Wanting Amanda

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Wanting Amanda Page 5

by Wendy Silk

  “No, I really don’t think he’s noticed. And I’m not stalking him, I just like looking at him,” Amanda argued weakly. It was true, though. She was riveted by the sight of his broad shoulders as he lifted his equipment. She was obsessed with the way he brushed his hair from his forehead as sweated through his tasks in the afternoon heat.

  “Hailey, you don’t understand,” Amanda continued. “I’m not just creeping on him. I’m trying to figure out why he won’t look at me. If I put myself in his path enough, won’t he have to notice me?” The words had come without her thinking about them, but now she understood what she was after. She was going to make this man want her as much as she wanted him. Her time in Texas was limited, but she was determined to make something happen the way she wanted it to, at least here at the university. She would find a way to make her crush turn his bright blue eyes on her and run his hands along her bare skin. His work-tanned arms would encircle her as he pressed their naked bodies together, sliding, slipping…”

  Hailey suppressed a smile as Amanda, deep in her daydream, tripped a little on the edge of the sidewalk. Like a cat, she shook herself as if the misstep had been no accident. Hailey’s smile turned into an outright guffaw at Amanda’s instincts for self-protection.

  It was only a day later that Amanda finally had the chance to try to speak to her landscaper. She was sure that once she caught his eye, she would be able to charm him instantly. That was how it worked in all her fantasies. Life being engaged to Michael was all about being wanted by somebody she hated. What a difference it would be to share her body with a man she admired.

  Amanda was walking across the lawn of the south mall with Hailey. They carried books and chattered, as relaxed as she had been since she arrived in Austin. With a quick motion, Hailey touched Amanda’s arm.

  “Look, there’s your boyfriend,” she chuckled. She nodded ahead of them on the path, where the man Amanda undressed constantly in her daydreams was leaning against a white pickup truck. He mopped his brow with an old t-shirt, then drank deeply from a bottle of water.

  Amanda hissed “Hush!” at Hailey, but as she turned toward her friend, she saw that she was speaking to empty air. Hailey had patted her pockets and turned on her heel in an obvious pretense of forgetting something.

  Amanda shook her head at Hailey’s juvenile plan to put her on the spot, looking down at the pavement below her feet in embarrassment. Driven by something inside her that she couldn’t quell, she faced forward again and squared her shoulders. Here he was, right in front of her. She might as well seize this moment that Hailey had created for her and try to talk to him.

  She stepped forward and blurted out the only thing she could think of to say. “Can you tell me where the French building is? I’m new here, and I’ve lost my map.”

  The man looked at her as if he didn’t understand why on earth she would be asking him. “No,” he answered abruptly. “I haven’t been here long myself, and I don’t know anything about that.”

  She blushed, aware of how stupid she must look. At the same time, though, her feet were unwilling to move her away from him. She stood stock still, staring at the way the sunlight glinted off his forearms.

  He was also unmoving. Not transfixed by her, as she was by him, but gazing at her with a perplexed look. “Was there something else?” he asked her abruptly.

  Amanda gave herself a shake. “No, sorry,” she mumbled, turning to move along on the path. Her cheeks were flushed like a teenager’s as she scurried away from the man she had been staring at for so many days.

  As she moved away from him, she thought she heard a voice from inside the cab of the truck. She realized there was another man there, one she had not been able to see in the glare of the sunlight. She deliberately dropped a book, straining to hear the conversation behind her as she paused to retrieve it.

  “These college girls! They all want you, don’t they? They fantasize about taking you home for a good lay. I don’t know why you never say yes to them.” The man in the truck had a rough way of speaking, uttering his crass words far louder than necessary.

  Amanda couldn’t hear all of her crush’s response as she moved away, but she heard the first part.

  “Ron, that’s enough of that kind of talk,” he replied in a low tone. “None of that actually never happens. They never ask me any such thing. If you were ever here…”

  The rest of his words vanished behind her as she kept walking. Nobody ever asked him? She wondered if asking was all it would take.

  Chapter 10: Seduction

  Amanda leaned against the railing of her balcony. Fridays were the best, she thought. It was only mid-afternoon, and she was already home from class and ready to relax. She had gone to two classes this morning, then met with a professor to discuss her short story assignment. Now she was back at her dorm, still full of energy. The September heat wave was reaching historic proportions, according to the local weather people, but she loved it.

  She stretched, pressing her lithe body against the cool metal. She relished the anonymity she enjoyed here. Weekend evenings were spent with Hailey and her friends. The group usually included Sam. He had turned out to have eyes for Hailey only, and she seemed to share his interest. Amanda was meeting people her own age who accepted her without requiring much of her. If she was Hailey’s friend, then she must be fine, their attitudes suggested. Nobody asked her which exclusive resort she would visit for winter break, or whether she was planning to attend the next invitation-only charity ball. It was all more restful than the life she had become used to in New York. The stakes were lowered and she had less to prove.

  However, she still couldn’t stop thinking about the man she wanted. She saw him every day as he worked, but he never turned his head to notice her, no matter how slowly she walked past him, or how deliberately she watched him. She was being a little creepy, she had to admit. Hailey had told her openly that her behavior was weird. Not because she was engaged. Only Hailey and Sam had any idea of that. But simply because she stared harder the more her crush ignored her. For Amanda, this had become a challenge, a way she could prove to herself that she was desirable just for herself, with no complications of social context, manipulation, or promises.

  Looking across the wide lawn below her balcony, she wondered idly what she would have to do to get his attention. With a tiny thrill, she saw that he was there, working in the garden beds alongside the lawn. He had a cart full of gardening tools at his side, and no other workers anywhere near him. It was impossible to forget the way his jeans fit. He wore a white t-shirt, which clung damply to his muscular frame in the sticky air. When he leaned over to pick up the rakes he was loading onto the cart, the white cotton fabric of his shirt strained against his back.

  Watching him, Amanda unconsciously lifted a hand to her breasts and brushed her right nipple with her thumb. A familiar longing stirred inside her, getting stronger the more she stared at this sweaty man that she didn’t know. Amanda looked down at herself a little absentmindedly, seeing her crisp white sundress and the round, high breasts that she was so used to. She had never understood when she caught men staring at them. But now maybe she did.

  Amanda had a brief moment of understanding what the fuss was all about. Her breasts tingled as they brushed against the thin cotton fabric. Her hand began to rub her right nipple a bit harder, making circles around the darker areola. She felt as if she were flushing pink everywhere. Her skin was hot, not just on her breasts, but lower down, between her legs.

  The tall, dark haired landscaper looked up, as if he could feel Amanda’s hot gaze on him. Although this was just what she had been wishing for, she panicked. She knew what she should do. She should turn around and slip through the French doors behind her, pretending she hadn’t been looking at him. Pretending she hadn’t just been caught staring at the way his biceps were glistening in the hot sun as he flexed them. But she didn’t. Instead, she heard her own girlish voice calling out across the lawn.

  “Hi!” she h
eard herself say, like a fool.

  “You look hot!” she called. “I mean, do you want to come up for some lemonade?” She stopped then and dropped eye contact, thinking she must look like an idiot. They had never really met, and they probably never would. What a dumb idea. He obviously wasn’t interested. But then she raised her head when she heard him answer.

  “Hey! You know, I would like a cold drink, if you don’t mind.” he said politely. “Thanks!”

  Amanda wondered if maybe she was completely wrong about what had just happened. He hadn’t seen the way she was looking at him. He definitely hadn’t seen the way her pert nipples were still pressing against her thin white dress. And there was no way he could know about the wetness that she was feeling between her legs as she watched him stride toward the door below her.

  “I’m in 205!” she called, hoping her voice didn’t quaver. “Come on up; I’ll buzz you in.”

  Amanda stepped back inside, feeling the cool air conditioning and hoping it would calm her down. She looked around the living room, hardly noticing the expensive touches that her mom had added to it before she moved in. It was the best of the private dorms at the university, so there was never any question that it would be where she made her home this year. She hadn’t been involved in choosing any of the antique furniture or heavy curtains, though. Jennifer had people who did that, and who did it far better than she ever would.

  When the knock came at the door, she actually jumped a little. What was she doing? Shaking her head at herself, she crossed the antique patterned carpet to let in the strange man she had invited into her quiet rooms. Surely this was nothing; it was just common courtesy to offer a cool drink to somebody who was working outside. She may have come here from New York, but she had been born in the South, and she knew sharing refreshments was an ordinary kindness. One made a bit less usual, perhaps, by the fact that she had been stalking this man across the campus for weeks.

  Nothing was going to happen. Just a quick lemonade and he’d thank her again and go back to work.

  As Amanda opened the door, she saw her own graceful arm extended before her, still tanned from her summer days on the tennis court. Without allowing herself to think, she placed a hand on the landscaper’s strong forearm as he stood in her doorway.

  “Come in,” she murmured.

  He had a friendly face, with a lock of wavy hair that insisted on falling across his forehead. Amanda already knew that he had a habit of pushing that lock of hair off his face a hundred times throughout the day and she longed to do it for him. His expression was quizzical as he stepped into the room and closed the door behind him. Did he recognize her?

  “Well, thanks. I really could use a cold drink on a day like this. It’s very nice of you to offer.” His voice was quiet and more cultured than she had expected from their brief exchange the other day. He was more grown up than the men she had been meeting through Hailey, although he couldn’t have been much older.

  Amanda looked down at her own delicate hand, still resting lightly on the man’s arm. As she realized that she couldn’t seem to take her hand off him, she flushed even pinker than before. The heat outside had come into the cool indoors with him. She was so hot that she couldn’t think straight.

  As he stood still, clearly a little curious about her and about what exactly was happening, Amanda felt she had no choice but to lean forward and brush his lips with hers. She was moving through a fog, a kind of calm before a hurricane. She stayed close to the warmth of this sweaty landscaper, whose smell was grassy and surprisingly pleasant. Her breath caught and the world held still as she stood there touching his arm. His response was to gently kiss her lips in return. The sensation was unexpectedly sweet.

  For Amanda, the next few moments were like a forest fire igniting. She couldn’t breathe properly. She was having trouble standing on her suddenly weak legs. All she could think of to do was to stay as close to this strange man as she could. When she knew what she wanted to do, she did it. She reached down to the landscaper’s crotch, where she ran her fingers across his stiff hard-on. Then she firmly but carefully unzipped his jeans. She teased his cock out of his pants, and in one motion, she turned her back to him. She leaned forward on her her heavy, antique desk full of coursework papers, and lifted her white sundress up, exposing the soft skin of her bare ass to him.

  The blue-eyed landscaper did not stop to ask any questions about this new direction his day was taking. His hungry eyes ran up her long, slim legs to her trim buttocks. He stopped at the sight of her glistening pussy, peeking out as she arched her back. Amanda held her ass high in the air, with her legs spread and her weight balanced on the mahogany desk. She looked back at him, over her shoulder, and smiled.

  “Come and fuck me” she whispered.

  The gardener stood there in her impeccably decorated living room, considering for a moment. Then he stepped forward to do exactly what she had asked of him. He pulled his damp white t-shirt over his head, revealing the taut muscles of his arms and chest. He tugged impatiently at his jeans, dropping them down to his ankles, but not stopping to take them off. He left his work boots on, with their small caking of dirt from the flower beds on the back quad. Now those leather boots were having their way with this beautiful, impulsive young woman’s imported rug.

  He moved surely, knowing just what he wanted. In a moment, he was pressing the tip of his thick cock against her. As they touched, she let out a faint moan and shivered. He placed his hands on her hips and entered her in one smooth motion. His cock moved unhesitatingly into her slippery wet lips, filling her with his flesh. Amanda groaned and moved her hips willingly as he began to thrust harder inside her. He stroked her buttocks as he looked down at her. Her lower back was soft where it met the curve of her rounded hips and tight ass

  As he moved his hard penis inside Amanda, it grew even larger. She could feel the curve of it as he thrust in and out of her. She gasped at how it seemed like he could go on forever, filling her completely. His strokes were firm and authoritative; he knew exactly what he was doing to her body. When he reached around and found her clit, she thought she might explode, shattering into pieces across the universe. He leaned against her, with his chest against her back, his breath against her ear.

  “Do you like that?” he murmured. “Do you like it when I touch you?”

  She could only nod in answer. Her orgasm was building within her, so strongly that she felt out of control of her own body. His gentle, masterful hand moved against her clit while the rhythm of the strokes of his fucking her from behind continued with no sign of stopping. Amanda felt a wave of pleasure wash over her as every part of her tensed and then released, sending a tingling sensation from the center of her being out to her fingertips. For a moment, she felt paralyzed and unable to understand her senses, then she began to realize again where she was.

  The man she had invited into her rooms, the man whose name she didn’t even know, was still pumping masterfully into her from behind. She was still leaning over the mahogany desk near her front door, pressing her chest down into a pile of loose papers, and rocking with the power of his thrusts. He was holding her hips in his hands and moving in long strokes against her, battering her pussy rhythmically as he took his own pleasure.

  He spoke: “I don’t have a…” He let the thought trail gently away, although she could tell that he was concerned about being careful with her.

  Amanda answered calmly, almost dreamily, “No, you don’t need one. I want you to fuck me hard and come inside me. I want to feel your sticky cum in me and dripping from my cunt.”

  At her answer, he quickened his pace. He had no doubt now what he was doing. No need to wonder what she wanted. All he had wanted to do, since he saw this girl was to pump her full of his cum, to spray his hot semem inside her and to know it was still there when he walked away. He thrust into her as hard as he could without hurting her. He could feel the sensation in his balls, each stroke into her bringing him to the brink of finishing.

  Holding her rounded ass in both his hands, he grunted and emptied his cum deep inside her. The release was incredible. All the tension he had been feeling, watching this beautiful young woman in her cool white dress, wondering why she was inviting him upstairs to her rooms--all that tension faded as he felt his cock in her tight passage, giving her what he knew now that she had wanted from the beginning. In hindsight, all those days of watching her watch him, of knowing that she would turn up wherever he worked, led to this as surely as anything had ever happened to him.

  Amanda looked back at him and smiled. “Wow. Did we really just do that?”

  He smiled down at her. “I think we did, yeah. Did you know we were going to?”

  Amanda slowly stood up, stretching her battered muscles like a cat. She turned to face him, smoothing her cotton dress down over her legs again. She tilted her head a bit and smiled.

  “Yes, I think I did, from the first time I saw you.” She wrinkled her brow, knowing there was something she hadn’t gotten around to. She knew she had skipped something in her haste to quench the fire she felt inside her when she saw this man. She felt like she had always wanted him inside her, though at the same time, she knew her family would never approve of him. They didn’t need to know.

  What was it that she had forgotten?

  “Oh.” she murmured. “I don’t even know your name. I’m Amanda.” She felt a little embarrassed that she was telling a man her name after she had let him fuck her, rather than before. Didn’t she have any standards? She was so pleased with herself, though, that she couldn’t help but smile gleefully at him.

  The tall, muscular man she had just seduced grinned back at her. His eyes lit up with a shared understanding of what she had just been thinking. He pulled his jeans back up and zipped them. His left hand moved to his forehead to brush the hair out of his eyes. With his t-shirt off, he was sexy as hell, standing there in her living room, covered in a sheen of sweat that was now from both their bodies. His voice was kind, though, not rough.


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