
Home > Paranormal > Aequus > Page 10
Aequus Page 10

by Randi Cooley Wilson

  “We apologize for the lack of rainfall, Lady Sequoia. When I return, I’ll see to it that Oren allows for more storms.” Tristan appeases her using his formal prince tone.

  She stands tall and casts a glare down at him. “I should hope so, Your Highness. The emperor’s interests seem to lie elsewhere these days. Outside of the woodland realm.”

  “How so?” Tristan inquires smoothly.

  “As I told Queen Ophelia, on several occasions, he has crossed the border into the earth realm,” she replies.

  Tristan ponders her words. “Are you sure?”

  “I am.” The tree stares back at him.

  Tristan’s nostrils flare. “Thank you.”

  A ringing sound appears out of nowhere, almost like a bell chiming, and on the side of the tree’s bark, a rainbow-colored ripple appears and shimmers. The portal gateway.

  Lady Sequoia inclines her head toward it. “I bid you safe passage to and fro, Your Highnesses. Princess Serena.”

  Zander and Tristan dip their chins. “Peace be with you,” they say in unison, and guide me toward the gateway.

  We step through and enter a tunnel that seems made of a rainbow, walking at a fast pace toward the other side. The colors twist and turn, causing me to become light-headed, and I squeeze my eyes a few times to regain my center of gravity.

  “Does every tree have a spirit?” I ask Tristan.

  “Just those within the woodland realm. They protect our borders. Only certain woodland nymphs can see them.”

  I grab his elbow, forcing us to stop. “I saw her, though.”

  He frowns. “You wear my mark, so you carry the gift.”

  “Is that what Queen Ophelia meant the last time we were here in the realm? When she said the forest has eyes?”

  Tristan’s frown deepens. “Yes. The trees are part of our army, Serena. They see, hear, and report on everything.”

  I chew on my lip. “Does Oren know this?”

  “No. Only woodland nymphs know.”

  “And now you do too, champ,” Zander adds.

  “Why go to Laven then? Why not just ask the trees if they’ve seen Oren and Ophelia conspiring?” I pose.

  Tristan and Zander share a knowing glance before Tristan shakes his head no at me in some type of warning.

  My brows pull together before I remember that we’re still inside the tree trunk. Which means she can still hear us.

  I nod my understanding and we take the last steps to the other side. Tristan leads me into a new realm, which is so blindingly bright, I’m forced to squint and lift my hands to cover my eyes. Behind us, the portal shrinks and closes.

  “Daphne will open it when we return,” Zander states.

  I throw a confused look his way, not knowing who Daphne is. I really should learn more about other realms.

  “Daphne is the tree-morphing nymph on this side. She guards the gateways into and out of this realm,” he explains.

  My lips part to say something, but he holds his finger up to his lips as we move farther and farther into the realm, away from the sequoia tree.

  When we reach what appears to be a border, Tristan leans close to my ear. “My mother controls the woodland realm. The trees report to her daily. We must watch what we say.”

  My brows pinch. “Wait, you lied to Lady Sequoia about our bond, then confirmed that I am marked while inside the tunnel,” I point out. “Wouldn’t she have heard that?”

  “I only said you wear my mark, not that you bear it on your skin. If asked by the queen, I’ll say I gave you my necklace for protection while we visited Aoife. And if asked by the queen, then we know my mother is inquiring about my comings and goings with the tree spirits,” he adds.

  “Meaning she’s having you watched,” Zander speaks up.


  The two brothers exchange a look of understanding.

  My gaze shifts to our surroundings. The lush forest continues for a few more feet, but then changes into something less wooded and more orchard-like in appearance.

  Large, white, billowy clouds creep slowly over the new realm’s floor and float in an unhurried manner among the beautiful flora, which is sprinkled between spindly trees and twisted vines. It almost feels like a grove in the sky.

  “This is the Garden of the Deities,” Tristan murmurs, his eyes focusing on mine. My pulse races as I stare into his gaze. Not out of fear, but out of pure need for him. Even here.

  “Oh,” I manage to reply, forcing myself to tear my eyes from his, ending the surge of desire running through me.

  Focusing, I recall my studies about this plane; it’s a realm dedicated to the gods and goddesses, allowing them to express themselves sexually and explore their cravings.

  Swallowing, I focus on a golden pathway that disappears within the fluffy patches swirling throughout.

  “Welcome to the naughty playground for the gods, goddesses, nymphs, and sprites.” Zander wiggles his brows and rubs his hands together. His excitement is palatable.

  “Or heaven to you,” I tease.

  His grin grows. “This is my favorite dimension, champ.”

  “I bet it is.” I return his smile.

  We follow Zander through the winding grove. I notice it’s filled with plants and flowers indigenous to Greece.

  Large almond and apple trees shade certain areas of the flowery patches from the too-bright sunshine, filling the realm with an angelic golden glow, giving off a divine feel.

  “Why is it so bright here?” I ask Tristan quietly.

  “The deities’ powers increase nearer the sun. The closer to it they are, the more powerful they can become. It’s why Aoife lives here even though she is a nymph. Her beauty is powered by the sun, thanks in part to Helios. That, and she adores apple trees.” He smiles fondly, seeming to recall a pleasurable memory. I try not to stab him with my daggers.

  “I’m more of a banana person myself,” I mutter under my breath, slightly jealous and annoyed.

  Tristan tries not to smile. “Why is that?”

  “Apples are either too sweet or too sour. I don’t trust them,” I reply in a frustrated tone. “You never know what you’ll get until you bite into it. They are deceptive. With a banana, it’s always the same flavor. Loyal. Trustworthy. Nontoxic.”

  “Nontoxic?” He releases a chuckle. “Bananas are safe.”

  “And yellow,” I add quietly. “One of my favorite colors.”


  “I like bananas,” Zander interjects from in front of us. “In smoothies and sometimes mixed with strawberries.”

  “What about you?” I ask Tristan.

  “I like apples. They’re unpredictable.”

  I internally roll my eyes. Of course he does.

  “Tell me more about Helios,” I say sharply, trying to change the subject as my resentment of Aoife rises.

  “Helios is the sun god.” He looks away. “He spends much of his time in the earth’s sky each day, looking down upon the realm. This makes him an excellent resource, since he hears and witnesses everything in the human domain.”

  “He spies on them?” I accuse. “Isn’t that against some sort of supernatural code of ethics?”

  “He’s a god. Moral code doesn’t apply to deities. Besides, they don’t view it as spying, more like ruling.”

  “Is Aoife his mate?”

  “No, he’s already mated. Aoife is his consort.”

  “His lover? And she knows he’s married?”

  “She’s a nymph, Serena. It’s her calling to be his for pleasure only. As it is your calling to protect human souls.”

  “Does he love her?” I ask, forcing myself to sound normal, because sometimes my world angers me.

  One where treating nymphs as property is considered normal—expected—and treachery is child’s play.

  “I suppose in his own way he does. She is his favorite. Allowed to reside in his home and stand by him as his wife does. He powers her beauty and in turn, she is a trusted confidant. Res
pected. Well taken care of, I assure you.”

  “Is that why Laven suggested we speak with her?”

  “Helios might know what Oren and my mother are up to, given Oren’s recent visits to the earth realm. In that regard, he’s most likely shared information with Aoife.”

  “And you think she’ll share with you?”

  “Given our history, yes, I do.”

  “Right.” I pick up my pace to catch up to Zander, and Tristan follows suit. “Why not just meet with Helios?”

  Zander’s shoulders tighten in front of me, but he keeps walking forward. Tristan grabs my arm, stopping us.

  “I may have a royal title, Serena, but gods don’t meet with my kind. I’m half satyr which means in this realm, I’m nothing more than a being to be used for pleasure. A second-class citizen. Do you understand?”

  My heart contracts painfully at his words. “No. You are half gargoyle. Which means you are equally as worthy.”

  “That makes it even worse. I’m not even a pure nymph. I’m tainted. I have a polluted bloodline,” his tone is sullen.

  I take his face in my hands and look him in the eyes.

  “You are not tainted. Nor are you a second-class citizen. You are perfect. And you are mine,” I say breathlessly.

  His hand reaches up, cupping my cheek, pulling my lips to his as he breathes against them, “We should keep going.”

  Tristan pulls away from me, letting go of me completely before trying to catch up with Zander.

  My footsteps are quick as I follow them in silence before I speak. “There are so many places I’ve only experienced in books.” I run my hand over a purple flower, admiring it.

  “That is aconite,” Tristan states.

  “I think you mean asinine.”

  “No. The flower you’re touching is called aconite. Its leaves and roots are extremely toxic. The gods and goddesses apply it to the tips of their arrows when hunting.”

  I remove my hand quickly and wipe it off on my pants. A small, amused smile graces his lips at my ridiculousness.

  “See what I mean? Unprepared and sheltered.”

  “You’re learning now, Serena. That is what matters.”

  We continue through a canopy of white flowers resting on trees that line each side of the pathway. The spring blooms are in small clusters, looking like beautiful, draping cotton balls.

  Tristan plucks one and hands it to me. “This is a melia tree. It secretes a sweet sap known as manna. It’s like honey. These trees are the first to have appeared in this realm. They are rumored to carry the blood of Heaven, which the gods and goddesses are said to drink in their tea and water.”

  Bringing the flower to my nose, I inhale and meet his sparkling eyes. “Is it weird that it smells like my hair?”

  He leans in and breathes in my scent. “No, because I think you smell like pure fucking heaven, raindrop.”

  I shiver, reacting to him. My gaze falls onto his lips as I recall how they feel against mine. Heat rises to my cheeks.

  His fingers brush over the color with a gentle caress before he takes my hand and guides me forward.

  The path stretches over a small pool of deep blue water. Abundant waterfalls gently flow into it and beautiful white petals float on the water’s surface.

  Naked female and male bodies inhabit the azure pool, kissing and caressing one another without a care who sees. Zander throws a smirk over his shoulder at me, and I roll my eyes. Of course, he’d love the orgy scene around us.

  We finally make our way up several stone steps. As we climb higher, I can’t help but notice that the clouds rising and surrounding us are even thicker and more prominent.

  Once we reach the peak, the path opens into a beautiful lush courtyard with small, pallid palaces built out of white clay surrounding its outskirts.

  Zander stops and turns to face us. “A couple things to remember, Serena. First, the deities rank higher than all of us, so you must show them respect. Second, sprites and nymphs serve the deities. Whatever a god or goddess requests, they will fulfill it. That is their purpose on this plane, as yours is to protect humans. Do not judge outwardly what you do not understand. They don’t like it.”

  “Anything else?”

  “Yes. Aoife angers easily. Don’t piss her off.”


  SERENA’S LIPS PART, MOST LIKELY TO shoot off a snarky response at Zander. I place my hand on her lower back and she cuts me a hard look, but immediately relaxes at my touch.

  “Just be you . . . only respectful,” I whisper in her ear.

  Her eyes drift to my mouth, focusing on the slight scar above my lip. I notice she does it when she’s trying to calm herself down. And I can’t help but like that she does.

  I move aside, stepping in front of her, snatching her hand and dragging her toward one of several Greek-style homes.

  We pass between the large columns, and the two motionless guards standing outside the open entrance ignore us as we freely make our way inside, into the expansive interior marble courtyard of Helios’s palace.

  Four more large columns frame an ancient, stone water fountain. A statue of a nude decorates the middle of the entryway. Water spills from its mouth into a pool below, where tiny water sprites frolic around, splashing and playing. Their delighted laughter echoes off the marble.

  Sun filters into the room through an opening in the ceiling, above the fountain, allowing natural light to highlight the ancient paintings and drawings on the walls.

  “I’ve been expecting you,” a sultry voice greets us.

  We all lift our gazes to a golden curved staircase in the back of the entry. Aoife moves down the stairs, taking slow, methodic steps.

  I’d forgotten how blinding her beauty is. Light radiates from every part of her body, shimmering off her skin and glowing out through her completely translucent white chiton.

  She wears the elegant dress in most tasteful manner, dipping low in the front to show off her stomach and dragging on the floor behind her as she takes each step.

  Gold-plated sun bands decorate her arms, attached with dainty chains to the rings on her fingers. A copy of Helios’s gold-leafed crown adorns her head, marking her as his.

  As she descends the staircase, her familiar honey eyes devour every inch of me. I shift under her gaze.

  “Tristan,” she says, when she reaches the bottom step.

  “Aoife,” I reply, inclining my head in a civil greeting.

  “Zander. Delightful to see you,” she greets.

  Aoife takes the last step before holding her hand out for someone to take. Zander steps forward, dropping a kiss on it before placing it on his arm to escort her to where we are.

  I place my hand on Serena’s lower back again, hoping to keep her calm, knowing how Aoife can be. “May I present Serena St. Michael, princess of the gargoyle race.”

  “You may,” she encourages, with an intrigued look.

  Serena blinks away her annoyance as I watch her take in Aoife’s perfect tan skin and long platinum-blonde hair, braided on each side and pulled back.

  “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Of course it is,” Aoife replies haughtily.

  Ignoring Serena, she releases Zander’s arm.

  Approaching me, she looks me directly in the eyes with an alluring self-confidence.

  Serena holds her breath next to me as Aoife’s eyes shift to hers seductively and the nymph moves into her personal space.

  Aoife takes Serena’s face between her palms and pulls her closer, her lips brushing the gargoyle’s as she sensually kisses her.

  “Holy shit, that is hot,” Zander blows out.

  In an instant, I pull Serena away. At my reaction, a strange glint crosses Aoife’s eyes and a secretive smile appears on her lips. Every hair on the back of my neck stands at attention watching the two of them. This is bad.

  Aoife’s eyes narrow and slide between us. “She tastes familiar, Tristan.” She licks her lips again. “Ah, there it is,” she goads.
“Your scent. Your taste. She’s yours. Marked.”

  Serena’s sapphire eyes turn fiery at the statement, and I step between them. “Aoife,” I say her name in warning.

  “Do you want me to teach your little gargoyle princess how to please you properly?” She whispers enticingly.

  Serena angers behind me, but Aoife’s cautioning eyes slide to the guards in forewarning. They’re watching us.

  Fuck. I look to Zander, who inclines his head in understanding. Serena—I don’t have time to explain to her.

  I slide my eyes closed, hoping she doesn’t freak the fuck out, but instead, that she will follow my lead and play along.

  “That would be most kind of you, since it is the reason for our journey,” I reply, and Serena growls behind me.

  I spin quickly, grabbing her face and looking her in the eyes, the action happening so fast, her eyes widen in a startle.

  “Do not argue with me, princess,” I warn, her eyes narrowing at the nickname, “or I will strip you naked right here, in front of the guards.” I emphasize the last word, hoping she catches on. Her gaze slides to the open door where they stand, and realization crosses over her expression. “And then I will allow Aoife to show you, out in the open, where all can see and hear, how to properly please me. Now, go with the nymph to her chambers, where there’s privacy.”

  Serena’s anger doesn’t dissolve, but at least she gets it.

  She yanks her head out of my hands, and Aoife clasps her hand, pulling her toward the stairs. “There is an art to hosting two lovers at one time,” Aoife explains loudly, so everyone can hear. “I will show you. They will follow.”

  Annoyed, Serena allows herself to be dragged up the staircase.

  Zander and I share a glance before following. The deities spell the realm so other supernatural beings can’t use their gifts. Therefore, we’re powerless here, which means we need to be on guard and follow Aoife’s lead.

  Once in Aoife’s chambers, she closes the door tightly, turns, and addresses us. “Helios has become overly concerned for my safety recently. His visits to the earth realm are longer and longer. The guards, while silent, are always listening and watching. Is that why you are here?”

  “We’re here because of the Sun of Vergina. The sixteen triangular rays are his signature.” I pull my necklace out of my shirt to show her the emblem. “My insignia was charmed by Helios himself, at my mother’s bidding.”


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