50 Forbidden Explicit Erotica Sex Stories

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50 Forbidden Explicit Erotica Sex Stories Page 5

by Lexi Sinner

  It felt incredible.

  I hoped to god that Rick felt as good as I did.

  I wanted him to have every bit of pleasure that I did.

  I needed it.

  Arching my back, changing the angle, made him strike something deep inside of me that we hadn’t hit before.

  It filled my vision with galaxies of constellations, left me spinning and waitless in the mere seconds of contact. The sounds that escaped my Greg-filled mouth weren’t human.

  “Oh,” I heard Rick murmur, a smile in his voice.

  Rocking back, he hit it again.

  Oh my god.

  Oh my god I couldn’t breathe, it felt so good. Greg pulled out of my mouth, realizing I’d stopped sucking on him, and watched as Rick started to hit that spot on at least every third thrust. Tears were in my eyes from how good it felt, I knew that I was flushed with color from the pleasure, but I wasn’t embarrassed.

  I couldn’t be embarrassed.

  It was too incredible.

  He was working my body as though he knew it better than I knew it myself.

  Greg pet my hair softly, leaning down he kissed me through it as another orgasm rocked me to my core. His lips were firm, taking, needing, and all I could do was melt against the two men. I could taste myself on Greg’s lips, and I know he could take himself on mine, but neither of us cared. It was carnal, animalistic. My second orgasm was strong, an echo of the first one, but even as it ended I knew there was another to steal.

  I wanted more.

  I wasn’t done yet.

  Rick thrust into me through my orgasm, never stopping until the exact moment his orgasm hit him. Holding my hips for dear life, he made one last hard thrust and buried himself deeply within me. I moaned and sobbed, disappointed that he was through, but thankful for how good he’d made me feel.

  I needed everything that he had to offer.

  And more.

  Rick pulled out slowly, spilling a small trickle of his orgasm in his wake. Greg kissed me once more, a furtive promise, and I was relieved to know that this wasn’t over.

  I didn’t need that disappointment.

  Greg sat down on the chair behind Rick’s desk, bare to the world besides his shirt, and pat his lap.

  I blushed, but understood.

  Rick helped me to my feet, and I made my way to Greg.

  There was a look in his eyes that said what he thought of me, that he was enjoying himself as much as I was. My heart beat faster, and suddenly I felt shy. He wanted me to ride him, I understood that, but tonight was my first night with anybody.

  I wasn’t sure I could make him feel good this way.

  I didn’t want him to be disappointed.

  “I’ll guide you,” Greg said, his voice was smooth and calm.

  “Okay,” I agree, admittedly shy.

  Climbing onto his lap, I calmed my breathing. Greg kissed my chest warmly, working from my clavicle down to my nipple, swirling it with his hot tongue. That tongue had brought me my first orgasm. Slowly, cautiously, I lowered myself down above his cock and then started to press onto it.

  It wasn’t as thick as Ricks, I could feel that, but the length of it started filling me further than Rick’s had before long. I gasped, screwing my eyes shut to concentrate on the sensation.

  It felt good.

  God why did it feel so good.

  “Just do what feels good, I promise it’ll make me feel good too,” Greg murmured in my ear. It was like he could read my mind. He knew my thoughts before even I did. Working my thighs, my arms around his shoulders, I lifted up a little and then lowered back down onto his cock.

  I could hardly breathe, concentrating carefully on every moment.

  As I lifted and lowered down again, I ground against him a little and it sent stars into my vision.

  Moving again, I was able to hit that spot that Rick found. I gasped, and then moaned and rotated my hips to hit it again. Behind me I could hear as Rick sat on the desk to watch.

  Did he like what he saw?

  Arching my back a little, putting on a show, I was amazed when I was able to hit that spot again with complete ease.


  He was perfect.

  Rotating my hips, trying to build a rhythm, I was able to start hitting that spot on every drop. My whole body was buzzing with anticipation, pleasure, I wasn’t sure how I went my life without trying this.

  I’ve missed out on so much.

  Leaning back, I sobbed out a moan as Greg’s fingers found my clit.

  Trembling, losing my pace, I was amazed as I felt him starting to rock up into me. He was so selfless, even in having me ride him he was happy to take over. Working me rough, hard, I could tell he was starting to get desperate for his own climax.

  “Come for me,” I demanded, using the voice that Rick had us try.

  Greg grunted, leaning forward so that his head was against my chest for the last few thrusts, and then came hard within me. How easily he did that, his fingers on my clit, my body full of him, it wasn’t hard for my orgasm to follow his.

  When I came it was harder than ever before.

  My body gripped him, seizing up and bowling me over with sensation and pleasure.

  I felt like I was dying.

  Endless and full of stars and pleasure, I lost any memory of how to breathe, how to feel, how to think. It was all white, and an eternity, before finally Greg’s kisses on my damp skin brought me back down to the office.

  To the classroom.

  I was panting to catch my breath, my arms around his neck as we both came down from it.

  “Beautiful,” Greg admired.

  We kissed, slowly and sweetly.

  A goodbye, because I wasn’t sure when we’d do this again. I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to handle this much again. My body was going to be sore, and marked, the next day and I didn’t mind that.

  We parted, I stood slowly and he slipped out of me. Rick got a towel out of his gym bag, and helped wipe me down, kissing me.

  It felt right for this to begin and end with kissing rick.

  He was the best part of all of this, the one I really wanted.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked, his deep voice soft and caring.

  “Confident,” I smiled, almost laughing.

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  Story 3

  “Yeah buddy, I mean just tell her you’re working overtime across State. How is she going to find out? It will just be the three of us.”

  Bill and Marty sat back on their chairs, their feet planted lazily on their desks. Marty took a sip from his to-go coffee and thought deeply for a few moments. He didn’t like the idea of lying to his wife, but he loved the idea of a trip to Vegas with the guys. Besides, Bill got away with this kind of thing all the time. Just last week, he told his wife that he had been called for a twenty-four hour shift when in reality, you could have found him pounding the slot machines in a casino just north of the state line, finishing up at 5am before returning to his hotel room with an expensive prostitute after a more than successful evening.

  They were not the kind of cops you’d want in charge of your local district. Lazy and unreliable and with an insatiable appetite for dalliance with any younger woman who would entertain the idea. Bill was tall and well built. Standing at about 6 feet 3 inches and with the physique of a man who pushed weights more than occasionally, he had no trouble picking up women in the late night bars which he often frequented after work. He had been married for almost eight years to a younger woman who covered her eyes to his antics. His pathetic excuses for his late night ramblings were merely shrugged off as she enjoyed her comfortable suburban lifestyle and plenty of her husband’s generous income. Marty was slightly shorter but displayed the same ripped physique. Although he was lower in the rankings than Bill, the police chief, they none the less enjoyed an equal relationship. Both men had short, dark hair and always remained clean shaven, as their professi
on expected them to.

  “I’m telling you man, it’s like a different world out there. The money we will make and the chicks we will nail. You can’t say we don’t deserve it.”

  Marty smiled back at the incompetent and inept chief as he made his compelling argument. How could he get away with this?

  “All you gotta do is make that phone call man. I’ll call in a couple of the guys and tell them we’re needed up state for some sort of emergency. They won’t ask any questions.”

  “You know, you’re right. I’m gonna make that call. We do deserve this!”

  Marty finally relented as he stood up from his desk and walked into the adjoining kitchen of the police station. He started to fumble around in the cupboards, looking for some biscuits or anything that he could snack on.

  “Hey, we’re out of snacks!”

  For the first time in his ten year career as police chief, Bill looked worried. He had received numerous calls describing robberies and assaults and murders before but this was a disaster on a whole new level for the blubbering officer.

  “Don’t worry, I’ve got this!”


  Elizabeth flipped the sign of her family run business from “open” to “closed”. She had just finished her shift and began to scrub the floor of the confectionary shop that she took such pride in. The whitewashed walls beamed with a freshly painted intensity and she went over the floors twice with the mop to ensure that they glistened. Finally, she polished the glass screen that protected the rows of donuts and pastries which were so highly acclaimed by all who entered her store.

  Just as she was about to switch off the lights and lock up, signifying the end of another successful day, the phone rang on top of the pristine marble counter.

  “Hello. I’m afraid that we are actually closed right now. Oh okay. I see. Well, what is the address? Okay, I guess I can do that, it’s on my way home anyway. So what would you like?”

  Elizabeth scribbled the order onto her note pad which she held in the pocket of her apron. She lifted up a section of the counter and walked through, towards the storage room to the back of the building. From here, she collected a large, white cardboard box, adorned with the company logo. She piled a number of cream and jam filled donuts into the box, sumptuously covered with various glazing and topped with sprinkles. She added a number of napkins to one side so that her loyal customers could deal with the mess that the glorious snacks would inevitably make.

  She sealed the box and finished up by polishing the counter after her latest business call and locked up at the back of the building before pulling the front door shut and sliding the shutters down over the glass exterior, locking them shut at the bottom with a click. She took a quick look at the address that she had carefully printed on the top of the box before beginning the walk that would take her approximately ten minutes to the police station. She held the box under her left arm as she stood under the veranda at the front of the building and opened a grey umbrella. After raising the collar on her long, black leather jacket to shield her neck from the dripping rain she began her walk. Her knee length brown boots clicked on the concrete side walk as she continued past the forest of grey buildings.


  “What?! Slow down, you’re not making any sense! Can you tell me your location? Yes Ma’am an officer is en route.” Bill slammed the phone down, grabbed his coat and made his way to the main entrance of the police station.

  “What the hell was that about?” Marty asked, without looking overly concerned.

  “Would you believe that was the donut girl? She said someone was following her. Typical isn’t it? The sun goes down around here and every girl pounding the pavement thinks somebody is out to get her. Oh well, she’s only a couple o’ blocks away, it just means our snacks get here faster!”

  Marty rolled his eyes as Bill exited and made his way down the five saturated concrete steps that led to the station entrance. He pulled open the door of his police car and sighed as he turned on the wipers and switched on the car’s headlamps. It had all become clear to him now. This girl just didn’t want to walk in the rain! She would probably ask for a lift home now too! He was in no rush as he nonchalantly turned the key and the powerful engine roared into action. He backed it out of the parking lot and headed north, in the direction of the street that the young woman had called out to him over the phone.

  The car knifed its way through the puddles that tormented the road as he continued at barely a crawl through the deserted streets of his home town. Who in their right mind would be out in this weather anyway he thought as he began to feel some sympathy for the owner of the confectionary store and the ordeal he was putting her through. He squinted his eyes as he began to find it difficult to see more than twenty feet ahead of him. When he reached the street he was looking for, he reduced his speed again and switched on his flashing blue and reds in the hope that she would appear out of nowhere, attracted to their glow like a moth to a flame.

  As the rain continued to crash down he pulled his car over at the end of the street. He switched on his siren for about a minute, wondering where this woman had disappeared to. He waited and waited until eventually he formed an idea. He took out his cell phone and called Marty, back at the station.

  “Hey guy, this girl seems to have vanished. Could you do me a favour? Grab the office phone and return the last call. She must have made it from her cell.”

  Bill pulled out from the kerb he was parked at and turned the car left at the top of the street in order to circle the block. He left his cell phone on speaker as he heard Marty shuffle around on the desk and lift up the phone.

  “Nothing. The damn thing is just ringing out man. That’s weird as hell.”

  “Keep trying and let me know if you get anything”, Bill replied as he hung up the phone, his nosed almost pressed against his windscreen as the wipers of the car thrashed furiously from side to side, overwhelmed with their work. He inched mechanically forwards, peering down the side alleyways, searching for the mysterious girl as the intensity of the rain increased. He considered turning around and heading for a twenty four hour drive through, before he spotted something out of the corner of his eye.

  He quickly swung his car around and beamed the powerful head lights straight down the narrow alleyway, enclosed by five stories of red brick on either side with a tall wired fence perched menacingly at the far end. The intensity of the lights startled two individuals against the wall of the alleyway. A young woman was desperately tried to evade the clutches of a much taller man, who lunged and grabbed a hold of her handbag.

  Bill immediately sprang from his car and ran to the corner of the alleyway in one swift movement. He placed his back to the wall and reached for his gun.

  “Stop what you’re doing and step away immediately!”

  The man immediately let go of the woman’s handbag and turned to face the cop. Without warning, he turned on his heel and sprinted towards the fence at the rear of the alley. With immaculate precision he jumped onto the cover of a trash can in one corner of the alleyway and used his momentum to spring up onto the top of the steel fence. He managed to place both hands on top of it and by a matter of inches, reach his right foot out to gain his balance on top of the fence, before lunging down to the other side. Bill began his pursuit but realised that his efforts would be futile. The man’s athleticism too much for the tiring cop to compete with.

  Short of breath, he returned to the young woman, who had slumped against the wall in shock. There was water dripping from her long brown hair, cascading from her fringe which hung long to her eyebrows. Her brown eyes had filled with tears as Bill carefully took her hand and helped her to her feet.

  “Thank you so much.” She eventually managed to murmur as the police man removed his jacket and draped it around her soaking body.

  “Don’t mention it. We got lucky. That gun wasn’t even loaded!”

  As Bill led the young woman back to the police car, she noticed the destroyed box on the g
round. She stared at it for a few moments before raising her hands to the top of her head and staring into the police officer’s blue eyes.

  “Oh my gosh, I completely forgot about that! If you’d like we can just go back to the shop. I have some more ready for you, it won’t take a moment.”

  “You don’t need to worry about that. Let’s just take you home after your ordeal.”

  “No I insist. After what you’ve just done. I have some donuts left that will be thrown out tomorrow when we bake our fresh ones. Trust me, you’d be doing me a favour here.”

  Bill opened the passenger door of the car, granting the woman access. She climbed in, shivering as the rain penetrated her bones.


  “There you are. Come on in for a second” Elizabeth said as she gently opened the door for the muscular hero. The bell rang above the door as he shut it behind him and Elizabeth moved in behind the counter of her store.

  “Have you any preferences Officer?”

  “Please, call me Bill. You can just fill that box up with whatever you want. We’re not fussy back at the station.”

  “You got it. Just let me go dry off back here and I’ll get right on that.”

  As she turned and moved towards the back room of the establishment, Bill couldn’t help but notice how her saturated black trousers stuck to her legs and ass as she moved. Her figure was ironically perfect for somebody producing what she was. Her hair fell right down to the bottom of her back, sleek with rain. Before she moved through the back door, she removed her black leather jacket and placed it on a stool, revealing a white blouse which was now perfectly see though. Bill noticed the back straps of her black bra and how the white material hugged her tapered body.


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