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Enlighten Page 11

by K. M. Shea

“Perhaps, but one of his fears has certainly become more pressing,” Morgan said.

  “What?” Britt asked.

  “Lancelot,” Nymue said.

  Britt shifted uncomfortably. “Merlin doesn’t think he’ll be a problem.”

  “As I recall, you thought differently. Did his little speech on your behalf change your mind?” Nymue asked.

  “No,” Britt shook her head. “He feels…”

  “Deep,” Morgan said.

  “Exactly,” Britt said.

  “Lancelot is a fathomless character. One can never get a full measure of him,” Morgan said.

  “What Morgan le Fay is being too sweet to say is that Lancelot might ruin you yet,” Nymue said, “because you’ve gone from a threat to overshadow his greatness to a possible target.”

  Nymue’s words struck Britt like a truck. “So, that’s a possible complication from being revealed as a girl,” Britt sighed.

  “He is ruthless,” Morgan said.

  “I haven’t seen that yet. It’s there, but he keeps it leashed most of the time. Except when he stabs people,” Britt scowled.

  “It doesn’t mean it isn’t there,” Morgan said.

  “Mark my words: he’ll stir up more trouble—just a different sort now that he knows who you are.”

  “He’ll have to tangle with Kay,” Britt said, brightening at the thought.

  “And Merlin,” Morgan added.

  “What? Merlin won’t care,” Britt said, laughing at the idea.

  “I disagree. Merlin will care very much,” Morgan said.

  “No way. Now that my core group of knights knows, he’s floating around without a care in the world. He won’t give a rip if Lancelot tries seducing me,” Britt said.

  Nymue and Morgan exchanged looks.

  “Anyway, besides that, things should quiet down. Finally! I’ll have to do something about Guinevere, but that’s easy compared to everything else. This is a load off my shoulders; I feel amazing!”

  “I’m glad, for your sake,” Morgan said.

  “Now you can only hope that no new problems show up at your gatehouse,” Nymue said.

  Britt snorted. “Who else is left? No one. I’m safe! I’m going to enjoy this summer. Maybe we’ll even throw one of those tournament things.”

  “That would be fun,” Nymue said, clasping her hands together. “I’ve always wanted to see someone toss Lancelot from his horse. I have heard both Sir Bodwain and Sir Kay can best him.”

  “It’s true,” Britt grinned. “It’s a sight I never grow tired of.”

  “I imagine so!”

  As Britt spoke with Morgan and Nymue, a knight mounted on a coal black charger rode up to the gatehouse of Camelot.

  “Who goes there?” a guard shouted down to the man.

  “I am a knight, seeking to join King Arthur’s court,” the knight said.

  “What is your name?”


  The End


  Adelind: Wife of King Pellinore—Queen of Anglesey

  Agravain: the second son of King Lot and Queen Morgause of Orkney.

  Ban: One of two kings who marched with Britt against Lot and his allies. He is from France, is well groomed, and is said to have a son who is an impressive knight.

  Bedivere: A knight Britt met in London when she was crowned King. Britt chose him as her marshal on an impulse, without any input from Merlin. Bedivere is the only knight in Britt’s close circle who does not know she is a girl.

  Bodwain: Britt’s constable and one of Merlin’s Minions.

  Bors: One of two kings who marched with Britt against Lot and his allies. He is from France, although he appears to be half bear. His two sons are said to be gallivanting around with King Ban’s son.

  Ector: the man who was selected to be Arthur’s foster father. He has taken a similar role in Britt’s life.

  Gaheris: The third son of King Lot and Queen Morgause of Orkney.

  Gareth: The youngest son of King Lot and Queen Morgause of Orkney.

  Gawain: The eldest son of King Lot and Queen Morgause of Orkney.

  Griflet: A young, ignorant knight who is related to Sir Bedivere and is close friends with Ywain.

  Guinevere: The daughter of King Leodegrance whom Britt dislikes thanks to modern King Arthur stories and legends.

  Igraine: Mother of the real Arthur. Uther Pendragon was her second husband.

  Kay: Britt’s seneschal and supposed foster brother. He takes Britt’s safety seriously and is often seen writing in a log book.

  Lancelot: The only son of King Bors whom Britt despises thanks to modern King Arthur stories and legends.

  Leodegrance: King of Camelgrance, one of Britt’s first allies.

  Lot: King of Orkney and Britt’s worst enemy. He rallied kings and knights and led them to battle before Britt and her allies overthrew him.

  Maleagant: A duke and friend of King Ryence.

  Merlin: Britt’s chief counselor who is also responsible for yanking Britt back through time. He openly uses Britt to accomplish his dream of uniting Britain.

  Morgause: Daughter of Igraine and Arthur’s half sister. She is married to King Lot of Orkney and has four sons: Gawain, Agravain, Gaheris, and Gareth.

  Morgan le Fay: daughter of Igraine, Arthur’s half sister and full sister to Queen Morgause and Queen Elaine. She is known to have magical powers.

  Nymue: The beautiful Lady of the Lake who “gave” Excalibur to Britt.

  Pellinore: A noble-looking king who attacked Britt with King Lot, King Urien, and King Ryence.

  Ryence: A cowardly king who attacked Britt with King Lot, King Urien, and King Pellinore.

  Tor: the son of a cowherd who is made a knight by Britt. He has a squire named Lem

  Ulfius: An older knight who once served Uther Pendragon and now serves Britt as her chamberlain. He is one of Merlin’s Minions.

  Urien: the brother-in-law of King Lot and a King in his own right, Urien fought with Lot, Pellinore, and Ryence against Britt but has since become Britt’s vassal because he believes she holds his son, Ywain, hostage in Camelot.

  Uther Pendragon: Considered to be one of the greatest kings of England. He is the real Arthur’s father and died some years ago—leaving all of his lands and money to Arthur.

  Ywain: The only offspring of King Urien. He swore loyalty to Britt after being captured by her men and has revered her ever since. Morgause is his aunt.

  Other books by K.M. Shea

  Life Reader

  Red Rope of Fate

  Princess Ahira

  Robyn Hood:

  A Girl’s Tale

  Fight for Freedom

  The Magical Beings’ Rehabilitation Center:

  My Life at the MBRC

  Farewell to the MBRC?

  King Arthur and Her Knights:






  Three pack (Enthroned, Enchanted, Embittered)

  Timeless Fairy Tales

  Beauty and the Beast

  The Wild Swans



  The Little Selkie

  Puss in Boots

  Coming 2015

  The Snow Queen

  Endeavour: King Arthurs and Her Knights book 6

  About the Author

  K.M. Shea is a book lover, champion web surfer, and all around geek. She’s been writing for over ten years and has worked as a librarian and a newspaper reporter. K.M. lives in the quaint countryside with her pets: Perfect Dog and Fat Cat.



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