whether or not she was bound in his restraints.

  She’d forgotten the power of Lawes.

  “I was going to take you up on the offer of fucking you like an animal over this thing, but now, I think I’ll just screw you this way until I erupt inside your desperate little cunt.” His eyes sparkled as he gave the verdict, and April’s insides twisted.

  There was nothing she could do to persuade him. No way to overpower him or force her will. It was just as Lawes had said—she was his, and it seemed no matter how hard she tried, she might always be.

  “How does that sound?” He pressed over her again, and April swore, he ground his groin against her clit intentionally, knowing how the act would splinter her senses.

  April’s lips parted, her gaze flitting away. She wanted to tell him she hated him, that she loathed the power he had over her, and the way his word was law in this evil place. She wanted to tell him to fuck off, that she didn’t care, she didn’t want his cock and wasn’t moved by its relentless ministrations, but all of that was rubbish.

  As he pinioned her there, a moment of clarity washed over her where everything was clear. She was never going to get out of this place—none of them were.

  There was no countering a man like Lawes. All she could do was be captured and claimed, over and over and over again.



  “Tell me.” His throaty tone pulsed over her, forcing her gaze to settle on his face again. “Tell me how that sounds.”

  “Good. Sir.” She had to practically spit the words out, but they were said, his expression revealing his arrogant contentment at the fact.

  “Really?” That mesmerizing brow arched again. “You wouldn’t be lying to me, would you, April?”

  Her breath caught at the accusation, and all the while, his cock continued its insistent mission to obliterate her with the intensity of their connection. She remained there, reclined and immobilized by his hard body.

  It was as maddening, exhilarating—it was Lawes in a nutshell.

  “No, sir.”

  “Are you sure?” Lawes licked his lips, lowering his mouth in her direction once more. “Because it seems like you’re feigning it, pet. Like you’re still desperate to come?”

  April squeezed her eyes closed, unable to take in the look of his smug face a second longer. Lawes knew she needed to climax—hadn’t she already begged for as much—yet even after she’d conceded the point, he still wanted to tease her.

  To taunt her.

  To ensure she suffered.

  “Your eyes, April.”

  She gasped, permitting them to flutter open and meet his knowing stare.

  “You still want to come.” He ground into her pussy, connecting with her engorged clit, eliciting a strangled moan from her throat. “Don’t you?”

  “Yes!” There was no suppressing that response. “Yes, sir, but you…” She hesitated, tripping over the words as another wave of hedonism burgeoned at his stroke. “You want to deny me.”

  It was official then. Whatever strands of dignity April had fought to cling to during this whole ordeal had just slipped away. Or more, she had fucking flung them at him in a vain attempt to make him change his mind—as if that was ever going to happen. As if Lawes ever changed his mind. A frustrated sigh left her lips just as he captured them again, his mouth covering hers and claiming her with his hot, demanding tongue.

  April was lost to it.

  The sensation of his tongue mirrored the action of his cock, and the multitude of feelings overwhelmed her. The heat of his mouth glided away, but she barely noticed, her lids once again closed until he gave the order for them to obey.

  “April.” Lawes’ tone was almost sing-song like, despite the fact he also sounded close to the edge. “April, look at me. You were saying?”

  She pulled in ribbons of hot air through her nostrils. “You want to deny me, sir.”

  It was easier to say the second time, the significance reduced now that it was already out there.

  “It is so much fun to deny you,” he agreed in a growl. “I love having that power over you, pet, but perhaps, it will be good to see you come apart. To feel your desperate body splinter in front of me.”

  Her gaze widened. Was he teasing? Surely, this was all part of the next twisted game Lawes wanted to play.

  “So how about this? If you can manage to come before I do, you have my permission.” He planted a chaste kiss on her cheek. “But I warn you, I am pretty fucking close, April. You won’t have long.”

; April’s hips rose in response as though they were replying to him personally.

  “Sir?” Her voice was little more than a breathy pant, her tone conveying her disbelief.

  “You heard me.” Lawes slammed into her again. “Come if you need to—if you can—but do it now, April. Who knows when this wave of generosity will overcome me again?”

  He grinned down at her, but April scarcely registered the expression.

  He had given her permission—it was like a dream! Every fiber of her body was consumed with accepting his offer and not letting this one chance slip away.

  To hell with the plan.

  Right now, April couldn’t even consider it as his body goaded her clit closer to climax. Perhaps there would be time and opportunity to bring him down later, or maybe it would need to wait for another day. Or perhaps, as she’d just contemplated, her hopes were only a façade, and there would never be a way out of Lawes’ clutches—none of that mattered as the wall of pleasure loomed. There was only this man—the earthy scent of him, the minty smell of his warm breath, the heat of his body as it pinioned her, and the carnal sounds that escaped his lips as they both chased the pleasure. That’s what they were doing, there was no denying it. They were both using the other to achieve the desired high, and April sensed if she could reach it, it would be sweeter than any she’d ever tasted.

  “Are you ready, April?” He fell forward, over her shoulder, the strain of ecstasy written all over his handsome face. “Are you going to come for me?”

  She nodded her head beneath him, consumed with the ferocity of the sensations. It wasn’t going to take much to topple her. Just another lunge of his glorious cock and a stirring word from his lips should do it. Just another moment to realize how utterly under his spell, she found herself—how helpless to his every whim—and she would detonate.

  “Yes, sir.” She gasped, fighting for breath. “Yes, please, sir.”

  “Oh, fuck.”

  He sounded pained as his orgasm overtook him, his body stilling, then shuddering with the weight of passion. Had she been more conscious of their environment, April might have been concerned about the fragility of the chair, his movements nearly forcing the head toward the shiny tiles below, but as it was, the thought never even registered in her mind. Ultimately, it was those final shudders of Lawes’ pleasure that pushed April over the precipice, her swollen clit ultimately receiving what it needed to spiral her into free-fall. She was vaguely aware of calling out, her hand rising into the dark strands of his hair as the orgasm tore through her weary body.

  Then she was still, save for her racing heart, which pounded relentlessly as the high morphed into a soporific stupor. She had no idea how much time had elapsed when Lawes lifted his head. It could have been an hour or only a few seconds, but either way, April had no aspiration to leave the warmth of their union.

  “Better?” He asked with a wry laugh as his hips ground into her pussy once more.

  The gesture stirred her from the calm, his length still erect inside her pussy. She swallowed at the realization, squeezing his cock intimately until his eyes acknowledged the sensation.

  “Yes, thank you, sir.”

  She pulled hot ribbons of air through her nostrils, the details of the plan she’d concocted with Hannah flooding back into her consciousness like cold water splashing her face. April needed to get them both up onto their feet to have any opportunity of making this work, and as he withdrew from her body to reveal his still engorged member, she saw her chance.

  “You’re still hard for me, sir?” She flashed her eyes at him salaciously. “Perhaps you’d still like to fuck me like an animal, after all?”

  Lawes was on his feet in an instant, his dexterity startling, considering the size of the man. “You don’t get to call the shots, pet,” he snapped, that green gaze widening with fury. “If I want to fuck you, then I will. Any way I want.”

  April gulped at his show of dominance, conscious of her every response as he advanced on her again.

  “On your feet.” He yanked her from the chair by the wrist, spinning her body around to face the place they’d just fucked. “Lean over and brace yourself.”

  His tone was curt, no doubt a result of the initiative April had tried to take, but she went without a fight. This was what she wanted, after all. This was the closest thing to freedom she had tasted since she’d made it out of the training yard last week—the day Hannah had arrived—and she wasn’t going to waste it. Lawes’ hand at her shoulder held her down, his shoe nudging her ankles wider, positioning himself between her legs.

  “Is this what you want?” His hand rose to her hair and fisted it hard. April gasped at the act, blinking away the tears that threatened as he yanked her head back. “Is this how an animal gets fucked by her master?”

  She had little choice but to meet his eye this time, the ferocity she found there drying her throat like a reflex.

  “Yes, master.”

  It would have damn near killed her to have had to use that word at any other time, but today it was no different from the dozens of times she’d had to drop to her knees, crawl, or beg. It was a necessary evil—nothing more, nothing less—and she wouldn’t allow it to define who she was… or what she was here for. Lawes noticed, though, the expression she caught in her peripheral vision softening, although there was still anger in his voice.

  “Good,” he snarled, forcing her back into an even harder arch. “Because today is your lucky day, pet.”

  That was all the warning she got before his cock was back at her entrance again. Lawes impaled her with one fast thrust, the intensity eliciting a guttural gasp as he claimed her over the edge of the dental chair. He pounded her relentlessly and without mercy, just as she had expected. Lawes had his moments, but he was rarely gentle, and as he held her head in place, it seemed his second climax was close.


  His tone spoke of the ecstatic torment he was experiencing, and April wanted to smile. This was precisely how she wanted him—overloaded with pleasure, exhausted, and spent. This was the version of Lawes she might be able to catch off guard, even if only for a few moments.

  As the speed of each thrust increased, the fist in her hair finally relented, allowing April’s gaze to explore the treatment room. She searched the counter frantically, looking for the closet Stacy had spoken off, the one marked ‘anesthesia.’ Being beyond terrified of any treatment, Stacy had been given a shot by both men on more than one occasion. One time, when they had been left alone, Zander had taken the opportunity to explain the setup of the room to the trembling woman, and in doing so, he’d helpfully explained how the dental sedatives worked. Apparently, a number of syringes were readied each morning, in case any emergency work was required that day or a new recruit came to call. There were various strengths available, each indicated by a different color syringe, denoting whether it was a local anesthetic or something stronger.

  Her gaze fell over the cupboard in question when Lawes climaxed again. This orgasm was shorter and superficially less intense than the first, but it seemed to achieve the objective she wanted. As he pulled from her body, April skipped sideways just as he staggered forward and collapsed back into the chair.

  “Hey.” Lawes’ voice was gruff, conveying the fatigue washing over him as the pleasure subsided. “Where are you going?”

  April smiled at the query, but her feet didn’t halt. She had no intention of engaging in conversation. She prayed he was overwrought or at least, less aware than normal. Already at the cupboard, she pulled the large white door open to reveal the lines of colored syringes, just as Stacy had said. April’s gaze scanned the line quickly, grabbing two of the red-rimmed plungers. One unexpected, yet constant irritation about being naked was there was nowhere to hide anything on her person. Two syringes were all she could safely carry, and she assumed they would be plenty—for the time being, at least.

  “April.” His tone was harder now, yet still, he didn’t move. Glancing over her sho
ulder, it looked like he had crashed out in the chair. “Get your pretty ass over here. We still have to look at that tooth.”

  “I’m sorry, master.” April had to inhale to prevent herself from sniggering at the word. “I just thought I might need a shot to help get me through it.”

  He sighed. “Maybe,” he concluded with a wistful tone. “If you get your ass back here this instant.”

  Perfect, she concluded with a sly grin, and slowly, she edged back in Lawes’ direction.



  Everything hurt. Hannah’s heart was beating so fast, it threatened to burst from her throat. The muscles in her shoulders and arms ached from the constant strain of being led around on all fours, and there were grazes over her thighs and shins where she’d misjudged the damn wooden posts.

  This was hell. Not just the usual mortifying kind that Fuller liked to inflict upon his so-called patients, but a whole new version, where Hannah was expected to exhaust herself physically at the same time.

  “There we go.” Fuller’s tone was full of wry amusement. “That one was definitely better. What do you think, Matthew?” He turned as his feet stopped and addressed the audience now assembled at the edge of the course.

  Such was their head start, and Hannah’s lack of agility, all of the other women had finished their round of humiliation and had since been chained to various places, made to watch her wretched performance. This inevitability also meant Zander and Matthew had the time and opportunity to revel in Hannah’s lack of accomplishment.

  “I have certainly seen better displays, Mr. Fuller,” replied Matthew, smiling while he stated the bleeding obvious. “But yes, I suppose there has been some improvement over the course.”

  Hannah lowered her head. Improvement—is that what he called it? As far as she was concerned, she’d just become better at clambering and moving in the most ludicrous and ungainly ways. Not much of an advance, in her opinion. There was silence as everybody absorbed Matthew’s view. She used the time to try to catch her breath, bracing for the inevitable order she knew would come next.


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