Alice’s Shameless Spinster’s Society

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Alice’s Shameless Spinster’s Society Page 13

by Charlotte Stone

  Rose didn’t seem to notice and began speaking. “I had no idea what I was thinking last night but when Calvin pulled me into that room, how could any woman say no?”

  Alice’s stomach burned as she heard Rose blame Calvin for her failings. Though she was still upset with him, she knew it was Rose who took the most blame. She’d known of Alice’s feelings and at a party where there had been over two dozen men, she’d chosen Calvin. She knew that in her heart but what Alive could never understand was, “Why?”

  “What?” Rose asked.

  “Why Calvin?” Alice asked.

  Rose pressed back into the chair and blinked a few times. Then she tilted her blond head and said, “I don’t understand what you mean. I already told you I didn’t choose him. He chose me.”

  Alice rolled her eyes. “Rose, you knew I loved him. Why him?”

  “Alice.” Rose narrowed her eyes, and her sadness switched to anger. “I already told you—”

  “Why?” Alice’s anger grew to rage. “You have everything! Everything! Both your parents are alive. Lucas is a wealthy earl. You’re pretty. You have everything you could possibly want! Why Calvin?”

  Rose face clouded into an expression that made the hairs on the back of Alice’s neck rise. It went beyond loathing. It was disgust.

  “Pretty?” Rose asked. “You’re gorgeous! Everyone says so. Everyone says how much we look alike but all the gentlemen prefer you! They never cease to remind me of how alluring you are compared to me and I tried everything to gain their attention while you get it all. You wear clothes that are barely more than rags and still, half the ton notices you.”

  Alice’s eyes widened and she shook her head. “Rose, that’s not true. No one notices me.” She wondered if her cousin were deranged.

  “They do!” Rose stood. “I have fucked half the eligible men of the ton!”

  Alice gasped at her cousin’s foul language and the knowledge that Calvin had been right about her. “Rose!”

  “Even as I kissed your beloved Calvin, he called me your name.”

  Alice fell back into the cushion. “What?”

  Rose narrowed her blue eyes. “He did! He called me Alice. He was so drunk I hardly got him on the bed.”

  Alice’s heart was racing once more and she whispered, “You got him onto the bed? I thought you said Calvin chose you.”

  Rose’s face blanked as she knew she’d been caught. She shook her head and started for the door. “Well, it doesn’t matter. I’ve already told my father that it was you who’d been found with Calvin in Lord Dovehaven’s bedchamber. It’s why he’s not been to visit you. You’re no longer allowed to accompany us on outings. He fears you’ll sully what name we have left.”

  Alice didn’t know what to say so she decided to ask, “Was it you?”

  Rose turned around to look at her. “Pardon me?”

  “Did you shoot me?” Alice asked.

  Rose scrunched up her face and said, “No.”

  “How do I know you’re not lying?”

  With her hand on the door, Rose said, “Because, you would be dead.” Then she left and Alice stared after her, feeling alone and very cold.

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  “Drink this,” Sophia told Alice as she pushed a glass into her hands.

  The gin went down easy enough but Alice could not stop her body’s trembling. After Rose’s departure, the women had returned to the room and Alice had told them what occurred before they’d even asked.

  Tabitha was the first to speak. “I never liked her. The only thing pleasant about her is that she indeed does look like you.”

  Alice had covered her face with her hands but at Tabitha’s words she lifted and looked at her. “I do not look like Rose.”

  The room was silent.

  Alice turned to look at Lorena. “I don’t, do I?”

  Lorena pushed her lips and said, “Well… yes, dear. She’s you with blond hair, and I must admit your bone structure looks better with black.”

  Alice blinked and looked around. Everyone seemed to agree. Alice had never seen it. Tabitha had mentioned it, yet still it seemed unlikely. Perhaps Alice had not agreed because she was nothing like Rose. Alice had worked so hard at befriending her cousin. She admitted that she’d always felt the wall that Rose had put between them, but never had she thought her cousin truly hated her.

  “It’s why she always caused you trouble,” Tabitha said. “Her intent was always to cause you scandal, to make your uncle hate you so that eventually Rose would not have to compete with you at parties.”

  Alice stared at her. “Is that what you truly believe?” It made perfect sense.

  Maura, who’d been reading Isaac’s book since Tabitha brought it, put it down and gave her another cup of gin and Alice began to fill the warmth spread through her, making her feel better.

  “How is it?’ Alice asked.

  “Spectacular,” Maura whispered before looking at the pages again.

  Genie said, “You should go to the ball tonight with the others. I’m sure Rose will be there. You can show her that she’s not won.”

  Alice looked at her. “Won’t you be there?”

  Genie shrunk away and Lorena put an arm around her as Genie frowned. “No, I’m going to try and stay with my father even though he shouts me from the room most days. He’s very ill. The doctor says it could be any day now.”

  Alice took a breath, placed her empty glass down, and reached for Genie’s hands. “Oh, Genie, I’m so sorry.” She had no idea what Genie could be feeling but couldn’t imagine a world where Ralph Wilkins didn’t breathe and, like her, Genie had lost her mother a long time ago. Genie’s father, the Marquees of Buckley, was all she had left.

  Genie smiled and took her hands. “It’s all right. I’ve been preparing myself for almost a year now.”

  “How could you possibly think of balls and parties?” Alice asked.

  Genie’s smile turned sad. “I must think of something, mustn’t I? And what would I do if I only thought of sorrow?”

  She wouldn’t be Genie, Alice decided.

  “I’ve nothing to wear,” Alice told her and she refused to wear gray.

  “We’ll find you something,” Sophia told her with a grin.

  Alice returned the grin.

  Tabitha stood and said, “Well, I better return to the club and see if they need my assistance. Isaac has left.”

  That reminded Alice of the conversation she’d had with her father earlier about his debts. “He left?”

  Tabitha nodded. “Your father’s man of business came by earlier today and gave him enough money to buy back the portion of the club your father had been forced to sell.” Tabitha shook her head. “I’m still surprised your father had to sell the club at all. Where did he get the money to gain it back? Hopefully, he’s not found himself in someone else’s debt.”

  “Calvin paid it,” Alice said.

  “What?” Genie exclaimed. “When? Why didn’t you tell us?”

  “So much happened today. I simply forgot.”

  “So much happens every day,” Sophia said from her chair.

  Tabitha sat back down. “What happened today?”

  Alice told them about their visit to Madame Margaret’s and then turned to Lorena. “Did you send Jane to follow?”

  “Of course I did,” Lorena said. “She’s my eyes and ears.”

  “And her bodyguard,” Sophia said. “She proved her skills in that area today.”

  “How so?” Lorena’s eyes were wide.

  Alice went on with the story, telling them of the men in the alley and how Calvin brought her back to the house. “I didn’t speak to him about it then because we spoke of other things.”

  Lorena grinned and leaned closer. “What other things?”

covered her mouth to hide a giggle.

  Alice touched her own stinging cheek. “Not those sorts of things. We simply spoke and he shared. I couldn’t very well be angry with him while he decided to be so open.” Her mind went back to everything he’d shared in the carriage.

  Genie sighed and whispered, “I never knew that Calvin had anything to share. He’s calmer than many of the others and, usually, makes everyone laugh.”

  “Yes,” Lorena agreed. “But he’s been a different man since the other night.” She was smiling at Alice.

  Alice looked away.

  Tabitha said, “Well if I were to be bought by any man, I don’t believe I’d mind it being Mr. Lockwood.”

  Alice shook her head and straightened. “I’d rather not be owned by any man.”

  Tabitha rolled her eyes. “The money was only formalities since we both know that Mr. Calvin Lockwood has owned you for a very long time.” Then she lifted her hand and pointed it at Alice’s heart. Tabitha knew her better than anyone else.

  Alice crossed her arms. “It doesn’t matter. It’s simply not done.”

  “It isn’t?” Genie asked.

  Alice looked at her. “Of course it’s not.”

  Genie shrugged. “That’s the way the beau monde has dealt with the matters of marriage since the beginning of their time.”

  “Doesn’t make it right,” Alice said.

  “Oh, I didn’t say it was right,” Genie said. “I’m only saying that it’s very much done.”

  “Not to me,” Alice said, pointing to herself. “I never imagined my father selling me, and now he’s done it twice!”

  “But you’ll have Mr. Lockwood,” Tabitha told her urgently. “Isn’t he who you’ve always wanted?”

  Alice shook her head, deciding that no one understood how grave a matter it was.

  Sophia broke into the matter. “This is going to require a very good dress.”

  “What?’ Alice asked.

  Sophia was watching her through narrowed eyes. “You’ll need to dress for war so that when you have your say with Calvin, he’ll know exactly who is delivering the message. You are not a mare to be bought and sold. You’re a woman and demand to be courted and given the chance to have your own say.”

  “Agreed!” Genie said with excited eyes.

  “But I don’t want to be courted,” Alice said. Though she wasn’t sure of that anymore. She was learning another side of Calvin and finding that she enjoyed it.

  “Tell him whatever you wish,” Sophia said. “But you’ll do it looking lovely.”

  Alice liked that idea and hoped everything turned out well.

  * * *




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  “Miss Alice Wilkins.”

  Alice jumped and spun around to find herself staring into the glittering eyes of Mr. Phineas Lockwood. Just as she’d always assumed, he was a very handsome man when he smiled. Neither Calvin nor Franklin looked like him but they had his built, the structure of a man. Phineas had dark hair and eyes while his sons were gold layered on bronze and more gold, like statues that one wished to stare at endlessly.

  She had yet to see Frank or Calvin but, as Sophia had predicted, Lady Ravenell’s party was a crush. The house was full of people that not only filled the ballroom but every common room seemed to have been opened, including the library where Alice stood. She’d come with Lorena after the woman had found herself in a debate on the dates of an ancient Greek coin that was on display in the corridor.

  Alice wanted to look behind her to see if Lorena noticed Phineas’ approach but couldn’t take her eyes off the man who’d been a critical element in making the man she loved. Seeing Calvin’s father started her heart racing, and she wondered just how much the man knew about what had occurred since the other evening. Her heart hammered in her chest, and she fought to slow her breathing.

  Phineas’ eyes moved from her face and traveled down her body before swiftly returning to her eyes. She saw something there that warmed her and calmed her nerves significantly. “You’re simply lovely.”

  At his offered hand, Alice placed hers into his and she smiled when he kissed it, only slightly wincing when he lifted it to his mouth. She was ready to take her hand back but he held on as he continued to speak.

  “Is this the arm?” he asked.

  Her earlier calm vanished as she fought for air. “What?”

  His dark eyes watched her. He tapped his thumb over her hand. “Is this the arm that was shot?”

  Alice’s felt her lips part but no words left her. He knew.

  He narrowed his eyes in a considering way. “What a heroic thing for you to have done, Miss Wilkins. Had I heard the story from anyone who wasn’t my own son, I’d have dismissed it entirely. You saved his life.”

  Alice’s stomach fell at the thought of having to tell this man the truth. She got her hand back before speaking. “I didn’t save Calvin’s life. In fact, it’s more likely that my presence put his in danger that night. There’s no need to make me something that I’m not.”

  Phineas smiled pleasantly. “I see why Calvin enjoys you so much.”

  Alice looked down at her hands and wondered where Lorena was. “Mr. Lockwood.”

  “I approve,” he told her.

  Her head snapped back up. “What?”

  “I approve of the match.” Then his smile fell away and he grew serious. “Though I’ll have to have a discussion with your father about the way he’s been treating you. Were you my daughter…” Then he smiled. “Well, it appears that you will be so soon, won’t it?”

  Alice couldn’t have spoken if she’d wished to and thought it very good that since she had nothing to say.

  “And Frank will have the sister he’s always wanted,” Phineas went on. “He used to ask me for one when he was young. He was quite disappointed when Calvin turned out to be a boy.”

  Alice thought it strange how she’d always wanted an older brother while Frank had wanted a sister but instead of saying what a reasonable person would, she said, “Frank doesn’t want me for a sister.”

  Phineas lifted a brow. “Of course he does. He told me himself when he came and told me what was going on between you and Calvin.”

  Her eyes enlarged. “Frank told you? Not Calvin?” She thought it the oddest thing.

  Phineas nodded. “He came to me this morning, demanding that I not interfere but once I heard that you were willing to risk your life for my son, I assured him that he had nothing to fear. I’d be very glad to have you as a Lockwood.”

  Alice Lockwood.

  She choked back a sob that threatened to explode in the room, unsure if it would be in dismay or gladness.

  His eyes moved over her shoulder and his smile grew. “Lady Lorena or Ren as Calvin calls you.”

  Lorena’s eyes shone with elation. “Good evening, Mr. Lockwood.”

  Alice’s eyes went back to Phineas because there was something so warm about them when he smiled and she felt that Calvin had inherited that trait.

  Those warm eyes were still on Lorena. “You haven’t found yourself in any sort of mischief, have you? You’ve not run off with the gypsies?”

  Lorena laughed. “Oh, Mr. Lockwood, that was ages ago. I’ve not met a gypsy since.”


  This story, though Alice was sure should have surprised her, didn’t.

  Mr. Lockwood bowed and said, “You both have a lovely evening.” Then to Alice, he added, “I shall see you soon.”

  She said nothing as he walked away.

  Lorena was speaking while Alice watched Phineas’ retreating back, believing his sons to have definitely inherited something from their father. “I saw when he came over to you. What did he say?”

  “He approves of my match to Calvin and apparently so does Franklin.”

Lorena cried. “Now, you can simply give into your heart’s desire and marry Calvin.” She started out of the room.

  Alice followed. “He still bought me.”

  “Well, I can assure you he’ll never do it again.” She smiled over her shoulder.

  Alice shook her head and laughed. “Well, of course not. One does not buy what one already owns. But Calvin does not own me and I must make that known.”

  “Of course,” Lorena said as they reached their group.

  Sophia and Maura were standing by three young unmarried gentlemen and Sophia’s friend Levi, who was almost too pretty to be real as he spoke of the Italian lessons he’d begun in the hopes of gracing stages abroad while another turned to finish his debate with Lorena, who turned out to be right. The final man’s eyes moved to Alice.

  He was handsome but not like the Men of Nashwood. He was taller than her but only slightly, had blue eyes and blond hair. Alice didn’t remember his name but recalled he was the son of someone important.

  “The dance floor upstairs has probably thinned, perhaps I could now have my dance.” He held out his hand, and Alice sighed before taking it.

  Then she felt something shoot up her back and spun around to find Calvin there.

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  Alice noticed Calvin the moment he and the other men walked into Lady Ravenell’s drawing room, and without putting much thought into it, decided to keep her eyes away in an effort to avoid him. Why? She had no clue. Perhaps it was because she was avoiding the many topics she wasn’t ready to discuss with him or perhaps simply feared him seeing her in her new gown. Still, she kept her head bent over and gripped the hand of the gentleman who’d asked her to dance.


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