Noble Revelations

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Noble Revelations Page 11

by Adeleke Kayode

  “My apologies commander. It took us longer than expected to get into position.” One of the recently arrived soldiers commented.

  The soldier in the hood didn’t say anything instead they looked at Carter and the others then their gaze fell on me.

  “Alexander Noble. Prepare to face the judgement of the Saints.” The voice that spoke sounded deep and robotic nothing about it seemed remotely human.

  Chapter 19

  After the hooded saint spoke everything was silent, like the world around us knew some sort of dramatic showdown was about to begin. Unfortunately I had no idea when it was really going to begin. The Saints stood there for a moment eyeing each of us, which made the moment very tense. Then out of nowhere the silence was broken.

  “Alastor? You shouldn’t be here. The saints have no business with you…yet.” It was one of the many soldiers that spoke. I couldn’t be sure which one.

  “Just because you don’t have business with me. Doesn’t, mean I don’t have business with you.”

  I broke eye contact with the Saints for just a second to glance at Alastor, that’s when I heard an odd static sound like it was coming from a radio or walkie talkie. In the corner of my eye I could see Carter looking down at something. Before I could find out what I heard a number of Saint Squad soldiers moved their guns into firing positions. I took that to mean this little showdown at dawn was about to begin.

  The Saint Squad soldiers were probably using ammunitions that would shred through the cars acting as shields in front of us. So there was no way we could just sit still once the fighting sta…baaaarp baaaaaarp. The first round of shots came from the Saint’s side, everyone scrambled once the shooting began. It was regular instinct or habit to either run for cover or return fire when you’re being shot at. For some reason or another there was a different instinct going through my head. Once the shots were fired and everyone scattered taking a new position to counterattack, I lifted my leg and kicked the car in front of me as hard as I could. The car skated across the concrete like a hockey puck on ice.

  Baaaaarp baaaarp baaaarp, Saint Squad soldiers immediately started shooting at the car as it hurtled toward them. I ran behind the car coated in hygrometal, in a matter of seconds the car barreled through at least three of the Saint Squad soldiers. My target was only a few feet and a handful of soldiers away. I was headed for the commander in the hood, once the others realized what I was doing the fight changed dramatically. A large number of the Saint squad headed toward me…baaaarp baaaaarp zeeeeeet, gunfire and a bolt of electric shot forth from behind me hitting some of the incoming Saint Squad soldiers.

  Unfortunately for us their armor was tough enough that it took more than a few shots to take them down, they even seemed capable of withstanding Carter’s electricity. That didn’t stop the others from continuing to attack in an attempt to clear as much of a path to the hooded saint as possible. Baaaarp baaaaaarp some members of the Saint Squad decided to ignore the others and focused their fire on me. That didn’t stop me from approaching their leader, the bullets they fired seemed to vibrate but because of the hygrometal surrounding me the kinetic force from the bullets spread through my body along with the vibration. Because of the vibration there were unpleasant amounts of pain running through my body, especially in my right shoulder.

  My hygrometal shell couldn’t hold up forever but it didn’t have to. The hooded saint was only four people away, oddly enough the four soldiers that appeared to be guarding their leader moved to the side. I didn’t stop to think about why, instead I picked up the pace and allowed my hygrometal coating to recede. Pulling by left arm back I readied myself to deliver a powerful punch, with one last burst of speed I threw my fist forward. My left hand was closing in just about to hit the hooded Saint in the head when my hand stopped just an inch away from their visor.

  “Hmph, pathetic.” The hooded Saint mocked while holding my wrist.

  I tried to pull my hand back but wasn’t quite able to break free from the grip of the hooded saint. Then in one quick motion the hooded saint loosened their grip on my hand then palmed my chest. Either from the pain or the surprise I sucked in a breath of air while my body catapulted backward, I didn’t let myself go far, focusing on the thought of an invisible force catching me. My body stopped in the middle of the air allowing me to get back on my feet, Saint Squad soldiers charged toward me apparently itching for a fight with me. I took in a deep breath then exhale with moving into a runner’s position and launching forward.

  I ran toward the closest soldier as if I was planning to run into him. That didn’t deter him or anything instead he just kept running at me. It appeared as if the two of us were about to crash into each other, when at the last minute I pivoted allowing the soldier to run passed me. The very second we were parallel from each other I pointed both my hands at his helmet while a green glow cast itself on the man’s visor just before energy shot forth. His head cocked back and his body fell to the ground while a green wisp of smoke rose from his helmet.

  The other Saints were heading toward me so I didn’t stop moving. I ran forward toward the incoming soldiers planning on mowing them down as fast as I could. Two of the Saint Squad soldiers reached me a lot sooner than I expected, each throwing a punch toward me. I evaded as best as I could, getting hit in the stomach by a punch I didn’t see coming. The punch hurt a lot more than I thought it would but I wasn’t going to let that stop me. So I lifted both my hands up ignoring the pain that flared from my right shoulder. The two soldiers stepped forward and threw out a flurry of punches. I went on the defensive and began dodging each of their punches. These guys were good, I figured I could go on the offensive really quickly but the way these guys were moving made it a very difficult option to choose.

  The two fighters in front of me were fighting in tandem each of their movements seemed to cover the others. I watched how they moved in then backed off to give the other an opportunity to strike, paying careful attention for the next time they did that I made my move. One of the soldiers took two steps back while the other moved forward, I moved my right hand to the side quickly while picturing one of their feet moving to the side. Once his foot was pulled to the side a little further than I expected, but it didn’t matter it worked all the same. The soldier moving backward stumbled toward the ground that’s when I moved forward with my arms tucked close to my side. Without holding back I launched my left hand upward for an uppercut which managed to send the soldier skyward. His buddy was surprised which left him open so I moved toward him turned and sent my elbow into his visor. He went down in an instant while blood flew from his helmet into the air.

  Two more Saint Squad soldiers approached, both of them jumped into the air preparing to attack me when they were suddenly yanked to the side. I turned for just a moment to see Alastor with a look on his face that said get on with it. With my focus returned to the battle at hand I ran toward the hooded saint who appeared to be standing by themselves. They stepped forward slowly allowing their cloak to fall behind them. Once it did I noticed the design of the leader’s armor was different from the others more decorative if you will. None of that was important though. What was important was the fact that I was charging forward toward the Saint Commander. Baaarp baaaarp baaaarp bullets flew passed me, a few grazed me but nothing too serious. I figured they were aiming at the others and I happened to get in the way. The Saint Commander took small steps forward as I approached as if they didn’t care too much about the fact that I was about to attack.

  “I guess I should get their attention.”

  For just a moment I slow down allowing myself the time to pull out the Remington handgun with my right hand. It was going to be a tough move but I knew I could pull it off, the pain wouldn’t be enough to stop me. Once the Remington was in hand I sped forward clenching my left hand into a fist. The Saint Commander walked forward only standing a few feet away. I readied my left hand just like last time and launched my fist forward.

  “Really? Predictabl
e.” The Saint Commander commented as they stopped my punch for a second time.

  This time instead of being surprised I simply smiled before pulling the trigger of the Remington special barpbaarp baaaaarp baaaaarp. The flash was bright enough that it showed on my face, even if it was just for a moment. The Saint Commander released my left hand and staggered backward in surprise, I wasn’t done yet. I grabbed hold of their outstretch hand and pulled them in close while lifting my right hand up until it was under the Saint Commander’s chin. I held it there for just a second before pulling the trigger click click…


  The Saint Commander wasn’t happy using their free hand they threw a punch toward my face. I dropped the Remington special freeing up my right hand to intercept the punch. Pain flashed in my right shoulder but I had managed to stop the Commander’s punch. My right hand was open right in front of the Commander’s hand. Using Alastor’s telekinesis I held back the hand at the expense of the pain that flowed through my right shoulder. The Saint Commander stared at me for a moment while attempting to push their fist forward. Without any warning my left hand was twisted to the side, then the Saint Commander stomped on my left foot then raised the same leg up high in an attempt to kick my head. I tilted my head back just barely avoiding the kick, that didn’t stop the Saint Commander from slamming the heel of their feet into my right shoulder.

  I felt like my eyes bulged out for a moment from how wide they opened from the pain. The Saint Commander jumped back only to rush forward while tucking their arms close allowing them to throw quick jabs toward me. If I tried to grab their fist, they would snapped their arm back with incredible speed. So I had to evade, first I tried back stepping which only gave me breathing room for a second or two. The Saint Commander hit me hard in the face with a left jab so I pivoted giving myself an opening. Using my left elbow I aimed for a strike to the head, the Saint Commander caught my elbow and prepare to hit me with another strike to the face. I didn’t give them the chance though, I sent my right fist forward hitting their side.

  The Saint Commander slid backward for just a moment, then moved toward me with a kick to the stomach, to the head, then to the leg. I jumped back avoiding the first kick toward my stomach, the kick toward my head was faster but I still managed to duck dodging it. The last kick manage to hit my leg which made it hard for me to move back for the next attack. So instead of moving backwards I stepped forward, the Saint Commander was attempting to hit me with an uppercut. So I got in close reducing the power they could gather into the hit, and pulled my head back allowing hygrometal to surround it then threw it forward. Smacking it against the helmet of the Saint Commander which cause them to stagger backward while the hygrometal covering my head receded.

  “Cheap trick.” The deep robotic voice of the Saint Commander complained.

  I smirked for a moment then raised my left hand, heat spread throughout my palm then flames burst forth flying toward the Saint Commander. In the corner of my eye I saw the green hummingbird fly around the Saint Commander stopping behind them. Green light consumed my field of vison starting from the sides then moving to the center after which blackness followed. In a flash of green light I vanished, the stream of fire had stopped allowing the Saint Commander to see that I was no longer in front of them.

  No. Instead I was behind them. It didn’t take the Saint Commander too long to realize that I had teleported behind them but it didn’t matter because I had already made my move. The moment the Saint Commander turned around, I hit them in the stomach right above the bullet holes in their armor. I didn’t stop there, kicking forward I hit the Saint Commander’s chest. I immediately followed up by striking the Saint Commander’s head with a right hook. The pain that followed was well worth it.

  While tightening my left hand into a fist I moved forward, the Saint Commander was still staggered from my previous attacks staring right at me with their cracked visor so that was where I attacked with a left cross. My fist flew forward with as much strength as I could muster, the moment it hit the visor of the Saint Commander’s helmet, the ever familiar warmth flared in my eyes. Time seemed to slow down as the crack in the center of the visor spread, moving across the rest of the helmet. By then the Saint Commander’s body started to move backward. I could hear the sound of the visor cracking, there was also the sound of gunfire around me, the buzzing of the Saints’ Hercules beetle carrier aircraft. In the mix of sounds there was something else there that I couldn’t quite make out, it sounded similar to the buzzing of the carrier aircraft but it was fainter, more subtle maybe I was just mixing the sounds together.

  The moment the Saint Commander hit the ground time returned to its normal pace. I took a deep breath then exhaled to steady myself while I watched the Saint Commander’s body to see what their next move was. It took a moment but the Saint Commander stood up, their back was turned to me which I found strange but didn’t make anything of it. When they stood up something crumbled and fell to the ground, I assumed it was their helmet. I guess now it was time to see the man behind the mask. From where I stood I could see that the Saint Commander had bright red hair which only reached the middle of their neck. The Saint Commander turned around just as I decided to make a comment about their hair.

  “I didn’t expect you to be a red he….”

  I paused for a moment because I was surprised by what I saw. The man behind the mask wasn’t a man at all but a woman instead. One who had freckles on her face and dark eyes, she looked at me for a moment with an uninterested expression on her face.

  “I expected something smarter. Guess I overestimated you.” The Saint’s Commander’s voice was completely different now that their helmet was destroyed. Their voice wasn’t too deep but managed to sound tough.

  “So what am I suppose to call you. Because in my head I’ve just be calling you the hooded saint or weirdo with the robotic voice.”

  The Saint Commander chuckled for a moment then glared at me, her eyes flashed a dark red color which caught me by surprise, so did the fact she suddenly charged at me. I tried to take a fighting stance but she was moving quicker than I had original realized. Just like that she was in front of me. Instinctively I moved to strike her but then my body froze in place, pain erupted from my stomach as I coughed abruptly spraying out an unpleasant amount of saliva. I took a step back while grabbing at my stomach. It felt like I couldn’t breathe so I immediately tried sucking in air which caused me to make a sort of huuu..huuuu…huuuuu sound. I blinked for a moment realizing that my vison was blurry if only for a second. I took a couple deep breaths through my nose and steady myself.

  “Haaa…haaa not bad. So should I call you Robo Saint, Gin….”

  Without warning the Saint Commander hit me in the face. I felt like I was going to fly into the air so I planted my feet onto the ground and stood firm. I still slid back a couple feet, the very second I stopped I rushed forward. The Saint Commander came at me fast sending a powerful right toward my side. Her fist went right through me literally, I could see the surprise on her face as I moved my left hand forward.

  “Good but not nearly good. Enough.” The Saint Commander yelled while she struck my right shoulder.

  I closed my eyes for just a moment from the pain but didn’t let it stop me instead I sent a left hook into her stomach hitting the area in her armor that was riddled with bullet holes. The hit seemed to have a similar effect on the Saint Commander as the hit to my shoulder had on me. She took a step back to get some breathing room so I tagged her with a left jab to the face, she didn’t let it bother her for a moment hitting me in the face with two quick jabs. She moved in close preparing to hit me with a straight but I didn’t give her the chance.

  I raised my right hand up fast and struck her in the face as hard as I could, she hit the ground almost immediately scrapping against it for a moment or two before throwing her leg back flipping to her feet and rushing toward me. My right arm was screaming in pain right now but I had to stuff it down, I couldn’
t be bother with it at the moment. The Saint Commander was inbound, she zigzagged toward me making it difficult for me to predict where her next attack was coming from. She jumped into the air and spun around fast sending two kicks toward my head in quick succession. I ducked and took a couple quick steps back, once she landed the Saint Commander followed after me.

  “You hold too much back Alexander. Where’s your killer instinct.”

  The Saint Commander managed to hit me in the nose with a punch that I didn’t see coming the second one I saw though. I managed to catch her punch with my right hand no less. I shook my head side to side while glaring at her.

  “Don’t. Call me Alexander.”

  The Saint Commander smiled for just a moment. “Why. What are you gonna do about it.”


  The color red flashed in front of my eyes as pain exploded across my shoulder. I bit into my bottom lip to stop myself from screaming in pain. I still screamed I just ended up making my lip bleed as well. I stumbled backward while grabbing my right shoulder with my left arm. The gift that…aaaaah…keeps on….giving. I remember thinking that when my arm was dislocated by Adam now I was remembering that line of thought because I was in a similar predicament. The Saint Commander had hit me hard enough in the shoulder that it had been dislocated again. Fighting her just change from incredibly difficult to nearly impossible.

  “So this would probably be….a bad time…to say I….think I settle on calling….you Ginger snap.”

  The Saint Commander’s only reply was giving me a smug smirk. She was a tough opponent up there with Alastor and Juliette maybe even Adam. It shouldn’t come as a surprise considering she was a Prime. Knowing that meant she could hit just as hard as I could or even harder. I didn’t need to see her eyes glow to figure that out though. There had to be some way to take her down.

  “You know the dossier for you said that you have an indomitable will. You push yourself forward no matter the circumstances, no matter the obstacle. When I read that I was curious to see that indomitable will first hand. No, I realize the dossier got it wrong it’s not that you have an indomitable will oh no. It’s that you’re too stupid to realize when you’re in over your head or when you should back down. Isn’t that right, Alexander?” The Saint Commander spoke with a condescending tone even going as far as putting emphasis on my name.


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